Crowds Pour Into Streets of America to Protest Marriage Decision
June 26, 2015
June 26, 2015
HOW DID we get here from there? It happened, in part, through psychological warfare. In his article, “Selling Homosexuality to America,” Paul Rondeau called it “psychological terrorism.” Once again, we see that the most powerful institution in American life is the media, including the entertainment industry and related advertisers. Rondeau wrote: Read More »
June 26, 2015
THE following video may incite lust for the day when men were men, women were women, and marriage was marriage. I offer it as a little relief on this disturbing day, which I thought was just going to be an ordinary Friday. It may arouse lust for small town life, domestic servants, stone walls, country fairs, and human interaction.
June 26, 2015
SHORTLY after I posted my previous entry, I learned that the nine exalted nincompoops have indeed ruled, 5-4, to approve same-sex “marriage.” Are you surprised? Of course not.
The Supreme Court justices might as well have ruled that the earth is now flat and that everyone will be required to act as if it is flat. No judge anywhere has the authority to change marriage, which was made by God. No judge anywhere has the authority to legalize divorce, the killing of the unborn, “assisted suicide,” or pornography. Authority comes from above, not below.
Anger should not be directed to the confused individuals who are drawn into this way of life. They too live in a time of moral chaos, a time of spiritual barrenness when the Divine Life of Grace has been drained from the world. Anger should be entirely reserved for our cultural revolutionaries at the top, most of whom will never “marry” someone of the same sex. Homosexual “marriage” is political exploitation and a brilliant means of social control, fostering endless cultural division — division that has only just begun — and psychological bondage. It is libido dominandi at its finest. Better yet, don’t feel anger at all. Pray for your children and for your country, from which you will now be forced to detach yourself. Have confidence in God as we head toward more, previously unimaginable chaos. Everything, our entire system of family law, will be redefined. The past is now for all intents and purposes illegal. But marriage has not changed at all. No interpretation of our Constitution, no judge, no individual can change it. Read More »
June 26, 2015
BISHOP Donald Sanborn reflects on the upcoming decision by the Supreme Court on same-sex “marriage:”
Think of having nine nincompoops flying your airplane who have never seen the inside of a cockpit, or nine nincompoops operating on you, who had never been to medical school.
I say “nincompoops,” not because these Justices are unintelligent or unlearned people, but because in the field of morality they are not trained, and do not rely on sound principles, even of the natural order.
The reason for this grave disorder in our government can be found in the eighteenth century “Enlightenment” thinking that religion should be completely severed from the State. Laws should be made purely on the basis of natural reason and “philosophy.” Read More »
June 25, 2015
IT WAS only a matter of time before the Man Who Would Be Pope would declare divorce to be “morally necessary” for women facing “exploitation.”
June 25, 2015
JUST when nothing, absolutely nothing, is happening in the world, the Pizza Industrial Complex releases a newsworthy sensation. The Hot Dog Bites Pizza was unveiled by Pizza Hut last week. The Washington Post, which was naturally on top of this important story, tantalizingly described its “halo” of party dogs. The halo surrounds the normal blend of latex cheese, pepperoni asphalt and tomato spackling, cooked up in the laboratories deep in the heart of the PIC. It looks very filling, doesn’t it? The federal government is rumored to be working on classifying pepperoni as a vegetable. That way busy families, pushed to the wall by our slave-driving, globalist economy, don’t have to worry about a side dish. Read More »
June 25, 2015
CONSPIRACY theories are a dime a dozen on the Internet. It’s better not to go there, as they say, which is why, as these theories pile up in connection with the latest big news event, I absolutely believe the Charleston massacre was real. I lament this terrible tragedy. I lament the evil it represents. Even though it obviously happened — how could this kind of thing possibly be staged, especially since a state senator was one of the victims? — one has to admit that there are staged qualities about it that feed into the conspiracy theories. They include the contrived-looking photographs of Dylann Roof with the Confederate flag, the improbability that a relatively small man could shoot and instantly kill nine people — without anyone running away or more victims being simply wounded — with a handgun which required reloading five times, and the instantaneous, theatrical reaction from the federal government, which is reportedly already giving $29 million to the victims’ families. Again, I assume these are just strange coincidences and oddities, but as further evidence of strangeness I offer this video from one of the burgeoning number of conspiracy-theory bloggers. Let’s just say these interviews in the video are abnormal reactions. Let’s leave it at that. Read More »
June 25, 2015
MAUREEN MALLARKEY offers excellent commentary of Jorge Bergoglio’s Eco-Cyclical at The Federalist. Her commentary is excellent, I should say, except that Ms. Mallarkey believes that it is appropriate for Catholics to criticize a true pope in this caustic and somewhat sneering way. It is appropriate to criticize a papal pretender in this way, but not a true pope. May Ms. Mallarkey come to see the truth. She writes:
“Laudato Si” leans heavily on Romantic personification (“our Sister, Mother Earth . . . cries out to us”) and nature poetry. These are arational devices that evade logical argument. They are employed here to justify left-wing ideology and more concentrated power. The document hands a bouquet to all statists, collectivists, crackpot world-improvers, antagonists to free enterprise, and to freedom itself. Every authoritarian jackal and central planner on the planet can pluck a bloom from it.
June 25, 2015
A SOCIETY that normalizes homosexuality is doomed to celebrate it and deify it in order to suppress the many unpleasant facts. Here’s the latest example sent by reader Jeanette V.:
As Pride Week gets underway in Seattle, Mayor Ed Murray unveiled new rainbow crosswalks at several Capitol Hill intersections Tuesday morning.
There are 11 crosswalks on Capitol Hill getting the rainbow treatment — for a total cost of more than $100,000 according to the city’s transportation director. Seven of those were painted and treated overnight and four others will be finished Tuesday night. Read More »
June 24, 2015
ALAN writes:
Here are some additional thoughts on a topic addressed here a few weeks ago:
Motion pictures convey a certain sense of life. In most classic and ordinary old movies (both American and British), it is what Ayn Rand called a “benevolent sense of life,” a firm but often unarticulated conviction that values are worth pursuing and defending, that men are not helpless lumps of clay, and that it is both possible and desirable to create happy, decent, and productive lives by means of hard work, responsibility, and restraint. The three movies I named in my original essay include elements of sorrow, tragedy, unhappiness, and wasted years. But they also reflect a benevolent sense of life. Read More »
June 24, 2015
A READER at Lifesite News describes how she was threatened with arrest on an airplane to Mexico when she and her father complained about being forced to watch the homosexual propaganda TV show “Modern Family.”
In a quasi-totalitarian State such as ours, you don’t need secret police. Almost every single citizen, like the flight attendants on this plane, is brainwashed by the Great Electronic Mind. A very effective public police force exists everywhere.
June 24, 2015
HERE’S an interesting article by Stella Morbito at The Federalist. Titled How To Escape The Age Of Mass Delusion, it’s about the psychological warfare techniques used (often unconsciously) by the mass media and savvy political groups:
Political propaganda aims to mobilize the masses to move an agenda forward. That’s most effectively done when the masses are unaware of the process. It’s what “community organizers” work towards, whether they know it or not. Once the masses are mobilized to push for a cause, the propagandists’ goals can be put into law.
In fact, many newly propagandized ideas seem to have taken America by storm just in the past decade or so. Same-sex marriage is only one of those ideas. Transgenderism is now eclipsing that notion, and its propaganda techniques—wrapped in the language of civil rights—are getting Americans on board with the idea of erasing all sex distinctions in law, including their own. It’s as though Americans are buying into a fast-talking sales pitch without being allowed to read the print, whether it’s large print or small.
Mass delusion is an important tool of oppressors because they can’t survive where free exercise of expression and association is practiced. Unfortunately, delusion can be induced anywhere.
June 24, 2015
The very nature and motives of the people who want the Battle Flag gone is a fine reason to keep it. Put another way, whenever someone wants you to abandon part of your heritage, the healthy response is: “You first!” or perhaps something ruder. What kind of people challenge other people’s traditions and historical artifacts when they are not in any way hurt?
Southerners flying their old flag hurt no one. The liberal elite isn’t harmed. But they just want to follow their own puritanical tradition of enforcing their judgments on others. They claim that the old flag is an insult to black Americans; perhaps so. But in an age when groups leverage imagined psychic harm into political advantage, this is an excellent time to draw a line against such impostures. Read More »
June 23, 2015
JONATHAN VAN MAREN writes at Lifesite News:
When guys have been looking at porn for a long time, it’s a tough habit to break. And when you’re an anti-porn speaker (as I am), it’s tough to figure out how to make people quit a habit that has deeply rewired their brain and reshaped their attractions, using just words. So one of the things I’ve tried to do is illustrate just how evil porn is, by calling it what it is.
Porn is, at its root, sexual cannibalism.
Pornography is someone sexually consuming another for one-sided pleasure. That person exists only to fulfill his pleasures, his fantasies, his satisfaction.
Pornography, mass-produced and disseminated, is the perfect vehicle for enslaving men. Read More »
June 22, 2015
THE Supreme Court has no authority to impose same-sex “marriage” upon Americans, and thus no one is obliged to recognize it.
Br. Alexi Bugnolo writes that the institution of marriage “can no more be changed by a government of men, than the nature of man could be changed by a government of men.”
June 22, 2015
ILANA MERCER writes at her blog:
In the aftermath of the Charleston church massacre, US “news” media have been depicting the Old South African and Rhodesian flags as some kind of Nazi insignia, their display always and everywhere a predictor of a disturbed mind. Dr. Dan Roodt, director of PRAAG, for Afrikaner activism, sends this corrective comment:
“The orange, white and blue flag is based on the original European republican flag: It was first hoisted in 1572, after the first Dutch town called Den Briel was liberated from the Spanish Empire. To this day, and in homage to that flag, most European countries, including the Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia, etc., all have tricolor flags. Are they then all “white-supremacist” flags? Read More »