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Academic Cheating and the Chinese

June 3, 2015

DONALD writes:

Here is an article in the Wall Street Journal about how 8,000 Chinese students are expelled from American universities annually, many allegedly for cheating. I have read many of Anti-Globalist Expatriate’s submissions here regarding how cheating is culturally condoned by Asians. Until now, I didn’t understand the scale at which academic cheating takes place among this cohort. Read More »


Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. Dubois

June 2, 2015


Booker T. Washington

IF Booker T. Washington were alive today, he’d almost certainly be deeply shaken and saddened by the state of American black culture. For Washington, the former slave and first leader of the Tuskegee Institute, civil duties came before civil rights. The main focus of the civil rights movement was not his idea and not to his liking. It instead reflected the ideology of his main adversary, the black leader W.E.B. Dubois, whose thinking was congenial to the white Marxist revolutionaries who started the NAACP and who strove to translate the Marxist dialectic of class struggle into matters of race. (Yes, the early leadership of NAACP was overwhelmingly white.)

For an excellent essay on the contrasts between these two black leaders, I recommend Ellis Washington’s 2001 article at Issues and Views, the now-defunct website which was run by Elizabeth Wright, another  eloquent black American who died several years ago from cancer and with whom I corresponded occasionally in the last years before her death.

Compare these two quotes noted by Ellis Washington:

We claim for ourselves every single right that belongs to a free American, political, civil and social, and until we get these rights we will never cease to protest and assail the ears of America.

— W.E.B. Du Bois

The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be the result of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing.

— Booker T. Washington

In 2012, a commenter at View from the Right described how the contrast between Washington and Dubois lingers in black thinking to this day. Read More »


A Reaction to Ann Coulter

June 2, 2015


I sent you a post on the race-charged world of art and literature in Canada. Shortly after, I happened to listen to Ann Coulter in an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News on her new book Adios America. She is basically saying the same things I am saying, when I dared to confront a Canadian liberal.

I wrote a post on the interview, and here it is: Ann Coulter: Racist.


Chaos in St. Paul Schools

June 2, 2015

THE more black students are fed the Marxist narrative that they are victims of “white privilege” and the more schools refuse to provide them with discipline in order to avoid inequality in suspension and punishment rates, the more the behavior of students and the atmosphere of their schools declines. It’s no surprise black teenagers are playing the Knock Out Game on elderly pedestrians and killing people for their cell phones when they are encouraged in poor self control at school. Steve Gunn reports on the results of a new program in St. Paul, Minnesota which cost taxpayers $3 million and has reportedly caused so much chaos that enrollment has drastically fallen in four years. One teacher has her students use a secret knock code to enter her classroom so she can keep out those who roam the halls and cause havoc. Gunn writes:

Not long after PEG started working with St. Paul school officials, crucial policy changes were made, according to various news reports.

Special needs students with behavioral issues were mainstreamed into regular classrooms, a position openly advocated by PEG. Read More »


Life at “Pope” Francis High School

June 2, 2015



CALL ME JORGE explores the curriculum at the future “Pope” Francis High School.


Muslims in Minneapolis

June 2, 2015


THIS video, made by Ami Horowitz, features interviews with Muslims in Minneapolis. It was posted at Jihad Watch.


A June Day

June 1, 2015

I HOPE you are enjoying this first day of June, dear reader. I have been detained by the weeds in our yard. They are busting out all over. How can I address world revolution when there is a revolution in my own backyard?

Read More »


Feminist Professor Faces Feminist Inquisition

May 30, 2015

LAURA KIPNIS, a professor at Northwestern University, describes the Title IX interrogation proceedings against her after she was accused of wounding students’ feelings with her article on professor-student relationships:

It’s astounding how aggressive students’ assertions of vulnerability have gotten in the past few years. Emotional discomfort is regarded as equivalent to material injury, and all injuries have to be remediated.  Read More »


Black Lives that Don’t Matter

May 30, 2015

THIRTY-EIGHT people, most of them black, have been killed in Baltimore this month, which is a monthly record for homicides since 1996. Where are the protests? Where is the media outrage?

These killings don’t fit the narrative.

The celebration of lawlessness that characterized the recent riots has resulted in more mayhem and oppression for Baltimoreans. Read More »


Bikers Rally at Mosque

May 30, 2015

FROM Daily Kenn:

The media is casting a disparaging eye towards Phoenix, Arizona.

It is there that a biker rally is planned today.

The site? A mosque. Read More »


Feminism is an Inferiority Complex

May 29, 2015


IN his famous 1960 address on the issue of women wearing masculine clothing, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, then Archbishop of Genoa, noted that when women started wearing trousers they showed that they were viewing femininity as inferior to masculinity. The change in fashions was not a sign of strength or confidence, but of weakness:

In truth, the motive impelling women to wear men’s dress is always that of imitating, nay, of competing with, the man who is considered stronger, less tied down, more independent.  This motivation shows clearly that male dress is the visible aid to bringing about a mental attitude of being “like a man.”5  Secondly, ever since men have been men, the clothing a person wears, demands, imposes and modifies that person’s gestures, attitudes and behavior, such that from merely being worn outside, clothing comes to impose a particular frame of mind inside.

Then let us add that woman wearing man’s dress always more or less indicates her reacting to her femininity as though it is inferiority when in fact it is only diversity. The perversion of her psychology is clear to be seen.6

These reasons, summing up many more, are enough to warn us how wrongly women are made to think by the wearing of men’s dress. Read More »


If He Said It, It Must Be Heresy

May 29, 2015


“POPE” Francis is a veritable Vesuvius of anti-Catholic smoke and lava, an almost-daily eruption of distortions and obfuscations of the Faith he has rejected. The other day, however, he went even further and openly admitted to the willingness to teach heresy.

“And it comes to my mind to say something that may be foolish or perhaps a heresy, I don’t know.”

Thomas Droleskey writes:

Those looking for “proof” of pertinacious heresy have been given it by Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself, a man who cares not one whit for Catholic doctrine. His is a religion of sentiment and emotionalism, a mere projection of whatever “random” thoughts” come into his head as he speaks from a heart blackened with the stain of the endless delights that he has taken throughout the course of his career as a lay Jesuit to “make a mess” as an ecclesiastical, theological, liturgical, pastoral and moral revolutionary.

And from Novus Ordo Watch:

Really, the Francis “pontificate” is Sedevacantism for Dummies. He’s now telling his adherents to their face that he is a heretic! Read More »


The Pizza Industrial Complex in Japan

May 28, 2015



This is a sign outside an Italian restaurant in the toney Akasaka section of Tokyo. I had pizza twice during a recent stay – fair but not good. Other than native cuisine, Italian fare seems to be the most popular by far amongst those residents of the land of the rising sun.

I always knew they were smart; that choice only confirms my belief.

Here is another example of pizza in Japan.



Read More »


Russian Pride

May 28, 2015

MARK JAWS writes:

I spent my first seven years in the Army as a Russian linguist. Later on, I earned a Master’s Degree in Russian Area Studies from the Defense Intelligence College. Compared to the average American, I know Russia and its people pretty well, and while Russia is facing challenging problems today, I think it will prevail, while we will fail. Why? Because even throughout the 75 years or so of Communist tyranny, the Russian people endured, as they endured through 300 years of Mongol rule and countless other invasions and tragedies which have struck throughout the centuries. Read More »


From Rap to Bach

May 28, 2015


WILLIAM H. writes from the Netherlands:

Recently I came across this blog post by Peter Hitchens, the brother of atheist Christopher Hitchens, and it made me think of my own story.

Classical composers did not really get any time in my high school (I was at the Athenaeum in the Netherlands then.) And much work was made there of praising the teachers’ personal heroes of the sixties, such as Bob Dylan and the Stones. After my time there I went on a long “career” into rap, house and other “hip music” which ended in 2004. I learned many things then and after, by reflecting on the “scenes,” the people and the very essence of the technology and mindset that produces these genres.

Read More »


The Crazy-Never-Ends Transgender News

May 27, 2015

JEANETTE V. writes:

Scholastic, the children’s book publisher that distributes to public and private schools, is releasing a novel about a “transgender” eight-year-old.


The Most Spiteful Snobbery

May 27, 2015

THIS is from a Peter Hitchens column from 2013:

When I was a Revolutionary Marxist, we were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.

It wasn’t because we liked immigrants, but because we didn’t like Britain. We saw immigrants – from anywhere – as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.

Also, we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people – usually in the poorest parts of Britain – who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly ‘vibrant communities’.

If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots. Read More »


The Model Minority: Espionage in Academe Edition

May 27, 2015


Xiaoxing Xi


Philly.com reports:

The chairman of Temple University’s physics department was charged Thursday in an alleged scheme to provide sensitive U.S. defense technology to entities in China, including its government.

Federal prosecutors allege Xiaoxing Xi, a world-renowned expert in the field of superconductivity, sought prestigious appointments in China in exchange for sharing information on a device invented by a private company in the United States.