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Female Marine Commander Dismissed

July 14, 2015

Totalitarian countries send women to war.

Totalitarian countries send women to war.

EVEN under the seemingly best of conditions — when a hard-working female officer is put in charge — an all-female military battalion  faces extraordinary conflict. A reportedly tough female Marine officer who led the only all-female recruit battalion has been dismissed, allegedly because she was too hard on the women soldiers, whom she insisted should meet higher standards:

On one occasion, the investigation found, she made comments during a sexual assault prevention brief that female Marines interpreted as victim-blaming, leading some to testify that it would make them feel less comfortable reporting a sexual assault within the command.

[Lt. Col. Kate] Germano also “reinforced gender bias and stereotypes” in the minds of her Marines by telling them on several occasions that male Marines would not take orders from them and would see them as inferior if they could not meet men’s physical standards, the investigation found.

I did not know soldiers grade their commanders. Germano did not score well on the “Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute command climate survey taken by 64 members of the battalion in April.” (Be forewarned. Pretty soon your children will be taking a “command climate survey.”)

The integration of America’s military forces is a farce. It has nothing to do with fighting for America and everything to do with fighting against it. Read More »


The Model Minority: Extraordinary Ability Edition

July 14, 2015

THE Associated Press reports:

This could be the story of an American dream. An immigrant family builds a successful business and buys a four-bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood with good schools for their young son. But not all is as it seems on the steep, curving streets of San Diego’s Rancho Penasquitos. Read More »


Fusillade Frank in Latin America

July 13, 2015

Drunk on Demagoguery

Drunk on Demagoguery

THE “PAPAL” pop star’s whirlwind visit to Latin America last week was a tour de force of revolutionary demagoguery. Just a few highlights: In Ecuador, the Marxist madman and papal pretender prepared the crowds for his expected raid on moral doctrine at the upcoming Synod (Nod-to-Sin) on the Family. Without alluding to any specific changes in store, he said a new era was coming. With messianic bombast, he described unforeseen happiness. His words were a straight-up shot of anti-Catholic mental booze that was just the sort of thing crowds swooning over the sight of a major celebrity (or innocently believing they were seeing a true Holy Father) would unquestioningly imbibe:

And this is the good news: the finest wines are yet to be tasted; for families, the richest, deepest and most beautiful things are yet to come. The time is coming when we will taste love daily, when our children will come to appreciate the home we share, and our elderly will be present each day in the joys of life. The finest of wines is expressed by hope, this wine will come for every person who stakes everything on love. And the best wine is yet to come, in spite of all the variables and statistics which say otherwise.

Holy Toledo, how will this remarkable happiness come about “in spite of all the variable and statistics which say otherwise?” By taking sin and converting it into “wine.” Pretty cool, eh? It’s all about reaching out to the moral peripheries, where the real action is. It’s all about reaching out to the world instead of heaven. See Thomas Droleskey’s commentary on the homily.

While in Bolivia, the Argentine Bomber apologized for the Church’s actions during the colonial era. Mike King writes at his blog:

First of all, Rabbi Pope Francis; this moronic nonsense about apologizing for the actions of others from centuries long gone is as childish as it is retarded as it is pointless. Can you imagine the current President of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj …. crawling to Kiev and Warsaw and Moscow and Baghdad to beg forgiveness for the horrific genocides committed by Genghis Khan and his successors. The eastern Europeans would laugh at him! Read More »


Why Societies Owe Allegiance to God

July 13, 2015



Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry

NATIONS do not have eternal souls. Whole societies don’t go to heaven or hell. Then how can it be that social organisms have any spiritual obligations whatsoever?

The following dialogue between a hypothetical teacher and student, taken from The Social Rights of Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ the King by the Rev. Denis Fahey, D.D., is a most logical and lucid explanation for why the modern notion that religion is purely an individual matter is fatally wrong. This is a great little book, available in its entirety online. Here is Chapter I and part of Chapter II.

Chapter I: The Supreme Authority of God Over All Society

T.  You know, of course, the first articles of the Apostles’ Creed. “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.” The Church expresses the same truth in the Creed at Mass. ” I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.”

S. Yes, but what do you mean by the words “Creator (Maker) of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible”?

T. By those words I mean that everything that exists other than God has been made by God, and that all things visible and invisible have been created by Him.

S. What distinction do you make between visible and invisible things?

T. On the one hand, there are things which fall under the sense of sight, of hearing, or of the other senses, which are in some way tangible: these are the visible things. There are, on the other hand, things which really exist, of which one can have knowledge, but which cannot be perceived by the senses.

S. Would you kindly give some examples of invisible things.

T. The angels, the human soul, human thought and will, human power and authority—these are all examples of invisible things.

S. But is not human society also an invisible thing? Read More »


A Dearth of Masculinity in Japan

July 13, 2015



FEMINISM is a worldwide phenomenon. Japan, for instance, has a record low birthrate and relations between the sexes are showing the same symptoms as secularised Western society. Things are so bad, Japanese women have been publicly swooning on social media over Shabani, a male gorilla in the Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens:

For many Japanese women, especially busy working mothers, an “ikemen” [handsome guy] who is also an “ikumen” [nurturing father] is their dream come true, as evidenced by the enduring popularity of Japan’s top pop idol, Takuya Kimura, who is now 42 and a dad of two.

There has been a trend among Japanese male celebrities to emphasise that they are good and loving fathers, and Shabani’s popularity may be the latest addition to that trend.

[Shabani] was born in the Netherlands 18 years ago and came to the Higashiyama Zoo in Nagoya, Aichi prefecture, in 2007 as a gift. In human terms he would be in his mid- to late-thirties, the age most men, human or ape, are at the height of their strength and virility.

And what has proven more endearing for adult women is that Shabani’s wife Nene is 24 years his senior, who bore his son aged 40 – a surprising age for a female gorilla to give birth, according to the zoo. Read More »


An Etiquette Quiz

July 11, 2015



WHAT do you give a Marxist papal pretender as a gift?

A. A gold-leaf copy of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”

B. A Joseph Stalin wrist watch

C. A blasphemous crucifix of Jesus Christ nailed to a hammer and sickle Read More »


A Counter-Revolutionary Statement

July 11, 2015

ANNIE writes:

Thanks to you, I am finally winning the anti-pizza war in my house. I have been against pizza-that-comes-in-a-box for a long time now, and even make really good pizza from scratch from time to time, but my family will occasionally indulge their inner “bad fast food” demons and order takeout. I refuse to eat it because when I’m pregnant it smells and looks disgusting.  If my pregnant body has enough sense to not eat it, then why change the tune when I’m not pregnant?

Thanks to your links, I have now got everyone on board with animosity towards the Pizza Industrial Complex.  But I saw this shirt on traditionalcatholicpriest.com today and had to email it to you. Read More »


Chicken Becomes Endangered Species

July 11, 2015



The New World Lexicon

July 11, 2015

Rep. Lois Caps

Rep. Lois Capps

FROM The Washington Examiner:

More than two dozen Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the words “husband” and “wife” from federal law.

Those “gendered terms” would be replaced by “gender-neutral” words like “spouse” or “married couple,” according to the bill from Rep. Lois Capps, D-Calif.

“The Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act recognizes that the words in our laws have meaning and can continue to reflect prejudice and discrimination even when rendered null by our highest courts,” Capps said. “Our values as a country are reflected in our laws. I authored this bill because it is imperative that our federal code reflect the equality of all marriages.”

It’s about time. We don’t need these words anymore. We also don’t need “mother” and “father” or “daughter” and “son.”

These should all be replaced with one all-purpose, handy, perfectly gender-neutral term: slave.

It’s about time we revised our language. We are slaves of the criminal conspiracy that commands our media, our government, our political parties, our banking system and our corporations. “Dupe,” another perfectly gender-neutral term, could be used interchangeably with “slave” on all federal documents.


#Lovewins! “Don’t Fight the Love”

July 10, 2015

FROM NBC Philadelphia:

A private school principal in Chester County, Pennsylvania who prosecutors said told a male student “not to fight the love” during gropings and hugs in the administrator’s office has been charged with assault.

George James Symonds, 62, of Wilmington, Delaware, was arrested Friday for allegedly abusing the now 15-year-old student for nearly a year at The Concept School in Thornbury Township.


What Happened to WTC Building 7?

July 9, 2015


WHY did World Trade Center Building 7 collapse on 9-11? The office tower was not hit by a plane and was not engulfed in flames. It took only 6.5 seconds for the 47-story building to fall to the ground, starting at 5:20 p.m. that day. There was foreknowledge of its imminent fall by city officials.

This remains the most perplexing issue in connection with the destruction of the World Trade Center. Rethink 911, Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, examines the official theory that it fell due to fires on various floors and presents contrary evidence that the building was deliberately detonated. To the untrained eye, it unquestionably appears as if it was demolished by explosives. According to the organization, 2,000 architects and civil engineers have signed a petition calling for an official investigation. Building 7 was never included in the 911 Commission report.

See this video on the building’s free fall: Read More »


The Real Losers in “Gay Marriage” Ruling

July 6, 2015

FROM Jason Morgan at Crisis magazine:

[T]he true losers in Obergefell are the same as in Windsor: those experiencing same-sex attraction. The blessing is that, post Obergefell, there is no more political frenzy to cover over sadness of soul. Those in homosexual relationships will have to face the hard facts of their lifestyle. Many have already suffered under the normative lie that homosexuality can bring happiness, and many more will suffer now that this lie has been quite literally wedded to state power. Those now given the imprimatur of the federal government on the dead-end slavery of sin—and the children who are condemned to witness this slow-motion destruction of human dignity firsthand—are the true sacrificial victims in this war. If we were not praying for them before, let us start doing so today.


The Latest in Bergoglio-Land

July 6, 2015

ARE we characters in a farce? The man who calls himself “Pope” travels about promoting recycling and environmental “sustainability” while the most powerful nation on earth makes it possible for a man to “marry” a man. Is this reality?

This latest episode of the Catholic program Tradcast examines a few of the recent outrages of Jorge Bergoglio in light of Catholic dogma. It would be comedy if only it was fiction. It would be tragedy if this man were truly the pope. As the outstanding host of this program says, the Vatican II Church departs so flagrantly from the teachings of the Catholic Church at this point that even a cursory reading of the New Testament reveals the lie. Bergoglio is the head of a Counter Church.

The program also looks at the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges ruling and the irreverence and contradictions of Catholic traditionalists who harshly criticize the man whom they believe is the pope. These critics, explains Tradcast, want to have their pope and beat him too.


Phony Marriages, Phony Divorces

July 6, 2015

SAM writes:

Have you seen this article about a “divorce” firm for homosexuals?

These businessmen know up front that there is absolutely no way most male homosexual couples can form stable monogamous relationships, and they are looking to capitalize. You have to respect their business savvy, because it is clear that they know the forbidden truth about a certain wealthy, flamboyant, and psychologically unstable minority group and they are going to rake in the cash. It seems likely that they had this business plan up and running well in advance of the recent travesty at the Supreme Court. Read More »


Sobran on Homosexuality

July 5, 2015

THIS 2001 Joe Sobran piece, posted at Henry Makow’s site, is highly recommended:

Getting in touch with my feelings the other day, I realized how I loathe homosexuals. All of them? Of course not. Some of them are funny, kind, intelligent, and otherwise pleasant. But homosexuals in general, yes. I can’t stand them. Especially the ones who are organized under the rubric of gay rights.

I guess this makes me “homophobic.” So what? Homophobia is one of those ugly cant-words — like racist and sexist — that no self-respecting speaker of the English language would use. (Try to imagine Abraham Lincoln calling someone “homophobic.”) It’s a verbal badge of groupthink. Read More »


An American Song

July 4, 2015


Read More »


Happy Fourth

July 4, 2015


MY family once vacationed in a campground in the White Mountains of New Hampshire where we unfortunately pitched our tent next to a group of campers who were having a wild time. They included a man who every fifteen minutes or so would call out ecstatically for everyone around to hear, “Freedom! Free-ee-ee-eedom! Free-ee-ee-dom!” As the night progressed, and the emptied cans of Budweiser piled up around him, his praise of freedom grew louder and louder. Finally, in the early morning hours, he proved just how committed to freedom he was. He sat right in the middle of the campfire. After that, there was a hush. We never heard from him again.

Freedom as an end in itself doesn’t make sense. If freedom is the power to harm or even destroy oneself it is not freedom at all, but a kind of slavery. On this national holiday, when we love our country and celebrate our heritage, we can commit ourselves to a wiser understanding of freedom than the one mindlessly promoted as the epitome of American patriotism. There is no political freedom — for individuals or society — without moral freedom. Moral freedom consists in the power to act in accord with the order of being and eternal law.

As Pope Leo XIII wrote in his majestic encyclical Libertas Praestantissimum, On the Nature of Human Liberty, dated June, 20, 1888: Read More »


SCOTUS Rules for Children

July 3, 2015

THE U.S. SUPREME COURT ruled today, in the landmark case Scarsbury v. Scarsbury, that under the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, children are entitled to establish their own bedtimes and eat whatever they darn well please. The 5-4 ruling was the culmination of years of struggle by children’s rights advocates. It was widely hailed as a victory for equality.

Eight-year-old Zachary Scarsbury spoke at a press conference outside the Supreme Court Building. “My parents made me do so many things I didn’t want to do,” he said. “I didn’t have any rights at all. This is a victory for equality.”

Zachary has been living in a five-bedroom condo funded by George Soros’s Children Rule campaign while awaiting the decision. “I finally can go back home,” he said. “With the federal government backing me up, my parents understand their obligations and probably won’t give me anymore trouble.” Zachary prefers macaroni and cheese without any vegetables on the side.

Mr. and Mrs. Scarsbury, who sold their four-bedroom house two years ago to meet legal expenses, appeared somber as they addressed the press outside their mobile home. They said from now on they would do whatever Zachary ordered them to do. “We were living in the past,” Dan Scarsbury said. “It’s time to move on.”

Parents across America reacted to the ruling with indifference. “I’ve been letting my children do whatever they want for years,” said Heather Jones, a single mother interviewed on the street in downtown Columbus, Ohio. “I think everyone should have equality. My children prefer double-crust, cheese-stuffed pizza from Pizza Hut.”

Richard Helward, interviewed in Macon, Ga., said he gets angry whenever he thinks of how parents controlled their children in the past. “If my son wants to play video games for 12 hours a day, I think he has the right to do it. Who am I to say, no?”

The court also ruled that parents are no longer permitted to impose their religious beliefs on their children. Under the First Amendment, no family can establish a religion.

“My parents kept forcing their fairy tales on me,” said Zachary, who is an atheist. “I felt sorry for them.”

“They can still give me presents at Christmastime, but that’s it.” Read More »