The Popes Against the “Pope”
January 7, 2016
NOVUS ORDO WATCH provides some papal teachings condemning the sort of “interfaith” luv fest featured in the new video by Francis the Fake.
January 7, 2016
NOVUS ORDO WATCH provides some papal teachings condemning the sort of “interfaith” luv fest featured in the new video by Francis the Fake.
January 7, 2016
WILLIAM B. Eigelsbach writes:
A London police woman, while visiting New York, was arrested and her child taken by Family Services for leaving the baby alone for a half hour in her hotel room as she sterilized the baby’s bottles. Family Services turned the child over to a homosexual activist for foster care. That person’s nick name is “Queen Hag.”
Interesting how decisions that used to fall within the exclusive judgement of parents are now considered child abuse and grounds for government action and how government is now indifferent to things that were considered immoral and disapproved by almost everyone not so long ago. Read More »
January 7, 2016
The more open debate about Sandy Hook is repressed, the more the whole thing stinks.
James Tracy’s book about Sandy Hook was banned by Amazon. Now he has been fired from his academic job.
January 7, 2016
THE ARGENTINE BOMBER has a new video. It’s about “inter-religious dialogue,” a deceptive Vatican II phrase that boils down to practical atheism. “We are all children of God,” Bergoglio says, above the emotional soundtrack. Exactly, we are all children of God. But interfaith dialogue, in the modernist sense, which means different religions actually praying together and refusing to resolve their real differences, makes a deceiver out of God. If all religions are true then no religions are true or God is a liar. For Bergoglio, no religions are true, especially the Catholic Faith, which has always had the integrity to make explicit the exclusiveness that is implicit in all faiths.
Read more here by Fr. Anthony Cekada, who calls this a “sleek, feel-good video for apostasy lite.”
January 6, 2016
A cutesy, mildly profane, Disney-esque cartoon on the manufactured war between the sexes.
January 6, 2016
Isn’t Trump a big, confusing guy? There are days when I like what he says, but then I keep retracting my “yes” vote. I keep thinking if George Washington, or Jack Kennedy, or even Jimmy Carter, would talk like him. And the answer is, of course, no.
America does need a strong leader. But, a crass leader makes the people crass, and civilization depends on civilized people. The rest of the world watches, and as America is led by un-civilized, saber-rattling leaders, it will also set its premises likewise.
Isn’t Obama disgusting? He is a truly horrendous person. He is clever, astute, and knows how to get at people – those kind souls who may be on the fence when it comes to gun ownership, etc. Read More »
January 6, 2016
Mike King of The Anti-New York Times writes:
The 3-year old memory of the fake deaths of the fake children of the fake Sandy Hook ‘massacre’ so moved the heartless butcher of Libya and Syria that he had to dramatically pause and wipe away fake tears at the mere mention of the fake event. Read More »
January 6, 2016
SEVERAL HUNDRED African or Middle Eastern men formed a mob on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany and attacked at least 90 women near the central train station. One woman was reportedly raped and others were groped, pushed and robbed. Angela Merkel says the men must be found:
“Everything must be done to investigate as completely and quickly as possible those who are guilty and to punish them regardless of how they look, where they come from or what their background is,” she said.
And when will Ms. Merkel be punished? The traitors who engineered the inundation of Germany are far, far more dangerous than these lawless mobs.
By the way, here is an interesting comment from a New York Times reader:
To all of those that blame “medieval” gender attitudes of N. African, Middle Eastern, etc. men, here’s a thought for you: Is the GOP any better when they want to take away women’s right to choose, thinks that there’s such a thing as “legitimate rape,” cut funding for women’s reproductive health initiatives, etc. ?
Treating women as “property” is already alive and well in the US.
There are real women who actually think this way. Read More »
January 5, 2016
APPROXIMATELY 30 percent of Down Syndrome children are now aborted. Christian LeVangle is not one of them. He now works at a hotel and his mother says any burdens he brought were blessings.
January 5, 2016
YOU probably won’t see Obama weeping over the death of 20-year-old Sara Mutschlechner, a student at the University of North Texas who was gunned down while driving home from a New Year’s Eve party last week. It doesn’t fit the script of the angry white gunman, which is central to the “gun control” scenario:
Sara Mutschlechner was driving along North Elm Street around 2 a.m. Friday when a black Toyota or Lexus SUV pulled up next to her. Words were exchanged and someone in the SUV opened fire, police said. Read More »
January 5, 2016
PRESIDENT Obama shed tears during yet another speech calling for “gun control” today. Ostensibly the tears were for the children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. We should be the ones who are crying. There is a great deal of disturbing evidence of fraud at Sandy Hook. (See the book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, but skip the introduction which creates confusion by going into unrelated events.) Sandy Hook was very likely a criminal act of treason, a federal psy-op intended exactly for the purpose Obama is using it: To take away the guns of Americans so that when the crisis comes, they will not rebel.
The need to move on gun control is urgent. Every single day more Americans are waking up to the truth — to the truth of our corrupt monetary system, to the truth of 9/11, to the truth of false flag shootings and to the truth that America has ceased to be a democracy in any meaningful sense. Obama and America’s real rulers are getting desperate. The Internet is a serious threat to them. They cannot control the flow of information. The main purpose of today’s speech appears to have been to let America know that the president is prepared to take executive action and to act without Congressional approval.
“Congress still needs to act,” Obama said. “The folks in this room will not rest until Congress does. Because once Congress gets on board with common-sense gun safety measures, we can reduce gun violence a whole lot.”
“But we also can’t wait,” Obama added. “Until we have the Congress that’s in line with the majority of Americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence and save more lives.”
In addition to expanding and bolstering the background check system to cover sales that take place online and at gun shows, Obama said the administration will provide more funding for mental health treatment, FBI staff and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives agents.
If the president truly cared about the victims of shootings, he would be arming, not disarming, more Americans. The greatest protection against lone gunmen is pervasive armed good citizens trained in the responsible use of firearms. After all, even with strict gun control laws, bad people can get guns if they want them enough. Look at France. It has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world but that did not prevent a handful of known terrorists from supposedly arming themselves and allegedly massacring people in Paris.
This fact is so obvious it makes everything he says stink to high heaven. The common sense solution to mass shootings, which he never considers, exposes the real intentions behind Obama’s message. The man is a pathological liar and human puppet. Look at the way he stares right into the camera as he’s crying so the image can be transmitted across the world for the sheeple who are moved, rather than repulsed, by a leader who cries like a little boy in front of the nation.
January 4, 2016
FOR $5, you can purchase and download this lecture by John F. McManus of the John Birch Society (his religious name is Br. John Berchmans) about the Federal Reserve system and its effects on the family.
Inflation caused by the debt-based, profit-making racket known as the Federal Reserve has made it hard and often impossible for families to survive on one income. The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, has no reserves and is not a bank. McManus explains how it violates the Constitution.
January 4, 2016
A MASSIVE tome responding to the sedevacantism thesis will be released this month by Angelus Press. Novus Ordo Watch has a new webpage devoted to the book’s claims. Stay tuned.
But let’s face it. How many people are going to read a 700-page blockbuster on this issue?
Ten or fifteen?
This mountain of words will almost certainly lead to more irrational fears of sedevacantism. Without even reading it, many will conclude, “If two smart men could write that many pages against it, it must be wrong.” And others will simply be exhausted by the challenge. In other words, the existence of so much published verbiage will be proof enough that sedevacantism is false.
The refusal to argue against sedevacantism simply and briefly (maybe 150-200 pages) is a sign of rhetorical weakness.
In contrast, sedevacantism can be explained in far less than a million words.
In order to be Catholic, one must accept every article of the Faith. A non-Catholic cannot be head of the Catholic Church.
There you go. It’s that easy. The consequences are not easy, but the argument is.
January 4, 2016
WE KNOW the pseudo-pontiff approves of drag queens so it’s no surprise that a girl was one of the Three Kings in his Mess yesterday. Actually Benedict XVI, the supposed conservative, did the same thing. In the Vatican II Church, boys must always be accompanied by girls and all traditional male roles must be subverted.
See more at Call Me Jorge, which posts these New World Order Magi:
January 4, 2016
A BLACKSMITH named Trenton Tye has received lots of attention in the mainstream press for supposedly debunking the claim that the World Trader Center buildings were destroyed by explosives. Demonstrating the properties of heated steel, he supports the official conspiracy theory that the steel beams failed during the fires.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth responds to his claims.