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The Thinking Housewife


Robert Chardon

May 19, 2015

TIBERGE at Galliawatch writes about disturbing reports of the hospitalization of Robert Chardon, the mayor of the French town of Venelles who publicly stated that Islam should be banned from France and that separation of Church and State should formally end.


The Invasion of Europe and ISIS Soldiers

May 19, 2015

A STUDENT writes from Germany:

ISIS is not only profiting from the African migration, but is using it as a way of invasion: These boats do not only carry migrants, but also hidden soldiers. This is part of their plan for capturing Rome, which they see as the heart of Christianity. They want to raise their black flag on St. Peter’s Square. Read More »


Runaway Black Firefighter

May 19, 2015

KARL D. writes:

A black affirmative action hire in New York City’s Fire Department is literally running away from fighting fires! Though there have been numerous complaints by his fellow firefighters as well as his own captain, it has fallen on deaf ears as far as the top brass is concerned. It seems that New York has quite literally become a sacrificial State, willing to offer up to the flames firefighters and innocent victims alike to the god of political correctness.

In some ways it seems the black man has taken on Mohammedan qualities. Like Mohammed, he must be unquestionably worshipped and command submission. One cannot speak ill of him, criticize him, or question his motives lest one has one’s life or fortunes destroyed. Who knows? Maybe soon we won’t be able to draw his likeness anymore as well. Of course I am joking. But not by very much.

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Mattress Stunt Continues at Columbia

May 19, 2015


COLUMBIA University student and mega feminist celebrity Emma Sulkowicz continues to accuse and publicly humiliate a male student whom she contends raped her. Instead of being expelled from the school, yesterday she carried her mattress onstage at graduation and was applauded by the audience.

Here we see the wisdom in the traditional segregation of the sexes in education. Men were better off when they went to school without women. And women were better off when they went to school without men. Read More »


The Soup-Kitchen Theology of Jorge Bergoglio

May 19, 2015

NOVUS ORDO WATCH explains why the constant exhortations of “Pope” Francis to be charitable to the poor are distortions of Catholic theology.


The Latest in Post-Apartheid South Africa

May 19, 2015

DAN ROODT writes on recent events in South Africa:

So South Africa lurches from one racial incident to the next, whether it is Rhodes’s statue radiating “pain” to black students in Cape Town or other blacks a thousand miles away being oppressed by headsets in rural Potchefstroom. The race-mad media in Johannesburg and Cape Town are always on the lookout for the next racial scandal and glory in shaming some hapless white who says the wrong thing. This will all be drearily familiar to anyone who follows events in the United States.

The rest of the Western world forced this crazy black Marxist government on us and cast us into their diversity blender. We suffer intensely from the American-made political correctness that now dominates the West–and diversity doesn’t work any better here than it does anywhere else. Read More »


ISIS profits from African Migration

May 19, 2015

ANN CORCORAN writes at Refugee Resettlement Watch:

Here Time magazine reports that trafficking in migrants is part of the new business model used by ISIS to fund their operations.

Migrants pay thousands of dollars to armed groups in Africa and the Middle East on their journey to Europe.

Illegal migrants wait to be rescued off Malta earlier this month.

The movement of migrants across the Middle East and Africa towards Europe has generated up to $323 million for the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, a new report has revealed. Read More »


“Thou Shalt Not Mature”

May 19, 2015

KARL D. writes:

One of my pet peeves is grown men wearing sneakers as their main footwear choice. I haven’t worn sneakers outside of going to the gym or doing some kind of sport since I was 15 years old. Yet I see so many men these days wearing sneakers all the time and they will often own multiple pairs. They will wear them for all occasions. For work and even worse, with suits! From weddings, to expensive restaurants to even the opera at Lincoln Center. Read More »


Movies and the Moral Imagination

May 17, 2015

ALAN writes:

I am one of those uncool, untrendy people for whom there is no comparison between movies today and those from an age now long gone. What kind of memory do Americans take with them when they walk out of a theater after watching a current movie?  I don’t know the answer to this question, because I don’t watch current motion pictures.  You couldn’t bribe me to do so.  The only movies I have seen over the past 25 years were “Titanic” and two others whose names I prefer to forget.  I saw them with friends who insisted they were worth seeing.  My judgment was quite different:  I found all of them insufferable and not worth a moment or a nickel. Read More »


Amtrak Wreck May Have Been Caused by “Teenagers”

May 16, 2015


TUESDAY’S deadly train wreck outside Philadelphia, which killed eight; injured hundreds, some critically, and continues to disrupt the most heavily traveled train corridor in the country, may very well have been caused not by any recklessness on the part of the engineer or by any equipment failure, but by a deliberate attack on the train by vandals from the surrounding neighborhood, according to reports by federal transportation officials.

In other words, just weeks after riots decimated part of a nearby major city, the train wreck may have been caused by the exact same behavior we saw in the riots and that was televised around the world: the malicious tossing of rocks or other hard objects at the remnants of order and authority in their neighborhoods by black vandals whose grievances are daily fanned and inflamed by our major institutions and whose destructiveness is often ignored and justified by irresponsible whites.

Here is the evidence so far that supports the theory, downplayed by the major media since it first emerged soon after the crash, that the train was hit by a projectile and careened out of control: Read More »


Your Momma Wears Combat Boots

May 15, 2015

FASHION magazines have yet to report this latest bit of exciting news. The Congressional Armed Services Committee has asked the Army to design special combat boots for women.

And we’re supposed to believe this is progress.


Francis Cozies Up to Communists

May 15, 2015


Francis and Raul Castro

APPARENTLY, Jorge Bergoglio, not being a Catholic himself, is unaware that Catholics are forbidden to be buddies with Communists, such as Raul Castro, President of Cuba.

Communism is, by decree of the Holy Office in 1949, “materialistic and anti-Christian. ” See here and here. Here are the words of  Pope Pius XI in Quadragesimo Anno, May 15, 1931:

We make this pronouncement: Whether considered as a doctrine, or an historical fact, or a movement, Socialism, if it remains truly Socialism, even after it has yielded to truth and justice on the points which we have mentioned, cannot be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church because its concept of society itself is utterly foreign to Christian truth. . . .

120. If Socialism, like all errors, contains some truth (which, moreover, the Supreme Pontiffs have never denied), it is based nevertheless on a theory of human society peculiar to itself and irreconcilable with true Christianity. Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist.

In related news, see this interview at Tradition in Action with a former Communist spy who insists the Soviet KGB was the origin of the Liberation Theology movement, which this pseudo-pontiff supports.


Marriage as Rebellion

May 15, 2015

THE number of people who consider themselves “homosexuals” is so small, they could never have waged a successful campaign to institutionalize same-sex “marriage” on their own. This campaign needed the support of “protohomosexuals,” argues Tyler Blanski in an excellent piece at Crisis. 

Why are so many straight people pro gay? Because the normalization of homosexuality is the premiere achievement of heterosexual ideology. “Gay” and “straight” are not taxonomies but ideologies. They are not orientations but disorientations: whether bi-, homo-, or hetero-, hyphenated sexuality makes us lose our sense of direction toward the truly sexual, and the victims of such ideology are children. Read More »


All Boys

May 14, 2015

WHAT are the odds of a woman giving birth to 13 boys? I don’t know, but it’s extremely rare.

Of course, “Pope” Francis would say these are 13 rabbits. Read More »


The Only True Success in Life

May 14, 2015

FROM Father Frederick Faber’s The Precious Blood (1860):

I reckon failure to be the most universal unhappiness on earth. Almost everybody and every thing are failures — failures in their own estimation, even if they are not so in the estimation of others. Those optimists who always think themselves successful are few in number, and they for the most part fail in this at least, namely, that they cannot persuade the rest of the world of their success. Philanthropy can plainly do nothing here, even if were inclined to try. Read More »


Ascension Thursday

May 14, 2015



CONSIDER the meaning of Christ’s Ascension. Some brief reflections here. And here is a video marking this feast day.

Christ the King has been dethroned on earth. Let us enthrone him in our hearts.


The Female Chauvinism of Valerie Jarrett

May 13, 2015

IN AN interview with a women’s magazine, Valerie Jarrett, senior apparatchik to Obama, says:

A lot of good people are turned off by the nastiness of politics. And we need more people, particularly women. Just imagine what we would get done in Congress if it was comprised of a majority of women.”

Ah, more words of wisdom from the Marxist Polytechnic Institute that is the White House today.

Here’s a few words in response:

There is certainly no need for more people in politics. There are plenty of bodies. But more importantly imagine if any male senior cabinet member were to say, “See how much we get done because Congress is comprised of a majority of men.” He would be thrown out of office or publicly thrashed. More women have said arrogant, nasty things about male rule than prominent American men ever said publicly about women in politics in the days when Congress was all male. Men went around opening doors for women and doffing their hats. Men didn’t go around publicly saying, “See how great we are because we are men.” They didn’t go around abandoning their wives with impunity and still hold major office. They didn’t go around saying, “I married without really appreciating how hard divorce would be” — as Jarrett is quoted as formerly saying.

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Art Today

May 13, 2015



SEVEN cultural institutions in New York and Connecticut are preparing to host coordinated art exhibits on the “Seven Deadly Sins.”  The Katonah Museum will focus on gluttony, reports The New York Times, “with ‘Emilie Clark: The Delicacy of Decomposition,’ an installation that comments on consumption and decay. It will contain an arrangement of Ms. Clark‘s family’s preserved food waste, delicate watercolors that echo the moldering fare and an interactive ‘Research Station’ equipped with a microscope, drawing pad, and jarred and stuffed specimens.”

The Times reports:

Does this predominance of sin mirror greater immorality in society today? Bartholomew Bland, deputy director of the Hudson River Museum, doesn’t think so. Mr. Bland’s longstanding fascination with the idea of sin was the seed for the collaboration. “Sin isn’t more prevalent,” he said. “We’re just more accepting of it. It’s more explicit, more visible, more in your face.” Read More »