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The Thinking Housewife


Sedevacantism 101

July 5, 2016


IN A brilliant, eleven-minute sermon, Fr. Germán Fleiss explains why Catholics are obliged to refuse obedience and submission to the Vatican II religion and why all of its popes are antipopes. This is no mere opinion, he states, but objective truth. “To affirm that Francis be the pope is altogether incompatible with the Catholic Faith.”


A Prayer for America

July 5, 2016

THIS was posted yesterday at Tradition in Action.



Happy Fourth!

July 4, 2016



A Visual History of Fireworks

July 4, 2016


1642 Unknown artist, Flemish, Fireworks around the Antwerp Cathedral, engraving, in the book Pompa Introitus Honori Serenissimi Principis Ferdinandi (Antwerp 1642)

1642 Unknown artist, Flemish, Fireworks around the Antwerp Cathedral

SEE more at the terrific blog, It’s about Time


July 4th, 1939

July 4, 2016


1939 Fourth of July celebration, St. Helena Island, South Carolina Photo by Marion Post Wolcott (1910-1990) (2)

1939 Fourth of July celebration, St. Helena Island, South Carolina Photo by Marion Post Wolcott

From It’s About Time

1939 Fourth of July celebration, St. Helena Island, South Carolina Photo by Marion Post Wolcott (1910-1990)

Good Riddance, Elie Wiesel

July 4, 2016

ELIE WIESEL, worldwide celebrity promoter of the hateful cult of the Holocaust, has died at the age of 87.

Wiesel claimed in his book Night that Jews were thrown into pits of fire at Auschwitz.

Robert Faurisson, the persecuted French historian, wrote in his article, “A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel:”

Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck. Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to defend the fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of the term Holocaust. Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only the gas remains.

Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Wiesel was not only a fraud but a purveyor of hatred. He wrote:

Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate — healthy, virile hate — for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.

A reviewer at Amazon wrote of Wiesel:

He covets money, fame, recognition, and enjoys lying for the pleasure he receives from cretin admirers. He has a god complex in which he plays the Divine master and suffering servant. He is worse than the evil he viciously fights against and has no morals. Never have I heard of or known such a depraved liar and I would suspect demon possession.

Call Me Jorge writes, regarding the book reviewed:

 [Wiesel] was a master manipulator of Christian minds.  An excellent book on his life including his chasidic upbringing, sexual abuse, and his career as chronic liar is, Holocaust High Priest by Warren B. Routledge.  Little known to Catholics (and covered in the book) is the role the Catholic homosexual, François Mauriac, played in transforming Wiesel from a run of the mill hasidic con-man into the high priest of Holocaustianity and how further Catholic ‘intellectuals’ piggy backed onto this bandwagon in order to advance their careers.  May God have mercy on this blasphemer and liar’s soul and the souls of all those who enabled him.

Wiesel received a standing ovation by Congress last year.



76 Trombones

July 3, 2016



Goin’ Home: An American Song

July 3, 2016


NELSON EDDY sings “Goin’ Home” in 1944. The melody is from Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9, also known as the New World Symphony, which was composed in 1893 in Iowa. Read More »


Whither Europe?

July 1, 2016


THE MUSLIM invasion of Europe is the result of a Judeo-Masonic plot to wipe out what’s left of Christian civilization. In light of this orchestrated campaign, the Brexit vote, while good in itself, could lead to World War III.

That is the thesis of a new article by the outstanding Catholic writer, Atila Sinke Guimarães.


Fascist “God Bless America”

July 1, 2016



GERSH Kuntsman, a Jewish writer for the New York Daily News, wants baseball teams to stop playing “God Bless America” before games. He says the tradition reeks of fascism:

It’s time for God to stop blessing America during the seventh-inning stretch.

Welcome to the July 4 holiday weekend — when once again, baseball fans will be assaulted by the saccharine-sweet non-anthem “God Bless America” at stadia all over this great land.

But no matter which home team you root, root, root for, “God Bless America” should be sent permanently to the bench.

Now, don’t get me wrong: When Major League Baseball ordered all teams to play the patriotic jingle after 9/11, I didn’t immediately object. Standing with my fellow fans, as one, and singing a paean to our country provided catharsis, comfort and shared heartache.

But it wasn’t long before heartache became headache. The Yankees still play it at every game, but most teams, like my beloved Mets, play “God Bless America” only on Sundays or holidays. But even that’s too much.

Part of my outrage stems from ponderous Mussolini-esque introduction of the song, when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts.

Reality check, friends: “God Bless America” is not the National Anthem. The only songs Americans should stand for are “The Star Spangled Banner” and “Here Comes the Bride.”

Even Irving Berlin, who wrote “God Bless America” in 1918, considered it so maudlin and depressing that he stuck it in a drawer. Twenty years later, as the world prepared for war, Kate Smith asked Berlin for a patriotic song for her radio show. He pulled out “God Bless America” and changed one lame line — “the gold fields up in Nome” — to an even lamer line — “oceans white with foam.” You know the rest: Smith’s version became as much a symbol of post-war patriotism as the flag, the space program and all the white people moving to the suburbs.

The song still embodies great things about America, but also our worst things: self-righteousness, forced piety, earnest self-reverence, foam. Read More »


Enriched by Student Debt

July 1, 2016

FROM The Center for Investigative Reporting:

A generation ago, Congress privatized a student loan program intended to give more Americans access to higher education.

In its place, lawmakers created another profit center for Wall Street and a system of college finance that has fed the nation’s cycle of inequality. Step by step, Congress has enacted one law after another to make student debt the worst kind of debt for Americans – and the best kind for banks and debt collectors.

Today, just about everyone involved in the student loan industry makes money off students – the banks, private investors, even the federal government.


The Clinton Foundation

July 1, 2016


HILL and Bill are the Bonnie and Clyde of modern politics. A brief overview of their fundraising schemes can be found here. Caroline Howe writes:

The Clinton Foundation is ‘a vast, criminal conspiracy’ and ‘a slush fund for grifters’ with thousands of honest people who are victims after contributing their hard-earned money to what they believed would be used for philanthropic causes.

In truth, the money that was donated to help earthquake victims in India and Haiti and HIV/AIDs sufferers in the Third World has mostly enriched the Clintons and their friends through scams spanning the globe, claims author Jerome Corsi in his book, Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit, which will be published in August.

Driven by insatiable greed while crying they were near-broke, the couple schemed and Hillary used her position as secretary of state to leverage lucrative deals for the Foundation as well as six-figure speaking fees for Bill Clinton.


From Henry VIII to Brexit

June 30, 2016

TH EUROPEAN UNION was the inevitable result of the Protestant Revolution, a revolution which pauperized and oppressed the British people, argues Dr. Thomas Droleskey:

Sadly, the British have no memories of their past, which is why they do not realize that their current Brexit, which has done us the service of [revealing] once again the contempt that elitists in such ossified Marxist bureaucracies as the European Union hold “the people,” is merely exchanging one set of jailers for the ones that they have had since 1534. And while it is true that the statists of the false opposite of the naturalist “right” have contempt for “the people,” it is also true that “the people” have contempt for the truths of the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order. We are living through a chastisement of epic proportions. God is using infidels now to punish the heretical, apostate and sinful men of the West just as he used other non-believers to punish wayward Catholics throughout history.



June 30, 2016


Source: Mondoweiss.net


Who Wrote the Declaration of Independence?

June 30, 2016



Thomas Paine

JAMES PERLOFF argues that Thomas Paine, not Thomas Jefferson, wrote America’s most famous document. Perloff believes Paine’s authorship was kept quiet over the years because it would have exposed the anti-Christian sentiments of America’s founders:

“Since America was predominantly Christian, it couldn’t be admitted that someone of such views had penned the nation’s birth certificate. It would have caused what we now call ‘cognitive dissonance.'”

It was Paine who wrote in his book The Age of Reason:

It is the fable of Jesus Christ, as told in the New Testament, and the wild and visionary doctrine raised thereon, against which I contend.

Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is none more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory in itself, than this thing called Christianity.

I have shown in all the foregoing parts of this work, that the Bible and Testament are impositions and forgeries.

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church. Read More »


The Model Minority: Falun Gong Edition

June 29, 2016


Immigrants from alien cultures bring disputes from their respective homelands with them to the United States. Do we really need conflicts of this nature clogging up the court system, much less spilling out onto the streets?

If there were any justice to be had, both sets of litigants would be summarily deported to China, so that they could battle it out there.


Contraception Is Evil

June 29, 2016


Very good advice to your female reader. In particular, your advice for her and her husband to stop playing God with respect to how many children, and under what set of “perfect” circumstances, financial or otherwise, they “choose” to have, or not to have, more children, is spot on. The choice is not ours to make, and moreover we don’t make it in any case. We just think we do. But at the end of the day it is sinful to even think we’re making that choice by way of contraception or any other unnatural means of “family planning.” It is distrusting the Lord our God.


The Orlando False Flag

June 29, 2016




ROBERT DAVID STEELE, a former CIA agent, has released a 59-page book on the Orlando “massacre,” claiming that it was a staged event, conducted by the government to gain public support for gun control and the “War on Terror.” This is from the opening of The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?:

ORLANDO was a false flag planned months in advance by the Obama-Biden Administration, and in my judgment, specifically by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the full complicity in advance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Among the key indicators – I list sixty-five (65) of them with linked documentation in this publication – are these:

01 Omar Mateen did not expect to die – he was booked to fly on the 14th

02 Mateen has been groomed since 2011, probably by the Mossad pretending to be CIA, and including two upper-end trips to Saudi Arabia and beyond.

03 The responding police were ordered not to go after him inside the club

04 All medical matters are ludicrous, undocumented, an impossibility

05 All witnesses appear to be scripted, less the laughing winking cop

06 Three musical follow-ups were clearly developed in advance of the day

07 The event started at closing time; 7 of the 8 exits were not used.

08 All audio-visual evidence has been eradicated – nothing from the CCTVs in the club (over eight of them), nothing from individual cell phones, nothing from Mateen’s unscripted calls to his handler during the 3 hour stand-down, nothing from police scanner traffic during the entire period.

09 The FBI has been proven to be a manufacturer of terror events. A copy of this chapter in draft form has been provided via Certified Mail[ 1] to the Director of the FBI – however, the FBI is such a massive bureaucracy with so many external elements with their own agendas blocking information from the director, I doubt that he will see the correspondence. If you know him, share…


I have executed a false flag operation – no one died – for the Central Intelligence (CIA). The term “false flag” means nothing more or less than “not what it seems.” The FBI, our final line of defense against domestic treason or foreign covert operations on US soil, appears to have sacrificed its integrity and turned false flag terrorism into a budget-building campaign.

Counterintelligence – the ability to detect and counter enemy action and enemy influence within one’s own ranks, matters deeply. Nothing else can be relied upon – for example, alleged intelligence about the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) – or a false flag event staged for political advantage by the incumbent Administration or a foreign power – if counterintelligence fails.

As a former spy who is intimately familiar with CIA’s history of mis-deeds in the USA, I will testify that the term “conspiracy theorist” was coined by CIA to marginalize “truthers” who questioned the Warren Commission Report on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. As we now know, “conspiracy theorists” have proven to be right in over thirty (30) cases since then.

Orlando is an opportunity for the Director of the FBI to get a grip on his integrity – he is in the same position now that Colin Powell was when Dick Cheney set out to script 9/ 11 following that with 935 lies leading to the invasion of Iraq and the creation of a swath of destruction from Afghanistan to Niger via Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. Powell chose to go along, a decision Colin Powell appears to most deeply regret today. If the Director were to also indict Hillary Clinton for conflicts of interest – the Russians will give him the emails she failed to provide, if the National Security Agency (NSA) will not – in combination, his demonstration of integrity could be the foundation for a restoration of democracy in the USA.

Orlando, in my view, is an opportunity for the public to awaken. It adds force to the momentum established by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – while others such as Jim Hightower have been saying this for decades – “we want our country back.”[ 2]

Do you want your country back? Start with Orlando. Think and then act. Above all, question authority, for it is clear that our government is controlled by forces that are not at all interested in serving We the People.

Steele, Robert (2016-06-24). The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid? (Kindle Locations 33-41). Earth Intelligence Network. Kindle Edition.