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“How to Raise a Man”

March 7, 2016


ANYTIME a man in public shows truly masculine traits, he is instantly demonized and his reputation is viciously attacked. Here is another good lecture from Fr. Chad Ripperger, who makes this point in his lecture on cultivating masculinity. “What passes for masculinity [today] is actually effeminacy,” he says.

What is effeminacy? Effeminacy, which is entirely different from femininity in women, is an unwillingness to put aside pleasure to pursue what is difficult and arduous. Masculinity cannot simply be acquired by man’s own efforts. It is a gift from God.


An Examination of Conscience

March 7, 2016


FOR those seeking to make a good confession this Lent, here are seven sermons by the Rev. Chad Ripperger on the seven deadly sins, viz. angerenvygluttonylustpridesloth and vain glory. See more sermons here on other sins.

Here is another practical guide to sin. (See the additional links at the bottom of the page.)


March 6, 2016



No “Gay Rights” in Israel

March 6, 2016

HOMOSEXUALS, lesbians, and the “transgendered” cannot marry, adopt children, or arrange surrogate pregnancies in Israel. Its lawmakers have once again affirmed these restrictions. From The New Observer:

The Israeli parliament—the Knesset—has once again definitively rejected a raft of laws promoting “marriage equality” for homosexuals, lesbians, and “transgenders,” even as the Israel-supporting Jewish lobby in America is at the forefront of promoting those very same laws in the US and elsewhere.

Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzmann openly called homosexuals sinners.

“Gay” is for the goyim.



March 6, 2016

IF YOU value this website and would like to see it continue, please make a donation today. Thank you to those who have already donated during this, my once-a-year fundraising drive.


Virgin and Child, Fra Angelico

Virgin and Child, Fra Angelico


More Liberation in Sweden

March 6, 2016

MEN should have the right to terminate any legal relationship with their unborn children, according to a proposal from the Liberal Party of Sweden. It is “legal abortion” for men, and it’s hard to argue with it under the inhuman principles of sexual freedom:

Men who don’t want to become fathers should be permitted to have a “legal abortion” up to the 18th week of a woman’s pregnancy, say the young liberals.

The cut-off date coincides with the last week in which a woman can terminate a pregnancy in Sweden.

“This means a man would renounce the duties and rights of parenthood,” LUF Väst chairman Marcus Nilsen told The Local.  Read More »


Priests in Hiding

March 6, 2016


Brother Nicholas Owen was executed for building hiding holes for priests.

IN THE 16th-century, Catholics in England took serious risks to continue to receive the sacraments. Some hid priests in tiny compartments in their homes in order to practice their banished faith. Eric Grundhauser writes:

Surprise inspections and raids of wealthy family homes were not uncommon. If a priest was found, he would face torture and eventual execution.

To escape this fate, a number of homes installed hidden compartments called priest holes, where Catholic leaders could conceal themselves in the case of an inspection. These small hideaways were often built under staircases or inside fireplaces or behind false walls. (Even if you weren’t harboring a religious fugitive, the priest holes made a great place to stash your candles, crucifixes, and other Catholic accoutrements.) Some homes would have multiple priest holes scattered throughout, with at least one, Hindlip Hall, maintaining 12 separate holes. Some priest holes would even be hidden behind secret panels in other priest holes as an added precaution. The hiding places were generally very small, with barely enough room for a full-grown adult to fit, but they did the trick. Read More »


The Error of Democracy

March 5, 2016


13 1568 Étienne Delaune (French artist, 1518-1595) Labours of the Months 3 March

Labours of the Months 3 March, Etienne Delaunce, 1568 (It’s About Time)

“The principle of Christian civilization is the existence of evil in the heart of man, and the necessity of authority in order to combat it and to establish the reign of virtue. The principle of revolutionary civilization is the immaculate conception of man and his right to liberty and equality. See there, the two roads; ‘they are not only different,’ a certain author of many evil books acknowledged, ‘but two very divergent lines,’ the author, Michelot, concluded, ‘that must always remain apart, even unto infinity.'”

— Msgr. Henri Delassus, Americanism and the Anti-Christian Conspiracy



Atheism’s Stubborn Lack of Originality

March 5, 2016

THOMAS F. BERTONNEAU writes at The Orthosphere:

Atheism is a strictly derivative proposition. If every single theist of every kind were at last one day to die off, leaving a human population of atheists only – the atheistic proposition would still, historically, conceptually, and grammatically be a strictly derivative proposition. Being a derivative proposition, atheism is necessarily prone to resentment, and what atheism resents is the originality of theism, or theism’s firstness, whose status it can never usurp. Indeed, atheism can have no status at all, not even its derivative status, except for the prior existence of theism. Read More »


Annapolis, 2016

March 5, 2016


JEWEL writes:

I watched this catchy little lip sync by midshipmen from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. At 1:49 in the video, I despaired of our military capabilities. Over-the-top sodomites and petite women do not give me hope. Read More »


Neocons vs. Trump

March 5, 2016


BROTHER NATHANAEL surveys the machinations over the GOP nomination.

Looks like it’s time for the “Neocon Song,” By Dr. E. Michael Jones:



Sexy Seniors

March 4, 2016



My belated comment on “The “Sex is Healthy” Myth” post:

Several years ago I cancelled my membership in AARP because they frequently ran articles in their journal promoting “sex is healthy” for senior citizens. These articles advocate promiscuity and other perversions. The magazine often has ads for “adult” videos, presumably to teach old people new tricks.

The AARP magazine used to be called “Modern Maturity.” I can see why the name had to be changed.

As always, God bless you for your excellent website! Read More »


Bergoglio Bomb of the Day

March 4, 2016

US Air Force (USAF) test pilot USAF Major (MAJ) John Teichert, releases a guided bomb unit (GBU)-32 1,000-lbs joint direct attack munitions (JDAM) from a USAF F/A-22A Raptor fighter at supersonic speed for the first time near California's Panamint Mountain range.

ANOTHER DAY, another explosive statement from Jorge Bergoglio’s “Ding Dong School of Apostasy.” According to the “pontiff,” the Arab invasion of Europe is an opportunity for cultural exchange.

Cultural exchanges in Calais, France

Cultural exchanges in Calais, France

Much else of what the pretend pontiff said on the migrant crisis in an interview with a French magazine, judging from reports, was characteristically confusing but boiled down to his familiar condemnation of “ideology” and pointed criticism of right-wing nationalist groups. But then Jorge would have called the Crusaders ideologues for their rigid close-mindedness. He said the migrant crisis will not lead to “great change.”


Ideologues expressing the “poison of politics”

The full text of the interview is not yet available, but here are some quotes:

“If Europe wants to rejuvenate itself, it must rediscover its cultural roots … But forgetting its own history, Europe weakens itself. And that’s when it risks becoming an empty place,” the pope told Jean-Pierre Denis, editor-in-chief of the French magazine “La Vie.”

“Today, we can speak of an Arab invasion. It is a social fact,” the pope said in response to a question on why he believes Europe risks becoming an “empty place.” He immediately added that anyone looking for a “‘great change’ – those dearest to the far-right – will remain disappointed.”

“How many invasions has Europe experienced in the course of its history? It has always been able to overcome them; moving forward and finding itself better through the exchange between cultures,” the pope said, in an apparent reference to Europe’s Renaissance, which was partially fostered through the preservation of Greek philosophical works by Muslim scholars in Spain and elsewhere in the Arab world.


The pope responded to the rise of far-right populism in Europe, which has given way to such movements as Germany’s “anti-Islamization” PEGIDA as well as anti-immigrant political parties, by stating that ideologies are the “poison of politics.”

“When a country closes itself to a healthy notion of politics, it ends up being a prisoner hostage to ideological colonization. Ideologies are the poison of politics. You have the right be right or left. But ideology takes away freedom.

“If you want to avoid everyone turning towards extremes, you must nurture friendship and the pursuit of the common good, beyond political affiliations.”

Mr. Bergoglio should take a few thousand young men from the Middle East and Africa into the Vatican to prove that he himself is not an ideologue.


The KKK Bogeyman

March 4, 2016


MIKE King points out that in a CNN debate between Van Jones, a former Obama staffer, and Jeffrey Lord, a former Reagan staffer, about Trump and David Duke’s affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan, Lord never attacks Jones’s for his admitted past as a Communist. Whatever crimes were committed by the Ku Klux Klan, which was started after the Civil War at least in part to protect Southern women from black rapists, they pale in comparison to the crimes of Communism, which led to the deaths of tens of millions of people in the 20th century.

But if Lord had responded this way would viewers have gotten it? Probably not.

Most Americans have been steeped in scary imagery of the Ku Klux Klan. They know little or nothing about the crimes of Communists.

The media, Hollywood and publishers don’t educate them about them. Wonder why? “Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism,” Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, said in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935. “It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement,” wrote Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July-September 1932, p. 106.



The Bolshevik, Kustodiev, 1920

Read More »


Latest PP Undercover Video

March 3, 2016



Trump’s LGBT Agenda, etc.

March 2, 2016

DONALD TRUMP donated to an organization that promotes homosexuality to five-year-olds and “fisting” to middle school students, Lifesitenews reports.

In related news, here’s more on Trump’s family values from Jonathan Van Maren:

Consider the following:

Donald Trump has appeared on the cover of Playboy, and actually mused about whether or not his daughter would pose for the porn magazine, noting that she had “the best body.” He’s mused creepily that, “she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father …”

Donald Trump has bragged about his promiscuity, even telling radio host Howard Stern that he feels “lucky” not to have contracted an STD while engaging in sexual escapades.

Donald Trump has bragged about sleeping with the wives of other men, writing in The Art of the Deal that, “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller.”

Trump casinos were some of the first casinos in Atlantic City to come featuring strip clubs. Read More »


Francis, Walls and Trump

March 2, 2016

AN authentically Catholic perspective on “Pope” Francis’s intervention in U.S. politics with his comments on Trump’s wall is available in this latest episode of “Francis Watch” at True Restoration Radio. It’s free but you have to sign up.


Fundraising Drive Continues

March 2, 2016

THANK YOU for your contributions.