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The Thinking Housewife


A Mountain Song

August 22, 2015


ALAN writes:

Thank you for your thoughtful essay on mountain hiking and family togetherness.

There is much to be said in favor of the simple act of walking.  (Read the anthology The Magic of Walking, 1967.)  Walking is conducive to thinking, which is one reason why most people don’t like to walk.  Of course Fast Folk hate the very thought.  I have always enjoyed both, which is one reason why I am such a terrible misfit in today’s world.

It is not directly pertinent to what you wrote, but your essay reminded me of a story-song that I am sure is unknown to you and your readers.

On AM radio in the summer of 1962, there was a popular song called “Wolverton Mountain.”  It was sung by Claude King and was the story of a man who wanted to marry the daughter of a gun-toting mountain man.  I had the 45-rpm record on the red Columbia Records label and my boyhood pal Jeff and I often sat on the floor that summer with a record player and sang along with that record. Read More »


The Power of Televised Lies

August 22, 2015

To not believe the news is to be a heretic, a traitor to your country, and a downright evil, heartless person.  Who wants to be called that? So someone who wants to get along in the world would believe TV news without question, and so this is how our society works smoothly and non-believers might as well just move someplace else far away…someplace with a nice beach and good surf.

 — Suzanne Broussard


The Bush Family and Planned Parenthood

August 22, 2015



August 22, 2015




Buy ‘Em and Break ‘Em

August 22, 2015

PAUL A. writes:

Regarding mops, when I had my cleaning business, we would use the basic Swiffer mop head and just put our own rags on it. Buy a dozen bar rags from Costco or wherever, and you can wet ’em down in the sink, soap ’em up, etc. Just tuck a fold of the rag into the four little grab points for the original Swiffer wipe, and it works like a charm. Toss the rag in the laundry when you are done. Read More »


Faces Long Before Facebook

August 21, 2015


Daguerreotype of unidentified woman by Matthew Brady

GUILAIN writes from France:

I enjoyed your article on family hiking. I’ve seen a video of Mount Washington in winter. It is very impressive and I wouldn’t climb up there unless someone would promise me tons of candies.

On another note, I think you will find this collection of daguerreotypes in The Atlantic interesting.

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Cruel Feminism

August 21, 2015

ACCORDING to the Center for Military Readiness, female soldiers in combat-related exercises have suffered twice as many injuries as their male counterparts.

The U. S. Army Medical Command compared male/female injury rates in formerly all-male units such as field and air defense artillery. Previously undisclosed data show that female soldiers suffered injuries averaging double men’s rates in specific MOSs. In the Field Artillery Surveyor Meteorological Crewmember MOS, for example, injuries for women were approximately 112% higher than men’s. In the Bradley fighting vehicle system maintainer MOS, the rate was 133% higher.


New Planned Parenthood Video

August 20, 2015

IN the seventh undercover video produced by the Center for Medical Progress, a technician from StemExpress describes cutting through the face of an aborted baby at a Planned Parenthood clinic in order to remove his brain intact for use by the biotech company.


My Mother Was an Army Ranger

August 19, 2015


The feminist world and its enablers are positively ecstatic about the news that two females, both U.S. Military Academy (West Point) graduates, are soon to receive the Ranger Tab on their uniforms. The Washington Post (First women to graduate from Army’s Ranger School, by Dan Lamothe, August 18), in predictable fashion, referred to this as, “…a major breakthrough for women in the armed services at a time when each of the military branches is required to examine how to integrate women into jobs – such as infantrymen – in which they have never been allowed to serve.” Read More »


Family Hiking

August 19, 2015

Chamouni, John Ruskin

Chamouni, John Ruskin

HISTORIANS say mountain hiking as a recreational activity did not begin until the 18th century. But it’s hard to believe that human beings weren’t always drawn to mountains for purely aesthetic reasons and didn’t find them appealing places to walk and climb much farther back in history.

The first recreational mountain hiking trail, among those which are still is use, was completed in America in 1819, at Mount Washington in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Today, there are trails throughout the two major ranges, the Appalachians and the Rockies,  and the continuous maintenance of these paths, often by volunteers, attest to how much the mountains are loved by Americans.

Mountain hiking is one of the best activities a family can take up together, in my opinion. I say this fully realizing that hiking is not always a pleasurable activity for children and that it can’t compete in terms of instant thrills or social status with amusement parks.

But hiking has the following advantages: Read More »


Future First Ladies

August 19, 2015





He Must Be, He’s Gotta Be … Catholic

August 19, 2015


I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I saw this headline in my diocesan paper: “Pope’s Encyclical Said to Uphold Church Teaching.”


Women Rangers

August 19, 2015


As I was making bread I heard, “Two women have graduated from Ranger School,” coming from the living room TV. I turned around slowly to see the anchor’s wide smile. It was a face saying, “Isn’t this just swell!”

According to this Army Times article,

“The Army on Monday announced two women and 94 men met the standards of the course’s third and final phase, also known as the Swamp Phase.Two women will graduate from Ranger School on Friday, becoming the first women to earn the Ranger Tab. Their graduation ceremony will take place on Victory Pond at Fort Benning, Georgia. Read More »


The Model Minority: Business Culture Shock Edition

August 18, 2015


Naturally, immigrants to the West from China and other Asian countries import their ingrained senses of ethics (or lack thereof) and sharp business practices along with them. This is a key reason why high levels of Asian immigration are so dangerous to the West; along with the law-abiding, we are importing casual criminality and wholesale corruption, which is far more damaging in the long term than substandard goods sold at loss-making prices in order to drive Western competitors out of business.

From a Washington Post article titled “Chinese Companies Face Culture Shock in Countries that Aren’t Like China:” Read More »


Capitalism and the Kitchen Mop

August 17, 2015



AMONG the conceits of boosters of modern-day capitalism, with its supposed free competition and “free trade,” is the idea that consumers are supplied with a wide range of choices and that the best products win out due to the forces of competition.

That this is myth is easily exposed by a trip to the supermarket or mall. The truth is, capitalism, as we know it, often consigns us to a very limited array of inferior products. There is all too often no hope for any competition to the producers of obvious junk because they are so big and so well-funded and so pervasive.

Here is one small example.

I recently set out to buy a replacement for the sponge of my kitchen mop. It was one of those mops that is squeezed out by pushing down on a sleeve on the handle. It is a simple design that was common for many years. I bought the mop  two or three years ago. But I found out, after going to five or six stores, that the sponge refill is no longer available. The mop has been discontinued and you cannot buy a refill pad anywhere, not even online. No other mop manufacturer produces a simple mop refill for this model.

That meant I had to buy a new mop, not just a new sponge. But the kitchen mops that were available were all …. technologically weird. They included this complicated Libman “Freedom Mop” (above, what a ridiculous name for a mop), which does not allow you to dunk the mop head in water and wring it out. Other mops had styrofoam pads, which do not hold water, or had other similarly complicated, counterintuitive designs. Basically none of the mops could be used with a simple pail of water and an easy mechanism for squeezing a sponge mop head out without bending down. I was in one store and spotted something that seemed to fit the bill. I grabbed it. On my very first use of this plastic mop — I am not lying — it broke. Part of the plastic head just snapped.

While I was shopping, I ran into a woman in the aisle of yet another store. She heard me talking about how bad all the mops were. She interjected and said she has looked for a simple, decent kitchen mop everywhere and could not find one. Yet think of how basic a mop is to daily life. Everyone needs a mop.

It was obvious, after searching over a two-week period, that the few mop manufacturers that supply most stores want consumers to buy the “mops” with disposable wet pads such as those produced by Swiffer. These pads are expensive and give off a strong chemical odor. I used them for a while, but I don’t like them. There’s something decadent and wasteful about pulling out a chemical-bathed diaper every time you want to clean the floor and throwing it out after one use.

I ended up buying this other mop by Libman with its cheap plastic parts and big brush. I am willing to bet that the replacement sponge will not be available for all that much longer and that the whole thing will not last for long. “Free enterprise” often seems to entail compulsory consumption of trash. The people who produce this junk in factories in China are probably paid very little and have no fondness for the product either.


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Born That Way

August 17, 2015

ALMOST half of British youth between the ages of 18 and 24 who responded to a survey said they are not quite heterosexual. Read More »


Bergoglio and Pregnant Brides

August 17, 2015


HERE’S COMMENTARY at Tradition in Action about Mr. Bergoglio’s revolting habit of touching the stomachs of pregnant women who are just getting married. It’s not enough that this impostor has to paw little children all the time, sometimes making them burst into tears, he also turns to unborn children to promote ever so slyly his agenda. Oh, it seems to loving! So tender! After all, he is blessing the unborn! This con artist never misses a chance for some symbolic and sentimental gesture to manipulate the public mind and undercut Catholic morality without explicitly rejecting it. Here he is clearly sanctioning extra-marital relations. TIA writes:

This is inconceivable for a Pope, whose mission is to confirm the faithful in the Catholic Faith and Morals.

But it’s not inconceivable for a Masonic infiltrator. It’s just the sort of thing he would do.


“Fight Sedevacantophobia!!”

August 15, 2015

A POPE who ain’t Catholic ain’t a pope.

It’s elementary, my dear Watson. See more at Novus Ordo Watch.