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The Thinking Housewife


Women to Preach in the “Catholic” Pulpit?

March 2, 2016

ESSAYS in the semiofficial Vatican newspaper call for women to have a greater role in the pulpit, overturning an 800-year-old tradition of male-only preaching. [Correction: The tradition of male-only preachers dates back to the Apostolic beginnings of the Church, when St. Paul condemned the idea of women preachers.]

What a surprise! Read More »


Are Museums Too Artificial?

March 2, 2016


“Museums and galleries of art are undoubtedly necessary for the preservation of valiant heritages; if these were lost or destroyed, they could never be replaced. However, we consider such institutions somehow inadequate and would willingly have them replaced with something else. We sustain the idea that the artistic and historical works of art should remain in the places for which they were created. To displace them frequently distorts the purposes for which the artists intended them. Even more, in our opinion, distributing these inspired works of human genius throughout a country would be one of the best means of cultivating the people’s taste and of awakening natural gifts of other possible artists.

“When this lesson can only be learned from the privileged walls of a museum in a large city on the infrequent occasions that they are visited requiring expenditure and inconvenience, then actually only a few people benefit. As a consequence of this tendency of our times, the gradual process of an unconscious assimilation of culture that prevailed in the past no longer exists.” (Memoirs of Pope Pius X, by Cardinal Merry del Val, pp. 79 -80.)

From an essay, “Are Museums Sepulchers for Culture?” By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira


A Prophetic Warning

March 2, 2016

A READER AT Tradition in Action writes:

In the Postface of the edition of Revolution and Counter-Revolution by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, which can be found here, I read the following predictions that I think will be of interest to TIA readers.

It was written in 1992. After discussing the Fall of the Iron Curtain and the subsequent rise of the 4th Revolution (Tribalism, anarchism) and the 5th Revolution (chaos, Satanism), he talks about things to come:

“Moreover, the international media continues to publicize the eventual migration of famished semi-civilized – ergo semi-barbarian – hordes to the prosperous European countries living under the regime of Western consumerism.

“Starved not only of food but of ideas, what do these pitiable people understand of the free world, at once super-civilized and gangrenous? On meeting it, would they not clash with it? And what would result from this clash, both in an invaded Europe and, by extension, in the old Soviet world? A self-managing, cooperationist, structuralist-tribalist revolution or an immediate world of total anarchy, of chaos and horror, which we would not hesitate to call the Fifth Revolution? Read More »



March 2, 2016

KATHLENE M. writes:

Elite hand-wringing about the dangers of Trump presupposes that average Americans actually care enough to vote on behalf of a corrupt and pornified America 2.0 that has alienated them. What’s clear to many Americans is that America 2.0 hates average middle-class Americans.  America 2.0 has successfully turned truth into lies and lies into truth, so when authoritarian elites warn us about the dangers of authoritarian Trump, why should we believe the propaganda this time? Read More »


The Times Enraged by Trump

March 2, 2016

AN unhinged editorial today in The New York Times looks at Trump’s “politics of rage:”

They are leaning, in unbelievable numbers, toward a man whose quest for the presidency revolves around targeting religious and racial minorities and people with disabilities, who flirts with white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan, who ridicules and slanders those who disagree with him.

Making fun of one disabled reporter does not constitute “targeting … people with disabilities.” I don’t care for Trump, who doesn’t always act civilized and has a poor record on moral issues, but this is  exaggeration. Trump can beat Hillary and they know it. Many young voters, indoctrinated in political correctness all their lives, will see through it. With enemies such as this, they will want to be Trump’s friend.

[Revised] Read More »


The “Sex Is Healthy” Myth

March 2, 2016

HOW often have you heard or read that it is psychologically and physically unhealthy for someone to go without sexual relations? College newspapers especially like to run articles making this point. The idea is not new. It was prevalent in the late nineteenth century too. The Rev. Arthur Devine, writing in 1897 in his essay “The Virtue of Chastity,” challenged it:

I shall notice one or two other excuses that are so false and misleading, but, nevertheless, are often used for the worst of purposes–that is, the falsehood that ‘all young men exceed the bounds of morality,’ and that those amongst them who have lived pure and chaste have been mere ‘prigs,’ ‘milksops,’ ‘weaklings,’ ‘muffs,’ men whose society must have been uncommonly ‘slow’ (to use the slang phraseology of the vicious). On the contrary, many can look to old acquaintances who as young men lived pure, chaste lives, uncontaminated by the grosser vices which constitute dissipation, and these, in the words of Mr. Hime, who refers to them, ‘were the first specimens of the young men at the time I refer to in the University . . . and were acknowledged superior to the large majority of their class fellows in all respects–physically as well as morally and intellectually. Read More »


A Student Extremist in England

March 2, 2016

WILLIAM writes:

You posted a video of a UKIP (U.K. Independence Party) member explaining what a scam the banking system is.  It reminded me of a story I saw just yesteday.  This was the BBC headline: “Hampshire school calls police after pupil looks at UKIP website.”

A quote from the article:

“Under the new counter terror act, staff at schools are asked to identify children who may be influenced by extremist material.”

Keep up the good work!


Economic Logic

March 1, 2016

SOME enterprises are too big to fail. Others are too small to succeed.

Please help this counter-cultural outpost survive. Thank you!


Another Trump-a-phobe

March 1, 2016


Notwithstanding the sheer entertainment value, I am still cynical about the veracity of the Trump campaign. His message undoubtedly resonates with we the sheeple after decades of mass migration, the emergence of a burgeoning Police State, and regularly programmed Arab-phobia. He’s saying all the right things for those of us who have been raging against the machine for years. If Trump is not a part of the elite – THEY – than no one is.

I mean, come on…it’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. As Vladimir Lenin put it: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” A billionaire Real Estate Developer and Reality Tell-A-Vision star is most assuredly well connected with the financial structure and all of the Bankster’s 2Big2Fail that have shaped our current dystopian reality.

He’s running as an outsider, but everything about this man’s history clearly points to him being an insider.


A Female Anachronism

March 1, 2016

JOANNE FRANCIS decided to eschew modern technology and live in the 1940s. She has had a hard time finding a husband:

“I would like to meet someone,” she said. “I’ve had few boyfriends, but I know I’m a bit of a novelty and once that novelty wears off, well, most people find me quite hard to live with.

“But I haven’t entirely given up hope – I mean, I still like to think that I am a pretty good catch.

“I would have their tea on their table when they came home from work, I’d do their washing and ironing. In fact, I’d take care of everything.

“The only problem is that most people who want that kind of housewife are either in their 90s or dead.”


Institutionalized Theft

March 1, 2016


(Courtesy: HenryMakow.com)


Trump and the Jewish Lobby

March 1, 2016

FROM blood curses to public alarm, Mark Glenn reports on individual Jews and the powerful Jewish lobby reacting to Trump.

Would Trump really challenge and undermine the seemingly unshakeable rule of Israel over America? Then I would say he would indeed be a necessary evil.


The Vile Academy Awards

March 1, 2016

MIKE KING at The Anti-New York Times critiques the Times’s coverage of the anti-white, anti-Catholic Academy Awards:

The 2016 Academy Awards was a great event for the anti-White/anti-Christian cultural Marxists who own Hollywood. On a night when the very unfunny, vile, vulgar, hate-filled sub-human-piece-of-filth “comedian” Chris Rock mocked Hollywood for being so “White” (cough cough), ‘Spotlight’, a film about Catholic priests and child molestation, won top honors. We now anxiously await a movie about the well-documented epidemic (here) of child sexual abuses committed by Jewish Rabbis. Maybe next year? (rolling eyes)

And perhaps the year after that, we can have another movie about the well-documented epidemic (here) of child sexual abuses committed by Jewish Hollywood producers and agents. We can’t wait! (rolling eyes)


“Hollywood and the Piranha Press are obsessed with pedophile priests — but remain silent about pedophile rabbis and pedophile producers.”– Mike King

As for the “oppressed” multi-millionaire lawn jockey Chris Rockhead, the article [in The New York Times] approvingly lists some of the derogatory wisecracks aimed at Whites, and laughingly approved of by the audience of mostly White self-hating libtards:

“If they nominated hosts, I wouldn’t even get the job.” (because he is Black)

Speaking of the ‘In Memoriam’ tribute, Rock added that it should also honor black people who were:

“.. shot by the cops on their way to the movies.”

Moving on to the awards, he said:

“You want diversity? We got diversity. Please welcome Emily Blunt and somebody whiter, Charlize Theron.”


“It’s easier to be president of the United States as a black person than be head of a studio.”



February 29, 2016

m St Mark 12C Manuscript

St. Mark — 12th-century manuscript. Courtesy of It’s About Time.

THANK YOU, thank you to those who have given so far in this, my once-a-year fundraising appeal. I am so grateful for your generosity. To others, I am still holding out my hat. Please consider donating to keep this soapbox in business.

I have written to Mr. Trump and told him I am accepting donations. No answer. Humph! And he says he has tons of money!

You see, I can’t rely on the big honchos for a cent, so I have to turn to you, dear loyal and forgiving reader.

Robert Frost was once asked by a reader to explain what one of his poems meant.

Frost responded: “If I could have said it any better, I would have.”

That applies to this blog — unfortunately. If I could’ve said it any better, I would have.


The Amazing Amish

February 29, 2016


A TORNADO hit the small town of White Horse in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania last week. Many buildings were damaged or destroyed, but no one was hurt. The interesting thing is how quickly things are being put back together. Already a one-room schoolhouse that was completely flattened in the storm (not the building above) is almost completely rebuilt, all by volunteers. Read More »


The Christian Voting Bloc Is Dead

February 29, 2016

FAY VOSHELL, whose comments are similar to some of the points I made in this thread on Trump, writes at The American Thinker:

What more loudly trumpets the surrender of evangelicals to the broader cultural capitulation to the world, the flesh, and the Devil than the support for Trump given by Jerry Falwell, Jr., president of Liberty University, one of evangelicalism’s foremost institutions? Is there a more obvious and unrepentant secularist than Donald Trump?

Falwell’s complete capitulation, along with Catholics like Phyllis Schlafly who have joined the Trump secularist bandwagon, means the acceptance and reinforcement of a basic tenet of the Left; namely, that there really is to be a wall of separation between faith and the world. We leftists will take over and run the real stuff. You evangelicals can have your church rituals.

In sum, evangelicals have not only helped build the wall of separation, but they are living behind it in their own closed communities.

What the departure from former values and the support of a raging secularist means for the future of evangelicals in general is open to speculation.

But one can hazard a guess that after seeing the soft underbelly impotency of evangelicals in the realm of politics, the Left will ratchet up its attacks on Christian individuals and organizations opposing the leftist agenda. The reasoning will be something like this: What is there to fear?  So many evangelicals are not that much different than us!

Her last point in this passage [bold added] is especially important. Read More »


Ave Maria

February 28, 2016


The male ensembles Chanticleer and Cantus meet in a bar and sing the Ave Maria.


 Whoever you are, when you find yourself tossed by storms and tempests upon this world’s raging waters, rather than walking upon firm dry land, never take your eyes from the brightness of this star lest you be overwhelmed by the storm. When the winds of temptation blow, when you run upon the rocks of disaster, look to the star. Cry out to Mary! If you are cast away upon the waves of pride or ambition of detraction or jealousy, look to the star. Cry out to Mary! When anger, avarice, or the lusts of the flesh assail the ship of your mind, look up to Mary. When you are worried by the enormity of your sins, troubled by a confused conscience, or terrified by the horrors of the judgment to come, when you begin to drown in the bottomless pit of sorrow or sink in the abyss of despair, think of Mary.

— St.Bernard of Clairvaux, Source


3rd Sunday in Lent

February 28, 2016



Courtesy One Rosary a Day