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California Legalizes Assisted Suicide

October 7, 2015

DYING PEOPLE are exploited by the assisted-suicide movement, which presents their tearful testimonies to make it seem as if it’s all about preventing suffering and pain. It’s not. Matthew Archibald writes about the approval earlier this week of an assisted suicide bill in California:

California became a crueler place today. Proponents of the law argue that people in terrible pain can opt out. But palliative care has never been better. That’s not what this is about.

This is about California running a cost/benefit analysis on life. If you’re old or disabled and not contributing maybe an early departure is best for everyone else.

Chuck Donovan, president of Charlotte Lozier Institute, called the law’s passage “tragic.”

“Legalization of doctor assisted suicide is like a forest fire. The practice has become so permissive in the Netherlands, for example, that doctors are now routinely euthanizing adults, infants, and children – sometimes without consent,” he said. “That the most populous state in the union has now enshrined this practice in law is a warning sign for the rest of the nation.” Read More »


A Brief History of Banking in America

October 7, 2015

IN 1787, John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson:

“All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in the Constitution, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.”

This downright ignorance is probably worse today. The vast majority of Americans do not understand that the consortium of private banks that constitute the Federal Reserve System create money and charge interest for it. Instead of money being a token of exchange, it is a profit-making instrument in the hands of a few. This system of what the author E. Michael Jones calls “state-sponsored usury” necessarily leads to debt slavery, centralized government and monopolistic control of the press. The American colonists went to war to protect their right to make and control the money supply. That freedom was later relinquished by the American government.


“In the Colonies we issue our own money,” said Benjamin Franklin. “It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one.”

Here is brief history of banking in America by Alain Pilote, which I offer as a primer on the subject. Pilote wrote in 1985:

The bankers’ dictatorship and their debt-money system are not limited to one country, but exist in every country in the world. They are working to keep their control tight, since one country freeing itself from this dictatorship and issuing its own interest- and debt-free currency, setting the example of what an honest system could be, would be enough to bring about the collapse of the bankers’ swindling debt-money system worldwide.

This fight of the International Financiers to install their fraudulent debt-money system has been particularly vicious in the United States of America since its very foundation, and historical facts show that several American statesmen were well aware of the dishonest money system the Financiers wanted to impose upon America, and of all of its harmful effects. These statesmen were real patriots, who did all that they possibly could to maintain for the U.S.A. an honest money system, free from the control of the Financiers. The Financiers did everything in their power to keep in the dark this facet of the history of the United States, for fear that the example of these patriots might still be followed today.


Trump and Putin

October 7, 2015

DONALD Trump’s statements on Russian intervention in Syria are excellent:

“It is not even a contest!” Donald Trump said in response to an NBC News presenter’s question about whether it had been better when Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were in power.

“Iraq is a disaster… Libya is not even a country,” he explained. “You can make the case, if you look at Libya, look at what we did there – it’s a mess. If you look at Saddam Hussein with Iraq, look what we did there – it’s a mess.”

Trump said that Washington is “destroying our country” by wasting too much money on Middle Eastern policies that do not seem to work: “We have spent $2 trillion in Iraq, probably a trillion in Afghanistan…”

“[Syria] is going to be the same thing,” Trump said, criticizing US support of so-called moderate Syrian rebels.


TPP Will Limit Speech on the Internet

October 7, 2015

THE Trans Pacific Partnership includes clauses that call for censorship of Internet journalism. See a report on this here.


Food News

October 6, 2015

HERE is an interesting and informative article from the Weston Price Foundation about cod liver oil, an ancient food supplement that is supposedly especially good for children (they love it!) and women of child-bearing age. Anything that tastes this bad must be good for you, don’t you think? Note the recommendations for specific brands.

In other news, a reader sent me this highly enticing and delectable photo of a slice of Cheese Steak Pizza, which was available in Philadelphia during the recent visit of the international pop star from Rome. This photo is a modernist still life. It belongs in a museum.



Objections in Oregon to Obama’s Visit

October 6, 2015

DAVID JACQUES, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon, has reportedly spoken out against Obama’s planned visit to the area to promote gun control in the wake of the Umpqua Community College shooting:

We haven’t even identified bodies, we’ve still got incident command trying to contain the scene, and he’s holding a press conference 3,000 miles away from here, telling — almost implying that he could have single-handedly prevented this if the Congress would have listened to him.’

‘I think he admitted it himself.

‘His visit here isn’t a re-election campaign stop, but it is a campaign stop for an agenda that he and his associates believe is important. Read More »


Child Economist

October 5, 2015



“Papal” Mass Attendance

October 5, 2015

professor of “crowd science” estimates that there were as few as 80,000 people at the “papal” mass in Philadelphia last week, not the 1.5 million people widely reported.


Family Farce Starts in Rome

October 5, 2015


AS the conclave known as the Synod on the Family opened in Rome yesterday, the Vatican of the international pop star, “Pope” Francis, gave more strong and unmistakable signals of support for the normalization of homosexuality. It distanced itself from Kentucky clerk and civil resister Kim Davis when a spokesman stated that the pope’s private and initially unpublicized meeting with her during his U.S. visit last week must not be construed as support. (At the most, to a modernist in the Vatican II Church, it would have been only a matter of respecting her freedom of conscience, not defending her opposition to an unjust law.)  The news also broke that Francis met with a male homosexual couple in a special private audience during his visit to the United States. Finally, a priest with a position in the Congregation for the Doctrine and Faith announced that he was homosexual and introduced his partner. He was fired, but …. why was he there?

Pull up a chair. The Great Apostasy continues.


What’s a Catholic To Do?

October 5, 2015

NICK W. writes:

Thank you very much for all you do. I’m in a state of spiritual confusion and don’t know who else to ask for advice on how to deal with the Church in the current climate. I had made excuses for a long time and tried to give the benefit of the doubt, but the decision made by the Pope to have Church organizations take in foreign, non-Christian invaders has been the final straw. I do realize it is our duty to provide aid and charity to the needy, but this can be done without giving tacit approval to the Camp of the Saints scenario we are seeing in Europe and the United States. It is clear to me that the current leadership believes more in Christ the Communist than Christ the King, and I just simply can’t agree with this. Read More »


Ten Ways to Spot a False Flag Shooting

October 4, 2015

JOE WRIGHT suggests some of the tell-tale signs of a hoax. Read More »


Oregon Shooting

October 2, 2015


FROM Natural News:

No shooting crisis in America — real, staged or otherwise — ever takes place without law enforcement exploiting the crisis to indoctrinate the local population with police state totalitarianism.

Following the mass shooting at the Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Oregon, students and staffers were treated like violent prison felons, forced into prisoner lockdown formations by heavily armed, militarized law enforcement toting large ammo loads and dressed for combat in Afghanistan.

As the photos reveal here, students and teachers were ordered by police to march in prisoner formation with hands behind their heads, fingers laced together. Police then engaged in illegal, unconstitutional searches of students’ personal belongings, with no search warrant and no evidence of wrongdoing.

The only “crime” of these students was being present. Merely by being present on the same campus as the shooter, they were all treated like suspected criminals and potential terrorists. This is the new police state in America, by the way, accurately described by John W. Whitehead in the outstanding book Battlefield America: The War on the American People. [cont.]

The lone gunman killed nine and wounded 7, according to police. He is reported to have been killed in a shootout with police.



Auster on the 1965 Immigration Act

October 2, 2015

THIS excerpt from an unpublished book of the writer Lawrence Auster is a detailed account of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which turns 50 this week. This single piece of legislation has arguably transformed America, demographically, politically and culturally, more than any other. According to Auster, the legislation was a “civil rights bill applied to the world at large.”


The 1965 Immigration Act – Its Intent, Its Consequences

By Lawrence Auster

This is the central problem of immigration today: that the law…has not recognized that individuals have rights irrespective of their citizenship. It has not recognized that the relevant community is not merely the nation but all men of good will. —Robert F. Kennedy, 1965

The outstanding trait of the men of our period may seem in retrospect to have been the facility with which they put forth untried conceits as “ideals.” —Irving Babbitt, Democracy and Leadership, 1924

TO understand the reality of immigration, we first need to know something about the existing immigration law and how it came into being. Such knowledge, more than any other factor, can help dispel the strange mental passivity that has gripped most Americans when they are confronted by this issue. Even when they begin to recognize the unprecedented scale of the ethnic changes taking place in our country, they take it for granted that those changes are inevitable. It is as though the “browning of America,” as newsmagazines and minority spokesmen have cheerfully dubbed it, were a kind of vast natural phenomenon, as far outside of human control as continental drift. There seems to be almost no awareness of the fact that this alteration of our society has been the result, not of an act of God, but of an act of Congress; not of some inviolable provision in the Constitution, but of a law passed in 1965. An examination of the 1965 Act, and of the profound misconceptions expressed by its framers, will show us that they never intended the sea change in American life that has occurred as the direct result of that Act. This understanding is essential if we are to disenthrall ourselves from the disabling belief in the “inevitability” of present demographic trends. Read More »


Defending the Good

October 1, 2015

“It is a smaller sin to follow evil which you think is good, than not to venture to defend what you know for certain is good. If we cannot endure threats, injustice, poverty, how shall we overcome the flames of Babylon? Let us not lose by hollow peace what we have preserved by war. I should be sorry to allow my fears to teach me faithlessness, when Christ has put the true faith in the power of my choice.”

                               —- Saint Jerome, Prologue to the Treatise Against the Pelagians [Quoted here.]


Explaining “Catholic” Divorce

October 1, 2015

ON the plane home from his U.S. trip, “Pope” Francis says the “Catholic” sacrament of marriage is not valid if one of the spouses is lacking maturity or is “mentally ill” or lacks “freedom.” First he firmly states there will be no change with the new annulment process. Then he boldly outlines the radical change:

And this the Church cannot change. It’s doctrine. It’s an indissoluble sacrament. The legal trial is to prove that what seemed to be a sacrament wasn’t a sacrament, for lack of freedom for example, or for lack of maturity, or for mental illness, or, there are so many reasons that bring about (an annulment), after a study, an investigation. That there was no sacrament. [The Airplane InterviewsCall Me Jorge]


Two Rallies in Chicago

October 1, 2015



Another Kentucky Clerk Will Defy Ruling

October 1, 2015


A CLERK in Casey County says he too will refuse to issue any same-sex “marriage” licenses.


Freemasons Sound Like “Pope” Francis

October 1, 2015



Syrian refugees off Greek island of Lesbos

SEBASTIEN writes from Paris:

Here is a copy of a Sept. 7, 2015 letter signed by 28 Grand Masonic Lodges in Europe requesting that governments take in a maximum number of invaders. The letter calls them ‘migrants’ but they are nothing of the kind. It is a manufactured refugee crisis of mostly men men of fighting age, very few of whom are from Syria.

Strangely enough, all the Grand Masonic Lodges that have signed the pledge are from countries where Protestants are in a minority. I guess these Luciferians believe that the reminaing tepid Catholicism is still a stumbling block to their plans of a global governement under the destructive slogan of liberty, equality and fraternity. Read More »