THE CATHOLIC English blogger Mundabor promotes the false position that if one doesn’t like what the pope teaches and notices that he is a heretic, one can just ignore him or go around calling him an “idiot.”
Novus Ordo Watch trounces him:
First, let’s respond to Mundabor’s thesis that you don’t have to listen to the “Pope” (for such he believes Francis to be) “if he’s an idiot”. We will do so simply by quoting what the Popes themselves have taught on this issue, because, believe it or not, after 2000 years, there have actually been a few cases of true Popes who were not that bright intellectually or unworthy morally speaking. This, however, did not mean they were not genuine Vicars of Christ, or that their authority was in any way diminished, nor, a fortiori, that their teachings or decisions could be dismissed or were optional for the faithful …
Speaking of idiocy, the Argentine Bomber is at it again. More from Novus Ordo Watch:
When Jorge Bergoglio speaks, it’s always the same Modernist trash we’ve been hearing for decades, albeit in somewhat recycled fashion. We’ve said before that he could work for Hallmark to write shallow greeting cards full of chicken-soup-for-the-soul spirituality. The homily he gave at the Casa Santa Marta today, November 5, 2015, is a perfect example of this.
Vatican Radio just published a summary, with long verbatim quotes, of Francis’ latest homily against “exclusion” and for “inclusion”, in which he goes so far as to state, “God has included us all in salvation, all!” Take a look at what an infantile, immature, quasi-heretical and wholly dangerous rant this was.