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How Traditionalists Destroy the Papacy

January 20, 2016

IN THIS 20-minute video, Fr. Anthony Cekada explains how traditionalists who recognize the Vatican II “popes” as legitimate, while also criticizing and rejecting their teachings, destroy the reverence and submission due the papacy.

Once again, Fr. Cekada demolishes the opposition. He rips apart the hypocritical position of not just leading figures in the traditionalist “R & R” camp, but all those who mindlessly adhere to superstitions and slander against sedevacantists without ever giving two minutes of serious study to the issue.

A brief glossary for readers who are new to this subject: Read More »


“May His Name Be Obliterated”

January 19, 2016


NEWSWEEK reports on the latest act of vandalism of a Christian church in Israel, which has a history of hundreds of such acts:

Israeli authorities are investigating an anti-Christian vandalism attack on Jerusalem’s Dormition Abbey on Sunday.

Potentially several perpetrators, suspected because of the messages’ different handwriting, left a series of scrawls in felt-tip pen on the building. The messages included statements such as: “May his name be obliterated,” “Death to the heathen Christians the enemies of Israel,” and “The revenge of the people of Israel is yet to come.”

The abbey said that there were 10 different Hebrew messages on the walls “seemingly written by different hands.”  Read More »


Only Non-White Refugees Allowed in Germany

January 19, 2016



Genuine war refugees fleeing the conflict in the Ukraine have been denied asylum in Germany in 95 percent of cases (and will, from now on, all be refused that status)—while Angela Merkel’s government admits hundreds of thousands of “war refugees” from all over the nonwhite Middle East without question.

The blatant double standard in favoring nonwhite “war refugees” over whites definitively reveals that the real purpose of Merkel’s policy is not to “help asylum seekers,” but to replace Europeans as quickly as possible.

According to the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper, of the more than 7,000 Ukrainians who applied for asylum in 2014 and 2015, only 5 percent have been granted that status, and all the rest will be sent back to the Ukraine—even though there has been a full-scale war there since April 2014.

The Frankfurter Rundschau said that many of the refugees come directly from the Donbass region war zone, where their houses and livelihoods have been destroyed—identical to the claims made by the “Syrians” currently pouring into Germany.


Proofs of the Soul’s Immortality

January 19, 2016

Jan van Eyck (or Johannes de Eyck) (Flemish artist, c 1395–c 1441) Detail from The Fountain of Life

Jan van Eyck; Detail from The Fountain of Life

FROM My Catholic Faith: A Manual of Religion by Louis LaRavoire Morrow (1949), here are some proofs of the soul’s immortality, briefly stated:

How can we prove that the soul of man is immortal? — We can prove that the soul of man is immortal, because man’s acts of intelligence are spiritual; therefore, his soul must be a spiritual being, not dependent on matter, and hence not subject to decay or death.

If even matter cannot totally disappear, however small the particle, how can the soul of man, of a far higher order, be thought to suffer extinction? Read More »


Francis the Insulter

January 19, 2016

ONCE AGAIN, Pretend-Pope Francis rakes Catholics over the coals. Yesterday, he said those who won’t accept his revolutionary novelties and theology of surprises lead lives that are “patched, mended, meaningless.” He threw in more insults:

“Christians who obstinately maintain ‘it’s always been done this way,’ this is the path, this is the street—they sin: the sin of divination. It’s as if they went about by guessing: ‘What has been said and what doesn’t change is what’s important; what I hear—from myself and my closed heart—more than the Word of the Lord.’ Obstinacy is also the sin of idolatry: the Christian who is obstinate sins! The sin of idolatry. ‘And what is the way, Father?’ Open the heart to the Holy Spirit, discern what is the will of God.”

Fortunately we have true popes to correct him. In 1902, to cite one small example provided at the link above, Pope Leo XIII said Read More »


Letter to a Grandmother

January 19, 2016

ALAN writes:

Two years ago, I cited a judgment by the American novelist Jean Stafford about the weakening of the family as a cause of moral and cultural decay.  [A Literary Divorcée on Family, August 19, 2014]

What follows is another judgment on that same matter.

From 1931 to 1959, the Dean of Women at Washington University in St. Louis was a woman named Adele Starbird. For many years, she also wrote a regular column in a St. Louis newspaper.  In 1972 my father read, clipped, and saved one of her columns.  Rereading it a few days ago, I saw in that essay the same value that he saw in it and that I believe will also be evident to you and your readers.  Here is the substance of that column: Read More »


Mrs. Cruz

January 19, 2016



Lady MacBeth Goldman-Sachs-Cruz likes to pass herself off as the loyal Christian American girl next door. The Anti-New York Times ain’t buying it, sweetie.

THE ANTI-NEW YORK TIMES responds to a profile of Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Nelson Cruz, a mover and shaker in her own right. Mrs. Cruz is an investment banker and member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the private group founded in 1921 to include some of the most powerful figures working to further a globalist agenda. The CFR was founded by Edward Mandell House, a chief adviser to Woodrow Wilson and arguably the most influential man in America during the Wilson administration. House was a Marxist who wanted to implement socialism in the nation. Since that time, the CFR membership has been a Who’s Who of top figures in the media, the academic world, the corporate wand the military.  

Mike King of The Anti-New York Times writes:

In the 2007 bestselling book “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” Robert Pastor (CFR), who served as co-chairman of the committee which Hedi served on, was dubbed “the father of the North American Union” for the influence the CFR report had on the summit meeting between the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada. That meeting culminated in President George W. Bush declaring the formation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

The CFR website further reveals that Heidi served in the Bush White House, under the monster Condoleezza Rice, as economic director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council. She had previously served as the director of the Latin America office at the U.S. Treasury Department and as an assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. trade representative.

Business degree completed in Belgium (EU Capital), Harvard MBA, stints at Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs, member of Bush-Cheney gang, CFR member — this globo-gal’s resume is as Establishmentarian as you can get. So, how did this insidious insider end up marrying the “anti-Establishment” Ted Cruz — the man whose campaign she, according to this puff-piece, is “sacrificing” to raise money for? Answer: Because Ted Cruz’s “outsiderness” is a sham that is every bit as fake as his plastic smile and Heidi’s plastic face! (Sorry FOX News-tards and Limbaugh-tards)

As if Heidi’s resume wasn’t bad enough, the article reveals that she was raised in a 7th Day Adventist family. That means that she, like Dr. Ben Carson, is most likely an Israel-worshipping Armageddonite loon. Good people of Iowa, for whatever it may be worth, hold your nose and vote for the enigma Trump, because the name of Cruz surely spells bad news — both of them!


“Denigrating the Mother of God”

January 18, 2016

Virgin and Child. Sandro Botticelli, 1475

Virgin and Child. Sandro Botticelli, 1475

FROM Introibo Ad Altare Dei:

The Vatican II sect spits in the face of God’s Own Mother by denying Her prerogatives and belittling Her at every turn, both officially and unofficially, directly and indirectly. This is why the sect crumbles even as it seeks to absorb all into its ecumenical one-world religion.

The heretics had to do what they did. They want to take people away from the Blessed Mother, who is the Gate of Heaven, and who will one day stop them as the Destroyer of Heresy.


Feminists Give King a Free Pass

January 18, 2016

IF being a negligent husband who treats his wife like a servant, has many sexual escapades and occasionally beats his paramours does not place one in the class of male chauvinists, what does? Oh, but that wasn’t the point was it.


Martin Luther King: Commie Fraud

January 18, 2016

HE WAS a traitor to his own people. He was not their liberator.

H/T HenryMakow.com


MLK Memorial

MLK Memorial


In the Bleak Mid-Winter

January 17, 2016


In the Bleak Mid-winter

(Based on a poem by Christina Rossetti)

In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.

Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away
When He comes to reign:
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable-place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty,
Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, whom cherubim
Worship night and day,
A heart full of love
And a mangerful of hay;
Enough for Him, whom angels
Fall down before,
The ox and ass and camel
Which adore.

Angels and archangels
May have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim
Thronged the air,
But only His mother
In her maiden bliss,
Worshipped the Beloved
With a kiss.

What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb,
If I were a wise man
I would do my part,
Yet what I can I give Him,
Give him my heart.


Fearless Women in Harm’s Way

January 17, 2016



Anne Swaney

MARK JAWS writes:

When I read about the murders of women who put themselves in such recklessly dangerous situations, I could almost cry. All too often a young white woman loses her life because she thinks she can gallivant throughout the jungles of the Third World, or hitchhike on its highways, worry free, with her hair let down, while singing, “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.”  Unfortunately and tragically, that is not the case.

I just read earlier today the tragic death in Belize of Anne Swaney, 39, an executive TV news producer at ABC Chicago. Ms. Swaney traveled to Belize alone and stayed at a resort with horseback riding and an organic farm. She was last seen heading down to a river by herself to do yoga.  She was beaten and strangled. Think about that.  Rivers, such as the Mopan River in Belize, are always on low ground, and often concealed by thick foliage. She went down to an isolated place, out of sight, a quarter mile from her cabin, in a land inhabited mostly by poor blacks and browns.   Read More »


America and Fahrenheit 451

January 15, 2016



JOHN KAMINSKI reflects on Guy Montag, “the enigmatic fireman who burned outlawed books in Ray Bradbury’s epic novel Fahrenheit 451.”

Bradbury’s narrative describes how Montag gradually began to doubt his mission after he saw how important books were to people willing to die rather than give them up, and his brittle life crumbled around him. When the book’s hero changed his mind about books and what he should be doing to them, he brought the power of the totalitarian state down upon him, before escaping into the shadows and yearning for revolution.

Bradbury never mentioned how that revolution turned out, but the future has revealed an uncanny twist in what the famous science fiction author wrote and the way reality has turned out.

Firemen are supposed to put fires out, but Bradbury’s firemen burned books the government deemed illegal.

This is how our future has progressed; what was once the truth is now a lie. Suddenly, forces once thought necessary and beneficial have now turned into their opposite — a destructive menace.


Israeli Politician on Anti-Semitism

January 15, 2016


SHULAMIT ALONIa former minister of education in Israel and recipient of the Israel Prize who died in 2014, described the uses of anti-Semitism accusations in this 20o2 interview with American journalist Amy Goodman. But then I guess Aloni was an anti-Semite.


Oregon Fire Chief Claims FBI Subversion

January 14, 2016


IS the federal government inciting conflict in Oregon?

From Activist Post:

This week, Harney County Fire Marshall Chris Briels resigned after discovering undercover FBI agents posing as militia members near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which has been the site of a standoff for weeks now. According to Briels, he found FBI agents who were impersonating militia members lurking around the town’s armory. When he inquired about the undercover operation with county Judge Steve Grasty he was told to back off. Read More »


Feminist Apologizes

January 14, 2016


MOTHERHOOD can change even a violent, hate-filled feminist and expose the fact that feminism is inhuman. Sara Fernanda Giromini, a founding member of the radical feminist group Femen, known for its angry, topless demonstrations in churches and other public places, has disavowed the group after the birth of her second child and apologized to the Christians she attacked. She has a new book out, and despite the incentive to market herself, her statements appear sincere. WND reports:

The impetus for Giromini’s shift came with the birth of her second child in October. She says in her new book, “B–ch, No! Seven Times I Was Betrayed by Feminism,” that she has repented for her first abortion, engaging in a same-sex kiss in front of the Church of Our Lady of Candelária in Rio de Janeiro and practicing bisexuality to gain “maximum respect” from other feminists.

“Lesbian and bisexual women have much more voice and respect within the movement, so in the search for recognition of my struggle, with each day that passed, I deconstructed my heterosexuality and was substituting it with an artificial bisexuality,” she says in a Dec. 15 YouTube video titled “I ask Christians for forgiveness for feminist protest,” News.com.au reported Thursday.

Giromini went on to say that while Femen claims to have women’s best interests in mind, the reality is far different.

“For the feminist sect women are not the inspiration, they are prime matter in the worst sense of the term. They are convenient objects useful for the purpose of inflaming hatred against the Christian religion, hatred against men, hatred against the beauty of women, hatred against the equilibrium of families,” Giromini said, the website reported.


Jewish Resentment, cont.

January 14, 2016

SHEILA writes:

An excellent piece by Joe Sobran, and some thoughtful comments.  Like Mark Jaws, I grew up in a Jewish Ashkenazi environment, but was far less marinated in it than he.  I, too, was raised with the “mythological caricature” of history, but always questioned it.  Even as a child, it made no sense to me to be persecuted without some cause or provocation.  That blindness angers me terribly to this day – Jews will harp endlessly on persecution, real or imagined, yet argue vociferously against any possible provocation, even when historically documented.  The sense of grievance combined with the innate sense of superiority seems uniquely suited, to me, to elicit dislike and anger in others. Read More »


More on Bowie

January 14, 2016


David Bowie, Satanist


I do think David Bowie was a talented pop musician, who did try to go beyond the “pop.” But as he neared old age and death, he began to go “to the other side” as they say. And I think he followed a satanic cult. His last video, which is understandably full of anguish about death, is really an ode to Satan – his “next” meeting place. It is creepy and evil.  Bowie went to the devil.

Another fascinating thing about Bowie is that he was married to this Somali model, Iman. I don’t think she denounced her Muslim background, and Bowie never “converted.” But he must have been influenced by Mohammed to some extent. Read More »