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The Model Minority: Espionage in Academe Edition

May 27, 2015


Xiaoxing Xi


Philly.com reports:

The chairman of Temple University’s physics department was charged Thursday in an alleged scheme to provide sensitive U.S. defense technology to entities in China, including its government.

Federal prosecutors allege Xiaoxing Xi, a world-renowned expert in the field of superconductivity, sought prestigious appointments in China in exchange for sharing information on a device invented by a private company in the United States.


The Baltimore Riots at the Smithsonian

May 26, 2015

FROM The Baltimore Sun:

As Aaron Bryant walked along North Avenue on the night of Freddie Gray’s funeral, his photographer’s eye noted how the rising flames framed the “waves of police in riot gear” and the wall of ministers calling for calm.

Instinctively, the Baltimore man says, he began mentally cataloging the most evocative “visual cues” around him. He knew they would help inform his work chronicling the moment as a photography curator at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History & Culture, now under construction on the National Mall in Washington. Read More »


An Ongoing Discussion

May 26, 2015

THE discussion of the 1945 nuclear bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki continues.


In Memoriam

May 25, 2015

AMERICAN composer Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings, Opus 11, performed here by the Los Angeles Philharmonic conducted by Leonard Bernstein, expresses the sadness we feel today for all those Americans killed in war.

Read More »


If Only She Had Been a Soldier Too

May 25, 2015


The Manufactured Military Crisis

May 25, 2015

THE push to place women in combat and increase their presence in the military in general creates endless material for news stories. That is arguably why women are being placed in combat: It is an exciting drama. First there are stories about inequality and the smashing of barriers. Then there are stories, such as this Memorial Day feature in The New York Times, about the negative consequences of having women in the military and the need to smash more barriers. The Times wonders why so many female soldiers are depressed and suicidal.

“Every bad thing that happens, they interpret it as a sign that they don’t belong,” said Gregory M. Walton, an assistant professor of psychology at Stanford University.

That seems like mental health. Not mental illness.


The Pentecost

May 24, 2015


Lorenzo Monaco; 1396

Lorenzo Monaco; 1396

And when the days of the Pentecost were accomplished, they were all together in one place: And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Read More »


Irish Sheep Jump Over the Cliff

May 24, 2015



The only thing you need to be “Catholic” in Ireland is a big, goofy, “joyful” smile. Here is the “Tickle-Me-Til-I-Pop” “Bishop” of Derry, Donal McKeown

FORMERLY Catholic Ireland voted overwhelmingly yesterday to recognize same-sex “marriage.” Though marriage can’t be changed by polls, referenda or courts, though ultimately we have no more control over the terms of marriage than we have over the revolutions of the planets, people can pretend to change it, and that’s what the Irish have done.

Jorge Bergoglio, the phony pope, encouraged the “Yes” vote in Ireland by his brilliant statements on the issue. The “Archbishop” of Dublin and the “bishop” of Derry both publicly encouraged the “yes” vote.

“I don’t doubt that there are many people who are practicing churchgoers of whatever church background who will in conscience vote Yes, and that’s entirely up them. I’m not going to say they’re wrong,” said “Bishop” Ding Dong of Derry, Donal McKeown.

With shepherds like these, who needs wolves? Read More »


Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost

May 23, 2015

On my knees
before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses
I offer myself, soul and body
to Thee O Eternal Spirit of God.
I adore the brightness of Thy purity,
the unerring keenness of Thy justice,
and the might of Thy love. Thou art the Strength
and Light of my soul. Read More »


Ginsburg’s Glee

May 23, 2015

ACCORDING to Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has already revealed the outcome of the case on same-sex marriage:

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd was a guest last Sunday at a homosexual wedding ceremony presided over by Justice Ginsburg herself.

The wedding took place in a glitzy setting, the Anderson House in the Embassy Row neighborhood, which houses a club for descendants of soldiers, both French and American, who fought in the Revolutionary War. Read More »


The Atomic Bombing of Japan

May 22, 2015

THE latest issue of Culture Wars magazine includes an interesting review of the Rev. Wilson MisCamble’s 2011 book The Most Controversial Decision: Truman, The Atomic Bomb, and the Defeat of Japan. Miscamble argues that the use of nuclear weapons against Japan was necessary and right. David A. Wemhoff, who unfortunately relies heavily on Vatican II documents, persuasively rejects this argument and contends the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both unnecessary to achieve reasonable war objectives and immoral.

This article is not free, but it may be of enough interest to some that they are willing to splurge and spend $4 for the entire magazine. Read More »


Mattress Feminism

May 22, 2015

HEATHER WILHELM reflects on Emma Sulkowicz and rape delusions.


The Model Minority: Fugitive Edition

May 22, 2015


According to The New York Timesbusinessmen charged with corruption in China are living in luxury — and doing business — in the U.S.

While accusations of corruption from the Chinese Communists are the height of  hypocrisy, it’s still instructive to note how those who made it to the  United States have imported their lawless business practices and lack of  ethics to the United States.


The Latest Horror in “Church” of England

May 22, 2015

FOUNDED in divorce, the “Church” of England follows its revolutionary principles to their logical conclusions. The Guardian reports:

The Church of England is to debate plans to introduce a ceremony akin to a baptism to mark the new identities of Christians who undergo gender transition.

The Rev Chris Newlands, the vicar of Lancaster Priory, has proposed a motion to the General Synod to debate the issue, after he was approached by a young transgender person seeking to be “re-baptised” in his new identity. Read More »


D.C. Suspect in Savopoulos Slaying Had Long History of Assaults

May 22, 2015

DARON Dylan Wint, the suspect in the torture and killing of a D.C. family and their housekeeper, had a long history of assaults, according to The Washington Post. He is a black immigrant from Guyana who joined the Marines briefly but was expelled and was apparently employed as a certified welder. He was arrested for stabbing a man in Syracuse in 2006, allegedly made violent threats to numerous other people and in 2010 police found him behind a gas station near D.C. with a machete and a pellet gun. He was so threatening that his own father petitioned for, and was granted, a restraining order against him. Read More »


Judicial Tyranny in a Nutshell

May 21, 2015


“Judge Richard Posner also opposed the injunction, writing: ‘Although Notre Dame is the final arbiter of its religious beliefs, it is for the courts to determine whether the law actually forces Notre Dame to act in a way that would violate those beliefs.'”

[From: “Court Tells Notre Dame it Has to Cover Birth Control”]


Post Scolds Public for Caring about Slaying

May 21, 2015

A WASHINGTON POST columnist writes that the public is paying too much attention to the recent torture and slaying of a wealthy D.C. couple, who were killed along with their son and their maid. Petula Dvorak writes:

Meanwhile, thousands of regular, everyday people are killed in burglaries, in house fires and by family members. And the rest of the country rarely gives two hoots. The race and class of victims undoubtedly play a role in this. And there’s something sad about that. Read More »


Ireland Harvests the Fruits of Vatican II

May 21, 2015

AS the formerly Catholic nation of Ireland prepares for the world’s first national referendum on same-sex “marriage” tomorrow, the Man Who Would Be Pope remains silent on the issue. The world breathlessly awaits his upcoming Super Cool climate change encyclical.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Jorge Bergoglio.

To get a sense of how far things are gone in Ireland, look at this creepy mural from the side of a building in Dublin. None of the considerable suffering Ireland has endured in the past even remotely compares to its undoing now. This misfortune is self-imposed.