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Yuri Bezmenov’s Warning to America

December 10, 2015


IN 1985, Yuri Bezmenov, Soviet KGB agent and journalist who had defected to the West in disgust at the Soviets’ efforts to destabilize other nations, gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin of the John Birch Society about KGB activity in the United States. If you have not seen this interview before, you are in for an eye-opener with this 13-minute clip. (The full interview can be seen here.)

Bezmenov said that most of the Soviet intelligence agency’s activities involved disinformation and propaganda, not espionage. The goal was “demoralization.” So successful had these efforts been since the 1960s that America was already an occupied nation, he said, and it was only a matter of time before its destruction was complete.

The Marxist-Leninist program he described is that of the Judaic organized crime syndicate that now runs America and is bringing us closer every day to catastrophic war and the American version of the Red Terror.

Notice what Bezmenov said about those idealists and “half-baked intellectuals” who supported the program. They will be lined up against a wall someday, he said, and shot. “Feminists are useful idiots, and are doomed.”


A Nation of Eloi

December 10, 2015


Eloi, from Classics Illustrated

Eloi, from Classics Illustrated’s version of The Time Machine

ALAN writes:

“America is an Occupied Nation”, a recent item asserted.

That is true.  But how could it be otherwise?  On what grounds could a nation of Eloi lay claim to a better fate?

Americans’ enemies’ plans to make America over into a Socialist Republic have been known for more than a hundred years.  The Fabians declared their goals openly, and so did the Communists in years long before anyone reading these words was born.  They told the truth about their plans.  But most Americans paid no attention to them.

Making America into an Occupied Nation likely proved far easier for them than they may have imagined.

When Charles Lindbergh and the America First Committee warned Americans about powerful Jews and war agitators wanting to drag Americans into World War II, they were promptly demonized by the Communist-friendly FDR.

When Senators McCarran and McCarthy said that Communists were entrenched in the federal government, they were promptly demonized by the mass communications industry. Read More »


Four Eyewitness Contradict San Bernardino Account

December 10, 2015

FOUR people who were allegedly at the scene of the San Bernardino shootings last week told mainstream news reporters in the immediate aftermath of the shootings that what they saw was very different from the widely reported scenario. These interviews are not being widely broadcast or pursued by the mainstream outlets. Two people said they saw white military-style commandos with guns, not the dark-skinned Syed Farook and his petite, 90-pound wife. See the interview with the witness, Juan Hernandez, here. Scott Creighton reported on another witness:

CBS News did an interview with a witness, Sally Abdelmageed, via the phone right after the attack. What she described was:

“[T]hree men, dressed in all black, military attire with vests on holding assault rifles and one of them opened up the door to building three… and he… opens up the door to building three and … he… starts to spray, shoot all over into the room… I couldn’t see a face, he had a black hat on (mask) and uh, from my view all I could see was a black hat (mask) and long sleeve shirt… black cargo pants with zippers on the sides, big puffy pockets, he had a huge assault rifle and extra ammo… I just saw three dressed exactly the same…. their skin tone looked white. They looked like they were athletic build. They appeared to be tall…”

The men Hernandez and Abdelmageed saw may have looked like these military mercenaries allegedly seen fleeing the scene of the Boston Marathon bombing.



A third eyewitness in San Bernardino said he saw what seemed to be one of the gunmen in a car fleeing the scene and he was white.  Read More »


A Vatican Light Show

December 8, 2015



“POPE” Francis and his counterfeit church in Rome deserve credit for doing everything humanly possible to let the world know they are not Catholic. The latest is a “climate change” light show on the exterior walls of St. Peter’s Basilica today. This hideous spectacle, during the second week of Advent and on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, brought cheesy totalitarian art to a new level. It was called “Fiat Lux: Illuminating Our Common Home” and was put together by the UN-affiliated World Bank Group, Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Inc., the Li Ka Shing Foundation, Obscura, and Okeanos. What do any of these outfits have to do with the Catholic Church? Nothing. The whole thing reeks of globalist corporate branding. These are the same people responsible for an equally ugly light show on the Empire State Building this summer that featured endangered animals and the Hindu goddess Kali (below).

It’s a lot easier to care about cute animals and bad weather than about temptation, sin and spiritual combat. But ultimately this isn’t about the extinction of snow leopards and whales. It’s about power — not for the Church, but for the consortium of banks and global government agencies that will come to the rescue in the alleged climate crisis. “Pope” Francis, with the publication of his environmentalist encyclical letter Laudato Si, has been busy creating the religious branch of the UN and this is his artistic statement, ugliness being one of the signature characteristics of the Vatican II Church. Be assured, however, that lots of people are going to rave about it. There’s no accounting for taste. It’s one of the first things to go when truth doesn’t matter.

[Update: Lifesite News reports on criticism of the show and has background on the sponsors.]



Hail Mary

December 7, 2015


I WAS fortunate enough to hear a university choir perform Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff’s wonderful Bògòroditse Devo yesterday and since today is the Eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, I thought you might enjoy it. It is based on the Hail Mary and is from the composer’s vespers. An English translation of the Russian lyrics:

Rejoice, O mother of God.
Virgin Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
for thou hast borne the Saviour of our souls. Read More »


The Banned Sandy Hook Book

December 7, 2015

AMAZON has removed it and the website Infowars has mysteriously deleted an article about the ban. Nobody Died at Sandy Hook is a new book that appears to hit too close to home.

It is now available free in pdf format. Skip the introduction, and go right to some of the articles in this compilation edited by Mike Palecek and Jm Fetzer. I recommend “Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook Was an Elaborate Hoax,” by Dr. Vivien Leigh, starting on page 57.

“It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

–Sherlock Holmes (“The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet”)


Abigail Fisher and Affirmative Action

December 7, 2015


On Wednesday, I will, once again, travel to the Supreme Court building to hear Round II of (Abigail) Fisher v. the U. Texas. Fisher, who is white, sued the U. Texas in 2008 over a university policy that denied her admission, but granted black and Hispanic students with lower Grade Point Averages and tests scores access to the university. Fisher claimed that she was denied admission because race was not “a,” but “the,” standard used in in selecting students who are not in the top 10% of their class. Read More »


The Insanity of Women in Combat, cont.

December 7, 2015



IN this entry about the Pentagon’s decision to admit women to all combat roles — a decision which was clearly foreordained before the bureaucratic charade of testing women to see if they could do it  — a reader explains why women do not belong in combat even if a minority of brave and strong Amazons can actually do it. His comments are in response to another reader who maintains that women can perform well in certain military roles.

Pete writes:

[T]he argument that a “few females could do it all” is wholly insufficient to justify inclusion of women in the combat arms, and even in many combat support/service billets. Here’s why: Men act – and perhaps more-importantly, bond — differently in a co-ed environment than they do in the presence of other males.

Elite all-male military formations are characterized by brotherly love, i.e., the willingness of individual soldiers (Marines, airmen, sailors, etc.) to “take a bullet” for one another. The espirit d’corps of traditional (male only) units depends wholly upon trust, shared sacrifice and the notion that each man is shouldering his share of the danger, risk and hardship associated with military service – up to and including combat.

Moreover, enlisted men trust their officer leaders only when they fulfill a very specific set of criteria – namely, leaders (whether NCOs or officers) must be seen as being the best at everything they do. Bluntly, the men must see their leaders as alpha and not beta males. Second, leaders must be seen to share the same hardships and dangers as the men they would lead. Third, the true leader never asks his men to do something he himself is incapable of doing or unwilling to do. At the very least, he may no longer do those things, but he once did. Finally, the true leader puts the needs and welfare of his men before his own. He doesn’t eat, he doesn’t sleep – until the needs of his men have been addressed. He is the first on the field of battle and the last off of it. Although rank hath its privileges, he cannot be seen to enjoy too many comforts his men do without – or he risks losing respect of his men.

The introduction of women into heretofore all-male formations is enormously destructive to the unit cohesion, espirit d’corps and morale of those units – and this outcome is independent of the capabilities, talents and skills of the females themselves. The very presence of women profoundly alters the willingness of men to trust one another, sacrifice for one another and ultimately, risk harm and/or death for another.

The strength of the wolf really is the pack – and that pack is male. Read More »


San Bernardino Shooting: Did Gov’t Operatives Mess Up?

December 7, 2015


The fake Muslim bogeyman and his wife

The fake Muslim bogeyman and his wife

HAS there been a major glitch in the staging of a massacre (in which real people may have been killed) in San Bernardino, California? The family of the Muslim man accused of being the terrorist responsible for the attack says none of it adds up. Could it be that this family’s possible failure to cooperate was not considered in advance? Did the inconceivably evil practitioners of political theater who are engaging in criminal acts of treason and psychological manipulation by staging mass shootings mess up?

William N. Grigg writes at Activist Post:

The question of how Sayed Farook could have mutated into a human monster capable of mass murder is just one of many questions plaguing the family of the man accused of carrying out Tuesday’s terrorist attack in San Bernardino. In an interview with CNN, the family’s attorney describes numerous ways that the official story of that horrible crime “doesn’t add up.”

“There’s a lot of disconnects, and there’s a lot of unknowns, and a lot of things that quite frankly don’t add up,” insisted attorney David S. Chelsey, who represents Farooq’s family when asked by CNN correspondent Chris Cuomo how the family “could explain how he went from someone they knew and loved to someone who could do something so monstrous.”

Witnesses and investigators have both described a terrorist onslaught carried out with military precision by suspects who were trained and capable. Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, didn’t appear to have the necessary background and skillset, according to Chelsey.

He expressed particular skepticism that Malik, who was nursing a newborn child, was suitable to carry out a depraved mission of that kind: “She was only about ninety pounds, so it’s unlikely she could even carry a weapon, or wear some type of a vest, or do any of this.”

The most provocative claim made by Chelsey dealt with the condition of the alleged terrorists when their bodies were found:

Where the couple was found, from what I understand, is that they were handcuffed, lying face-down in this truck, shot up.

The macabre photos provided by the police do indeed show Tashfeen Malik lying face down with her hands cuffed. Since when do police shoot people in handcuffs? Since the American police state was fully installed. Read More »


The Happy Survivor, cont.

December 4, 2015


MORE on the interview with Emma Parkinson, the jolly Australian survivor of the Bataclan attack, can be found here. The movie-style production of these interviews is telling — and nauseating.

In related news, Brandon Martinez writes about “The Implausible ‘Cellphone in the Trashbin’ Story” and this closed-circuit video in the opening minute shows what appears to be a female customer of the Paris restaurant, Café Le Nostra, tossing an incendiary device through the window in the moments after the cafe was attacked, suggesting she was an operative of some kind, not an ordinary customer. (Analysis provided here by poster who deserves credit for this find, but skip the first full minute and be forewarned, there is minor profanity.) Read More »


The Money Scam

December 4, 2015


RUSTY M. writes:

I don’t understand how this federal money creation scheme works. I thought that the banks created credit (money) based on the federal government’s promises to repay via tax collections. That wouldn’t be “money from thin air,” so there must be some other razzmatazz going on that that phrase refers to.

Read More »


The Female Draft

December 4, 2015



NOW that the Pentagon has approved women in all combat roles, it is only fair that women be required to register with the Selective Service and and be drafted in the event of war. Army Secretary John McHugh acknowledged as much this fall. According to the New York Post, on Oct. 24th:

McHugh, speaking at an Army conference this week in Washington, DC, said draft registration — while just one element of US military operations — “will be one of those things that will have to be considered.”

“If we find ourselves as a military at large where men and women have equal opportunity, as I happen to believe they should, serving in combat positions at least on a formal basis … then ultimately the question of extending the selective service requirements to women as well will have to at least be discussed,” McHugh said.

There is no reasonable argument for excluding women. The privileges of military service should come with the duties. Extension of the draft must be approved by Congress. Start preparing your daughters for military service. Let them play with plastic soldiers instead of dolls. Read More »


Pentagon Opens All Combat Roles to Women

December 3, 2015



This is the logical conclusion of the drive already well under way when Ford (which means Nixon, really) forcibly coeducated the service academies in 1976, lying already about maintaining standards as Carter does today, but it’s none the less insane for that.

If I were a Russian or Chicom Marshal – or a bloody-minded jihadi – I should be having a hearty belly-laugh at this Yankee folly… But I’m an American vet, so I remember better days and tell myself that what can’t last, won’t.

From The New York Times:

In a historic transformation of the American military, Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said on Thursday that the Pentagon will open all combat jobs to women.

“There will be no exceptions,” Mr. Carter said at a news conference. Read More »


Shootings Skyrocket Under Obama

December 3, 2015

THERE were 11 mass shootings under Ronald Reagan, 12 under George H.W. Bush, 23 under Bill Clinton, 20 under George W. Bush and — whoaa! — 162 (so far!) under Mr. Obama.

As Redsilverj puts it, “That’s bullcrap!”  You’re being hosed, folks.

Oh, and by the way, where is that oh-so-gutsy and independent Mr. Trump on these transparent frauds? Huh? Hear a word from him about these acts of criminal treason? Silence speaks volumes.

You’re being hosed, folks, regardless of whether the latest shooting in San Bernardino is real or not. You’re being taken to the cleaners left and right. And they’re laughing at you. When liars get away with lies, they lie more and more.


Advent for Dummies

December 3, 2015


BECOME a resister. Reject the false and meretricious celebration of Christmas. It’s just an elaborate con. Observe Advent, not the exhausting, soulless, secular shopping fest. Light your candles every evening and walk through that sublime, evergreen forest of expectation. Recall your sins with sorrow and ask God to illuminate your heart and mind with hope and true love for the divine infant Child.

Do you ever wonder why Christmas decorations look so intensely tawdry after Christmas? It’s because they remind us of missed opportunities. They speak the truth. The dazzle was a con. Let the stars and the moon and an evergreen tree growing nearby be your Christmas decorations. If you don’t have the spirit of Christmas within, what difference does it make how many sprigs of fake holly you own or how enchanted your children are on Christmas morning? We’re all dummies when it comes to Advent, having lived in a culture that marginalizes this phase of the year.

It’s true, there are moments of euphoria in the hectic “holiday season.” But there are moments of euphoria in a dose of heroin too. That euphoria has a price: anxiety, stress, financial insolvency and distraction from the essence of Christmas.

Thomas Droleskey explains the true meaning of Advent, and how to observe the season, at Christ or Chaos:

The principal of a fully traditional Catholic school some years ago now explained some basic Catholic teachings about Advent in a letter sent home parents to explain why the school would not be participating in a tree lighting ceremony in a nearby park:

This letter is to inform you that the students will not be participating in the annual tree-lighting ceremony.

The ceremony, scheduled for December 1st, is to be secular in tone, featuring such songs as “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and “Frosty the Snowman,” so as to be politically correct by modern standards. We, as faithful Catholics, do not condone the premature celebration of the feast of Christmas itself, nor do we approve of the purely secular “holiday” celebrations which the world in general promotes as a “Christ-less” alternative to Christmas. Therefore, we cannot participate in the planned festivities on Stepney Green. Read More »


What a Coincidence!

December 3, 2015

FROM The Free Thought Project:

What makes this noteworthy is that this is not the first time that emergency drills for the exact scenario unfolding were taking place at virtually the same moment the actual terrorist attacks began.

Paris-area emergency personnel and ambulance crews were taking part in a simulated emergency exercise on the very same day the Paris terrorist attacks took place.

During the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) was in the midst of a training exercise called Vigilant Guardian, which “coincidentally” simulated planes being hijacked by terrorists.

The Free Thought Project has heard from a source on the ground, that the target inside the Inland Regional Center [in San Bernardino, California] was a gathering of government officials. This was confirmed by KTLA and Marybeth Feild, president and CEO of the Inland Regional Center, told the Associated Press that “the incident is in the conference area” at the center rented by an outside group, which she couldn’t identify.



December 3, 2015


President Barack Obama reiterated his call for more gun control reforms to make mass shootings in the U.S. “rare as opposed to normal” in the wake of a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.

Speaking to CBS News moments after news broke of the shooting, Obama called for “common sense gun safety laws” and urged lawmakers to pass a law to prevent individuals on the “No Fly List” who are barred from boarding commercial flights from legally purchasing firearms.

“We don’t yet know what the motives of the shooters are but what we do know is that there are steps we can take to make Americans safer,” Obama said in the interview. “We should never think that this is just something that just happens in the ordinary course of events because it doesn’t happen with the same frequency in other countries.”

Obama said the pattern of U.S. mass shootings “has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”

Emergency personnel responded late Wednesday morning to reports of a shooting that killed or injured as more than 20 people, according to law enforcement. Read More »


The Happy Survivor

December 2, 2015

THE HAPPY SURVIVOR is a standard fixture of the shooting psy-ops which are now coming so fast and furious it’s hard to keep up. The Happy Survivor is the tear-less, dry-eyed, smiling relative or friend who has totally assimilated a violent death of a loved one within days or even hours and talks about immediate forgiveness, raves about the dead person’s fantastic love of life, and stresses the importance of moving on. He may even, as in the case of one Sandy Hook mother, load up on some Sharpie pens and scribble happy messages on a coffin. Ah, the joy of the life cut down! In short, the Happy Survivor is not to be believed. Whoever the producer is, he is repeating himself. Two recent examples of the Happy Survivor are Zoe Alexander, the sister of Nick Alexander, who allegedly died at the Bataclan Theater in Paris (hilarious interview footage with mildly profane analysis by RedSilverj above) and Davey Blackburn, the photogenic Indiana “Christian pastor” whose wife, Amanda, was allegedly gunned down by two black assailants on Nov. 10 in Indianapolis.

A few words about the Blackburn case: The coroner became involved before Mrs. Blackburn was dead. Coroners are never called until there is a dead body. Sorry, but that’s just standard protocol. It’s downright rude when a coroner gets involved too soon. That is just one tip off in this case. Here’s another: Davey Blackburn, who exudes intense self-love in all of the dozens of photos he supplied to the press, basically announced his wife’s death before she was taken off life support. One day after his wife was shot in their home and before she was dead, he not only supplied lots of stagey photos to news stations, but released a long, sentimental statement, obviously not written in the heat of grief, in which he spoke of her in the past tense. He started requesting donations with this professional-looking fundraising page the same day — again, before she had died and one day after she had been shot. 

Here is an  interview with Blackburn, speaking about forgiveness after the arrest of the assailants. He appears to be trying hard to suppress a grin. And here, three-quarters of the way down the page, is an interview with two friends of the Blackburns, who are not suppressing grins at all. They are smiling one day after their friend has been allegedly shot in the head. They talked about the need to move on while their friend was still on life support. By the way, notice the absence of images of the 2,000 people who allegedly attended Amanda’s incredibly creepy rock funeral.

I haven’t gotten yet to the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood event, starring the raging, wild-eyed, white Christian bigot and arch-enemy of humanity on a shooting spree among the self-less, heroic, and federally-funded baby killers. But I think it is still playing on TV screens near you and there must be a few Happy Survivors.

What is the purpose of the Happy Survivor? The goal is to desensitize. Death sentimentalized is not death at all. The goal is to wring your heart out until there is nothing left of it. The goal is to rob you of your humanity so that when your neighbor is thrown in jail or mysteriously disappears or your son is blown to pieces in a distant land, you will smile and move on.