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“RACE WAR” — On Screens Near You

July 10, 2016



In this scene from “Race War” — the action-packed thriller playing on screens near you with the hope of initiating a real, diversionary race war (not to be confused with “The War on Terror,” another sensational flick) — white police in Dallas look for a black sniper, who is later killed by a police robot (what a plot twist!) and thus will never be questioned or testify in court.

FROM State of the Nation: 

In light of the growing list of serious scandals and unrivaled law-breaking by this Administration, it is clear why there is such a relentless push for a “full scale race war”. Obama’s inner circle must feel that it has no choice but to distract the American people from the unrelenting corruption and ubiquitous malfeasance that must be kept hidden from the public.

When it’s not distracting the citizenry with transparent race-baiting, the Obama Administration is diverting attention away from the very real class war that has been raging since the stock market crash of 2008.

Clearly, there is a much more significant and profound reason for so much racial conflict purposefully generated by Obama, his political proxies and agents throughout the Mainstream Media (MSM).  Ever-intensifying class warfare has been raging across the nation since September of 2008.  The moneyed class has been under direct assault by those who have been harmed by the greatest transfer of wealth in modern history. Read More »


Real Blood, Not Fake

July 10, 2016




FROM The Precious Blood of Jesus Meditations by the Rev. R.F. Clark S.J.:

On the night when God delivered His people from Egypt a lamb was slain, prefiguring the Lamb of God. It was to be a lamb without blemish, no bone of it was to be broken; it was to be wholly consumed by those in whose dwelling it was slain, and its blood was to be shed to the last drop. Apply these conditions of the Paschal Lamb to the Lamb of God, and see how perfectly they were fulfilled in the Sacrifice of the Cross.

The blood of the Paschal Lamb was to be sprinkled on the doorposts of the Israelites; and thereby they were to be rendered safe from the judgment that fell upon the Egyptians. So the Precious Blood sprinkled upon our hearts saves us from the punishment we have justly deserved. It appeases the anger of God and marks us as belonging to Him, and as travellers to the Heavenly Jerusalem, longing to be freed from the bondage of earthly things.

How is the Precious Blood sprinkled on our souls? In all the sacraments of the Church, in every act of contrition, in every deed of supernatural charity, in every prayer offered humbly and with confidence, it falls upon us, renders us safe from the avenging Angel, and secures us safe from the anger of God that our sins have justly merited. Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo et mundabor– “Sprinkle me, O Lord, and I shall be rendered clean in Thy sight.”


Federalizing the American Police

July 8, 2016

THEY’RE doing it one incident at a time. That’s what it’s all about. That’s the end goal.

A police state must be centralized. Both blacks and whites are being terrorized into accepting it.

Out of chaos, they will bring order. Read More »


Can “Pope” Francis Swim?

July 8, 2016



THE Traditio Fathers write:

You’ve got to admire those early Roman Christians. They loved the Catholic Faith so much that when even popes became heretics or publicly immoral, the Romans would throw the errant popes to their death in the Tiber River that ran through Rome. To the Romans, respect was not given simply because someone had a title. Respect had to earned. Nowadays the Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists just sit by while the likes of the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio teaches heresy and immorality, not just once, but again and again. Yet the Tiber flows there unused.

On July 4, 2016, a body was found by Italian investigators near the dome of St. Peter’s Archbasilica, but they determined it not to be Bergoglio’s, but that of an American student who had disappeared a few hours before. At this point many Newchurchers are so sick and tired of Bergoglio’s heretical and immoral teachings that they probably wished some courageous Romans had applied the ancient penalty to the errant Newpope.


The Strangeness of Truth

July 8, 2016




“Truth, of course, must of necessity be stranger than fiction, for we have made fiction to suit ourselves.”

G.K. Chesterton


Ursula Haverbeck

July 8, 2016

WHILE Elie Wiesel, the proven liar, is hailed as a moral prophet, 87-year-old Ursula Haverbeck is in jail in Germany for no other reason than her public request that the details of the “Holocaust” be openly debated. Here is a famous 2015 interview with her that was aired on German television, before she was sentenced to 10 months in jail.

By the way, Haverbeck does not deny that many thousands of Jews suffered and died in concentration camps.



The World of a Working Class Jew

July 8, 2016

SID Green describes his life at Henry Makow’s site.


Mainstreaming Satanism

July 8, 2016

MICHAEL writes:

Hard to believe (not really), but look what’s on sale at Amazon.


9/11 Firefighter

July 7, 2016


JUST another crazy, insane conspiracy theorist. (Note: This is not an endorsement of InfoWars or Times Square.)


July 7, 2016


Dating Sites Must Match Homosexuals

July 7, 2016

FROM Lifesitenews:

According to the legal settlement, ChristianMingle and other Spark-owned matchmaking sites — CatholicMingle.com, AdventistSinglesConnection.com and BlackSingles.com — must cease asking users if they are men seeking women or women seeking men. Instead, the sites will only ask users if they are men or women and then allow them to seek heterosexual or homosexual relationships.

The Spark-owned sites cannot return to asking users if they are men seeking women or vice versa unless the site “provides similar prompts which allow individuals seeking a same-sex match partner to enter and use the sites without having to state that they are seeking a match with someone of the opposite sex,” according to the settlement.

“As long as Spark operates the Mingle sites, users will continue to have the ability to search for potential same-sex matches using the sites’ text searching and profile building features,” the settlement decrees.

The settlement ordered Spark to pay $9,000 each to the two homosexual men “as a service reward for their efforts on behalf of the Settlement Class and release of their damages claims.” Spark must also pay $450,000 in their legal opponents’ attorneys’ fees.

In 2008, a judge forced the creator of the matchmaking service eHarmony.com to cater to same-sex couples. [emphasis added]


Child Trafficking Today

July 7, 2016

“I hate being donor conceived. I think it is ridiculous and bizarre that the two people that made me have never met and never will meet. I think it’s creepy that my dad was paid. I think it’s creepier that agents and salespeople and commercial doctors worked so hard to create me and now that I’m an adult have no interest in my opinion. They’re like drug pushers. Selling substances that cure baby cravings. Do they have anything to cure my father cravings?”

— From “The Anonymous Us Project: A story-collective on 3rdParty Reproduction”


A Hit Single in 1959

July 6, 2016


“THE Village of St. Bernadette,” sung by Andy Williams, was a hit single in 1959, reaching Number 7 on the charts at Billboard magazine for 13 weeks. The song is about Bernadette Soubirous, the remarkable girl from the French village of Lourdes, and her visions of the Blessed Mother, which occurred on 18 occasions in 1858 and were followed by a miraculous spring that cured the sick. This touching song is not a great work of art, to be sure, but it expresses the inspiration that ordinary, often quite poor people have felt in response to Bernadette ever since that day when she fell to her knees in a lonely grotto, transfixed by the appearance of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, and it is a striking illustration of how far popular culture has come. It’s hard — no, impossible — to imagine a song like this as a hit today.



Bernadette Soubirous


Letting Hillary Go

July 6, 2016

THE decision by FBI director James Comey to decline to prosecute Hillary Clinton for threats to national security was entirely unsurprising. But here is good commentary from Andrew C. McCarthy yesterday at National Review Online:

In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require. The added intent element, moreover, makes no sense: The point of having a statute that criminalizes gross negligence is to underscore that government officials have a special obligation to safeguard national defense secrets; when they fail to carry out that obligation due to gross negligence, they are guilty of serious wrongdoing. The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant. People never intend the bad things that happen due to gross negligence. Read More »


Summer Portraits of Women

July 6, 2016

Robert Lewis Reid (American artist, 1862-1939) Payton Serenity

Robert Lewis Reid (American artist, 1862-1939) Payton Serenity

MORE here.


Our Broken Monetary System

July 6, 2016

IN AN article at the Clifford Hugh Douglas Institute, Will Waite explains why solutions such as restricting immigration and increasing the manufacturing base, however important they are (I support both), will not prevent ongoing economic decline. That is because creating more jobs will not create more money:

Now we need to hone in on a common misconception that keeps this lunacy in play. Whether you work for a wage or you run a business that makes or sells things you need money to live. So whatever is it you do to get money you call that activity ‘work’. But you should know that money is not made by working it is made by banks lending. The problem everyone is complaining about, is we don’t have enough money to enable the smooth running of the economy. It follows then that there is no point in trying to solve it by doing more work or by selling more things because money is not made by working or selling.

 Forgive me if I point out the obvious but we should be careful about the words we use. If you do some work and are paid for it, you don’t ‘make’ money you simply get it from somebody else. So, as a matter of fact, there is no functional link between work and the quantity of money at all. Making money is the exclusive domain of banks. When banks lend money it is literally made and, ironically it is about the least labour intensive occupation imaginable.

To illustrate the process pretend I work in a bank and this computer I am using is in the bank where I work. I have a customer sitting before me named Sue that the bank I work for has approved for a $100,000 loan. I bring up her account, put the cursor in the correct field, smile over the top of my screen and type

     $100,000.00 (enter after the last zero)

     Money made.

That this is the method by which modern money comes into existence is self-evident. The $100,000 is deposited into Sue’s account and no one will refuse it as payment for goods and services. It is new money. There is no gold backing and no one’s account has been reduced so Sue can have her $100,000. The same principle applies on the national level. Virtually every nation in the world operates from a position of insolvency because the tool they require to conduct their economic affairs is created in this way. The more productive the economy, the more money is required, so the greater the national debt, take the U.S. and Japan for instance. Read More »


Marines: “Fat Girls Welcome”

July 6, 2016

AS a commenter at The Washington Compost put it:

When recruiting cannon fodder, one cannot be too picky.


Elie Wiesel, cont.

July 6, 2016

THE ANTI-NEW YORK TIMES has published its obituary (free to non-subscribers) for “E-lie the Weasel,” the mythomaniac whose grotesque fabrications about the “Holocaust” have provided coverage for years for the crimes of the Kosher Nostra:

In 1946, after learning of the Jewish terrorist group Irgun’s deadly bombing of the King David Hotel, Wiesel aligned himself with the murderous anti-British and anti-Arab underground movement — translating propaganda articles from Hebrew to Yiddish for Irgun publications. Strangely enough, for a full decade after the war, Wiesel had never once written nor talked about the Holocaust TM. After a meeting with the well-known French author Francois Mauriac (a communist sympathizer) E-Lie the Weasel was persuaded to begin writing about his alleged experiences.

Most people today are too attached to misguided fantasies about the nature of good and evil to believe that such a monstrous liar could go on spewing such monstrous lies for years. A 2011 video by Brother Nathanael Kapner exposes some of Wiesel’s lies and a new video critiques his theatrical skills. Wiesel was a multimillionaire. There’s no business like Shoah business. Read More »