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Rape Jihad

January 11, 2016

“THE Rape of Europa,” an article by Blaise Thompson, appears in the January issue of Culture Wars:

Rape stats are hard to come by in Muslim countries because (a) they are seldom reported, for obvious reasons and (b) it is not really considered a crime. In 1975 there were 421 rapes in Sweden. In 2014 there were 6,600. What accounts for this? Do Swedish women rape easy? Did the aging Swedish male discover Viagra? Rape on an industrial scale is the act of an enemy combatant.

Where is mattress feminism when you need it?



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Jorge and the Beach Ball

January 11, 2016

EVEN a relatively new Catholic can see that Jorge Bergoglio is not Catholic. A commenter at this blog senses the truth about “Pope” Francis:

Prior to Pope Francis’ election, I was a new Catholic, excited as everyone to see who our new Pope would be; filled with nothing but positive anticipation. I will never forget the moment I saw him on the balcony I was filled instantly with a strange, unforeseen sense of anger, rage really. Strange, since I’d never heard of him, not once, knew nothing of him, had never seen him, and as a new Catholic had little frame of reference. Why this strange sense of dread? This has never left me. Read More »


Fenimore Cooper on American Womanhood

January 11, 2016



The Child’s Bath, Mary Cassatt

WHY HAS feminism been so virulent in America, of all countries? Perhaps it is because only a rabid and fanatical movement could untether the American woman from her home and her historic love for domestic serenity and independence. It took lurid descriptions of the home as a concentration camp, millions of petty comparisons of housework to slavery, and the enmity of the federal government to crack this attachment.

In his 1824 essay On the Proper Occupations of Women in America, James Fenimore Cooper described this strong devotion of American women and the harmony it produced. Needless to say, Cooper’s essay is not a favorite of women’s studies programs, except perhaps as an object of condemnation:

I have heard young and silly Europeans, whose vanity has probably been wounded in finding themselves objects of secondary interest, affect to ridicule the absorbed attention which the youthful American matron bestows on her family; and some have gone so far in my presence, as to assert that a lady of this country was no more than an upper servant in the house of her husband. They pay us of the eastern hemisphere but an indifferent compliment, when they assume that this beautiful devotion to the first, the highest, and most lovely office of the sex, is peculiar to the women of station in America only. Read More »


Jews Are Brainwashed

January 11, 2016

JEWS are a brainwashed people, perhaps the most brainwashed people on earth. Given that the whole planet is the victim of mass mind control, this is saying a lot.

Jews are brainwashed to believe they are hated. Hated for simply being Jews. Hated for their success. Hated for their noses even. Gentiles, they are led to believe, are filled with envy and irrational hostility toward them. Jews must band together with unwavering tribal allegiance or they will be massacred.

Jews are not given the truths of history. They are not hated. At least not in the way they are led to believe. If they are hated, it is because of their intolerance and bad behavior, not envy or blind prejudice. For instance, Christians have historically shown immense forbearance toward Jewish crimes and a strong disinclination to persecute Jews for being Jews. It took 300 years for the Church to react to Jewish plots against its missionaries, thousands of whom were murdered at the instigation of Jews. Read the Acts of the Apostles for vivid descriptions of these cold-blooded plots. There is no persecution of Jews due to the murder of millions of gentiles in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe under Jewish Communist leadership.

This brainwashing serves a criminal Jewish elite, a racial supremacist cult, racist to the core, striving for power over humankind and for the fulfillment of perverse messianic hopes. This cult, which has its literary roots in the Talmud, which views non-Jews as non-human and is not the scripture of the ancient chosen people of Israel, must convince ordinary Jews that they are hated so that they act as a hypersensitive front line against any criticism of Jewish power and so that they wage a ceaseless culture war against Christian morality in the misguided belief that they are protecting themselves. Jews are deliberately traumatized to make them effective shields and soldiers. It’s the greatest of scams — and a potential disaster for ordinary, innocent Jews.

It is no more anti-Semitic to resist this elite than it is anti-Italian to resist the Italian mafia.

All people of good will — Christians, Jews, Muslims, blacks, whites, Asians — should rise up against this criminal cult and its manufactured divisions.

A commenter at the formerly Jewish writer Henry Makow’s site describes this Jewish brainwashing pretty well. Her remarks are part of a larger discussion about the media personality Alex Jones which doesn’t interest me and probably would not interest many here. I am not interested in Alex Jones and don’t watch his programs. The commenter Lynda writes: Read More »


Taking the “Man” Out of the Marines

January 11, 2016

NAVY TRAITOR Secretary Ray Mabus has ordered the Marine Corps to begin extensive integration in preparation for demoralizing men and enslaving women deploying women in combat roles. He has ordered the removal of the word “man” from all job titles:

Mabus also included a memo for Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller requesting that he review Marine Corps job titles and remove “man” from applicable job titles to make them “gender-integrated.” This means military occupational specialties ranging from 0311, infantryman, to 0321, reconnaissance man, could soon get new names. Mabus demanded this be done and a report submitted to him no later than April 1, 2016, the services’ final deadline for opening all jobs to women.

America, 21st century. Going where no advanced civilization has gone before.


Openly Debating the Holocaust

January 11, 2016

FOR READERS who would like to read more about the emotionally-charged controversies surrounding the Holocaust, the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust has a website with a great deal of material. Here is the site’s statement of purpose, signed by Bradley R. Smith, Santiago Alvarez, Rodrigo Mendoza, and David Thomas: Read More »


The Suffering of the Jews

January 9, 2016


MILLIONS of Jews were treated ruthlessly and barbarically by the Hitler regime during World War II. At the same time, the facts of the “Holocaust” have been distorted for political purposes. This distortion is a phenomenon which even prominent Jewish writers have lamented. In this radio broadcast, the historian Mark Weber gives a general overview.


The Female Draft Is Coming

January 8, 2016



The glamorous warrior: a fixture of propaganda for women soldiers

NOT THAT long ago, the idea of a man “marrying” a man was unthinkable. But in a very short period of time, it went from unthinkable to reality with the help of a barrage of sympathetic, entirely one-sided articles in the media.

Not that long ago the idea of women serving as soldiers and being drafted into combat was unthinkable, and now we are being prepared for it. Since the Pentagon announced in December that all combat roles will be opened to female recruits, there is no longer any good reason for not having women register with the Selective Service and be drafted in the event of a major war. A men’s group has filed suit in federal court, arguing that the requirement for men to register with th Selective Service is discriminatory. They are right; it is discriminatory.

In December, there was a whole raft of articles about the possibility of the female draft. This piece in The Christian Science Monitor, which says that most women want to be drafted, is one example. Teenagers lecture us about the importance of women at war.

On this point, many women, both in the military and out, say they tend to agree.

“I know a lot of women, including myself, turned 18 and found out that women weren’t a part of the draft, and we couldn’t believe it,” says 1st Lt. Jill Mueller, a fire support officer commanding a Bradley tank crew. “That should be opened up. The women in our country are so strong, and if the draft were to happen there are so many jobs that women can do.”

Articles about women in combat often show attractive women in military gear. It looks kinda cool, and it’s thrilling when human beings transcend nature. But we are never shown photos of women whose facial combat scars are so serious they will never attract a man again or of women trying to relieve themselves in the desert or of lonely babies in military daycare stalls. As time progresses, this story will be covered in much the same way as “gay marriage” was covered. In other words, it will be a question of what is popular, what people want, not of justice. The fact that some children will experience the horror of having their mothers sent to war and killed, an experience which is fundamentally different from having a father killed, or the fact that women are demonstrably less able to withstand the challenges of military combat or that men demonstrably feel uncomfortable fighting alongside women won’t matter.

What is going on here? Why doesn’t common sense matter?

This is not simply a matter of feminism run amok. Surveys of military women have shown repeatedly that most women in the military don’t want combat roles opened to women. Why don’t we encounter the stories of these women in the media? There is something more sinister at work here than extreme liberalism. No matter how much the foolishness of this move is proven, no matter how much evidence emerges that this will not improve military effectiveness, the program for military women is pushed through. Once again, I can’t help but see a shadow government at work and view this as part of a sinister program to create social chaos and confusion so that a determined minority can seize power. Read More »


The First Noel

January 7, 2016

THE CHRISTMAS season is not over. Here is a beautiful choral version of “The First Noel.”

Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep
On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.


The Epiphany

January 7, 2016


©Photo. R.M.N. / R.-G. OjŽda

Anonimo en Chantilly

THE Epiphany, celebrated yesterday, in illuminated manuscripts. And reflections on the Epiphany can be found here.


Hoopla and Mr. Trump

January 7, 2016

ALAN writes:

Am I missing something or have the Amish people not joined in all the hoopla surrounding Donald Trump?  Could that be because they know better?

Pardon my skepticism, but I suggest that all of that hoopla is merely the latest sideshow produced by the well-known stock company Bread and Circuses, Unlimited.

The moral and cultural rot in American society today did not originate in Washington.  It is the other way around:  The kind of government and public policies Americans get are consequences of certain bad ideas, which in turn are deeply ingrained in American culture today—in all the decadent forms and trends we see in daily life.  Government and public policies are the last expression of that moral rot.

I have seen all of this hope and expectation before.  Read More »


God, the Conspiracy Theorist

January 7, 2016

AND, the Lord said to me: A conspiracy is found among the men of Juda, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They are returned to the former iniquities of their fathers, who refused to hear my words: so these likewise have gone after strange gods, to serve them: the house of Israel, and the house of Juda have made void my covenant, which I made with their fathers.

— Jeremiah, 11:9, 10


The Popes Against the “Pope”

January 7, 2016

NOVUS ORDO WATCH provides some papal teachings condemning the sort of “interfaith” luv fest featured in the new video by Francis the Fake.


More Interfaith Dialogue

January 7, 2016






January 7, 2016

WILLIAM B. Eigelsbach writes:

A London police woman, while visiting New York, was arrested and her child taken by Family Services for leaving the baby alone for a half hour in her hotel room as she sterilized the baby’s bottles. Family Services turned the child over to a homosexual activist for foster care. That person’s nick name is “Queen Hag.”

Interesting how decisions that used to fall within the exclusive judgement of parents are now considered child abuse and grounds for government action and how government is now indifferent to things that were considered immoral and disapproved by almost everyone not so long ago. Read More »


Professor Fired over Sandy Hook

January 7, 2016

The more open debate about Sandy Hook is repressed, the more the whole thing stinks.

James Tracy’s book about Sandy Hook was banned by Amazon. Now he has been fired from his academic job.


Bergoglio’s Phony Love

January 7, 2016


THE ARGENTINE BOMBER has a new video. It’s about “inter-religious dialogue,” a deceptive Vatican II phrase that boils down to practical atheism. “We are all children of God,” Bergoglio says, above the emotional soundtrack. Exactly, we are all children of God. But interfaith dialogue, in the modernist sense, which means different religions actually praying together and refusing to resolve their real differences, makes a deceiver out of God. If all religions are true then no religions are true or God is a liar. For Bergoglio, no religions are true, especially the Catholic Faith, which has always had the integrity to make explicit the exclusiveness that is implicit in all faiths.

Read more here by Fr. Anthony Cekada, who calls this a “sleek, feel-good video for apostasy lite.”


Men’s Rights vs. Feminism

January 6, 2016

A cutesy, mildly profane, Disney-esque cartoon on the manufactured war between the sexes.