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The Thinking Housewife


The Model Minority: Charter School Edition

March 14, 2015


Asians do this all the time in their home countries, i.e., set up fake ‘schools’ catering to foreigners which are in reality visa mills designed to allow said foreigners to evade immigration restrictions. They’ve just exported their model to the United States.


The State of Marriage

March 13, 2015

THE blogger Mark Moncrieff, in a post from last summer, wonders why so few people he knows are married and sums up what he believes are the chief reasons. Read More »


Greetings Banished at Air Force Base

March 13, 2015


I have brought the anti-Christian antics of Mikey Weinstein — Air Force Academy graduate; former Air Force JAG; and – yes – former lawyer in the Reagan administration, whose atheist activism targets the U.S. armed forces — to your attention before.  I think I have also written that, based on what he does and on watching interviews with him, I wonder if Mr. Weinstein is not possessed.  The man exudes rage and malice; Mikey Weinstein always strikes me as about to explode with apoplexy. Read More »


In Defense of Inequality

March 13, 2015

IN THIS talk, the late Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira stated:

Contemplating the inequalities that exist in all ages of history and human societies, three questions come to mind:

1. Is the existence of elites just?

2. Are elites useful for the religious, moral, political and cultural common good of peoples and civilizations?

3. Precisely, what constitutes an elite? Read More »


Give This Man a Slice

March 13, 2015


JORGE BERGOGLIO never tires of talking about himself. In the latest blockbuster interview of the phony pontiff, he tips his biretta, so to speak, to the Pizza Industrial Complex.

“The only thing I would like is to go out one day, without being recognized, and go to a pizzeria for a pizza.”

Unfortunately, the pizza “pope” has not announced that he would like to convert to Catholicism.


Phony Feminist Statistics

March 13, 2015


THE WASHINGTON POST fact checker unpacks the falsehoods in this ad by the U.N.-supported organization, Oxfam.

Oxfam has withdrawn the ad, with no public admission of wrongdoing, but its publications continue to distort the differences between men and women (notice that the statistic of 60 percent of the chronically hungry are female is accompanied by no clarification that women generally live longer than men.)


The Silence of the Good on Islam

March 13, 2015

“EVERYONE seems to be silent in the face of Islam, and this silence is evil,” says Bill Warner, of the Center for Political Islam. He says this silence in the face of the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East is not mainly due to a fear of Islamic violence here, but of being called a “hater.”

“Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.”


Feminists Scale the Walls of the Anti-Catholic Vatican

March 12, 2015

THE Vatican II anti-popes have been openly friendly to feminism for many years, despite their anti-abortion stance and their defense of other anti-feminist positions, such as the restriction of the priesthood to men. They never decried the mass entry of women into the workforce and in fact celebrated it. They refused to defend male authority despite virulent attacks against it from every quarter. They apologized for the Church’s historic views on women even though the Catholic Church has been the greatest defender of the dignity, honor and influence of women in the history of the world. They promoted feminist power. They allowed women to take over a major portion of the sacred liturgy of the Church.

Thus it is no surprise that Francis, the papal pretender, has advanced this silence and submission to the evils of feminism to bolder and more outright promotion of the feminist agenda. In honor of the Soviet holiday known as “International Women’s Day,” the Vatican hosted a radically feminist conference this weekend.

Don’t be shocked or surprised by this. Just flee from this phony Church as fast as you can. The real thing, the real Divine Institution, lives on.

Hail, Holy Mother of God. Hail, Valiant Queen and Star of the Heavens. Defend all good women from the predations of woman-hating feminists until the end of time. Amen. Read More »


Pitiless Pity

March 12, 2015

AT The Orthosphere, Bonald responds to an essay that claims people in general are more empathetic and sensitive to the views of others than they once were. Bonald disagrees:

Our age has not so much increased human sympathy as weaponized it.  Empathy is directed exclusively to recognized victim groups (Jews, blacks, perverts), and it is meant to inspire not works of mercy toward these victims themselves but attacks on their supposed oppressors.  Pity is no longer a check on aggression, but a spur to it.


A Doctor Takes a Stand

March 12, 2015

AN Indian pediatrician in Michigan had the courage to refuse to provide routine care for a newborn with a lesbian mother. Now the doctor is being threatened with legal action. Read More »


A Letter to University of Oklahoma President

March 11, 2015

LYNN writes:

Here is my second letter to University of Oklahoma President David Boren regarding the recent events. Make no mistake, these students’ lives are ruined.

If you are concerned about a hostile environment, no one on your campus should have to hear “Cop Killer,” “N— in Paris,” or any of the many hip hop and rap songs that use the word N—— repeatedly in every song. Read More »


The Crusades

March 11, 2015



LEARN more about this important, much-maligned and misunderstood chapter in Christian history at Nobility.org.  Read and learn, especially you pagan atheists who say Christianity has only produced soft-hearted sentimentalists.


The Isolation of the Suburban Child of Wealth

March 11, 2015


HERE is a thesis that I cannot prove at this time, but I believe to be true:

Never in history have children of comfort and wealth experienced more physical isolation as a rule than do American children who live in large suburban mansions. In previous times, those who lived in mansions had servants. Their houses were generally filled with activity and people at all times. American individualism and egalitarianism abhor the hierarchical arrangements involved in domestic servitude though they do condone nannies and babysitters, who generally replace others rather than adding to the number of people in the home at any one time. In much of European history, ordinary people, even farmers, favored clustered villages, not individual houses on large tracts. It’s an anomaly that is opposed to the social nature of children, a subject to which the feminist woman is entirely indifferent, believing as she does that she should further the isolation of children by not even being home.

I thought of it this after reading about the very sad case of a Pennsylvania 13-year-old who left his family’s mansion, surrounded by their 13 acres, on an evening last week and committed suicide on the border of the property. Was he alone at the time? Would he have done the same thing if he had passed others on his way out the door? Would an encounter with even one other person who knew him have broken the spell of his self-absorption? Read More »


A Forgotten Case Against Desegregation of Schools

March 11, 2015

MANY Americans are familiar with the famous Supreme Court 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education, in which the federal court declared that state laws allowing separate schools for black and white children were unconstitutional.

Less known, indeed almost unknown, is the case of Stell v. Savannah Board of Education which was heard in U.S. District Court in Georgia in 1963. The Savannah Board of Education challenged desegregation of its schools and the federal district court ruled in its favor after exhaustive examination of the scientific evidence of racial differences in learning, a process which was never conducted in Brown v. Board of Education. Stell was entirely ignored by the national media, which is one reason why you won’t even find a Wikipedia entry on it today.

In his book Race and Realityanother forgotten and largely ignored cry in the dark against the terrible hubris behind racial egalitarianism, Carleton Putnam, the Princeton-educated lawyer and businessman who took this subject on, described the court’s findings, which were eventually overturned on appeal. (The Supreme Court refused to hear it.)  The Georgia federal court ruled that desegregation would be harmful for both blacks and whites. I believe the court’s findings have been abundantly vindicated, particularly by the chaos that now reigns in black schools, where blacks are forced to learn according to expectations better suited to white schools, and by the legal forms of segregation that have been pursued by whites, who generally relocate or enroll their children in private schools in order to avoid the results of integration all the while duplicitously (or ignorantly) championing full equality without difference in the mistaken belief that this charade is better for blacks. O, white man, you are so dishonest. You are up to your neck in the mud of your own lies. Read More »


Burned at the Stake?

March 10, 2015

KARL D. writes:

I am sure by now you have heard the story of the Oklahoma University frat boys who were filmed singing a racist song on a bus during a trip. It has now reached its logical conclusion in what is today’s race-religious America. The witches have been selected and are being set up to burn in sacrifice to our new religion. Read More »


Catholic Colleges Are Not Catholic

March 10, 2015

IN an article about Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, the longtime president of Notre Dame University who died recently, Thomas Droleskey writes about the “incalculable devastation” at Catholic colleges and universities since Vatican II:

Many are the horror stories of faithful Catholic faculty members who have been hounded and harassed for their orthodoxy while teaching in formerly Catholic universities. Naturally, the harassment has come from the very people who claim that they are open-minded and receptive to all people. College administrators at these institutions of apostasy have either looked the other way or have actively participated in this harassment, preferring to be viewed as sophisticated professionals in the eyes of their peers at secular and/or state-run institutions of higher learning. Read More »


The Glaring Contradictions of Female Cops — on TV and in Real Life

March 10, 2015

To Protect And Serve

She can’t protect herself, but she can protect you.

BUCK writes:

As I was reading your entry, Dear G.I. Jane, about women in combat roles, I happened to be watching Blue Bloods, a TV show about a three-generation family of cops and prosecuters and a police commissioner in New York City. The youngest grandson is a uniform officer who has a very attractive female partner, Officer Eddie Janco, played by Vanessa Ray (above). Officer Janco is raped by a guy who picks her up at a bar. He forces his way into her apartment, beats and rapes her. She is completely defenseless against him. He has no weapon and he isn’t much bigger than she is. Read More »


German Eclipse

March 8, 2015


Beuerberg Abbey dates from the 12th century


I am a young, thankful reader from Germany. Visiting your site daily keeps me sane.

I have to apologize for my English, which may show errors. In school they taught us English only with prepared texts about politically-correct themes, such as life in India or Martin Luther King.

I want to comment on your post “Ancient Abbey in Bavaria Transformed.” I live near Munich, Bavaria and at the moment, refugees – or other Muslims –  are flooding Europe, especially Germany, due to the southern European countries letting them pass through till they get caught by the Border Police at the German border. Read More »