But then, in general, the more a person rejects Catholic faith and morals, the more he loves Francis. Celebrities and politicians literally drool over Francis the Fake because they crave the approval of the Catholic Church, which they secretly know is the most powerful institution on earth, without paying any of the costs, even the cost of believing in it. Fortunately for them, Francis doesn’t require that.
ONE of the world’s top-ranked women’s soccer teams was defeated last week by boys who were under 15. The Australian Matildas, who are headed for the Olympics in Rio, fielded some of their top players but still lost 7-0 to the boys team.
A commenter at The Daily Mail wrote:
See I think this is one of the more tragic aspects of feminism along with the mistreatment of boys and men. Women under feminism are taught that their self worth is tied into their ability and willingness to compete with men, and if they can’t or won’t do that, they’re seen as lesser women. Then when they try to compete with men and nature takes its course like it did in this soccer game, they’re made to feel inferior because they couldn’t measure up to the boys.
These women have traded their feminine dignity to be faux men.
Not many people are interested in watching women’s soccer. On an international and national level, it’s affirmative action athletics. Read More »
In the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, a certain percentage of young American men from blue collar families would typically join some branch of the US military to gain employment, free medical and dental care, free meals and housing, technical training, perhaps some college, and above all, have an adventure and see the world. Read More »
THE “Navy Hymn,” or “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” (lyrics here) was recently sung by a men’s glee club, apparently connected with the Naval Academy, on the California coast. Here is a description of the recording:
Last Sunday, despite the persistent drizzle and fog, a small group from the Men’s glee club opted to catch a bus to the Marin Headlands for a hike. After a morning on the damp trail, we passed through a concrete tunnel leading to an abandoned coastal defense battery which was marked as Battery Townsley. This secret military installation was built to defend the city of San Francisco during World War II. Overlooking the fog-carpeted San Francisco Bay, Battery Townsley gave us momentary relief from the cold rain as we rested for the last leg of the hike.
As we exited through the same tunnel, the chiming of nautical bells from a distant buoy could be heard faintly over the sea breeze and the echoes of raindrops in the concrete passageway. Inspired by acoustic qualities of the tunnel and the somber atmosphere, we sang the most fitting song we knew, the Navy Hymn.
Meanwhile, a man who was set up nearby to record the ambient sound surrounding Battery Townsley captured our song emanating from the entrance of the tunnel. Thankfully, Byram Abbott generously shared the recording with us. This is the un-doctored result from the fantastic accident that occurred at Battery Townsley. The recording captures the solemnity of “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” a prayer for the safe return of sailors out at sea.
May all who have died for America in war rest in eternal peace, and may they never be forgotten.
FROMLiberalism is a Sin, a book about religious liberalism, by Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany (quoted here):
Charity is a supernatural virtue which induces us to love God above all things and our neighbors as ourselves for the love of God. Thus, after God we ought to love our neighbor as ourselves, and this not just in any way, but for the love of God and in obedience to His law. And now, what is it to love? Amare est velle bonum, replies the philosopher. “To love is to wish good to him whom we love.” To whom does charity command us to wish good? To our neighbor, that is to say, not to this or that man only, but to everyone. What is that good which true love wishes? First of all supernatural good, then goods of the natural order which are not incompatible with it. All this is included in the phrase “for the love of God.” Read More »
OBAMA laid a wreath at the Hiroshima Memorial today and called for a “moral revolution” to meet the challenges of a world with nuclear weaponry. It’s a neat trick for a man who has ordered pedophiles into the girls’ room to call for a moral revolution. But what’s a moral revolution without an apology for a massacre? Obama refused to apologize for the devastating atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed roughly 200,000 people, mostly civilians.
America should apologize and repent publicly of the attack. To do so is not to dishonor those Americans who served and gave their lives in World War II. To the contrary, it is to honor them.
“Because our American egos and “Christian” morals cannot cope with the reality of an American-caused genocide, we fall easy and willing victims to rationalizations for Hiroshima & Nagasaki (and Tokyo and Hamburg and Dresden etc),” Mike King writes.
He continues:
1: There was no “need” to invade Japan because the war was unjust and could have been stopped by FDR or Truman (who replaced FDR after his death) at any time.
2: In boxing parlance, bombed-out Japan, with its navy sunk and industrial capacity devastated, was already “on the ropes” and attempting to negotiate peace terms through the USSR (which it was not at war with).
3: The mass-extermination of civilian non-combatants is dishonorable and disgraceful. When Japan carried out the bombing of Peal Harbor, its air force only targeted ships, not the inland civilian neighborhoods.
4: Unbeknownst to Japan, Stalin, Churchill and FDR (at Yalta Conference / January, 1945) had already agreed that the USSR would break the Soviet-Japan Non-Aggression Pact of 1941 and declare war against Japan no later than 90 days after the end of war in Europe (which turned out to be May 8th, 1945) — a promise which Stalin gladly kept with his August 8th entrance into the war (that’s how North Korea became communist). Soviet entry would have compelled a badly-weakened Japan to surrender unconditionally anyway.
A previous discussion of Hiroshima at this site, in which several commenters vehemently (and eloquently) defended the bombing, can be found here. Read More »
I had to chuckle at Paul A.’s statement that “[i]f you summed up [the feminist] movement, the slogan would be, ‘Non Serviam!’ (I will not serve!)” Those uppity feminists failing to accept their place, I tell you. What a bunch of harpies. If women would only just be “delicate, fragile, modest, and retiring” like the Virgin Mary, the world would be a much better place – at least for men like Paul A.
My father of all people (a somewhat waffling feminist at best) warned me early on to be very suspicious of people who tell me that if I only act in the way that’s most pleasing and convenient to them, they will respect me so much more. That’s the very con played by a male-dominated Church that reveres the meek and de-sexed image of the Virgin Mary they have promoted. This is a de-humanized image of what they wish women to be. And the bill of goods they sell is that somehow women will be much more “powerful” if only we humbly submit to male domination. Uh huh. Read More »
Fifty years ago, I lived in a four-family flat on a quiet street in a residential area of south St. Louis.
Last Sunday night, a thug fired four bullets into a black woman near the corner of that block. The killing took place after “a large fight”, according to “news” accounts, which were typically uninformative.
The four-family flat where I lived was just down the street from that corner. It was owned by a German couple who had come to the United States in the 1950s. They lived there, as did their son and daughter-in-law. They were courteous, thoughtful, and highly-disciplined people. They attended the same Catholic church we did. It was five blocks away. They grew flowers in the back yard and took meticulous care of their property. Neighbors did likewise. Read More »
Whatever else might be said about it, the documentary The Last Whites of East End exposes the lie of multiculturalism. While many cultures can intermingle, one will inevitably dominate. A family from Bangladesh who moved into the London area in the 1930’s kept their Muslim religion but felt British and mixed with the English. One of them even missed his English mates who have since moved away, but he understood why they left. When they were a minority they could fit in, however, he said, once the Muslim presence became larger, the area changed in its ethos, many new arrivals weren’t going to accommodate the English. Read More »
A DESCRIPTION OFthe traditional pageantry and devotion still observed in some places on the Feast of Corpus Christi, which is today and which honors the institution of the Blessed Sacrament:
“Very early in the fourteenth century the custom developed of carrying the Blessed Sacrament in a splendid procession through the town after the Mass on on the Feast of Corpus Christi. This was encouraged by the popes, some of whom granted special indulgences to all participants. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) solemnly approved and recommended the procession on Corpus Christi as a public profession of the Catholic faith in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Sacrament.
During the later Middle Ages these processions developed into splendid pageants of devotion and honour to the Blessed Sacrament. They are still publicly held, and often with the ancient splendour, in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, in the Catholic sections of Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Canada, Hungary, in the Slavic countries and in South America. Sovereigns and princes, presidents and ministers of the state, magistrates, members of trade and craft guilds, and honour guards of the armed forces and the police accompany the liturgical procession while the church bells peal, bands play sacred hymns, and the faithful kneel in front of their homes to adore the Eucharistic Lord.” (Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs, by Francis X. Weiser).
This version of the ancient chant is sung by the Choir of the Monks of Glenstal Abbey in County Limerick, Ireland, and by the Senior’s Boy’s Schola there (http://www.glenstal.org/). Read More »
When Carter was booted out of office in 1980, his approval numbers among Whites were as bad as Obongo’s. So why does he assume that hatred for Obongo is motivated by “racism” TM. According to Carter’s logic, opposition to White Globalist liberals is political — but opposition to Black Globalist liberals is “racist” TM. What a dope!
Actually, Jimmy Carter is not a dope. This is the same shrewd cunning political shyster who, as confirmed by his bodyguards, would carry empty luggage onto and off of Air Force 1 — just to show Boobus Americanus what a “regular guy” he was. Hopefully, Trump will crush this self righteous fake with one of his legendary lethal “tweets”. Lord knows St. Jimmy deserves it.
Frank Duveneck (American artist, 1848-1919) Madonna and Child 1867
IT IS fascinating how rarely feminists mention the most powerful and influential woman in history.
This glaring failure to make much of how extravagantly she has been adored, prayed to, painted, represented in sculpture, praised in song, honored in edifices, written about, and held continuously in the hearts of untold millions ranging from peasants to kings, cannot be attributed solely to the fact that feminists generally do not recognize the supernatural. Even leaving her supernatural powers aside, Mary’s influence in world affairs is evident. Feminists ignore or downplay her because she, a woman, is the single, greatest enemy of feminism. She is the supreme, unparalleled example of femininity. From “The Influence of Mary on Modern Civilization,” by Rev. John Kelly (1897):
And this ideal of a delicate, fragile, modest and retiring lady, overtopping in her grandeur the sons of men, yet retaining supereminently a woman’s heart, has done more towards banishing the barbarism, allying the brutality, softening the hardness, developing the humanity of the native disposition bequeathed to Adam’s children, than all the teachings of philosophers, and all the projects and devices of statesmen and sages. [“The Influence of Mary on Modern Civilization,” Rev. John Kelly, 1897]
While I respectfully disagree with those who say that women were nothing more than the slaves of men before Mary — that is to say that mothers and daughters and wives had no hold over the hearts of men, which would be contrary to human nature — there is no question that Mary elevated the regard for women and civilized the world. The person of Mary, and her influence, contradicts virtually all of the dogmas of modern feminism. While feminism says women become powerful by seeking positions of power, Mary’s example shows that women become powerful by embracing littleness, or humility.
The knights indeed of mediaeval days have passed in their gleaming armour, with nodding plume and twinkling lance-head, into the shadows of the melancholy past; but that sworn courtesy to the weaker sex, that sweet simplicity of heart, in doing them honour; that self-forgetful devotion to the cause of the oppressed and the helpless, that vowed reverence and affection for Mary’s name, which reigned in their hearts and dictated all their duties and functions of honour, kindliness and true knighthood did not die with them, but fructified through the ages, the same essential spirit in other outward forms.
Yes, beloved Brethren, the love of Mary, the study of Mary’s character and the imitation of her virtues, is no debasing influence, as her enemies pretend, rather it is a stimulus to every good quality that owns a root in the soil of our nature. She is the woman, who (according to the first recorded prophecy), was marked out in the designs of God to crush the serpent’s head. And in the breasts of her faithful children and votaries, her heel is upon that malignant crest, and the poisonous tongue of Satan plays vainly in his jaws.
Pope Pius XII wrote:
If life reveals to what depths of vice and degradation women can at times descend, Mary shows to what heights she can climb, in and through Christ, even to ascending above all other creatures. What civilization, what religion has ever raised to such heights the ideal of womanhood, or exalted it to such perfection? Modern humanism, laicism, Marxist propaganda .. non-Christian cults, have nothing to offer which can even be compared with this vision .. so glorious and so humble, so transcendent and [yet] so easily accessible.
[Pope Pius XII, Allocution, Woman in the Modern World, 10 September 1941]
Master of the Housebook (c1470-1500) Gotha Lovers.
THESE rules, floating around the Internet and on cards in gift shops, are of uncertain origin. They are basic common sense (though not easy to follow), which means they are generally untaught and unknown:
1. Avoid arguments. Your husband has his share from other sources.
2. Don’t nag.
3. Don’t drink or eat to excess.
4. If you offend your husband, always ask forgiveness before you retire.
5. Compliment your husband liberally. It makes him a better husband.*
6. Budget wisely together. Live within your income.
7. Be sociable and go out with your husband.
8. Dress neatly and attractively for your husband and keep your home clean and cheerful.
9. Keep your household troubles to yourself.
10 . Pray together and stay together.
THE New York Post reports on Hillary the Cash Cow. In a two year period, she earned close to $22 million in speaking fees, mostly from business and financial interests. Think of that: $22 million. To make speeches. (Bill earned $27 million.) Why does she command such high fees from corporate America?
As Obama has shown, there’s now essentially no limit on the president’s power: He can dictate overtime wages (via executive decree), the forcible integration of the suburbs (via HUD) and even sexually integrate bathrooms (under Title IX). No wonder private companies want to cozy up to the White House. Your business is now the president’s business, if he or she wants it to be.
But, should Hillary attain the White House, you ain’t seen nothing yet. For the Clintons, who once rented out the Lincoln Bedroom, too much doesn’t even approach being enough.
Hillary will not be the first woman president, if elected. She will be the first woman dictator. As long as it’s a first for women … Read More »
IN A continuing discussion at The Orthosphere, Kristor argues that, contrary to popular economic theory, economies prosper most over the long run not when profit is the goal, but when the good is:
An economy prospers most, not when it seeks to maximize accounting profit (because that’s focusing on the wrong metric), but when its agents reliably seek the true good. And the good is just what a devout Christian is apt to do, by his best lights. As an extra bonus, and as might have been expected in a cosmos built by a good God, doing the true good generally results in the highest overall accounting profit, mutatis mutandis – and, ergo, in the highest tax base for the sovereign. Everyone benefits most when everyone is trying to do the right thing. This is not just an aphorism, but a truth of game theory. It is mathematically true; it is built into the fabric of this and all possible worlds.