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The Thinking Housewife


America Is an Occupied Nation

December 2, 2015



DR. PRESTON JAMES at Veteran’s Today writes about the globalist crime syndicate that now controls all the reigns of power in America, makes money for itself through a form of institutionalized black magic and brings the hot polloi daily doses of soul-destroying filth and distraction.



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Is Jorge Bergoglio Demented?

December 1, 2015


“POPE” FRANCIS’S latest interview, given on the plane home from Africa, where he wound up his junket by praying at a mosque, is so incoherent and offensive it suggests brain damage or the effects of hallucinogenic substances. (Highlights of interview with commentary here; full text here.) But this isn’t dementia. It’s Jorge, and the inevitable incoherence of a man who takes his New World Order religion seriously.

This is like having serial nightmares. It’s not only the underhanded insults this blasphemous clown constantly throws at Catholics, or his heresies and leftist jargon, but the fact that so many Catholics masochistically consider this impostor to be a true pope. The alternative is the recognition that we have a vacancy in the papacy. So what? The papacy itself remains untouched. It will live on and on as long as this world survives. When God gave us the papacy he gave us a rock, for heaven’s sakenot a sledgehammer. Read More »


Escape from the Vatican II Church

December 1, 2015


IT’S ONE thing to realize in the abstract that the Vatican II Church, found at your local parish, is not the Catholic Church. It’s another thing to put that realization into practice. In this episode from the Restoration Radio network brought to you by Novus Ordo Watch, Father Michael Oswalt discusses making the leap out of the “Novus Ordo Church.”

“Realizing the Novus Ordo sect is not the Catholic Church requires an end to attending the Novus Ordo. There will be many obstacles, including human respect and love of comfort but continue to make acts of faith, acts of love toward God. God will help you with His grace to continue to build virtue and strength to carry the cross and follow His will as a Catholic.

Father also discusses how leaving affects the duties of those who are married or single and how to seek the true Sacraments.”

Almost everyone who makes this leap does so from the Novus Ordo Church. Therefore the change is no more an attack on the people who remain behind than it is an act of self-criticism. At first, “it seems as though you’re trying to step across the Grand Canyon,” Father Oswalt says, but unexpected graces flow from the change.  It’s a difficult transition but “we’re not meant to be comfortable.” On the bright side, Father Oswalt says in a previous episode, never before have traditional Catholic materials been so available to those who do not have a Mass or parish nearby. Faith comes before the sacraments. Faith is the basis of the sacraments. It is the rock on which we stand, and there are many things one can do to maintain one’s faith when the true sacraments are not readily available. Many Catholics, such as those in England after the Reformation, have been forced to make do without the Mass.


Advent Chant

December 1, 2015


“Conditor Alme Siderum” (“Creator of the Stars of Night”) is an Anonymous chant from the 7th century used at Vespers during Advent. This recording is by the Christendom College Choir and Schola Gregorian.



December 1, 2015

Francesco Bassano the Younger (1563-1570) December

Francesco Bassano the Younger (1563-1570) December



The Intolerant Shall Inherit the Earth

December 1, 2015

S. writes from India:

I have a confession to make. I am a closet Christian. I know, I know, it doesn’t count. But the day is not far when like our dear Mr. Auster I shall join the good ol’ Church. I resisted Christianity for 30 years, starting from when I first participated in the compulsory mass at our old convent. My parents were understandably incensed that their ‘Hindu’ child was forced to cross herself twice a day and pray to a ‘God’ they knew not, but they could do nothing. It was either be a part-time Catholic or find another school. Our intolerant convent gave us no choice. Read More »


Woman and Democracy

November 30, 2015

ATILA Sinke Guimarães writes:

Although I am a defender of the incomparable role of the woman in the home, when it comes to public affairs she fails. She fails because her nature destined her for the particular good, not for the common good; for intuition, not for logic; to pardon, not to apply justice; to be receptive and not to take the initiative, in brief, to obey and not to command.

The Revolution forced woman into public life. This produced multiple disasters: Children were orphaned of maternal affection and became psychologically unbalanced; women became masculine and men feminine, and the public sphere was inundated with inordinate sentimentality.



The Dark Ages Were Not Dark

November 30, 2015

JOHN C. Wright describes the Middle Ages:

Maturity in a soul means the reason, the appetites and the passions act in harmony, and the more harmony is achieved, the more the maturity. It is the child who cannot control his appetites and passions, and lets a fierce mood or sudden disappointment throw him into childish rage or erupt into childish tears. Maturity in a community means that the spiritual and temporal powers are balanced, the elite and the commoners agree with mutual recrimination or mutual hatred, that the cities and the country cooperate, men and women are settled into roles fit for human life, and so on.

In the modern day, the elite hates the commons and seeks forever to destroy and enslave them, in the name, ironically enough, of freeing them. The elite and intellectuals in the Middle Ages were clerks in the Church, not vicious and deceptive pundits, newspapermen, and empty headed actors burning with a zeal to subvert and suborn middle class values, and destroy their hated enemies, the Bourgeoisie. Read More »


Hugs from the Bataclan

November 30, 2015


MORE here. (I post these videos for their commentary on the use of crisis actors. This does not mean that I believe no one died at the Bataclan or that I endorse everything the poster says about other events.)


Trump Knows

November 30, 2015

DONALD Trump, who as a New York City real estate developer must know that burning skyscrapers do not collapse to the ground in free fall from fire, offers some counterspin on 9/11, saying thousands of Muslims were seen on the streets of Jersey City celebrating as the World Trade Center Towers fell. No images of such celebrations were recorded and circulated at the time. There were definitely people seen celebrating in Jersey City: five Israelis who were later arrested in a van that tested positive for explosive. According to Christopher Bollyn:

The first indication that the attack on the World Trade Center was an elaborate “false flag” operation came with the arrest of the five men on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River. These men, described as “Middle Eastern” in the first media reports, were later identified as Israelis.  A false flag operation is a crime which is designed and carried out so that another party or nation is blamed.

That the five jubilant Middle Eastern men, who had photographed themselves smiling and celebrating with the burning World Trade Center in the background, were indeed Israelis (namely Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, and Yaron Schmuel) and that two of them were known to U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies as agents of Israeli intelligence, was ignored by the mass media.

The men had been observed taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background.  Sivan Kurzberg told the police that the men had been driving in their van in the immediate vicinity of the towers that morning.  He was photographed flicking a lighter with the burning towers behind him. Read More »


The Death Toll of the “War on Terror”

November 30, 2015

ACCORDING TO the Physicians for Social Responsibility, 1.6 million people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the U.S.-led wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. A full report can be found here.



November 30, 2015


António de Oliveira Salazar

António de Oliveira Salazar

HENRIQUE N. writes:

I’m from Portugal and I live and work in London. I’ve been following The Thinking Housewife for a while now. I really appreciate it and it’s refreshing to see there are still lucid people in what, from my perspective, seems a thoroughly alienated country (not that we’re faring much better here however).

I wanted to write a few times before but I always felt there wasn’t much I could add to the discussions happening. I’ve decided to do it now.

I did not know Amintore Fanfani and I will try to read some of his works, but I would like to point you to something related that you and your readers might find interesting. As you might know, Portugal was governed for about 40 years (1926 – 1974) by what is normally called a dictatorship. In reality, there was indeed a military dictatorship between 1926 and 1933 during which the armed forces actually held power. In 1933 a new Constitution was proclaimed and the country returned to constitutional rule of law. This new state called itself “Estado Novo” which literally means “New State.” The architect of all this was, as you might know, Prof. António de Oliveira Salazar. Read More »


The Advent Calendar

November 29, 2015


SOME interesting posts about Advent traditions, including one on the Advent calendar, can be found at It’s About Time.


On National Greatness

November 26, 2015


 Still-Life, Gillis Gillisz de Bergh; 1637-39

Still-Life, Gillis Gillisz de Bergh; 1637-39

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to American readers of this site. May you have a happy and peaceful day with your families. Since this is a day of national gratitude, you may enjoy this essay, “National Greatness” by Orestes Brownson, who wrote in 1846:

That this is a great country, if we speak of the territory, is very true, though not much greater than China, and far less than Russia, and withal a great part of it as yet uncultivated, and no little of it even untrodden by civilized man. But whether we are a great people or not, or whether we have any special ground of self-adulation, is another and a different question; and a question which will be variously answered, according to the views which are taken of what constitutes true national greatness. Our judgments of the comparative greatness of different nations depend entirely on the standard of greatness we adopt, and by which we judge them. We call a people great or small in proportion as they do or do not conform to our standard of greatness. Vary the standard, and we vary our judgment. The people we called great, when indeed by one standard, we may call not great, if judged by a different standard. All, therefore, depends on the standard we adopt. Consequently, in order to determine whether we are really a great people or not, we must first determine what is the true standard of national greatness.

What, then, is true national greatness? We answer, that nation is greatest in which man may most easily and effectually fulfil the true and proper end of man. Read More »


An Italian Critic of Capitalism

November 25, 2015



Amintore Fanfani with his first wife, Bianca Rosa, and two of their seven children

TO BE an anti-capitalist is to be a socialist or a Marxist, right? To most American conservatives, there is no third way. One must believe fervently in the “free market” or be a Communist.

Amintore Fanfani, the Italian economic historian and politician who was six times prime minister, was one of the more eloquent critics of this false dialectic. In his 1930 book Catholicism, Protestantism and Capitalism, [IHS Press, 2003] Fanfani, who died at the age of 91 in 1999, wrote that no Christian can reasonably support capitalism or socialism. The third way is not a political platform but a mode of thinking, a way of viewing economic life as part of the supernatural order. Capitalism itself is a worldview or an orientation more than a technique or fixed system. Entirely naturalistic, capitalism is not the great antithesis of Communism it is believed to be. Indeed, Communism is a realization of the capitalistic spirit and one form of its capture of the instruments of the state and an entire society. Read More »


More on the Phony Suicide Bombing

November 25, 2015


THIS Youtube poster makes similar points to those I made in a previous post about the phony suicide bombing in the Comptoir Voltaire in Paris. He finds Masonic symbolism in the staged event.

Earlier in the week, the media reported the story of a nurse who supposedly performed CPR on the suicide bomber. [Do paramedics normally perform CPR on someone with a gaping “hole” in his side? I would think that would increase the loss of blood. But, wait a sec, there is no blood in this scene.] Whoever staged this event is so confident of the ability to deceive today’s gullible masses who gulp down anything the media feeds them that they did not even bother to remove glasses and plates from the table next to the alleged bomber. Quite an explosion. They are probably howling with laughter at how easy it is to con millions. To them, this kind of deception must create a high — a euphoria that is like a drug.


The Photogenic Terrorist

November 23, 2015



TWO DAYS after the recent Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was identified by French authorities as the Muslim terrorist who planned and executed the attacks. Even though French intelligence agents apparently knew nothing about his plans and those of his cohorts before the attacks, in a mere two days they knew all about Abaaoud’s role and had a full portfolio on him to release to the press in what was a staggeringly short time in the world of police investigations. The news stories immediately broadcast that he was the “mastermind” behind the attacks. They even knew about his efforts to recruit his own 13-year-old brother.

Abaaoud, who grew up in the Moleenbeck district of Belgium, was allegedly well known for his terrorist activities and was even questioned in January in Belgium. He was so well known, in fact, that he posed on the cover of an ISIS magazine, Dabiq.  Bet you didn’t know ISIS has its own magazine! And yet despite this publicity he was able to circumvent Frances strict gun control laws to obtain assault weapons for his ISIS fanatics and provide them with malfunctioning suicide vests. Abaaoud was such a mastermind that he apparently planned no effective escape after the attacks and was even seen on a street of Paris drinking whiskey.

Abaaoud was killed in a police raid last Wednesday. He was not only shot by snipers but blown to bits by grenades. Abaaoud will not be standing trial or conducting any more interviews.  He had to be identified by DNA samples in swabs of his saliva.


The Model Minority: Corporate Subjugation Edition

November 23, 2015


Barry C. Lynn has an article at Harper’s on “The New China Syndrome: American Business Meets its New Master.” He writes:

As our biggest manufacturers and traders and investors succeed in China, they also come to depend on China for future profits — which brings them increasingly under the sway of a Chinese state that holds the power to cut those profits off. What if the master capitalists and corporate bosses who have so cowed us here at home are themselves being cowed in Beijing? What if the extreme economic interdependence between the United States and China is not actually carrying our values into a backward and benighted realm, but accomplishing precisely the opposite — granting the Chinese Politburo ever-increasing leverage over America’s economic and political life?

The difference in China, he says, is that employees were angling less to serve their own interests than those of hidden masters. “We realized that the loyalties of many of our employees were entirely
split. Even if they had the best of intentions, even if they really wanted to drag China into a more open and democratic era, they were still under immense personal pressure to serve the state.”’

This is also true of ethnic Chinese employees of companies in the United States – even those who were born there.