The Occult Peace Symbol for Paris
November 16, 2015
THE anti-Christian Teutonic rune of death, known as the Peace Symbol, becomes a new insignia for the Paris attacks.
November 16, 2015
THE anti-Christian Teutonic rune of death, known as the Peace Symbol, becomes a new insignia for the Paris attacks.
November 16, 2015
A WOMAN whose baby died on his first day in day care now campaigns for the unrealistic, Capitalistic pipe dream of extended parental leave instead of an economy — and a culture — that enables many more mothers to stay home indefinitely.
November 16, 2015
THE Irish writer Gearoid O’Coleman gives his views on the situation in Paris for RT News, the Russian media outlet.
November 15, 2015
“The greater and more persistent your confidence in God, the more abundantly you will receive all that you ask. ”
November 15, 2015
THE INTERNET is abuzz with skepticism about the official details of the devastating Paris attacks. Was this more manufactured terror, another black operation intended to promote public support for war in the Middle East, divert attention from the real enemies of Europe, inflame passions for and against Muslims, and create the passive, supine herd that concedes to repressive security measures?
The death of the attackers (a familiar component of all false flag events), the drills scheduled for the same day, the seemingly instantaneous appearance of sympathetic lighting on public buildings and the reported lack of images (see first video) of events within the soccer stadium all raise suspicions. There is the troubling question of where the alleged terrorists obtained their explosives. There is also the oddity that the perpetrators of the attacks were instantly identified by the government and media. According to one blogger, Wikipedia had a detailed entry within two hours of the attacks. Michel Chossudovsky writes:
Within minutes following the attacks, which were launched simultaneously, and prior to the release of a preliminary report by the police, France’s media went into overdrive. News commentators and intelligence analysts on France’s network TV stated with authority that the attacks emanated from Syria and Iraq.
The media coverage of these tragic events was casually linked up with the war in the Middle East, highlighting France’s commitment –alongside its allies– in waging a “humanitarian war” against the terrorists.
The Islamic State was identified as the architect of the attacks.
The attacks were described without evidence as an act of revenge and retribution against France for having bombed ISIS strongholds in Syria and Iraq as part of Obama’s counter-terrorism air campaign.
The political discourse is in some regards reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks and the statements of George W. Bush et al.
The media immediately started comparing the November 13 attacks in Paris to 9/11, intimating that France was at war and that the alleged Islamic State attack was from abroad, i.e. the Middle East.
Police State Measures
President Hollande had ordered by decree without debate or consultation with France’s National Assembly the enactment of a State of Emergency throughout France, coupled with the closing of France’s borders allegedly to prevent terrorists from coming in, and from terror suspects from leaving the country.
The measures also included procedures which enable the police to conduct arbitrary arrests and house searches without a warrant within the Paris metropolitan area opening up the development of a potential hate campaign directed against France’s Muslim population.
Will the attacks be used to justify deploying NATO troops to Syria?
Some are saying The Economist magazine, a propaganda arm of the international oligarchy which holds its famous secret meetings at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands every year, predicted the attacks on its cover earlier this year. The occult symbolism on the magazine cover is analyzed at the preceding link. The fact that the attacks occurred on Friday the 13th and that a concert hall hosting “The Eagles of Death” are similarly disturbing. A familiar feature of false flag operations is the simultaneous promotion of immoral behavior. (In the Virginia shooting, the live-in relationship between the allegedly murdered reporter with a news anchor was featured. In the Oregon shooting, the supposed hero Chris Mintz was photographed in his hospital bed with a demonic trio of friends.)
We cannot know, of course, but all official accounts of terror attacks should be treated with skepticism. We know for sure that government intelligence agencies have already engaged in massive deception and treason to achieve political goals through terror. We should be sympathetic to the dead, but withhold definite conclusions as to the perpetrators. Above all else, we should refuse to be afraid.
November 13, 2015
KARL D. writes:
From the files of arrested development among the young “adult” American male. You may not be aware of it, but a growing number of men in their 20s and well into their 30s are collecting toys, specifically, action figures and comic books from Sci-Fi TV shows and movies — collections that can, and do, run into hundreds of these figures. There are entire online communities dedicated to this. Read More »
November 13, 2015
MICHAEL HOFFMAN reports on the case of Ursula Haverbeck, an 87-year-old German woman who has been sentenced to ten months in prison for stating that inmates of Aushcwitz were not killed in gas chambers. Haverbeck was fined thousands of dollars in 2009 for offending Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Central Council of Jews.
Tens of thousands of Jews and others unquestionably suffered and died at Auschwitz. But Haverbeck maintains, as do other “revisionists,” that Auschwitz was a labor camp where most died from uncontrolled disease, rather than deliberate extermination in gas chambers. Zyklon B, the famous gas, was used to delouse the clothes of camp inmates to prevent typhus, which killed many thousands. Haverbeck’s opinions are consistent with the evidence. Even the famous “Nazi Hunter” Simon Wiesenthal stated that “there were no extermination camps on German soil.”
European courts do not punish people for challenging any other historical event. According to The Daily Mail:
During her defence she said that the Holocaust of six million Jews ‘was the greatest and longest lived lie in history.’
Judge Björn Jönsson struggled to maintain his temper with the elderly Nazi after she said she shouldn’t be punished for the crime again as she had already been fined twice and given a suspended sentence for previous Holocaust denials.
He said: ‘I do not have to prove the Holocaust to you, same as I do not have to prove that the earth is round.
‘It is futile to discuss facts with people like you. A thief who steals the same thing again and again is punished again and again.’
The prosecutor in the case stormed: ‘It is regrettable that a woman who is still so vivid in her old age wastes her energy trying to spread such a hair-raising bullshit.’ Read More »
November 13, 2015
THE media loves to incite hate fests, but the recent incident at the University of Missouri is probably one more example of juvenile, fabricated racial oppression. From The Federalist:
Something stinks at the University of Missouri. A reported incident of vandalism at Mizzou sparked university-wide protests, a boycott by the school’s 4-5 football team, and eventually the resignation of the university’s president and chancellor.
There’s only one problem: no evidence of the alleged incident, in which a poop swastika on the wall of a dormitory restroom was reported, has ever been made publicly available. Read More »
November 13, 2015
THE White Crucifixion by Marc Chagall is apparently the favorite painting of “Pope” Francis (it’s on the cover of one of his books). The blasphemous artwork is an interesting study in psychological warfare against the Church. Maurice Pinay writes:
What we’re looking at above in The White Crucifixion is a work of alchemy, and anyone who knows anything about Hasidic Judaism will know where I’m coming from with that observation. Quite simply, ‘Chagall’ has transmuted the ideological descendants of the Pharisees who had Jesus Christ executed into Christlike victims, while transmuting Jesus into an East European Hasid (by the striped prayer shawl and surrounding context).
There are subtexts surrounding this central theme:
… a mother hugs her child to her chest as she flees the destruction. Above her is a Torah scroll with white light streaming from it and a figure stepping over the light. This refers to a famous Hasidic tale, when a bishop ordered the Torah to be burnt. Rabbi Israel prayed and his prayers pierced to the palace of the Messiah. As a result the bishop fell into a fit, which frightened those who intended to burn the scrolls …
… a synagogue is being burnt by a Nazi brownshirt whilst behind Nazi flags can be seen … (Richard Harries, The Passion in Art, pp. 109-110)
November 13, 2015
ANTI-GLOBALIST Expatriate writes:
This kind of slavery found at a salt farm in South Korea happens all over Asia, not just in Thailand, Burma, and Malaysia. It involves the connivance of government officials, the police, and the military.
November 12, 2015
INTERESTING reflections by John C. Wright on the demise of rational atheism and the decline of thought:
In my youth, it was possible for a man to believe in absolute truth without believing in God. All rational atheists so believe.
In the modern climate, it is realized that the belief in absolute truth forces one eventually to recognize absolute standards in moral law, that is, a law unbound by time and space, and the existence of such standards logically imply a law-giver to whom one is morally bound to obey, but the only lawgiver unbound by time and space must be a supernatural one: a god.
While it is a logically self-consistent philosophical position to hold, as I did, that moral law can be objective without a God to legislate it, one finds that the intellectual elite of the West cannot maintain that position: because the emotional reason why they wished to escape from God in the first place was because they wished to escape the moral law.
In order to promote and protect sin, even well educated men, once they lose the belief in God, soon find themselves unwilling, or perhaps unable, to articulate any rational reason defending the position.
The habit of argumentation falls to one side. Schools no longer teach it, and men can get doctorates these days without ever once, not once, participating in an honest question and answer about any intellectual matter.
The ability to entertain an idea without believing that idea is lost. The art of debate is lost. The art of thought is lost.
And the atheists, by their own unwillingness to look truth in the face, lobotomize their own ability to support or defend their position. Their atheist philosophy becomes merely an emotional decoration to their life, a plume for their cap, something they stock on the shelves of their empty brains like bric-a-brac.
Sin darkens the intellect. The reason why is because reason shows the sinner what his sin really is. He reaches the point of no return: either he abandons sin, and repents, and embraces the cold truths of reason, or embraces sin more closely, doubles the dose until he overdoses, and abandons reason.
November 12, 2015
IS the familiar conversational rule that one must “never talk politics or religion” the product of a conspiracy? Some reflections at a blog called The Liberty Bell.
November 11, 2015
A READER from France sends his tribute to the much-maligned white male.
November 11, 2015
IT IS no dishonor to those who bravely fought in World War II to recall the arguments on this Veteran’s Day by those who were against American intervention in the war and who at one point represented the vast majority of Americans. Charles Lindbergh was one of the most vocal opponents of American involvement as part of the America First movement.
Here is the full text of his speech on the subject in Des Moines, Iowa on September 11, 1941. Some excerpts:
National polls showed that when England and France declared war on Germany, in 1939, less than 10 percent of our population favored a similar course for America. But there were various groups of people, here and abroad, whose interests and beliefs necessitated the involvement of the United States in the war. I shall point out some of these groups tonight, and outline their methods of procedure. In doing this, I must speak with the utmost frankness, for in order to counteract their efforts, we must know exactly who they are.
The three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration.
Behind these groups, but of lesser importance, are a number of capitalists, Anglophiles, and intellectuals who believe that the future of mankind depends upon the domination of the British empire. Add to these the Communistic groups who were opposed to intervention until a few weeks ago, and I believe I have named the major war agitators in this country.
I am speaking here only of war agitators, not of those sincere but misguided men and women who, confused by misinformation and frightened by propaganda, follow the lead of the war agitators. Read More »
November 10, 2015
SEBASTIAN C. writes:
I was an acquaintance of the late Lawrence Auster here in New York. Notwithstanding my many contributions to his extraordinary website, Larry eventually banished me because of our irreconcilable differences over 9/11, an event I lived through first-hand at and around 180 Maiden Lane. I was one of those people covered in white soot, and became a “truther” by the end of the day after seeing the second airplane from my office window, the strange demolition, learning that WTC 7 had been “pulled” (and reported as destroyed prior to its demolition), that Cheney had assumed command of Norad, and that the Pentagon had been hit by…something…anyway. Poor Larry told me he “refused to believe his government would…” I am delighted your website has continued. But I am writing about something possibly worse than 9/11, which was, after all, a one-time event.
Here is a video by the very influential Economist magazine. It features a depressed and confused 24-year-old “tomboy” girl in Belgium who had decided to avail herself of her country’s assisted suicide laws. The 20-minute documentary is an overt promotion of suicide, in this case state-administered death for a girl with no physical ailments. That’s right: this is not a cancer or Leukemia patient but simply a girl who’s depressed. The state has concluded she will not improve (she’s 24!), and gave her the green light to die. On Death Day (5:00 p.m. sharp), just before the state’s doctor could inject her, she suddenly felt better and decided to go on living, sort of. The report’s thesis is succinctly stated near the end: the availability of state-administered suicide helps many patients by letting them know there is a way out. Those opposing state-administered death are cruel and inhuman. Suicide for depression is a Human Right. (That she could have jumped off a ledge of her own accord is never mentioned in the video).
One could fill a book on this with Bertonneauesque comments on the Sickness Onto Death of the West, but really, the thing speaks for itself. Remember that The Economist is an enthusiastic promoter of mass Muslim migration into Europe and “gay rights in Latin America.” Of course they would be. They know what they’re doing.
November 10, 2015
ON the tenth anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, experts in structural engineering, physics, chemistry, and history gave evidence before an international panel of judges at Ryerson University in Toronto demonstrating that the official version of 9/11 is false. The panel of judges called for a new investigation into the attacks. This truly outstanding film, “9/11: Decade of Deception,” is a summary of the evidence given over the four days of hearings, which can be read and viewed in its entirety here. Though the film is four years old, it is still fresh and relevant. A reader wrote:
I came across this video yesterday and I think it is probably the finest composition of facts supporting the fraud of the airborne attacks against this country. It is a panel of scientists from various disciplines. They are succinct, articulate and dead serious.
I too highly recommend this film. Read More »
November 10, 2015
ONE of “Pope” Francis’s favorite pastimes is to insult Catholics.
Now the Pope Francis Insult Generator instantly produces some of his favorite slurs for Catholics and others. At a loss for words? Strike the fatal blow by calling your enemies “uniformists, alternativists and advantagists” or “querulous and disillusioned pessimists!”
November 9, 2015
ERIC writes:
There have been a spate of black protests at universities recently. I am struck by the insolence of the protesters and the trivial nature of their grievances.
At Yale, an administrator wrote a memo coaching members of the community to avoid wearing Halloween costumes that might give offense. A female faculty member piped up by email to say that perhaps the university should not be an arbiter of taste (or something to that effect). This brought scorn upon her head, at which point her husband (also on the faculty) stepped in to verbally defend her.
The outcome was this. The arrogance of this woman is breathtaking. What right has she to charge him with discourtesy?
At Missouri, the student body president, a black man who was elected by his fellow students, claimed that he was the target of a drunk yelling racial slurs, and that such has happened to him on campus on other occasions. Additionally, on two occasions a few weeks apart, a swastika was found painted in feces on the wall of a dormitory bathroom in the early morning hours. When a group of protesters tried to confront the University President by blocking his limousine at a parade, he refused to leave his car and kept driving. Read More »