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Mourning the Unborn

June 29, 2016


I’m hoping maybe you can shed some light on this dilemma I am having.

Have you ever heard of a mother in possible mourning because she isn’t having any more kids? I have been wanting at least one more child for years, and my husband doesn’t want anymore. He says we can’t afford it even though he makes a little bit more than he did when we had our previous kids. I have joked about having another one for a long time, but didn’t realize how serious my heart is breaking because I’m realizing I may never have another one.

A few things have made me go from making harmless comments the past few years about wishing I was pregnant to feeling like I’m mourning: Read More »


The Heart of All

June 28, 2016


OUR world is in a state of intense conflict and decline in large part because of the uncontrolled passions of the human heart.

The human heart — the physical organ — is so sensitive to our emotions that we feel it contract or dilate or beat more rapidly under the pressure of strong feeling. Therefore we think of it as the center and symbol of our emotional life. Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany wrote:

Therefore, in the human ensemble the heart has a particular importance. Besides being the regulatory valve of man’s circulatory system, it is the sanctuary of his most delicate feelings; it is the volcano of his most blazing flares; it is the hidden spring of most of his actions and inclinations. It has rightly been said that a man is worthy what his heart is worthy. If he rises to the sublimity of an Angel or sinks to the horrible condition of a devil, this commonly happens to the degree he has purified and exalted the sentiments or feelings of his heart or, to the contrary, has corrupted and degraded them.

Human beings cannot regulate their passions on their own. Society cannot regulate its passions on its own. It requires a connection with the Divine Heart to feel correctly. No argument or reason can give the adequate strength to overcome destructive or wayward human feeling. No object or being in this world can set our hearts truly at rest.

 Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light. Matt, 11:29-30

God gave us the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to which the month of June is dedicated, as a remedy. By venerating this organ of Christ’s sacred humanity, we strive to replace our own wayward hearts with his. In the Heart of Jesus, which has so infused the world with love, our own hearts find satisfaction. We cannot escape suffering in this world. It is impossible. But the Sacred Heart can help us persevere through every pain, every disappointment, every uncontainable excess of the human heart. So many people wreck their lives because they think they are unloved when they are not.

Here is some excellent reading on this devotion.

O sweetest Heart of Jesus, I implore: 
That I may ever love Thee more and more. 


PA Man Admits Holocaust Lies

June 27, 2016

FROM The Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

A Pennsylvania man who for years traveled the country giving speeches and media interviews about his experiences as a Holocaust survivor acknowledged that he had been lying and apologized.

In a letter published Thursday on the LancasterOnline news site, Joseph Hirt, of Lancaster County said he lied not for personal gain but in hopes of raising awareness about the problems faced by Holocaust survivors. Read More »


Bergoglio Bomb of the Day

June 27, 2016


THE CATHOLIC Church has never advocated unkindness or incivility to individuals with homosexual desires. It has only offered eternal renewal and the infinite love of God.

But Pope Phony, in his latest anti-Catholic tirade, wants Catholics to apologize.

Christians must ask forgiveness for having not accompanied so many choices, so many families.

Better yet, Francis, who never offered a word of support to the tens of thousands of French Catholics who took to the streets to protest “gay marriage,” should ask forgiveness for pretending he is pope.

Thomas Droleskey writes:

Ever the revolutionary, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis has adopted the language of the homosexual collective, whose members are filled with bitter anger and hatred at anyone who dares to criticize their “lifestyles” as they are, whether or not they realize it, in rebellion against the very nature that God has implanted within them and have thus done what all revolutionaries do to justify themselves before men: to do violence to language in order to cloud supernatural and natural truth with a fog of irrationality and sentimentality.



Francis to London Pride: “Sorry you’re offended!!”


Trump Congratulates Elton

June 27, 2016

IN 2005, Donald Trump, the Once and Future Christian King, congratulated Elton John on his “marriage:”

There’s a lot to celebrate this holiday season. Elton John married his long-time partner David Furnish on December 21. That’s the first day that civil partnerships between gay couples became legal in England under the new Civil Partnership Act.

Elton credits David with helping him kick drug and alcohol addictions that nearly killed him. The pair has been together for 12 years. I know both of them and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work.

Elton made the ceremony a small private affair involving only his and David’s parents as witnesses. The couple just didn’t want to make a big deal out of the wedding. They really wanted to keep things low key.

By all accounts, Elton and David had every tabloid and every entertainment magazine knocking at their door begging for exclusive rights to the affair. By some news reports, the couple turned down an offer of $11 million to record their wedding for British television. But Elton said, “Our relationship isn’t up for grabs. It doesn’t come with a price tag.”

In any event, I’m very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other. Good luck, Elton. Good luck, David. Have a great life.

Trump reportedly has expressed an interest in Elton playing at his inauguration.


Tolerance — The Last Virtue

June 27, 2016


“Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When an immoral society has blatantly and proudly violated all the commandments, it insists upon one last virtue, tolerance for its immorality. It will not tolerate condemnation of its perversions. It creates a whole new world in which only the intolerant critic of intolerable evil is evil.”

—– Hutton Gibson


First Ladies, Yesterday and Today

June 27, 2016



Martha Washington


Abigail Smith Adams



Bill Clinton



Melania Trump


Silence on Daycare Research

June 27, 2016

CARRIE Lukas and Steven E. Rhoads write at Public Affairs on the “uncomfortable truths” about daycare:

There is more research than anyone needs on the dangers of certain fabrics used in car seats and backpacks or the risks of drinking from a garden hose or eating conventionally grown fruit. And sober examination of the actual findings of these studies consistently reveals that the risks are being exaggerated; unless a child eats the fabric on his backpack, he isn’t really at risk.

But when it comes to daycare — something that instinctively worries many parents — few are willing to take a hard look. The media, which seemingly report constantly on alarming new risks to children, rarely present the public with information from studies on the impact of daycare, especially when the findings suggest that daycare is associated with significant negative outcomes. Read More »


Yuck, Sedevacantism!

June 25, 2016


“Eew, sedevacantism”

CATHOLIC writers sometimes perform great feats of intellectual contortion to avoid the sedevacantist position, which is the thesis that a non-Catholic cannot be pope. Serious objections to and arguments against this thesis exist and deserve respectful consideration. But once you enter the field of publicly rejecting much of what a pope says and teaches, as quite a few traditionalist journalists do, you become either an anti-papist (i.e., not Catholic) or a sedevacantist. Serious social and professional ramifications to entering the sedevacantist camp may be one cause for the reluctance of those who are acting as anti-papists to declare themselves sedevacantists.

Novus Ordo Watch examines the contortions of two writers, Hilary White and Ann Barnhardt. The article against White’s position is of interest.

As for Barnhardt, I must simply warn readers to stay away from her altogether.

She reiterated her call once again after the Orlando psy-op for giving the residents of Medina and Mecca 24 hours to vacate their homes before their cities are obliterated with nuclear weapons. Think about that. Innocent men, women and children killed by the tens of thousands because of a purported (and at least partly fabricated) attack on a nightclub in which the alleged attacker will never be tried in any court. Gee, I wonder whom this would most benefit? And Barnhardt has the effrontery to pass herself off as a Catholic. She is not to be taken seriously as a Catholic or, given the obvious scams of Orlando, as a journalist. She is a fraud. She has also maligned the engineers, architects, firemen, physicists, pilots, eyewitnesses and serious independent scholars who have questioned the events of 9/11, calling their work “insane rantings.” The evidence against the 19 Muslims allegedly involved in 9/11 has never been vetted in any criminal or civil court, and yet Barnhardt believed thousands, if not millions, of Muslims should be nuked in response. And people take this woman seriously?

Avoid Barnhardt’s cute, hateful term for Muslims (“Musloids”) and her oh-so-cute pink rifle. I could care less what her position is on the fraudulent “Pope” Francis.

Who is Ann Barnhardt? I leave it to you, dear reader, to draw the logical conclusions. Read More »


Ramadan in a Belgian Church

June 24, 2016


(Courtesy Call Me Jorge) Read More »


Jorge, the Atheist

June 24, 2016

DOES Jorge Bergoglio even believe in God? There are plenty of reasons to conclude he does not. Here’s the latest:

“So many times I find I am in crisis with the faith, sometimes I have the audacity to rebuke Jesus, and also to doubt. Will this be the truth? But it will be a dream?” [Then] Bergoglio explained to the youngsters that this has happened to him, “as a boy, as a seminarian, as a religious, as a priest, as a bishop and even as the Pope.” (Call me Jorge)

There is nothing you can do about Bergoglio’s lack of faith except to pray for him. You can, however, preserve your own faith by refusing to recognize this imposter as a valid pope.


UK’s Independence Day

June 24, 2016

FROM NATHAN MCDONALD on the Brexit victory:

Bought and paid for politicians around the world have engaged in a campaign of fear for months, including President Obama and Hilary Clinton. They have scolded those who wish to regain their independence and told them that they would be sent to the “back of queue” if they were to leave the EU, crippling them economically.

Well, the people know this is a farce. The UK is still one of the most important economies in the world and is still one of the biggest financial hubs. This will continue on. To suggest otherwise is complete and utter ignorance. Read More »



June 24, 2016


LYDIA Sherman writes:

Did you see pictures of that disgraceful sit-in Congress had for gun control? What a bunch of college kids. They draw huge salaries and retirements, for this?

Laura writes:

I bet there are at least three armed guards in that room.

These evil hypocrites should start by disarming themselves and the president. Lead by example. Obama’s bodyguards should not carry guns. Nor should the guards on Capitol Hill. Nor should the guards for presidential candidates or celebrities. If guns are the problem, start at the top. Why is it that they can have armed protection, but the people can’t?

And why do they want gun control if the homicide rate is down?

The new narrative is that “mass shootings,” defined by the FBI as 3 or more people killed in one incident, are at epidemic levels and thus require society to increase restrictions on gun ownership as a means of saving lives and lowering the U.S. homicide rate.

However, this narrative flies in the face of reality as the homicide rate in the U.S. is actually at a 51-year low, according to FBI data. The homicide rate in the U.S. for 2014, the most recent year available, was 4.5 per 100,000. The 2014 total is part of a long downward trend and is the lowest homicide rate recorded since 1963 when the rate was 4.6 per 100,000. The last time the homicide rate in the U.S. was lower than it is now was in 1957 when the total homicide rate was 4.0 per 100,000.

Aservant writes:

Although I am 100% on the same page about gun control with you, Laura, I would be very, very skeptical of these claims that the homicide rate is down. It is also claimed that violent crime is down as well, which just at face value can be seen to be a preposterous claim.

What “the powers that be” are willfully omitting from mention are the massive amounts of disappearances, unsolved deaths and killings that are classified other than homicides. A good reference to get a feel for what I am talking about is Collin Flaherty, author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry and White Girl Bleed A Lot. Check out his youtube channel where you will learn that for example, just in the Philadelphia area in one year, the DA stated that there were somewhere around 3500 confirmed cases of witness intimidation where known crimes and criminals could not be prosecuted.

It is just another shell game of semantics, using manipulated stats to lull the public into a false sense of security, all the while promoting the great accomplishments of racial and gender affirmative action, demonstrated by press release after press release of black and female chiefs of police glowing about their precinct’s great accomplishments. The fact is that violent crime is off the charts these days and getting constantly worse. Once again, check out Collin Flaherty’s channel as a good place to start……and he just profiles the black community. Another way to confirm what I am saying here is just step into reality, such as visiting one of the places that you speak of on your website…..East St. Louis comes to mind first, and after that, every urban area in the country, from LA, to Houston to Charlotte.

It is very important to make this known not only for reasons of personal safety, but now more than ever we need the right to protect ourselves. The “violent crime is down” meme plays right into the hands of the gun control fanatics and is a total fraud.

Laura writes:

Okay, thank you.


A Brexit Victory

June 24, 2016


BREXIT HAS WON, and David Cameron has announced his resignation. Good riddance. The British people have had a say, contrary to my pessimistic forecast, with 52 percent of those participating in the referendum voting to leave the European Union.


This will almost certainly trigger similar referenda in other European countries, and Marine Le Pen in France is already calling for one. Expect Italexit and Portexit too.

The southern tier of Europe, especially Greece, has suffered terribly under the heel of the EU tyranny.  Italy, Spain and Portugal have been treated like the step-children of an overbearing EU dictatorship. The bullies in Brussels have bribed and blackmailed, bullied and browbeat those vulnerable countries into obsequious submission.  Time and again, the autocratic agents of the NWO have foisted economic regimens and financial regimes on nations which did not want them and could not afford them.  The realities of such disaster capitalism were always the same – extreme financial hardship and economic contraction.

The Europe Summer is here and the people will be heard like never before.  Whereas Greece is the real Achilles’ heel, Italy has the size and heft to take down the whole European Union project, once and for all. The Italians, in particular, have the will to do just that.  Spain, too, has the wherewithal and motivation to support Italy in its quest to reclaim its national sovereignty.  Likewise, there are those Central and Eastern European countries that are also aching to take back their power, especially to maintain their territorial integrity which has been seriously compromised. (State of the Nation)

Is this a new day for Britain? Mike King writes:

It’s complicated!

Different players have different motives for wanting to weaken the European Union. Pro-Brexit libtards want London to be even more communist than Brussels. Pro-Brexit neo-cons work for Bibi Satanyahu. Pro-Brexit patriots just want their country back.

Here are some reactions from world leaders:


“We are determined to keep our unity as 27 … I will propose that we start a period of wider reflection on the future of our union.”


“The news from Britain is really sobering. It looks like a sad day for Europe and Britain.”




June 23, 2016


Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage

THE European Union was designed to eradicate every separate culture and nation in Europe to concentrate power in the hands of the few, all under the illusion of democracy and open trade. It is a fascist superstate approaching open totalitarianism more and more every day. Will Britain be permitted to leave it? Highly unlikely. But one thing is clear: many Britons desperately want to leave it. The British are enslaved by the EU leviathan.

From State of the Nation on the Brexit referendum today:

There are two extremely courageous Brits who have taken on the whole bloody British System who ought to be pointed out … and highly commended.  UKIP’s Nigel Farage was the real fire-starter.  Quite fortuitously, he was a former commodities broker in London who knows firsthand how the marketplace really works.  The commodities market is perhaps the most manipulated in the world because of how easily it can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.  Certainly, Farage saw the underbelly of the commodity trading beast at its very worst.  This education prepared him to speak, as no one else in the world, about the ills and excesses of the nakedly totalitarian nature of the NWO’s march toward globalization. Read More »


A TH Betrothal

June 22, 2016


1470 A Bridal Couple

A Bride and Groom, Swabian Master; 1470

LILY writes:

I have something wonderful to tell you.

Back in August of 2014, you received an email from a ‘George W.’ about finding a wife, and you posted it on your blog.  He asked you about your thoughts on his predicament and what he could do to improve his marriageable chances.  Though he was a financially stable, thoughtful, and intelligent young man, he felt that he was a loser because he had wasted his chances to find a good, traditionally-minded woman by his age.  His shyness towards women made it difficult for him to approach them with confidence which only fed into his severe self doubt and low sense of self worth (I believe he called himself a parasite on society for failing to fulfill his duty to procreate, provide, and protect as a man should).  His post was heart-wrenching for me to read.

I remember feeling similar about myself, in that I failed to achieve the sort of domestic bliss my parents and particularly my mother had for nearly a decade by my age.  The modern world makes it difficult for us sensitive, traditional types. I feared that I would grow into an old maid who lives with her widowed father, partly for economical reasons and partly for companionship.  Read More »


Totalitarian Germany

June 22, 2016

FROM the AP:

Berlin police say they’ve raided 10 residences in the German capital in a crackdown against far-right hate speech on social media.

Police spokesman Michael Gassen said Wednesday the morning raids involved nine suspects who used Facebook, Twitter and other social networks to spread hate. He says authorities want to emphasize “the Internet is not a law-free zone” and that if illegal speech is posted “it won’t be without consequences.”

The suspects, identified as men between 22 and 58, are alleged to have posted anti-migrant messages, anti-Semitic messages and songs with banned lyrics, among other things. They face possible fines if found guilty.

The investigation is ongoing, and police are now evaluating evidence seized in the raids, including computers, cellphones as well as drugs, knives and other weapons.


The Wind-O-Caust

June 21, 2016


UNEMPLOYED coal miners, dead eagles, wind utopianism and more on Obama’s diabolical energy policy by Mike King at The Anti-New York Times.

Read More »