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The Thinking Housewife


The Model Minority: Titanium Dioxide Edition

February 7, 2016

WALTER Liew, a Chinese immigrant and naturalized American citizen, allegedly made millions by stealing Dupont’s protocols for the whitening chemical, titanium dioxide, and using them to set up chemical plants in China. Two American engineers, one of whom later committed suicide, helped him in the theft of the trade secrets, according to the FBI.

From Bloomberg Business:

Liew excelled at school and traveled overseas to earn his college degrees—a bachelor’s from Taiwan University and a master’s in electrical engineering in 1982 from the University of Oklahoma. He worked for Hewlett-Packard before starting a technology consulting firm in 1989, fulfilling a personal dream.

“Walter’s ambition really was to be more than a midlevel engineer,” Stuart Gasner, his lawyer, told jurors. “He wanted to make money. He wanted to have his own business and what that entails.” In 1991, at 34, he married a Chinese woman named Christina (it was a second marriage for both), and they became naturalized U.S. citizens before the decade was through. Read More »


A Bit of Erma

February 6, 2016


THE housewife-humorist Erma Bombeck raised three children and churned out newspaper columns in this suburban house in Centerville, Ohio. She wrote the column below, “Are We Rich?,” for publication on June 3, 1971. She eventually did become rich from the hundreds of clever, satirical pieces she wrote about her domestic world. She neither romanticized nor disparaged her way of life. It was a world where men were still men and women were still women. Having started them in 1964, her columns were syndicated to 900 newspapers by 1978. Though she would later go on to campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment, she was not initially enthusiastic about the feminist movement, once saying of Betty Friedan and her fans, “These women threw a war for themselves and didn’t invite any of us.”

“Are We Rich?” by Erma Bombeck

The other day out of a clear blue sky Brucie asked, “Are we rich?”

I paused on my knees as I retrieved a dime from the sweeper bag, blew the dust off it and asked, “Not so you can notice. Why?”

“How can you tell?” he asked.

I straightened up and thought a bit. Being rich is a relative sort of thing. Here’s how I can always tell. Read More »


Is the Zika Virus a Scam?

February 5, 2016


[A]ttributing very serious problems to Zika on a worldwide basis is insupportable and speculative. It isn’t science.

And to make the leap to claiming the virus is causing pregnant women to give birth to babies with very small heads and impaired brains is absurd.

More here.


Job Growth Goes to Immigrants

February 5, 2016

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JOB gains since 2007 have overwhelmingly gone to immigrants, according to new labor statistics. Zero Hedge reports:

And the bottom line: starting with the infamous month when it all started falling apart, December 2007, the US has added just 186,000 native-born workers, offset by 13.5x times more, or 2,518,000, foreign born workers.

It’s interesting that leftists who pride themselves on their compassion for the working man show no concern for the rate at which Americans have lost jobs and opportunities to immigrants. They are not storming the Democratic Party and demanding that the interests of workers be protected from outsiders. They believe in organic food — passionately — but not organic human beings. They will do anything they can to protect the environment of a chicken or a pig. They will do nothing to protect the cultural environment and livelihood of the native American worker if it involves turning a non-white outsider away. They disdain their own. Their snobbery knows no bounds.


Dolls, Lies and Cultural Marxism

February 5, 2016


STARTING with the highly-charged issue of what dolls little girls prefer — white girls preferring white dolls is racism, black girls preferring black dolls is self-affirmation — Lana Lokteff embarks on a critique of Cultural Marxism and the neurotic, hateful guilt complex it has foisted upon whites.

(WARNING: Skip minutes 19-21 in this video. Lewd scenes.)


The Impieties of Jorge

February 5, 2016

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Courtesy of Call Me Jorge

23-page report by Miles Christi on the blasphemies of Jorge Bergoglio is available here. Since the papal pretender is an ever-flowing fount of heresies and insults against the Faith (see the latest here in which he ascribes “the interior torture of doubt” to John the Baptist), the list is not complete. It must be updated almost daily.


American Children and their Pets

February 5, 2016

z Deacon Robert Peckham (American, 1785-1877). Portrait of a Young Child in a White Dress and Red Shoes with Peach and Dog. C. 1830

Deacon Robert Peckham, Portrait of a Young Child in a White Dress and Red Shoes with Peach and Dog. C. 1830

CHARMING folk art of American children with their dogs and cats can be found at It’s about Time.


A Respectable History of Anti-Semitism

February 4, 2016


HENRY MAKOW, an ethnic Jew whose grandparents died in the Holocaust, wrote in 2014:

The first anti Semite was God himself. When Moses told him the Jews were worshiping a golden calf, “The LORD said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and behold, they are an obstinate people. “Now then let Me alone, that My anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them…” (Exodus 32: 9-10)

I’m not sure what Abe Foxman would say about God’s genocidal tendencies. In any case, the Baal worshipers are now in charge and God would face a Human Rights Tribunal for his rash statements.

The great prophets of the Old Testament were also anti Semites. Jeremiah said Jews “will not speak the truth; they have taught their tongue to speak lies…” (Jeremiah 9:5). Isaiah says the lord will smite “the daughters of Zion [who] are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes…” (Isaiah 3:16) Read More »


Rubio, the Bubble Boy

February 4, 2016


FROM the Wayne Madsen Report:

[Marco] Rubio, who has four children and claims to be a devout Christian, alternately attending Catholic and Baptist churches in south Florida, appears to have a not-so-secret past. There is a Spanish word that aptly describes the presidential hopeful: Cristiano afeminado or Christian homosexual.

More at The Anti-New York Times.


Doublethink: The Tool of Globalists

February 4, 2016

SPEAKING of ‘doublethink,‘ the New Zealand author Kerry Bolton in his book Revolution from Above: Manufacturing Dissent in the New World Order (Arktos, 2011) describes leftwing rebellion. He writes:

Although Huxley’s Brave New World is the most prophetic and accurate in its description of how the ‘World Controllers’ would proceed to establish a ‘World State’; Orwell’s 1984 has valuable insights into the psychology of the dialectical process and its use by the ‘World Controllers’ in mass mind manipulation. Here I refer to Orwell’s concept of ‘doublethink’ that was used to mentally control the masses in the Collectivist State of 1984. Orwell describes ‘doublethink’ as:

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. Read More »


Hillary, the Draft Dodger

February 4, 2016

HILLARY CLINTON engages in some Orwellian ‘doublethink’ on the issue of women and the draft. She should be hailing this development, all the major feminists should, since she has always stood for women doing everything men do. But the draft, that’s problematic.

How does she get around this bind? She says the draft itself is a problem. High five, Hillary! You’re a master.

“I have to think about whether it’s necessary to go as far as our military officers are recommending,” Clinton responded. “From my perspective, the all-volunteer military has worked and we should not do anything that undermines it because it has provided a solid core of people who are willing to serve our country.”

The question for now, however, is whether women should be required to register with the Selective Service, as men are. She skirts that issue.


The Dangerous Caribbean

February 3, 2016

MARK Jaws writes:

Murders of women tourists in black-run countries are sadly becoming an increasingly frequent occurrence. Just a week or two ago, I discussed the murder of Anne Swaney in Belize, and how reckless her actions had been. To remind those who may have forgotten, Ms. Swaney walked down to a river by herself to do yoga exercises in a BRC. Not very smart.

On January 24, another white woman was killed in a BRC – this one, Grenada. Apparently Jessica Colker did not hike down to a secluded river by herself, but merely was walking along the beach with her 62-year-old husband when the savage rapist attacked. Read More »


Global London

February 3, 2016


MORE THAN half of London is non-British. Harriet Sergeant writes about a new book on the subject in The Daily Mail.  Read More »


Fake Nun Plays Fake Nun

February 3, 2016


THE blasphemous, attention-loving Suor Cristina performs in the musical Sister Act in Italy.

Commentary and photos here. (Title to this entry courtesy of Novus Ordo Watch news digest.)


A Cat in Human Form

February 3, 2016


IF THERE are men trapped in women’s bodies and women trapped in men’s bodies and billionaires trapped in middle class housewives, why can’t there be cats trapped in the bodies of human beings? From Lifesite News:

“Nano,” a 20-year-old Norwegian woman, says she realized at 16 that she is, in fact, a cat.

“I was born the wrong species,” Nano says, explaining that because of a genetic defect, she is a cat trapped in a human body. Read More »


Great Nations Have Women Soldiers

February 2, 2016


The troops in North Korea


I am the father of two daughters.

In a healthy society, the military’s purpose is to protect its families from threats of harm.

But, by definition, proposing to register my daughters for forced military conscription, as the U.S. military’s leaders have just done, is a threat of harm.

This is perverse. Read More »


Mercy and Justice

February 2, 2016

SOME words to ponder in this “Year of Mercy” from an article about Spotlight, a movie about the clerical abuse scandal:

Justice in an important part of Catholic theology and ecclesiology. It is often, wrongly, defined in the popular consciousness as the opposite of mercy. In fact, in the mind of the Church they are inseparable; Thomas Aquinas defined the relationship by saying that justice without mercy is cruelty, but mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution. Read More »


The Dream of the Candle

February 2, 2016


Tres Riches Heures, Feast of the Purification

The Dream of the Candle

A Tale from the Golden Legend 
By Jacobus de Voragine, A.D. 1275

We read an example of a noble lady which had great devotion in the blessed Virgin Mary, and she had a chapel in which she did do say mass of our Lady daily by her chaplain. It happed that the day of the purification of our Lady, her chaplain was out, so that this lady might that day have no mass, and she durst not go to another church because she had given her mantle unto a poor man for the love of our Lady. She was much sorrowful because she might hear no mass and for to make her devotions she went into the chapel, and tofore the altar she kneeled down for to make her prayers to our Lady.

And anon she fell asleep, in which she had a vision, and her seemed that she was in a church, and saw come into the church a great company of virgins, tofore whom she saw come a right noble virgin crowned right preciously. And when they were all set each in order, came a company of young men which sat down each after other in order like the other; after, entered one that bare a burden of candles, and departed them to them above first, and so to each of them by order he gave one, and at the last came this man to this lady aforesaid and gave to her also a candle of wax.  Read More »