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Oregon Fire Chief Claims FBI Subversion

January 14, 2016


IS the federal government inciting conflict in Oregon?

From Activist Post:

This week, Harney County Fire Marshall Chris Briels resigned after discovering undercover FBI agents posing as militia members near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which has been the site of a standoff for weeks now. According to Briels, he found FBI agents who were impersonating militia members lurking around the town’s armory. When he inquired about the undercover operation with county Judge Steve Grasty he was told to back off. Read More »


Feminist Apologizes

January 14, 2016


MOTHERHOOD can change even a violent, hate-filled feminist and expose the fact that feminism is inhuman. Sara Fernanda Giromini, a founding member of the radical feminist group Femen, known for its angry, topless demonstrations in churches and other public places, has disavowed the group after the birth of her second child and apologized to the Christians she attacked. She has a new book out, and despite the incentive to market herself, her statements appear sincere. WND reports:

The impetus for Giromini’s shift came with the birth of her second child in October. She says in her new book, “B–ch, No! Seven Times I Was Betrayed by Feminism,” that she has repented for her first abortion, engaging in a same-sex kiss in front of the Church of Our Lady of Candelária in Rio de Janeiro and practicing bisexuality to gain “maximum respect” from other feminists.

“Lesbian and bisexual women have much more voice and respect within the movement, so in the search for recognition of my struggle, with each day that passed, I deconstructed my heterosexuality and was substituting it with an artificial bisexuality,” she says in a Dec. 15 YouTube video titled “I ask Christians for forgiveness for feminist protest,” News.com.au reported Thursday.

Giromini went on to say that while Femen claims to have women’s best interests in mind, the reality is far different.

“For the feminist sect women are not the inspiration, they are prime matter in the worst sense of the term. They are convenient objects useful for the purpose of inflaming hatred against the Christian religion, hatred against men, hatred against the beauty of women, hatred against the equilibrium of families,” Giromini said, the website reported.


Jewish Resentment, cont.

January 14, 2016

SHEILA writes:

An excellent piece by Joe Sobran, and some thoughtful comments.  Like Mark Jaws, I grew up in a Jewish Ashkenazi environment, but was far less marinated in it than he.  I, too, was raised with the “mythological caricature” of history, but always questioned it.  Even as a child, it made no sense to me to be persecuted without some cause or provocation.  That blindness angers me terribly to this day – Jews will harp endlessly on persecution, real or imagined, yet argue vociferously against any possible provocation, even when historically documented.  The sense of grievance combined with the innate sense of superiority seems uniquely suited, to me, to elicit dislike and anger in others. Read More »


More on Bowie

January 14, 2016


David Bowie, Satanist


I do think David Bowie was a talented pop musician, who did try to go beyond the “pop.” But as he neared old age and death, he began to go “to the other side” as they say. And I think he followed a satanic cult. His last video, which is understandably full of anguish about death, is really an ode to Satan – his “next” meeting place. It is creepy and evil.  Bowie went to the devil.

Another fascinating thing about Bowie is that he was married to this Somali model, Iman. I don’t think she denounced her Muslim background, and Bowie never “converted.” But he must have been influenced by Mohammed to some extent. Read More »


The Home of Carl and Karin Larsson

January 14, 2016


Konvalescens, 1899

Konvalescens, 1899

THE SWEDISH painter Carl Larsson, born in Stockholm in 1853, created a vision of domestic harmony that is loved and appreciated by many today. He was an anti-modernist who embraced form. He rejected the bleak and the abstract. He adored children.

Karin Och Kersti, 1898

Karin Och Kersti, 1898


The State of the Union

January 14, 2016

PATRICK MARTIN offers a summary:

The final State of the Union speech delivered Tuesday night by President Barack Obama was a demonstration of the incapacity of the American political system to deal honestly or seriously with a single social question.

Obama evaded the real issues that affect tens of millions of working people in America every day of their lives. He painted a ludicrous picture of economic recovery and social progress that insulted the intelligence of his television audience—and went unchallenged by the millionaire politicians assembled in the chamber of the House of Representatives. Read More »


The Francis Effect

January 14, 2016

“POPE” Francis is having an undeniable influence. See here:

… [S]ouls are now using the new, false gospel of mercy to refuse correction in the confessional, and, even more, express an unrepentant, almost proud attitude towards their sins, even very grave ones (including abortion).  They basically go into the confessional now expecting absolution (and approval to receive the Blessed Sacrament, which is odd) irrespective of their lack of contrition or their total lack of purpose of amendment.  And they often directly quote Pope Francis in defense of their new-found reprobate sense. Read More »


False Vatican Esteems Satanic Bowie

January 14, 2016


“Rock has always been the Devil’s music, you can’t convince me that it isn’t. … I feel that we’re only heralding something even darker than ourselves.”

 — David Bowie in Rolling Stone, February 12, 1976

MARGARET GALITZIN at Tradition in Action writes of the death of David Bowie and praise for him coming from the Occupied Vatican:

When rock star David Bowie, considered the most influential of rockers, died of cancer on January 10, 2016, I expected his world to applaud him. Hollywood stars and the rock world – soft rock, punk rock, heavy metal – did exactly so.  Tributes from Madonna, Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones, Kendrick Lamar and other rock singers poured in.

Then, more unexpected eulogies came from prominent figures of the political and scientific world, e.g., David Cameron, Tony Blair and astronaut Tim Peake. It seems the 21st century is as eager to acclaim this blatantly Satanist, androgynous creature as the 13th century great personalities honored St. Bernard at his death. Read More »


If I Were Not a Sedevacantist

January 13, 2016


THREE CHEERS for Fr. Nicolas Desposito, theology professor at Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida.

If I were not a sedevacantist, I would have to live in a world of such intense contradiction that I wouldn’t be able to think straight. I would have to stop thinking.


Rewrite of “Pope” Video

January 13, 2016


I POSTED the original heretical “pope” video. Now here’s a perfect revision of it by Louie Verrecchio of akaCatholic.com.



Having Children Keeps Women Young

January 13, 2016

RESEARCH suggests that the more children women have, the slower the aging process.


Offering Baby a Rose, James Goodwyn Clonney

Offering Baby a Rose, James Goodwyn Clonney


Space Cadets

January 12, 2016



IF most women did not live under self-imposed censorship, 99.99 percent of them would be openly repulsed by the idea of spending years studying physics and engineering, and then years doing all kinds of repetitive exercises in T-38 supersonic jets, underwater tanks and ‘vomit comets,’ in order to be launched into that stultifyingly boring void known as Outer Space. But because most women do not have that freedom of speech and have lost their natural instincts, many will probably be outwardly impressed by NASA’s latest gimmick: a class of astronauts that is 50 percent female, including some mothers. A few of these lucky women, we are told by the liars officials at NASA, may even go to Mars someday, leaving their children behind on Planet Earth for a trip that will be overwhelmingly an adventure in nerdy button-pushing. Read More »


Jewish Hatred of Christianity

January 12, 2016



The Tribe … embraces the mythical charge of “Christ-killing” in order to reverse it: Christians are Jew-killers. — Joe Sobran

JOE SOBRAN, a courageous writer fired from the conservative flagship magazine National Review, apparently for being too outspoken, noticed in the 1980s the pall cast over intellectual discourse by fear of offending Jews. This was odd, he said, given the Jewish loathing of their timid critics. In  “The Jewish Faction,” Sobran, who died in  2010, wrote of the intensity of this hatred:

The organized Jewish faction is what I call the Tribe. It’s a bit more specific than “the Jews”; but it includes most Jews, who, as many opinion polls show, overwhelmingly support the state of Israel and, furthermore, overwhelmingly favor “progressive” causes like legal abortion, “sexual freedom,” and “gay rights.”

What is striking about the Tribe is not that its positions on such matters are necessarily wrong, but that they are anti-Christian. They are even anti-Judaic, in that they contravene the moral code of Moses. Jews today define themselves formally by descent (or, less politely, race, though the term is taboo) rather than by religion; and, less formally, by antagonism to Christianity. It would be inaccurate to say that the Tribe adopts certain social attitudes and political positions even though these are repugnant to most Christians. It adopts them chiefly because they are repugnant to Christians.

Within the Tribe, one of the worst sins a Jew can commit is to become a Christian, as witness Jewish hostility to Jews for Jesus. An irreligious or atheist Jew may claim Israeli citizenship at any time, but a Jew who has converted to Christianity may not. Read More »



January 12, 2016

Pope” Francis: “I can read my life in light of chapter 16 of the book of the prophet Ezekiel.”

Tradcast: “We’re thinking your life is covered in Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse, Frankie.”



Man Kills Himself in Modernist Church

January 12, 2016



Church of the Santíssima Trinidad at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

WE should never judge the interior disposition of someone who commits suicide. I cannot help but wonder though if the man who recently killed himself in Fatima, Portugal inside the Church of the Santíssima Trinidad, a hideous monstrosity that typifies Vatican II architecture, might not have been deterred or consoled if he were in an actual Catholic Church, if perhaps he had spied the sympathetic, other-worldly glance of a plaster saint, seen gold stars twinkling on the ceiling or sensed the love of Our Lady of Fatima through a striking image of her. We should pity those who go searching for meaning in sanctuaries built for men, not God.



Trump the Man

January 12, 2016

SIMON WOLF writes:

Trump has managed to cultivate his populist following by being the most masculine figure on a very weak stage.

Everything he does, he does with the absolute conviction that he is right. His confidence is cast iron. He is always on the offensive. He knows that powerful oratory is more convincing than awkwardly mumbling about race and crime statistics. He doesn’t feel bound by the rules with which conservatives normally restrict themselves. He never apologises. He’s never defensive or butthurt. He’s brash, and sometimes insulting. He suggests that some people need ‘roughing up’. He always holds his frame. He has no respect for his opponents on the left. He doesn’t get drawn into the circular arguments they love when he can just mock them instead.


“Obama Rebrands Gun Control”

January 12, 2016


BROTHER NATHANAEL, the formerly Jewish critic of Jewish power, looks at Obama’s strategy for gun control.


Trump’s Wall

January 12, 2016


The Berlin Wall, 1962

The Berlin Wall, 1962

I AM SO excited about Donald Trump’s idea for a wall along the American border with Mexico! What a fantastic idea! It’s about time America had a big, ugly wall along its border. To keep people out. And to keep people in.

Since our government is more faithful to the Communist Manifesto than the U.S. Constitution, it’s time we started to look more like a Communist country.

I am planning to go to one of those cool rock-climbing walls in gyms and practice my climbing techniques soon. With a bullet-proof vest, a helmet, some decent rock-climbing shoes, I may be able to avoid being killed by a female border soldier when fleeing this country someday. It may occasionally make me sad and it may make me resentful to be put in this situation where I have to learn to scale walls, but no one forced me to speak my mind. I am grateful to live in a country where one is free to make such choices.

All the really great countries have walls. And barbed wire. Think of Israel, where people get shot for throwing rocks. Think of East Germany. Now there was a nice wall.

You’ve got to give Trump credit. He’s courageous. He’s bold. He’s imaginative. When he says he’ll get something done, he’ll do it for sure. With fearless patriots behind him, he will make Amerika great again! Read More »