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Palm Sunday

March 20, 2016



The Isabella Breviary, 15th century

“Go ye into the village that is over against you: and immediately you shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them to me.” (Matth. 21 : 2.)


FROM Dom Prosper Gueranger’s Liturgical Year (1870):

The miracle performed by our Saviour almost at the very gates of Jerusalem, by which He restored Lazarus to life, has roused the fury of His enemies to the highest pitch of frenzy. The people’s enthusiasm has been excited by seeing him, who had been four days in the grave, walking in the streets of their city. They ask each other if the Messias, when He comes, can work greater wonders than these done by Jesus, and whether they ought not at once to receive this Jesus as the Messias, and sing their Hosanna to Him, for He is the Son of David. They cannot contain their feelings: Jesus enters Jerusalem, and they welcome Him as their King. The high priests and princes of the people are alarmed at this demonstration of feeling; they have no time to lose; they are resolved to destroy Jesus. We are going to assist at their impious conspiracy: the Blood of the just Man is to be sold, and the price put on it is thirty silver pieces. The divine Victim, betrayed by one of His disciples, is to be judged, condemned, and crucified. Every circumstance of this awful tragedy is to be put before us by the liturgy, not merely in words, but with all the expressiveness of a sublime ceremonial.



Chaos Frank and the “Refugees”

March 19, 2016

FROM St. Corbinian’s Beara blogger who unfortunately believes this impostor is a valid pope:

This year’s Holy Thursday gimmick is washing the feet of refugees. Guess we’ll have to wait until next year for Pope Francis to wash the feet of polar bears to bring attention to global warming.

Your Holiness, the Bear respectfully suggests that you instead travel to Sweden, where immigration has brought the second-highest rate of rape in the world, and wash the feet of women who have been raped by refugees. If you can go there Halloween to celebrate the blessings of the Reformation with Lutherans, surely you could do something for Swedish women, whom statistics suggest 1 out of every 4 will be raped. Or do you not place the same value on the lives of personas que viven en el hemisferio norte?

Many refugees are more accurately described as “invaders.”


St. Joseph

March 18, 2016



Bust of St. Joseph, Engraving by Claude Mellan (1598–1688 Paris)


Daffodil Mind

March 18, 2016


Courtesy of Winterthur

Winterthur Gardens

To an Early Daffodil

— Robert Frost

Thou yellow trumpeter of laggard Spring!
Thou herald of rich Summer’s myriad flowers!
The climbing sun with new recovered powers
Does warm thee into being, through the ring
Of rich, brown earth he woos thee, makes thee fling
Thy green shoots up, inheriting the dowers
Of bending sky and sudden, sweeping showers,
Till ripe and blossoming thou art a thing
To make all nature glad, thou art so gay;
To fill the lonely with a joy untold;
Nodding at every gust of wind to-day,
To-morrow jewelled with raindrops. Always bold
To stand erect, full in the dazzling play
Of April’s sun, for thou hast caught his gold.


Where Are the 9/11 Whistleblowers?

March 18, 2016


A 2013 article by Denis McMahon at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth address this question:

Many of those who cannot accept the scientific evidence that refutes the official story of the collapse of the three WTC towers on 9/11/2001 argue, “If 9/11 was an inside operation, surely at least one whistleblower would have come forward by now. You couldn’t keep something like that secret.” While at first blush this argument might seem to be logical, closer examination shows that it makes no sense. Read More »


Uppity Gentiles

March 18, 2016

FROM Morgoth’s Review:

One of the problems Jews on ”The Right” have is to perform the juggling act of attacking Political Correctness while making sure their own ethnic group is shielded by a titanium like umbrella of social taboo and possible legal action if the gentiles get too uppity.

Consider this piece by Ben Shapiro, Breitbart boss and, increasingly, the most outspoken critic of Donald Trump:

Now, I hate political correctness as much as anyone alive. I’m the sort of fellow who goes on national television and refuses to acknowledge politically correct garbage about men being women; I’m the kind of guy who tweets the truth about the circumstances of Trayvon Martin’s death when leftists decide to deify him as a racial martyr; I cut videos about the actual percentage of Muslims on the planet who believe in extremism. I believe political correctness gets Americans killed.”

It’s a boon for Zionist Jews to drip pearls of anti PC wisdom into the conservative mind, a mind which is literally dying for anything even resembling a release from the Marxist-Jewish infection of Political Correctness. It also serves a purpose, the more Hank in Alabama believes in a Muslim/Feminist alliance to take away his guns and freedom of speech while Islam invades the West, the more likely Hank is to send off Hank junior to die in the desert for Israel. Read More »


When Prison Is Better

March 17, 2016

TEEN violent offenders and their teachers are safer and more engaged in a Philadelphia prison school than in a normal school where hellish anarchy prevails. The public schools are feeders for the prisons.


Bataclan Re-enactment

March 17, 2016

RELATIVES of those who died at the Bataclan Theater in Paris are reportedly angry that they have never been told details of the victims’ deaths. The police have staged a re-enactment of the event.


The Zeal of St. Patrick

March 17, 2016

Book of Kells

Book of Kells

FEW INDIVIDUALS have changed the course of a nation as much as St. Patrick. Instead of drinking green beer today, the Feast of St. Patrick, readers may enjoy reading part of these two 19th-century biographies of the saint (here and here).

And here is the tale of “St. Patrick, the Serpents and the Stolen Sheep” from “The Golden Legend,” by Jacobus de Voragine, A.D. 1275:

S. Patrick on a day as he preached a sermon of the patience and sufferance of the passion of our Lord Jesu Christ to the king of the country, he leaned upon his crook or cross, and it happed by adventure that he set the end of the crook, or his staff, upon the king’s foot, and pierced his foot with the pike, which was sharp beneath. The king had supposed that S. Patrick had done it wittingly, for to move him the sooner to patience and to the faith of God, but when S. Patrick perceived it he was much abashed, and by his prayers he healed the king. And furthermore he impetred and gat grace of our Lord that no venomous beast might live in all the country, and yet unto this day is no venomous beast in all Ireland.

After it happed on a time that a man of that country stole a sheep, which belonged to his neighbour, whereupon S. Patrick admonested the people that whomsoever had taken it should deliver it again within seven days. When all the people were assembled within the church, and the man which had stolen it made no semblant to render ne deliver again this sheep, then S. Patrick commanded, by the virtue of God, that the sheep should bleat and cry in the belly of him that had eaten it, and so happed it that, in the presence of all the people, the sheep cried and bleated in the belly of him that had stolen it. And the man that was culpable repented him of his trespass, and the others from then forthon kept them from stealing of sheep from any other man.




St. Joseph

March 16, 2016


 St. Joseph and the Christ Child; Nicolaas van der Veken (1637–1709)

St. Joseph and the Christ Child; Nicolaas van der Veken (1637–1709)


Anti-Trump Hysteria

March 16, 2016

MARK GLENN discusses Jewish opposition to Donald Trump:

“The very same people, the very same Zionist media that was responsible for pushing America into these wars that have destroyed countries such as Iraq, such as Libya, such as Syria, the same Zionist media that is calling for the destruction of Iran…these very same interests are now whipping up this hysteria in the United States against Donald Trump…”

Trump seeks to “end the war in the Middle East, he has come out very critically against the war in Iraq, he said Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and that the American people have been lied to concerning 9/11; who the real perpetrators are,” Glenn said in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday.

George Soros is among those funding “civil disobedience” rallies.


St. Joan of Arc’s Ring

March 16, 2016

Joan of Arc ring

TIBERGE at Galliawatch reports on the return of St. Joan of Arc’s ring to France.


The Nominee

March 16, 2016


In this photo taken May 1, 2008, Judge Merrick B. Garland is seen at the federal courthouse in Washington, Thursday, May 1, 2008. Garland has been in this position before. The last time a seat opened up on the U.S. Supreme Court, in 2010, he was widely considered a top candidate for the job and interviewed with President Barack Obama. But the slot ultimately went to Justice Elena Kagan. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

THE Jerusalem Post reports on the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.


Anti-Surrogacy in Europe

March 16, 2016

THE Center for Bioethics and Culture reported earlier this week:

Europe’s leading human rights organization, the Council of Europe, today urged the rejection of all forms of surrogacy in Europe, labeling the practice exploitative of women and children. This follows a similar statement from the European Parliament.

Today’s move is part of a broad social justice movement across the European continent, Asia, and Africa to halt an expanding baby manufacturing industry that leaves largely poor women physically, emotionally, and psychologically harmed, and that produces children who are frequently wholly engineered from egg donation to birth. The commercial surrogacy industry in America has exploded as other nations have banned the practice and as same sex American couples increasingly seek to build families through what has become, in effect, a marketplace for children.  Read More »


The Jesuit Conspiracy Theory

March 16, 2016



THE idea that a massive and long-running conspiracy by phantom Jesuits is responsible for what many people refer to as the “New World Order” has gained a lot of currency on the Internet. But is it true? Thomas Fitzpatrick writes, “Much of the popularity of the Jesuit meme is due to dupes, especially in conspiracy circles, who mindlessly accept, without verifying, the Jesuit meme and then replicate it.” In this terrific essay, Fitzpatrick looks closely at foundations of the Jesuit conspiracy meme:

From attributing the creation of Zionism to an excommunicated Jesuit named Franciso Ribera to blaming the rise of Hitler and Nazism on the Church, there is no place the Jesuit memers won’t go. It borders on clownish with absurd claims that the Jesuits sunk the Titanic, created Islam, and assassinated John F. Kennedy. Of course, the grand proof they present of this alleged Jesuit conspiracy is Jewish Adam Weishaupt’s (founder of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati) education under the Jesuits—something these Jesuit memers almost always bring up. Hypocrisy runs deep among these anti-Catholics, as they say in one breath that it is wrong to blame one group of people (especially Jews) and in the next breath they blame all the world’s problems on the Church. These clowns must have low regard for their audience for them to believe their blatant double standard goes unnoticed.

One hand tied behind the back

Before I go on here, I want to point out that this is not to absolve the Catholic Church of clerical abuses and legitimate corruption within it. And, of course, there is the heretical Second Vatican Council that has been foisted upon Catholics, which further maligns the legitimate faith and demonizes (at least in Protestant eyes) Catholics in general. This council is the handcuff that has one hand of the Church behind its back—done so that She would not be able to defend herself against the Judeo-Masonic onslaught going on. With the Church on the ropes, so to speak, the Jesuit meme is a sucker punch. Read More »



March 15, 2016



THE 20th-century French composer Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986), who was an assistant organist at Notre-Dame in Paris and a professor at the Paris Conservatoire, published only thirteen works in his lifetime, including his Requiem and Quatre Motets sur de themes Grégoriens. I know very little about him, but I heard both these beautiful works performed by a university choir this week, including this soft and meditative version of the famous hymn Ubi Caritas, which is one of the antiphons sung on Holy Thursday. No secular humanist ever produced anything remotely this beautiful, in the humble opinion of this supernaturalist.

Thank you to the lovely college student who introduced me to these works.


Read More »


The Humanist Vision

March 15, 2016

THE vision of secular humanists is so much a part of our surroundings, it’s hard to believe it was ever dogmatically defined in detail. But it was. The first Humanist Manifesto was completed in 1933. The second Humanist Manifesto was published in 1973. They were signed by dozens of authors, academics, psychiatrists, scientists and business leaders. Betty Friedan was not surprisingly among them.

According to secular humanists, human beings are self-created. The proofs of the Greek philosophers for the immortality of the soul and the existence of God have been rendered irrelevant by the advance of science. Though scientists never can explain, and never have explained, why we are here in the first place, the humanists believe they have answered ultimate questions once and for all. All focus on God is escapism. The humanist is not, however, without an object of worship. He reveres man, in a highly idealized form. He reveres man, while conveniently ignoring his evil tendencies. He reveres man, without offering any satisfying explanation for why man suffers. With world government and “maximum individual autonomy,” the cult of man will somehow lead to lasting peace on earth. Secular humanists are busy people. There is always something undone toward this ultimate goal. Secular humanism is secular madness. Secular humanism is secular superficiality. It is the end of thought enshrined in seemingly logical manifestos.

We live in a secular humanist world. Even our religious ceremonies are impregnated with it. There is no hereafter, only now. Whether this vision of life is an actual religion or not is much debated among humanists. What difference does it make? It is a compelling worldview, one that accounts to a large degree for the superficiality of modern life. In the declarations of the humanists, we can see the escapist thinking that is all around us. It is not surprising that secular humanism has brought us “assisted suicide.” Dying cries out for answers. From Humanist Manifesto II: Read More »


Hillary and Libya

March 14, 2016

HILLARY Clinton’s e-mails lend weight to the theory that the interests of global bankers were behind the American role in Qaddafi’s overthrow, according to Ellen Brown. Read More »