An American Song
May 27, 2024
May 26, 2024
“… THERE are hundreds of terms in the Hebrew Bible which are dim revelations of the Persons of the Trinity.
“The first foundations of the Hebrew religion [were] laid by the Eternal Father Yaqara. The forms of nature, the knowledge of divine things, were given by Memra, the Word of God, the Wisdom of the Father, the Son of God. The ceremonial, law, tabernacle, Temple and Hebrew Church were founded by the Shekina, the Holy Spirit. The Apostles and converts were then, by reading the Old Testament, ready to receive the belief in the Trinity, first clearly revealed when Christ said, ‘Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.'”
— Rev. James L. Meagher, How Christ Said the First Mass: Of the Rites and Ceremonies of Jesus and the Apostles, Foretold in the Hebrew Passover (Pantianos Classic, 1906), p. 25
May 26, 2024
A supernatural mystery makes us feel both small and enlarged. That is true of the idea of God loving God.
There is a famous story about the complex and sublime doctrine of the Trinity — One God, in three Persons — recounted by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger:
Saint Augustine “while occupied in searching into the mystery of the Holy Trinity, took a walk on the seashore, where he found a boy, who having made a small hole in the sand, poured water from the sea into it with a spoon. After watching the boy for a long time, the Saint asked him what he was doing. “I wish,” replied the boy, “to pour the sea into this hole.” “O my child!” said the Saint: “that is a useless attempt. So small a hole cannot contain the immense sea.” “And you,” replied the boy, ” will be still less able to contain and comprehend, with your human understanding, the stupendous mystery of the Holy Trinity!” After these words, the child, who doubtless was an angel, vanished. [Recounted by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger]
If man is the measure of all things, the mystery of the Trinity doesn’t matter.
If man is the measure of all things, we should honor man. We should hold sacred his happiness. We should make his desires come true. We should surrender to his will as long as it does not infringe on the happiness of others. If man is the measure of all things then whatever soothes man, whatever celebrates his chosen path, whatever makes him a success in the world must be good and worthy of our full attention.
But if man is a creature made in the image of God, and meant to share in His divine graces, then there is nothing more important than this, even though we cannot fully understand it. Read More »
May 24, 2024
PETER A. writes:
Thank you so much for all the information (your words and others) on life and world events.
Thank you for standing up for Our Father In Heaven and speaking the truth about life in this present world. So much has been resolved and so much evil and sickness continues, both in deed and disruption of human lives, families, and faith.
The Beautiful Thing is that Our Faith cannot be discarded. God knows the workings of evil. As we seek His Forgiveness for Our Trespasses, we are Forgiven. I Trust Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Our Savior, Our Holy God and Our Holy Ghost for loving, protecting and providing His Grace.
Laura, thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts and for your support, love and kindness. Read More »
May 23, 2024
THE LIST of famous authors accused of anti-Semitism at some point, either while living or dead, is quite long — so long in fact that one wonders if the whole literature racket shouldn’t be shut down, along perhaps with reading itself. Goodbye to The Great Gatsby, The Merchant of Venice, Oliver Twist and The Canterbury Tales. Anything short of a completely flattering portrayal of Jewish characters is enough to land an author in this gallery of rogues. Even Jewish authors have not escaped the charge. American author Philip Roth was accused of anti-Semitism for his negative portrayals of Jewish characters in his novels.
I did some random searches of well-known authors on the Internet and all of them except for E.B. White came up guilty. (I wasn’t surprised to find another New Yorker, the sassy Dorothy Parker, was among the charged.) It was a relief at least to know Stuart Little isn’t yet accused of being a Nazi. But I wonder about him …. well, he was at least a white supremacist, I’d say, because of the lack of diversity in his environment and the natty way he dressed. The oldest surviving work of French literature, La Chanson de Roland, did not come up clean.
I found additional compilations (see sources below). Below are some of the literary deadbeats who, by today’s standards, belong behind bars. For Hypersensitive Hebrews, the canon of Western literature is similar to one of those shooting booths at a country fair. A figure pops up and — crack! — you try to shoot it down. It’s a sport, in a way. Contrary to what these sharpshooters believe, we cannot peer into the hearts of other human beings. But if we could, I’d be willing to bet we wouldn’t find an ounce of true hatred in any of these famous targets.
William Shakespeare
Geoffrey Chaucer
Christopher Marlowe
Charles Dickens
G.K. Chesterton
T.S. Eliot
W.B. Yeats
Mark Twain
Herman Melville
Nathaniel Hawthorne
George Sand
Flannery O’Connor
Frank Norris
Theodore Dreiser
Ernest Hemingway
Henry Adams
George Eliot
George du Maurier
James Joyce
Virginia Woolf
Graham Greene
Evelyn Waugh
E.E. Cummings
Henry Miller
Dorothy Parker
Byron Scott
F. Scott Fitzgerald Read More »
May 23, 2024
FROM Racism, Guilt, Self Hatred And Self Deceit: A Philosopher’s Look at the Dark Continent by Gedaliah Braun (2010):
I have long suspected that the concept of rape cannot mean the same in Africa as elsewhere. And now (over the Internet, MSNBC Home), I find this from Newsweek (“Breaking The Silence”, by Tom Masland, dated 9 July 2000; emphases in original):
According to a three-year study [in Johannesburg] … more than half of the young people interviewed – both male and female – believe that forcing sex with someone you know does not constitute sexual violence…. [T]he casual manner in which South African teens discuss coercive relationships and unprotected sex is staggering.
Masland is stunned by blacks’ behaviour, asking ‘Why Has The Safe-Sex Effort Failed So Abjectly?’ Well, aside from their profoundly different attitude towards sex and violence and their intense libido, a major factor has to be their diminished concept of time and their inability to think ahead, resulting in a ‘just-don’t-give-a-damn’ attitude. Read More »
May 22, 2024
“[W]HEN philosophies are bankrupt and life appears without hope — men and women may turn to lust in sheer boredom and discontent, trying to find in it some stimulus which is not provided by the drab discomfort of their mental and physical surroundings. When that is the case, stern rebukes and restrictions are worse than useless. It is as though one were to endeavour to cure anaemia by bleeding; it only reduces further an already impoverished vitality. The mournful and medical aspect of twentieth-century pornography and promiscuity strongly suggests that we have reached one of these periods of spiritual depression, where people go to bed because they have nothing better to do.”
— Dorothy Sayers, “The Other Six Deadly Sins“
May 22, 2024
FROM a 2013 post, “Seeking a New Life after Lesbianism:”
I am a young woman. As a teenager, I desperately longed for a young man to pursue me and make me his wife. I especially longed for a man to take charge and be the authority in our marriage. But I had no background for this and no idea of how to pursue it. My parents didn’t have this type of relationship, nor did anyone I knew. No one I knew was traditional. I wanted nothing more than to be married and have children, but it was lonely and no one supported me, especially since I was an overachiever in school and had a good job. They told me to focus on that and to date casually, for fun. I became deeply disillusioned and saddened by my reality. Over time, I drifted into lesbianism and other perversions. People outside the community don’t know, I think, but very masculine lesbians are ‘allowed’ oftentimes to act like men, while men in our society are afraid to or are shamed for doing so. These women are often protective and authoritative, and want to take care of a woman. I longed for that feeling so much that I became very confused. Now I feel like damaged goods and like a good man will not want me. I feel a lot of shame and disappointment in myself, but that’s also what’s keeping me from finding light.
I don’t think this makes me not guilty of any sin, but I think it speaks to the horrible sickness in our society. I think many people are getting confused for similar reasons. When men are forced to not be men, it harms them, but it also harms women. I needed masculinity in my life very badly and didn’t know where to find it. Read More »
May 21, 2024
FROM Dom Prosper Guéranger’s reflections on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost, which, he explains, are seven energies infused into the soul which possesses sanctifying grace:
When difficulties and trials of life come upon him, man is tempted, sometimes to cowardice and discouragement, sometimes to an impetuosity, which arises either from his natural temperament or from pride. These are poor aids to the soul in her spiritual combat.
The Holy Ghost, therefore, brings her a new element of strength; it is supernatural Fortitude, which is so peculiarly His gift, that when our Saviour instituted the seven Sacraments, He would have one of them be for the special object of giving us the Holy Ghost as a principle of energy. It is evident, that having to fight, during our whole lives, against the devil, the world, and ourselves, we need some better power of resistance than either pusillanimity or daring. We need some gift, which will control both our fear, and the confidence we are at times inclined to have in ourselves. Thus gifted by the Holy Ghost, man is sure of victory; for grace will supply the deficiencies, and correct the impetuosities, of nature.
There are two necessities, which are ever making themselves felt in the Christian life; the power of resistance, and the power of endurance. What could we do against the temptations of Satan, if the Fortitude of the Holy Spirit did not clad us with heavenly armour and nerve us to the battle? And is not the World, too, a terrible enemy? Have we not reason to dread it, when we see how it is every day making victims by the tyranny of its claims and its maxims? What, then, must be the assistance of the Holy Ghost, which is to make us invulnerable to the deadly shafts that are dealing destruction around us? Read More »
May 21, 2024
[Just ran across this post from September, 2016 in my archives. Except for the dated photo, it still works.]
THE ASCENT OF women to the top reaches of the political world means exactly the opposite of what most people say it means. It is not female empowerment. It is female disempowerment.
In order for a woman to be president, tens of thousands of women have to enter the lower ranks of political life and government. Most of them are relatively low-paid administrators; the top female candidate puts a pleasant spin on the hard reality. Does power for a few make drudgery for the many palatable? Does the thrill of cheering selfishly for your own sex make the years on the treadmill less unpleasant?
In order for a woman to be president, most women, even beyond these workers, have to be politicized.
But the strength of womanhood, as G.K. Chesterton said, is not to be found in her support for laws or rules or political platforms or abstractions. It is to be found in her defense of persons. Her natural kingdom is society itself.
A woman rules best by sympathy, prejudice and wisdom. She must compromise all of these things, so tied to her intuitive strengths and deepest desires, when she rules as politician — and she must turn the political into a socialist projection of her natural instincts. She also apparently has to surrender to ugly pantsuits. Imagine a priest giving up his vestments for a postal uniform. Such is the degradation and lowering of a woman who gives up her distinctive, quasi-ceremonial dress for an orange Nehru jacket and matching rayon pants. She is not just politicized. She is not just masculinized. She is proletarianized. She exudes chilly efficiency, and the dress becomes a relic of bygone aristocracy and leisure. Remember that? Leisure. The woman at the kitchen table, often there to listen, going nowhere, accomplishing nothing, was an aristocrat of time. She made persons feel like persons. How many people were saved by her prayers when she realized her own limitations? They must be numberless.
Chesterton’s “great amateur” is gone. The efficient Good Girl is in her place — and she’s intensely irritable, indeed nearly deranged and cruel with schizophrenic pressures, when she gets home. If she were not surrounded by non-stop propaganda, she would rebel. She has been disempowered. The heart, after all, is powerful. Only an intensely materialistic world would define her life as female advancement.
As Chesterton said, in What’s Wrong with the World,
“Most of the feminists would probably agree with me that womanhood is under shameful tyranny in the shops and mills. But I want to destroy the tyranny. They want to destroy womanhood. That is the only difference.”
May 21, 2024
“Detached from evil by the fear of the Lord, and ennobled with holy love by the gift of Godliness, the soul feels the want of knowing how she is to avoid what she is to fear, and how to find what she must love. The Holy Ghost comes to her assistance, and brings her what she needs, by infusing into her the Gift of Knowledge. By means of this precious gift, truth is made evident to her; she knows what God asks of her and what he condemns, she knows what to seek and what to shun. Without this holy Knowledge, we are in danger of going astray, because of the frequent darkness which, more or less, clouds our understanding. This darkness arises, in the first place, from our own nature, that bears upon itself the but too visible proofs of the Fall. It is added to by the false maxims and judgments of the World, which so often warp even those whose upright minds seemed to make them safe. And lastly, the action of Satan, who is the Prince of darkness, has this for one of its chief aims, to obscure our mind, or to mislead it by false lights.
“The Light of our soul is Faith, which was infused into us at our Baptism. By the Gift of Knowledge, the Holy Ghost empowers our Faith to elicit rays of light, strong enough to dispel all darkness. Doubts are then cleared up, error is exposed and put to flight, truth beams upon us in all its beauty. Everything is viewed in its true light, the light of Faith. We see how false are the principles which sway the world, which ruin so many souls, and of which we ourselves were once, perhaps, victims.
“The gift of Knowledge reveals to us the end which God had in creation, and out of which creatures can never find either happiness or rest. It teaches us what use we are to make of creatures, for they were not given us to be a hindrance, but a help whereby to reach our God. The secret of life thus possessed, we walk on in safety, we halt not, and we are resolved to shun every path which would not lead us to our end. Read More »
May 17, 2024
“PRIDE is the obstacle to man’s virtue and wellbeing. It is pride that leads us to resist God, to make self our last end, in a word, to work our own ruin. Humility alone can save us from this terrible danger. Who will give us humility? The Holy Ghost; and this, by infusing into us the Gift of the Fear of God.
“This holy sentiment is based on the following truths, which are taught us by faith: the sovereign majesty of God, in comparison with Whom we are mere nothingness; the infinite sanctity of that God, in Whose presence we are but unworthiness and sin; the severe and just judgment we are to go through after death; the danger of falling into sin, which may be our misfortune at any time, if we do not correspond to grace, for although grace be never wanting, yet we have it in our power to resist it.
“Man, as the Apostle tells us, must work out his salvation with fear and trembling (II. Philipp. ii. 12); but this Fear, which is a gift of the Holy Ghost, is not the base sentiment which goes no further than the dread of eternal punishments. It keeps alive within us an abiding compunction of heart, even though we hope that our sins have long ago been forgiven. It prevents our forgetting that we are sinners, that we are wholly dependent upon God’s mercy, and that we are not as yet safe, except in hope (Rom. viii. 24).
“This Fear of God, therefore, is not a servile fear; on the contrary, it is the source of the noblest sentiments. Inasmuch as it is a filial dread of offending God by sin, it may go hand-in-hand with love. Arising as it does from a reverence for God’s infinite majesty and holiness, it puts the creature in his right place, and, as St. Paul says, it contributes to the perfecting of sanctification (II. Cor. vii. 1). Hence this great Apostle, who had been rapt up to the third heaven, assures us that he was severe in his treatment of himself, lest he should become a cast-away (I. Cor. ix. 27). Read More »
May 17, 2024
Sequence for Pentecost
COME, Thou Holy Paraclete,
And from Thy celestial seat
Send Thy light and brilliancy.
Father of the poor, draw near,
Giver of all gifts, be here,
Come, the soul’s true radiancy.
Come, of comforters the best
Of the soul, the sweetest guest,
Come in toil refreshingly.
Thou in labor rest most sweet,
Thou art shadow from the heat,
Comfort in adversity.
O Thou light, most pure and blest,
Shine within the inmost breast
Of Thy faithful company.
Where Thou are not, man hath naught;
Ev’ry holy deed and thought
Comes from Thy divinity. Read More »
May 16, 2024
KATHY G. writes in response to this entry on the New Orleans police chief, Anne Kirkpatrick, who looks like she is wearing a ridiculous costume with an oversized cap:
I see these installed agents, like this grandma chief, and what jumps out is the reality of a woman (a silly, old woman!), attempting to fill a masculine role, and instead of thinking “See? Anything he can do, she can do”, I see a pathetic, anemic imitation of maleness.
It screams weakness, emotional thinking, and denial of the natural order and physical attributes. It is inversion, camouflaged as “equality”. It denies the unique attributes of both sexes, and attempts to impose the idea of amorphous and fungible human beings. To do this, all logic, intelligence, and biological realities must be eradicated from the thought process, made irrelevant in the minds of people. In short, it’s a psyop.
So true.
If you had asked people 50 years ago about a woman, especially a senior woman, working as the police chief of a major city, most would have laughed. The idea would have struck them as absurd.
Women in roles of masculine authority are a form of transgenderism. It’s just as bad as men playing on a women’s soccer team. It has a strong psychological effect on girls and young women, leading them to believe it is possible to be a man and a woman at the same time.
I bet every single officer, at least the men, under a female police chief knows, but won’t ever say it, that the whole thing is a political stunt and a game of make-believe. Women are totally unnecessary in these jobs. There are plenty of men who want them and would thrive in them. Women bring nothing of value to these roles that men could not provide and they can’t bring essential qualities that are necessary.
This psyop is intent on the destruction of the family and social order. Without that social order, there is more crime, not less. Therefore, as I said before, the ideology that leads to female police chiefs creates the need for more police. For government, that’s a good thing, but it’s horrible for society. A confused, disoriented populace is great for big government.
Ideologues with their utopian mind games don’t make life for ordinary people better. With their collective disconnect from reality and their belief that every social problem can be cured by more government, they make things so much worse.
Oh, and by the way, there isn’t a single little girl on the planet, at least not a normal girl, who wants to be a police chief when she grows up. There are no little girls who want to dress up in absurd, over-sized police caps. (Although, to be fair, some little girls enjoy bossing people around.)
It takes a village to turn little girls and little boys into Commie ideologues. But sadly it is possible, as we see in our times, to eradicate human nature.
We can’t change these things. We can’t reverse them. We can only hate with a burning passion the misbegotten ideas behind them.