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Camille Paglia, and Academic Stardom

December 16, 2015


Of Camille Paglia’s first book, Sexual Personae, one could say that it showed a wider range of reading and interest than is typical of the other Yale PhD’s of her cohort who went into Professordom; and unlike the usual ismatic discourses of the feminist and deconstructive varieties it mainly avoided impenetrable prose and weird neologisms.  It treated sex differences as real and not as abstractions in a nominalist party-game.  Paglia’s thesis was risibly reductive – every literary phenomenon could be explained as a sexual charade.  Although Paglia is lesbian, her style of thinking has always struck me as being closer to that of a male homosexual of the campy-vampy species, several of whom I have known.  She is something of an exhibitionist. Read More »


The Occult in the Vatican Light Show

December 16, 2015


EXCELLENT analysis of the Vatican light show at Lifesitenews.


Ember Days

December 16, 2015

Census at Bethlehem, Brueghel

Census at Bethlehem, Brueghel

FOUR times a year, the Church sets aside three days — a Wednesday, Friday and Saturday — for fasting, abstinence and prayer. The Advent Ember Days begin today.

These observances have their roots in pagan times, and are intended to consecrate to God the different seasons of nature, and prepare men for ordination. The Ember Days in December once ended in great solemnity and ritual with ordinations at St. Peter’s in Rome. Like so much else in the way of worship and the supernatural life, the Vatican II Counterfeit dumped these observances, leaving so many stranded on the shores of Bed, Bath and Beyond and Dick’s Sporting Goods, for a season of uninterrupted shopping.

Michael P. Foley writes at Rorate Caeli, that the Ember Days (“Ember” is a corruption of the Latin Quatuor Tempora, or four times) were dropped at the worst of all times. They offer an antidote to the “neo-pagan framework” and pantheism of the environmental movement. Read More »


Sandy Hook Anniversary

December 16, 2015




JAMES TRACY, a professor of communications at South Florida University, writes at Fellowship of the Minds on the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook events:

Three years ago the public learned of the most significant mass shooting in recent US history involving the deaths of 20 young school children and seven adults. As a father of three I immediately empathized with the parents, reminding myself there was no real way to fathom the sense of loss such an experience must involve. Read More »


Train Your Daughters Now

December 16, 2015


FACE IT, your daughter may go to war someday. Now that the American war machine is a coed operation with all combat positions open to women, you might want to start getting her in shape. There is no longer any good reason why women should not be drafted. Is she just a toddler? It’s never too early. When she is in some distant country endangering her life and the lives of innocent civilians for the sake of central banksters or the expansion of Israel, you definitely want her to be well-prepared.

Bob Thomas, the “military muscle columnist” at The Military Timessuggests some training exercises.

Don’t worry. Despite the beefy biceps, she’ll put a pretty face on the iron fist of world government. Read More »


The Manic Camille Paglia

December 16, 2015

CAMILLE PAGLIA, the pro-pornography, pro-prostitution, atheist critic of feminists, is a wonder of false opposition. Her contradictions are dizzying. Feminism is “authoritarian” and “puritanical,” Paglia asserts. Feminism certainly is authoritarian (and puritanical in some ways), but the denial of male and female as spiritual and biological realities is radical and inhuman. It cannot but lead to authoritarianism. That’s the only way to stop men and women from being men and women — or to offer them the possibility of transcending these categories. Paglia’s libertarian freedom is a denial of male and female too.

Paglia even says that Nature is “fascist,” and thus human beings must be fascist too:

My argument (as in my first book, “Sexual Personae,”) has always been that nature has a master plan pushing every species toward procreation and that it is our right and even obligation as rational human beings to defy nature’s fascism.


The state in my view has no authority whatever to intervene in the biological processes of any woman’s body, which nature has implanted there before birth and hence before that woman’s entrance into society and citizenship.

How can someone have a lucrative, celebrity academic career and believe something so dumb as that inanimate, non-thinking “Nature” is the Creator of all before us and can even create thought? Paglia is part of the problem of authoritarian feminism. Just notice the puritanical way she dresses in the interview above. What could be more authoritarian (and puritanical in the sense of, deadening and dreary) than the belief that a human being is an “implant” by “Nature.” If Paglia herself is an implant, then why the heck should we care what she thinks? It’s all just the blind operation of fascist “Nature.” You see what I mean? The lesbian professor is nothing but a non-stop headache despite her perceptive insights into the sheer lunacy and totalitarianism of other celebrity feminists.


1 Jan Mabuse was the name adopted (from his birthplace, Maubeuge) by painter Jan Gossaert; or Jennyn van Hennegouwe (Hainaut) (Flemish artist, 1478-1532) v

Virgin and Child, Jan Gossaert, 1472-1532


The Feinbergs and the Kleinbergs on National Sovereignty

December 16, 2015

MARK JAWS writes:

There are not that many Jews on the planet who hit The Tribe as hard as I do. One thing I have learned in my nearly 61 years is that we are all personal hypocrites and tribal hypocrites. But no one group has collected such a vast and concentrated assortment of hypocrites than the Ashkenazim.

For example, if I were to sit at my mother’s side at a wedding reception with all of the Ashkenazim, don my yarmulke, speak some Yiddish, and mix and mingle, cruise and schmooze using my Semitic looks, I could speak freely and proudly of the importance of maintaining a Jewish state in Israel, and I could denounce Palestinian attempts to return to their own homeland as suicidal for the Jewish people in Israel. I could even praise the Israeli marriage laws forbidding marriages between Jew and Gentile, as a means of keeping the Tribe pure. My words would be met with a chorus of Mazel Tovs!

But, if I were to walk over to the Polish Catholics where my father sat and discussed the importance of maintaining Poland as a white, European Christian nation, then all of the Steinbergs, Weinbergs, Feinbergs, and Kleinbergs from the Tribe’s portion of the room would choke on their chopped liver, gag on their gefilte fish, and throw hideous looks my way, condemning me in their thoughts and expressions as a xenophobic, bigoted racist.

That hypothetical situation, is all but too real in our general society, and this “love-ourselves-but-hate-you-aspect” of the Ashkenazim is the one thing that pisses me off most about my very own people. Read More »


Hillary vs. Trump on Muslim Ban

December 16, 2015


BROTHER NATHANAEL, Jewish convert to the Russian Orthodox sect, on Hillary and Trump: “We’re knee-deep in hypocrisy served on a kosher platter.”


“White Genocide at the Funeral Parlor”

December 15, 2015

MIKE KING, publisher, managing editor, and news staff of the excellent website, The Anti-New York Times, saw larger cultural meaning last week in the sad event of his Italian mother’s funeral.

In his post “White genocide at the Funeral Parlor,” he describes the scene. With his permission, a lengthy excerpt from the post, which is for subscribers only, follows:

There were quite a few nonagenarians in the house — old Irish and Italian lions and lionesses who, back in the day, were like a second layer of parents — a few of them not at all shy about going upside the thick head of juvenile smart-ass Mikey King when necessary, which was quite often. Bowed and broken down, these awe-inspiring ‘Dons’ commanded respect and reverence.

Octogenarians and Septuagenarians were also well-represented, with 50 to 60-somethings comprising the largest segment of the rank and file. Then came “the kids” – me (just 50) being affectionately referred to by most of those on dad’s Irish-Italian side as “the baby” (still!). After “the baby” came the “kiddie table” of 40-somethings — cousins from mom’s younger and larger pure Italian side of the family.

Then, came the first ominous signs of “genocide”. The handful of 30-somethings not only represented a noticeable drop among the room’s age distribution, but none of them were married nor had any children. The 20-somethings (children of the 50-somethings & 60-somethings) outnumbered the 30-somethings, but none of them were married or yet engaged. There was one 18-year old daughter of a cousin, but no other teen, pre-teen, nor even so much as a toddler left at home. NOTHING! That’s an 18 year (and counting) birthdrought for what were once two young, fertile and boisterous Italian-Irish-Catholic families.

FULL CREDIT: Illustration: Tiffany Baker/CNNMoney The U.S. fertility rate fell to another record low in 2012, with 63.0 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's down slightly from the previous low of 63.2 in 2011.

FULL CREDIT: Illustration: Tiffany Baker/CNNMoney

The shocking reality, unnoticed to all but philosopher Mike (as if I didn’t have enough sh_ _ on my plate to deal with!) was that among the large extended families from both sides, there were as many centenarians (1) as there were teens and pre-teens! In the grand scheme of things, the death of the grand old woman-of-the-hour, devastating as it was, cannot in any way be described as tragic. She lived a good and long life. She died. We mourn. We heal. We carry on.

But the genocide-by-attrition of these beautiful extended families — now that’s a human tragedy. Again, speaking in the grand scheme of things, would there be any difference between a team of machine-gunners mowing down every relative in that room, as opposed to the ongoing slow death of two great legacies by infertility?  Either way, a entire branch of a bloodline would be erased.

For the occasion, my sister-in-law had put together a grand collage of photos from the happy decades of fun and family (1950’s through 1980’s). Children, children everywhere — often at my childhood home because we had the built-in swimming pool. The current crop of nonagenarians and octo’s were all so happy back then — vibrant, strong and proud of their loud litters of close-knit cubs. The nostalgia was so thick that I couldn’t bear to even to look at all of the photos, given the current circumstances, but certainly will in a few days.

And now, a big fat zero birth gap between ages 0 to 18? My God, what have they done to us?! We suspect know that many of our dear readers can tell of similar deadly declines among their own bloodlines. Make no mistake. The infertility of the White Western man is neither unique to our family, nor is it by accident. You see, before “they” can totally enslave the non-White peoples of the world, the ‘powers that be’ (cough cough) feel it necessary to first wipe out their hated historical rival, namely, European Man and his American / Australian / Canadian / South African offshoots. That would leave the Tribe as the only Caucasian subset still in business. Again, we quote Disraeli’s Rothschild — from the novel, Coningsby: The Next Generation (1844):

“The fact is you cannot destroy a pure race of the Caucasian organization. It is a physiological fact; a  simple law of nature…The mixed persecuting races disappear, the pure persecuted race (Jews) remains.”


To that demonic end of wiping out Whites through attrition, the Globo-Zionists, through their wholly-owned media and entertainment industries, have engineered a degenerate culture that denigrates religious practice, glorifies casual sex, devalues the institution of marriage, belittles White men, encourages easy divorce, discourages motherhood, brainwashes young women to pursue “careers” above all else, disrespects our history and ancestors, makes it harder and harder for a young man to earn a decent enough living to even support a family, and promotes adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, and now, freakin’ cross-dressing! Indeed, one distant member of the King clan is suspected of being a closeted / celibate queer himself. Sad, because he really is good-hearted guy.

The genocidal force – the same force which has effectively erased western borders – is invisible to most, but very, very real. Hear the hate, straight from their own filthy Marxist mouths and Trotskyite tongues: Read More »


To Have a Creator

December 14, 2015

OH! uncertain and distrustful soul. God be with you in those not disloyal misgivings, which ailment of body or turn of mind seem to make in your case inevitable. The mystery of Creation is the fountain of your pains. As it has been your poison, so take it as your remedy. Meditate long, meditate humbly, on what it is to have a Creator, and comfort will come at last. If broad daylight should never be yours on this side of the grave, He will hold your feet in the twilight that they shall not stumble, and at last with all the more love, and all the more speed as well, He will fold you to His bosom who is Himself the light eternal.

 — Fr. Frederick William Faber, D.D., The Creator and the Creature 


The Model Minority: New York Educrat Edition

December 14, 2015



The New York Post reports:

Santa Claus is banned. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and “winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.

New principal Eujin Jaela Kim has given PS 169 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, a politically correct scrub-down, to the dismay of teachers and parents.

“We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa,” PTA president Mimi Ferrer said administrators told her. “No angels. We can’t even have a star because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of David.”


Ninety-five percent of the 1,600 kids at PS 169 are Asian or Hispanic.


Reinventing Banking

December 14, 2015

ELLEN BROWN, author of The Web of Debt, writes:

Global developments in finance and geopolitics are prompting a rethinking of the structure of banking and of the nature of money itself. Among other interesting news items:

In Russia, vulnerability to Western sanctions has led to proposals for a banking system that is not only independent of the West but is based on different design principles.

In Iceland, the booms and busts culminating in the banking crisis of 2008-09 have prompted lawmakers to consider a plan to remove the power to create money from private banks.

In Ireland, Iceland and the UK, a recession-induced shortage of local credit has prompted proposals for a system of public interest banks on the model of the Sparkassen of Germany.

In Ecuador, the central bank is responding to a shortage of US dollars (the official Ecuadorian currency) by issuing digital dollars through accounts to which everyone has access, effectively making it a bank of the people. [cont.]

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The Miracle of the Healing Victim

December 14, 2015


THIS is from “Global Agenda.” (Note: There is a mistake at the end. It should read Vicki Gardner, not Alison Gardner.) Read More »


Before the Smiley Church

December 12, 2015

FRANK REGA writes in response to the discussion of smiles:

Fr. Michael J. McGivney of Connecticut died in 1890 at the youthful age of only 38. Yet he still managed to found the Knights of Columbus, especially to give Catholic men an alternative to joining groups like the Masons, and also to provide insurance opportunities for the mainly Irish day laborers. He had no time for wimpy grins and Vatican II happy faces – all known photos of him show him like this.


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The Vatican Screensaver

December 12, 2015


EYE OF THE TIBER writes (in jest) that the climate change light show at St. Peter’s Basilica was just the beginning:

An illuminated projection of the Microsoft Office Bubbles theme onto the facade of St. Peter’s on Tuesday evening drew large crowds as the new basilica screen saver appeared, notifying the faithful that the basilica had not been in use for 10 minutes.

The decision to use the new screensaver was made by Senior Vatican Security official Claudio Aquila who said that it was the Vatican’s duty to protect St. Peter’s from terrorists attempting to infiltrate the basilica.

“We can no longer trust that simple security measure such as more guards will keep the basilica safe,” Aquila told EOTT this morning. “Now, even if a terrorist somehow gets through security, they will not be able to enter the church without first entering a password.”


The Kosher Church

December 11, 2015

WITH its latest anti-Catholic document, the Vatican II Robber Church reinforces its standing as the world’s largest branch of the Synagogue.


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Joining the Counter-Revolution

December 11, 2015


Portrait of a Venetian Gentleman: 1510 by Giorgio da Castelfranco (National Gallery of Art - Washington DC) - High Renaissance

Portrait of a Venetian Gentleman; Giorgio da Castelfranco, 1510

TIM writes:

Based on your posting today, and wishing to be as counter cultural as possible, I will no longer smile.


Christmas in 19th-Century America

December 11, 2015


BARBARA WELLS SARUDY writes of the oral history memoir of Edward O’Neill, who grew up in the 1850s-60s in Brookfield, Massachusetts. This memoir speaks of a world so different from what is experienced by most American children today, surfeited as they are with gadgetry and toys while denied the uplifting mystique of Christmas (the “Christ Mass”) and many other good things, such as siblings, free time and family stability. Edward O’Neill lived in a better time:

“The first Christmas I remember was when I was four years old. The reason I remember it was because my mother gave me a big lump of brown sugar with a few drops of peppermint on it. I nibbled at that sugar a little bit at a time all day long and I can taste that peppermint to this day. You see, we were sort of pioneer people and we didn’t have much – nor not much to get anything with. Every winter in my early days was hard times.

“The only other present my mother had to give that Christmas was a quarter of a dried orange peel and she give it to my sister to put in her bureau drawer to make her clothes smell sweet. My father didn’t know much about Christmas. He’d been brought up by the Indians. His parents had been killed by redskins and he lived with the Indians until he was nearly twenty. My mother’s parents were missionaries and of course she knew all about Christmas. Read More »