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The Thinking Housewife


Where Did All the Hippies Go?

November 21, 2015


THOUGH I was a child in the famous 1960s, the anti-materialistic spirit of the cultural revolution was very much alive by the time I got to college in the 70s. It was unthinkable then for us to have televisions in our dorm rooms. Television was The Man. It was manipulation and advertising, the selling of a life based on comfort and things. We wanted none of that. We went to art museums and protests. We drank herbal tea and dreamed of lives that would not lead to the suburbs.

Lacking in humility and other important things, we did not realize we were really tools of the system. Our belief in sexual freedom was incompatible with our rejection of consumerism and Capitalism. Sexual freedom would turn out to be one of the greatest enablers of money oppression the world has ever known.

But now all that is clear. When Barbie, that icon of the establishment and enemy of enlightened feminists everywhere, is championed by the political left, as Barbie was championed this week when the sick and slick fashion designer Jeremy Scott released his commercial of Barbie in black leather, we can see that the anti-Capitalistic spirit of those times has indeed disappeared. The black leather Barbie was hailed as a sign of progress by leftists ( Barbie of all things!) because a boy in the commercial is clearly presented as a budding homosexual. Cultural conservatives played along with the deliberately manufactured conflict.  Many expressed their distress at how their children were being exposed to perversion. Of course, that is true.

But there is a more fundamental critique of Barbie that hails back to the Age of the Hippies. In search of that critique one must ask, for one, why are toy companies such giant monopolies? Why do they possess such wealth and influence that they are actually able to produce such attention-getting stunts and shape our children’s lives? Why do they so arrogantly defy the sensibility of the people? Why do they support homosexuality at all? Why could they care less what you think? Why do children have so many things and so little simplicity and community? The answers will be found in our economic system.

Big money is dangerous when it holds no allegiance to the moral law. That is a truth the Hippies sort of knew. Unfortunately, their solutions to the problem of monopoly and materialism were Marxist. And they got lost on the way to a better economy through the Sexual Revolution. They got unlimited sex in exchange for selling out. They got fornication, abortion, homosexuality, divorce, adultery, contraceptives and feminism, all of which made them so distracted and created such personal chaos they no longer cared that the world was increasingly dominated by money and intense competition, all of which made them succumb to compound interest, careerism, monopolies, mass advertising, skyrocketing national debt, high taxes, erased borders, globalist rule and politicians who are clearly bought. They got unlimited sex and money slavery.

“Much to the delight and amazement of the capitalist elites, the Free Market is the only thing left after everything else has been deconstructed,” E. Michael Jones recently wrote. [September issue, Culture Wars magazine.]

Everything has been deconstructed. Even little boys.

Everything has been deconstructed except debt.

The artificial world of Barbie and her handlers, who have hearts of stone and haven’t the slightest love or compassion for children, is symbolic of all that is left. Read More »


The Death of Serena Shim

November 21, 2015


SERENA SHIM, a 29-year-old American journalist, received death threats shortly after she reported that Turkey was sending arms to ISIS with United Nations World Food Program trucks. Her car was hit head on by a cement truck on Oct. 19, 2014. The Obama administration has allegedly refused to investigate her death.


A Guide to World War III

November 21, 2015


SEE Mike King’s “World War III for Dummies.”


The Banking Scam

November 20, 2015

MARK JAWS writes:

Ten years ago I would have thought that Syrian girl was one of those conspiracy-mongers and a Jew hater to boot.  After all, she is Syrian, and I am Jewish, and we Jews come as easily to that general conclusion as matzuh balls are drawn to chicken soup.

Then I started listening to Ron Paul and my curiosity was piqued by his calls to audit the Federal Reserve Banking system.  “Audit the Fed?” I thought.  “Why?  That is the nation’s bank!”  But thanks to Youtube I learned that the Fed is not the nation’s bank after all, but rather a private consortium of banks run strictly for profit. Read More »


Central Banks and War

November 20, 2015

IT’S interesting how many wars have been waged against countries that were not under the control of the central banking cartel. Brandon Turbeville looks at recent history in this 2012 piece.

Syria is an obvious target for international financial interests. The blogger Syrian Girl writes:

Syria’s Central Bank is state-owned & controlled – In other words, it manages its national currency so that it serves the Syrian people and not the Rothschild-controlled global bankers operating from their New York, London, Frankfurt, Tel Aviv, Basel and Paris hideouts.

This means that the volume of currency it issues is in proper sync with the true needs of real economy of work, labor, production and all that is useful to Syria’s people, instead of being in sync with parasitic, usurious, speculative foreign financiers. The latter seek to control local central banks so they can artificially limit the volume of currency available for genuine economic needs, especially the no-interest credit needed to finance useful things in the real economy: power plants, roads, gas works, housing, private enterprise and initiatives. This forces productive players – public and private – to have to resort to deadly interest and usury-based private banking loans whereupon the eternal debt chain starts to grow and grow as the so-called ‘sovereign debt crises’ that hit country after country throughout decades of time eloquently show.

By artificially distorting the volume of ‘public currency’ issued by sovereign central banks that generates no interest, countries are thus forced to resort to high interest bearing ‘private currency’ (loans) handled by the monopolistic private bankster cabal in the hands of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, CitiCorp, JP Morgan Chase interests.

Clearly, a very good reason for these parasitic banksters to want to take out Syria.


They Hate Us Because We Are Wonderful

November 20, 2015


If it is up to Western politicians, the world is doomed for sure. To the man and the woman they are warmongers. Moreover, the response to the false flag/hoax attack is mindless. The morons declare that the West is attacked because it allows women to be educated. The West is attacked because of “french values and French way of life, because we dance” (Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius). In other words, the nonsense that worked for the idiot US president, George W. Bush, works for the French. “We are attacked because we are good.” All of us good people here in the West would never be attacked because we have looted and robbed the Middle East for a century and followed up the looting with 14 years of military devastation of seven countries, producing millions of deaths and displaced persons.

Really, it is a wonder that there are not round the clock REAL TERRORIST ATTACKS on Western countries, who certainly deserve them. [Update: Roberts goes over Read More »


Faked Reality

November 20, 2015

JON RAPPOPORT writes that every television newscast is stagecraft. This is an obvious point, but it is amazing how the average viewer denies it and participates in what is fake:

Focus on the network evening news. This is where the staging is done well.

First, we have the image itself, the colors in foreground and background, the blend of restful and charged hues. The anchor and his/her smooth style.

Then we have the shifting of venue from the studio to reporters in the field, demonstrating the reach of coverage: the planet. As if this equals authenticity.

Actually, those reporters in the field rarely dig up information on location. A correspondent standing on a rooftop in Cairo could just as well be positioned in a bathroom in a Las Vegas McDonald’s. His report would be identical. Read More »


St. Thomas More from the Tower

November 19, 2015


Thomas More, sketch by Jean Schoevaert-Brossault. Courtesy of Moreanum, Angers, France.

ED writes:

I recently came across this prayer written by St. Thomas More when he was a prisoner in the Tower of London:

Give me the grace, Good Lord

To set the world at naught. To set the mind firmly on You and not to hang upon the words of men’s mouths.

To be content to be solitary. Not to long for worldly pleasures. Little by little utterly to cast off the world and rid my mind of all its business. Read More »


From the Trenches in St. Louis

November 19, 2015

ALAN writes:

Last August I wrote about an old Protestant church building in south St. Louis that was no longer a church but was being used as a pizza restaurant.  (“Communities in Memory Alone”, The Thinking Housewife, Aug. 5)

Recently St. Louis police closed the building and placed signs on it reading “Danger – Condemned – Keep Out.” But the problem was not in the building; it was in some of the people in the building, who are suspected of trafficking in girls. [More here.] Read More »


The Whole World’s a Stage

November 19, 2015


THE transparently phony Fox News personality, Geraldo Rivera, is shown here reunited with his daughter, Simone, earlier this week in Paris. Simone just happened to have been in the Stade de France for a football match when suicide bombers attacked it last Friday. (Her acting debut!!)

From the very first moments after the attack, Rivera, who is Jewish, was publicly advocating war in the Middle East and he continued to do so in Paris:

“We need to respond by declaring war on them… if we don’t kill them, they’re going to kill us.”

He offered specifics, calling for Russia, the U.S. and our Middle East Allies to join forces in a war against ISIS– even if have to drag the latter in “kicking and screaming.”

“I want a massive ground campaign to conquer ISIS once and for all,” Rivera said.

For now, he gets to hug his daughter again; a small, but maybe bigger victory for the news veteran.


The Transgender Hoax

November 19, 2015

PAUL McHUGH, a distinguished professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School, writes that those who suffer from sexual confusion are not helped by the pretense of sex reassignment:

But the meme—that your sex is a feeling, not a biological fact, and can change at any time—marches on through our society. In a way, it’s reminiscent of the Hans Christian Andersen tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes. In that tale, the Emperor, believing that he wore an outfit of special beauty imperceptible to the rude or uncultured, paraded naked through his town to the huzzahs of courtiers and citizens anxious about their reputations. Many onlookers to the contemporary transgender parade, knowing that a disfavored opinion is worse than bad taste today, similarly fear to identify it as a misapprehension. Read More »


More on Ursula Haverbeck

November 19, 2015


NIGEL LAWSON writes on the case of Ursula Haverbeck, the elderly German woman sentenced to ten months in prison for stating that Auschwitz was a labor camp, not an extermination camp:

There are two possibilities: either she is right (or largely right) or she is wrong (or largely wrong). Let us assume that the latter is true. We then have a pitiful spectacle of an elderly person stubbornly and irrationally clinging to a mistaken view of historical events. Shakespeare’s King Lear is the archetypal work of art examining the ramifications of such a situation. As we watch Lear rave in misery on the heath, we feel compassion for him; but that does not stop us knowing that his disaster has been mainly self-inflicted as a result of his stubborn holding of illusions earlier in the action. None of us, however, would want to punish him for the awful threats he issues during his agon.

If Ms Haverbeck is wrong (and a formidable battery of opinion, including learned opinion, around the world maintains that she is), then what damage can her statements really do to anyone? As we say, rather rudely, in Australia: ‘You can’t fart against thunder.’

[As with every article I post here, this is not an endorsement of all views and articles at the site linked.]



The Origin of ISIS

November 19, 2015


MORE on the U.S.-ISIS connection, which even Obama has admitted to, can be found here.


A Vatican II Christmas

November 17, 2015



OH, to be sure, there have almost always been flagrant public sinners and hypocrites in the Catholic Church. But they didn’t — they couldn’t — seek to overturn the Church itself, its doctrines, its rites and its sacred laws. That task is the distinction of the Vatican II Church, the monstrous ape of the Catholic Church. Speaking of monstrous apes, here is “Cardinal” Timothy Dolan, “Archbishop” of New York, posing with this year’s Rockettes in New York City.

— Comments —

Alex writes:

It’s nice to see five women posing with camels.  However, the one in the middle could lose some weight and get a new outfit.


A Fake Suicide Bombing in Paris

November 17, 2015


ONE DOES not have to be Sherlock Holmes to know that the events that took place at the Comptoir Voltaire in Paris last Friday night were not as they have been reported by the French government and the media. A simple review of the news reports reveals that the story is, at least in part, a fabrication.

Does that mean that no one was murdered in attacks in Paris on Friday the 13th? No, it does not. Does that mean there are no Muslim terrorists in Paris? No, it does not. Does it mean the other Friday the 13th attacks may involve disinformation too and represent a treasonous, war-mongering psy-op against the French people and the entire Western world for the sake of attaining certain objectives in the Middle East? Yes, it does.

On Saturday, one day after the attacks, we are told that Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, detonated a suicide bomb at approximately 8:45 p.m. in the small cafe, the Comptoir Voltaire, on the Boulevard Voltaire (nice bit of advertising for the ferocious French revolutionary), in a Jewish quarter of Paris close to the Bataclan Theatre, which was also attacked during an Eagles of Death Metal concert. Abdeslam allegedly blew himself up instantly. This is the account reported in all the mainstream media, although initially it was said he blew himself up outside the cafe.

I invite readers to go to Google and query “suicide bomb restaurant Israel” and view, if you have the stomach for it, the kind of devastation a suicide bomb causes. You will see imploded windows, partially collapsed roofs, exposed beams and general havoc. You will also see what are indisputably images of people who have been maimed by an explosive device. One does not have to be an explosives expert to know that one of the characteristic consequences of explosives is chaos, not discreet damage here and there.

At the Comptoir Voltaire, however, we see something entirely different. We see a few overturned chairs and, oddly, what appear to be an unbloodied jacket and coat on the sidewalk outside the cafe, as if the bomb neatly blew off a few garments without disturbing a sidewalk sandwich board nearby. The above video shows a government forensic team in the cafe examining the body of Abdeslam, whom we are told was a pot-smoking hedonist, a disappointment to his wife and family — not exactly the stuff of a martyr for Allah. In other photos, we see a few holes and cracks in the cafe windows, but that is all. A blackboard near the bomber’s table appears untouched. Chairs on the other side of the window from where he sat are not even overturned. Pictures and signs on the walls and windows show no damage. A coffee cup and a tea cup containing a used lemon are completely undisturbed.

Forensic police search for evidences inside the Comptoir Voltaire cafe at the site of an attack on November 14, 2015 in Paris, after a series of gun attacks occurred across the city. AFP PHOTO / KENZO TRIBOUILLARD (Photo credit should read KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP/Getty Images) (KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP/Getty Images)

Forensic police search for evidences inside the Comptoir Voltaire cafe in Paris.  (KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP/Getty Images)

When a person blows himself up, it is typically difficult to identify the body, but Abdeslam was identified by the very next day even though, judging from this video, his body remained in the cafe as late as Saturday morning. Normally, a suicide bomb strong enough to kill would destroy identifying papers too.

Was Abdeslam simply incompetent? Did he make a weak bomb? Then we must ask how he was instantly killed and why he wasn’t taken to the hospital right away. The objective of suicide bombings, by the way, is not suicide. The objective is homicide. Abdeslam killed no one at the Comptoir Voltaire. One person was reportedly injured (even though papers on the wall were not damaged).

One must seriously question the motives of this alleged terrorist. Did he wish to close the borders of France to Muslim immigrants? To launch war against Muslim countries? Then he was a suicide bomber in every sense of the word — and a blank slate upon which an ongoing fiction can be drawn.

Abdeslam’s brother, Salah, a sensitive- and intelligent-looking immigrant to Belgium, was also allegedly involved in the attacks and is now one of the most wanted men in Europe. Read More »


“Je Suis Un Fasciste”

November 17, 2015


THE French nationalist pop group, Les Brigandes, refreshingly describes some of the forces shaping France today in their song “Antifa,” which was apparently later censured. I’m not sure what was changed, but I have a good idea. Read More »


Who Are the “Eagles of Death Metal?”

November 17, 2015


 Jesse Hughes of Eagles of Death Metal on August 26, 2012 in Reading, England. (Photo by Simone Joyner/Getty Images)

Jesse Hughes of Eagles of Death Metal on August 26, 2012 in Reading, England. (Photo by Simone Joyner/Getty Images)

JOSH writes:

First, I would like to say that I have been a fan of your site for years and that I am broadly in sympathy with your views (including agnosticism including agnosticism in interpreting various recent world events).  However,  I am writing to correct what I think is a misconception regarding the music group “The Eagles of Death Metal,” [the band playing at the Bataclan Hall in Paris during Friday night’s attacks.]  I am not writing to defend the band as talented, wholesome, or even morally neutral.  Like most modern pop music they unreflectively endorse a casual attitude toward sex, and a general (though, frankly, mildly so compared to many of their contemporaries) disposition toward hedonism.  Having said that, I did want to say, for your benefit, that they are not who you think they are.

 “The Eagles of Death Metal,” are not in fact a “Death Metal” band.  The name is a joke of sorts.  The word “Eagles” in the name, is a reference to the 1970s band, who, I gather the EODM consider to be lame.  One of the band members once heard a friend describe a different band  as “The Eagles of Death Metal” and he found this an amusing description.  The EODM’s music is blues influenced, heavy on slide guitar, mostly melodic.  The devil horns sign is more of a hipster detached irony, combined with the fact that most urban young hipsters are atheists and associate this hand symbol with “rock and roll” (though even this is viewed with a detached kind of irony).  I imagine that the band and the audience find the whole idea of Satan to be provincial to the extent that they even think about it.  Note that I am not saying that these symbols have no power despite the intentions of the people involved, or that on some level, this indifference between good and evil isn’t the work of the devil.  Modern culture and modern rock and roll certainly unwittingly (semi-wittingly?) play into the devil’s hands. Read More »


A Staged Photo from Paris?

November 16, 2015


MANY MEDIA outlets are running this gruesome photo of the inside of the Bataclan theater in Paris, where 89 people were reportedly killed by terrorists on Friday. I’m sorry to post this disturbing image, in which the dead bodies are digitally obscured, and I send my sympathies to anyone hurt in the theater and the friends and relatives of anyone killed, but I think it is important to examine this photo because it is strange. Why is no one attending to these victims? Where are the emergency responders? It’s very unusual even when only police have arrived for no one to help those who have been shot. Usually even victims who are believed to be dead are rushed to hospitals just in case they may be revived. That is standard practice. And yet these victims are left in piles. Is this the moment before any police and medics arrived? Does that mean no one stayed behind to help these poor people, some of whom may have survived if they were treated?

This photo and the absence of cell phone images from inside the theater raise troubling questions about news accounts.

While there are no images of the actual massacre taking place in an age of ubiquitous cameras, we do have this perfect portrait of the crowd (with the obligatory flashing of the devil’s horns) before the concert. Do concertgoers in the satanic rock circuit normally pose for professional-looking group shots before concerts?



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