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Dummies for Dummies

July 16, 2016

THE NICE terror event involved dummies, fake blood, the standard I.D. left behind by the perpetrator; bodies left unattended by emergency personnel, in violation of all standard protocol (fake bodies — always covered with sheets — must be used to convey the scene; that’s why they are not taken to hospitals); an absence of independent cell phone video footage in an area where phones are commonplace and the usual calculated, emotionally-charged imagery, such as the heart-wrenching image of a covered body with an intact baby doll next to it. Read More »


Corporal Klinger in the Military

July 16, 2016

CLIFF KINCAID writes at Tradition in Action:

Transvestite and cross-dresser are terms that used to refer to Corporal Klinger wearing dresses and women’s hats as a character on the comedy show M*A*S*H. It was his attempt to get discharged. Today, in real life, Obama’s Defense Secretary Ash Carter has announced the transgendered can serve openly without fear of being discharged.

Under the Constitution, the Congress is supposed to make the rules and regulations for the Armed Forces. Article I, Section 8, clause 14 says, “The Congress shall have Power To …make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces….”

Our media reported the policy change without explaining on what basis, legal or constitutional, the change was made.

CNN simply said Carter had removed “one of the last barriers to military service by any individual,” and that he “had been studying the issue for almost a year.”

There is another term for this change. It’s called totalitarianism. By forcing that part of the population most likely to resist the homosexual agenda to accept it, this rule makes the military an accomplice in the Revolution which seeks to wipe every last trace of Christian civilization off the face of the earth. Most people cannot even conceive of the preternatural hatred that lies behind this.


Our Lady of Mount Carmel

July 16, 2016



Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Tunja Protecting Saint Teresa and Saint Simon Stock, Baltazar Vargas de Figueroa (attire.); 1700 c.

TODAY is the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel:

“According to the most ancient Carmelite chronicles, the Order has its origins with the disciples of the prophets Elias and Eliseus. They lived in caves on Mount Carmel. They honored the Queen of Heaven as the Virgin who is to give birth to the Saviour. When the reality replaced the symbol, the pious ascetics of Carmel were converted to the Christian Faith. In the 12th century, many pilgrims from Europe who had followed the Crusaders came to join the solitaries. A rule was established and the Order began to spread to Europe.

Amid the many persecutions raised against the Order of Mount Carmel, newly arrived in Europe, Saint Simon Stock, General of the Order, turned with filial confidence to the Blessed Mother of God. As he knelt in prayer on July 16, 1251, in the White Friars’ convent at Cambridge, She appeared before him and presented him with the well-known brown scapular, a loose sleeveless garment destined for the Order of Carmel, reaching from the shoulders to the knees. It was given as an assurance, for all who died wearing it, of Her heavenly protection from eternal death. An extraordinary promise indeed, but one requiring a life of prayer and sacrifice. Read More »


Sorry, Mom

July 15, 2016


MONIKA SHAEFER has been accused of a hate crime in Canada for making this video. More about Monika here.

Germany has paid an estimated $89 billion in reparations to Holocaust survivors.



Two for the Team

July 15, 2016

Presumptive US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (R) and Indiana Governor Mike Pence (L) take the stage during a campaign rally at Grant Park Event Center in Westfield, Indiana, on July 12, 2016. / AFP / Tasos KATOPODIS (Photo credit should read TASOS KATOPODIS/AFP/Getty Images)

Mike Pence and Trump

OOPS, it’s not our team.

A little anti-abortion window-dressing and more genocide in the Middle East anyone? Go, team, go!

Here, by the way, is a graphic close-up of the Evangelical brain that falls for this “conservatism:”



Financial Terrorists

July 15, 2016



“How Jews Are Brainwashed”

July 15, 2016

FROM a 2004 piece by Henry Makow:

Jewish children are taught that Jews are disliked or hated due to no wrong-doing or fault of their own. Jews have been persecuted because of an irrational gentile trait, anti-Semitism. Explanations for this weird behavior include envy or scapegoating, or the Crucifixion of Christ.

The Jewish child naturally grows up feeling that he is an outsider and society is flawed. An idealist, he wants to “change the world” so this type of injustice cannot occur. Thus unwittingly he becomes a pliant instrument of the Jewish power elite’s “revolutionary” or globalist agenda. 

Apologists serving this elite continue to mislead Jews. Take this recent article by Dennis Prager for example. Entitled “Blame the Jews?” it begins “No group in the world has been the target of nearly as many twisted and ludicrous accusations.”  Read More »



July 15, 2016


In Nice, the police state advances

FIVE things are striking in the reports of an attack in Nice in which a truck — allegedly driven by a Muslim terrorist who was subsequently killed and thus can never be questioned — went careening through a Bastille Day crowd:

1. In Western countries, when people are injured, even when they are injured lethally, emergency medical personnel do not typically abandon them on roads or in other public places. They take them to the hospital. In Nice, as with Bataclan, we see covered bodies simply left out in the open with no one treating them. It is sometimes possible to resuscitate gravely injured people with advanced hospital equipment. Where is the outrage about this poor treatment? Where was the outrage after Bataclan?

2. There were reportedly government drills in the area before the attack.

3.  Trucks are large, visible and cumbersome. As they move through crowds, they alert people to their presence. If a person is shooting from a truck, people flee. They don’t just stand there waiting to be shot or waiting to be run over. The death toll is very high.

4.  Who will benefit? The security apparatus in France (a state of emergency has already been reinstated), financial interests that want ongoing war in the Middle East, and Israel. No Muslim countries will benefit. Muslims as a group will not benefit.

5.  Bastille Day, a celebration of the French Revolution, has great symbolic significance for Freemasons. Masonry played a decisive role in instigating the French Revolution, which served its aims, not the interests of the ordinary man, above all.

I await a press conference by President Obama on the urgent need for anti-truck laws.


Orlando Sheriffs Dance

July 14, 2016


ON JULY 1, less than three weeks after one of the worst massacres in U.S. history reportedly occurred in its county seat, the Orange County, Florida Sheriff’s Department, which played a major role in handling the Orlando event, released this video.

youtube journalist speculates that these civil servants were celebrating a live drill well done. (Profanity warning.) At the very least, their behavior is, let’s say, not consistent with a major tragedy. You’d think they might at least be sobered or chastened by the fact that government police forces had failed to protect citizens from massive lethal harm. The idea is that they are offering joy in the face of evil, I guess, but that’s an odd reaction, to say the least, for those who have actually seen horrendous bloodshed, with the skulls and chests of dozens of young people blown apart, and families devastated by shock and grief. Real violence never produces joy.

Keep dancing, America. By the time you wake up, it will be way too late.

Speaking of dancing, here is George Bush nearly breaking into a dance at the Dallas memorial for the five police officers reportedly killed last week. Bush is standing next to the very manly-looking Michelle Obama, who briefly joins in his joy. Nothin’ makes you smile like a massacre. (Wink, wink)


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Proven False Flag Attacks

July 13, 2016

A LIST OF fifty-eight examples of government officials in modern history admitting that they staged false flag attacks or spread disinformation.


Feminist Men Persecute Their Wives

July 13, 2016

INSTEAD of blaming their financial difficulties on an inflationary and unjust monetary system (the Federal Reserve) or perhaps their own unrealistic expectations, men commenting at this site bitterly criticize their wives for not pulling in money. The site’s female advice expert, who considers housewives to be infantile parasites, eggs them on.

Thanks, feminism, for improving the condition of women!

Most of these men, I suspect, were initially attracted to and married their wives precisely because they were pretty, feminine and non-aggressive. Now, that their wives are not the busy careerists celebrated everywhere, they are angry. One man even divorced his wife because she did not make money. Thanks, feminism, for turning every marriage into a battleground!!

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The Israelification of American Police

July 13, 2016

I HAVE read elsewhere of the training of American police by Israel. Paul Craig Roberts writes about it today:

The training of American police by Israeli occupation forces is not an Internet rumor or “conspiracy theory.” It is a fact acknowledged by the Israeli press: http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-trains-us-law-enforcement-in-counter-terrorism/

Israeli police practices arose from decades of occupying a hostile Palestinian population while stealing the Palestinians’ land and isolating the population in ghetto enclaves. Essentially, Israeli police practices consist of intimidation and violence. https://electronicintifada.net/content/israels-export-occupation-police-tactics/8485

We know from innumerable news reports over many years the behavior of the occupying Israeli Army toward the Palestinian population. In four short words: it is extremely brutal.

For a soldier, especially a female soldier, to execute a child and his mother in the streets of Palestine or in the family’s home requires that soldier to have been desensitized to human life that is not Israeli. This requires Palestinians to have been dehumanized, as the native inhabitants of what is today the United States and Australia were dehumanized by the European immigrants who stole their land.

On the basis of this information, we can infer that the Israeli training of US police teaches the police to see only police lives as valuable and the lives of the public as potential threats to police lives. This is why American police often murder a wrongly suspected person and almost always an unarmed one. The examples are numerous. You can spend much of your life just watching on youtube the existing videos of wanton murders of US citizens by police. Read More »


Blacks Terrorized by Blacks

July 13, 2016

WALTER WILLIAMS, the black columnist, writes: 

President Barack Obama and his first attorney general, Eric Holder, called for an honest conversation about race. Holder even called us “a nation of cowards” because we were unwilling to have a “national conversation” about race. The truth of the matter is there’s been more than a half-century of conversations about race. We do not need more. Instead, black people need to have frank conversations among ourselves, no matter how uncomfortable and embarrassing the topics may be.

Among the nation’s most dangerous cities are Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Memphis, Milwaukee, Birmingham, Newark, Cleveland and Philadelphia. These once-thriving cities are in steep decline. What these cities have in common is that they have large black populations. Also, they have been run by Democrats for nearly a half-century, with blacks having significant political power. Other characteristics these cities share are poorly performing and unsafe schools, poor-quality city services, and declining populations.

Each year, more than 7,000 blacks are murdered. That’s a number greater than white and Hispanic murder victims combined. Blacks of all ages are killed at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. According to the FBI, the police kill about 400 people a year; blacks are roughly one-third of that number. In Chicago alone, so far this year, over 2,000 people have been shot, leaving over 320 dead. It’s a similar tale of mayhem in other predominantly black cities.

Heather Mac Donald’s most recent book, “The War on Cops,” points out some devastating and sobering statistics: “Blacks were charged with 62 percent of all robberies, 57 percent of all murders, and 45 percent of all assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, while constituting roughly 15 percent of the population in those counties. From 2005 to 2014, 40 percent of cop-killers were black. Given the racially lopsided nature of gun violence, a 26 percent rate of black victimization by the police is not evidence of bias.”

The primary victims of lawlessness are black people. To address this problem and most others, black people should ignore the liberal agenda. [Editor: But if they do, they risk losing the rewards that come from the racial grievance industry.] If civil authorities will not do their job of creating a safe environment, then black people should take the initiative. One example comes to mind. In 1988, at the request of residents, black Muslims began to patrol Mayfair Mansions, a drug-infested, gang-ridden, unsafe Washington, D.C., housing project (http://tinyurl.com/zsszjgk). The gangs and drug lords left. The Nation of Islam sentinels were not deterred by the wishes of politicians and the American Civil Liberties Union. They didn’t feel obliged to give kid glove treatment to criminals. Black residents of crime-infested neighborhoods should set up patrols, armed if necessary, to challenge thugs, gangs, drug dealers and other miscreants and make black neighborhoods safe and respectable. No one should have to live in daily fear for his life and safety. Most Americans have no idea of — and Most Americans have no idea of — and wouldn’t begin to tolerate — the climate of fear and intimidation under which so many black people live.


The Baton Rouge Police Killing

July 12, 2016



THE news reports of the shooting last week of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge show shocking police brutality. These reports appear to be reliable. Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, was selling pirated DVDs outside of a convenience store when he was accosted by police. When he attempted to reach into his pocket, one of the officers said he had a gun and another shot him in the chest, killing him. The owner of the store recorded the shooting on his cell phone. See The Daily Mail’s latest account here; police have seized the CCTV video from the store. (Warning: graphic images.) While Black Lives Matter is manipulated by those who care nothing about improving life for blacks, it also represents real grievances. Murderous police tactics have become increasingly common in America. If the reports are true, this is a case of police savagery. Five other men, all black, have been killed by police in the Louisiana city since 2013. In the history of the Baton Rouge police department, over the course of more than 100 years, 10 police officers have been killed by gunfire.

[Update: Here’s a reported breakdown of police killings for the year.  White males comprise the largest group by far, though blacks are disproportionately represented among victims, which is not surprising given their higher rates of gun violence.]

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Heretic Hunting in Wyoming

July 12, 2016

RUTH NEELY, a Wyoming municipal judge, never declined to perform a same-sex “marriage” ceremony before she was hauled before a judicial ethics commission and removed from her position for mentioning her religious convictions to a newspaper reporter. She was punished for committing a thought crime. William N. Grigg, a libertarian, writes: Read More »


Gun Violence the Media Ignores

July 12, 2016

CHICAGO has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Even so, 115 people, most of them blacks attacked by other blacks, were reportedly shot last week. If black lives mattered, this would be a national story.


Boston Pride

July 11, 2016

CORPORATIONS love “gay pride.” So do politicians and many “Christians,” as we see in this video of the June “gay pride” parade in Boston. Watch as Bostonians, including families with young children, cheer sadomasochists, Satanists and trannies. [Obscene images, not for watching with children in the room.] The “youth pride” parade in May was also supported by public funds.

“Pride” has become one more Orwellian word. Possibly ruined forever.


Why Latin?

July 11, 2016

