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The Thinking Housewife


Donald Trump? You Gotta Be Kidding!

January 29, 2015


TK writes:

I never could take Donald Trump seriously. I figured any man with such a ridiculous haircut deserves nothing but scorn. I can’t imagine anyone so silly looking even having enough gall to BE an egomaniac. Trump has something in common with the president, in that anytime either one is on television or the radio I immediately change the channel or turn the sound off. Certain voices just get to me. Read More »


The Nation as Extended Family

January 27, 2015



A MEMBER OF the Australian group, SydneyTrads, writes:

In his comments about the Union Flag, namely “who would want to be associated with that” given the United Kingdom is a “dead island,” Paul T makes a typical mistake – typical of those who don’t understand what that flag means.

While the grandchildren of the Yankee Revolution may see the Union Flag as a particularly negative symbol, for obvious historical reasons (if regrettable or mistaken), to Anglo patriots the world over the flag represents or symbilises the affinity between all peoples who trace their lineage (whether ethnically or culturally) to the root of Anglospheric civilization.

The Union Flag is, to put it perhaps crudely, a pictorial representation of a family name. It signals origins and the wealth that comes from those origins; and that wealth can be found in the dynamism of Anglospheric nations the globe over. To denounce it is to denounce one’s antecedents; ironically for self styled traditionalists who think the Union Flag is passé or embarrassing, that is an attitude and way of thinking which distinguishes the revolutionary leftist. Read More »


Trans-Man Meets with “Pope”

January 26, 2015



PERHAPS they discussed what it’s like to pretend you are something you are not.


The Meaningless Maple Leaf

January 26, 2015





Thank you for posting my recent comments on Canada.  I notice you illustrated it with today’s Canadian national flag.  That banner has only been the national flag since 1965.  Its adoption was one of the first major steps in stripping Canada of her heritage.  The new Canadian flag is the first visual symbol of Canada’s cultural revolutionaries’ determination to uproot Canada from her own history, and most Canadians are unaware of it.  The Revolution is nothing if not thorough, and stealthy at times.

The former national ensign of Canada (not officially the national flag, but used as such) that the 1965 maple leaf flag superseded was illustrative of Canada’s history and people. Read More »


The Church Is Not the Church

January 26, 2015



FROM Traditio:

Newchurch is dying around the world. The only time the mobs will turn out is when a Newpope with a rock-star complex creates a flash crowd, as in January 2015 for the Philippines. Then the mob will sacrilegiously steal the phony “bread” that is no longer the Holy Eucharist to put into their prayer books as a momento [sic] — or feed to their dogs after the “rave” is over. Newchurch is clearly going to the dogs, whatever the fatuous propagandists try to put over on you. Within a decade or two, Newchurch will be as dead as the Protestant Anglican Church, which, now with its Lesbian priestesses and bishopesses, is lucky to count even ten in the pews at its phony services.


Feed This Baby

January 26, 2015



DID you know that two slices of pizza, plus a large drink of carbonated chemicals, costs almost ten dollars at many pizzerias? Perhaps you might consider giving up the dollar value of one or two of these life-sustaining lunches to support this blog. I realize that profound discussions on the rotting moral edifice of Western society are not comparable to slices of particleboard slathered with tomato-vinyl compound and molten mozzarella spackling, but please consider sacrificing the one to support the other. Then the next time you feel you are surrounded by lies and a civilizational crisis so big many people don’t even see it, at least you will know you have done something.

By the way, a reader has informed me that he sometimes gets banner ads at the top of this page. This is some kind of bug. These ads are not put there by me. If you have seen the same thing, please let me know so I can get an idea of how extensive the problem is.

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The Decline of a Black Suburb

January 25, 2015


PRINCE GEORGES County, the mostly-black suburb of Washington, D.C., has the highest residential foreclosure rate in the region. Michael Fletcher of The Washington Post performs mental cartwheels trying to explain why this is so, and why the county is generally lagging, without looking at the obvious, which is that blacks in large numbers cannot sustain the high-functioning stability typical of expensive white suburbs. The expectation that they can has led to financial devastation for some. Racial egalitarianism causes suffering. It also does not alleviate the anger it is expected to address.


Porn for Traditionalists

January 25, 2015


WARNING: The following video clip from the 1946 movie The Captive Heart, a film about a British prisoner of war in a German World War II camp who pretends to be another, deceased soldier in order to save his own life and falls in love with the dead man’s wife after writing letters to her in the name of her husband, contains scenes that may incite lust for normality.  The men and women are highly masculine and highly feminine, respectively. There is no crudity. There are no women soldiers. There are no bedroom scenes. There is a shocking scene of small town life in Britain with children actually playing outside. The whole thing is shocking by today’s standards.

Watch with caution. GRAPHIC SCENES OF TENDER AFFECTION AND LOYALTY. I offer it to you for historical purposes only.

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The Devouring Screen

January 25, 2015



Two Followers of Cadmus Devoured by a Dragon, Cornelis Van Haarlem; 1588

MY HUSBAND and I were in the airport this week to fly to Florida. We were traveling there to help a relative who can’t walk much or drive anymore move north. (We packed up her car in a few hours and drove home, covering about 1,200 miles in two days, not counting the time in the air.) While we were at the boarding gate, an interview with the hideously wasted Bill Cosby appeared on the obligatory screen in the waiting area. There was a day when you could wait for a plane without being force-fed interviews with celebrities accused of drunken rape. Not anymore. After Cosby, as if to counter his bloated decrepitude, that extremely fit Indian doctor who is always advising people on how to beat the stress of life provided health tips and then there was a commercial for the dynamic and beautiful Christiane Amanpour and her stagey, mind-blowingly superficial interviews of world figures.

Everywhere one goes, it’s there. In restaurants, airports, doctors offices and hotel lobbies. You even encounter it at the gas pump. The big screen. The elated announcers. The look-a-like blondes, the nice boys, the virtuous black men, the super smart Asian women — they are your companions and advisers. Remember Muzak? This is Newzak Nation, where “news” is broadcast in public places 24 hours a day. What is 365 times 24?  You have to hear them. The entire nation is suckled at the engorged boobs of Newz, which makes the Soviet propaganda machine seem like the work of mind-control amateurs.  Read More »



January 23, 2015


THANK YOU to readers who have generously donated. However, I still have a long way to go with my fundraising campaign. Unfortunately (or fortunately), if I don’t reach my modest goal by February 7th, this blog will become a subscription e-mail magazine. I will explain how this will work later. The nice thing about a magazine is that it would allow for longer pieces about the issues discussed here. Anyone who donates will receive some number of editions of this magazine, which I hope will include commentary by regular contributors here, whom readers have come to know and appreciate. Please donate today if you’d like to help prevent this change — or let me know if you want to donate but actually prefer the idea of a magazine format. Thank you again for your support.
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The GOP Is Not Anti-Abortion

January 23, 2015





I was at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. yesterday. Never in all my years have I seen such a multitude gathered for any one event as I did yesterday. I’d bet the numbers come to more than a half-million.

Do any good?

The GOP pulled the “no abortions after 20 week gestation” bill Thursday because they didn’t have the votes despite their super majority, and those “no” votes included at least two Tea Party women. The bill it pushed through the House yesterday would block federal financing of abortion. It is a rethread of current federal law. It took little or no courage at all by the GOP and has little chance of success.

I increasingly have reached the conclusion that the Romans did long ago: Nolite confidere in principibus – place not your trust in princes, and I can add politicians, too.


Her Parents Were Lagomorphs Too

January 22, 2015


MRS. T. writes:

Your recent posts on large families and rabbit breeding have really hit home for me.

I am the second oldest of nine children from a Catholic family. Growing up, I constantly heard how my parents “bred like rabbits.” I would usually reply something along the lines of, “Nine times in x amount of years isn’t a lot.” Can you imagine a 12-year-old girl having to defend her parent’s intimacies, their God-given marital rights?? How vastly inappropriate. I grew up predominately in the 90s so I suppose this mentality should be of no surprise. Read More »


The Decimation of Reverence

January 22, 2015

HERE are pictures from before Vatican II Revolution and its overhauling of the highest form of worship, the Catholic Mass, which has its roots in Jewish ceremony and pagan sacrifice and from which 70 percent of the ancient prayers, many of which dated from the earliest days and centuries of the Church, were removed.

Below is a video of the recent “Mega Mass” in the Phillipines.


Food for Thought

January 22, 2015


KEEP one independent voice on the Internet alive. Donate today. Thank you.

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Can a Father “Marry” His Son?

January 22, 2015


BY WHAT principle can supporters of “marriage equality” deny the right for a father to marry his son? A blogger who was raised by a lesbian asks this question.

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If Charlie Were Alive, He’d Have Coffee with His Murderers

January 22, 2015


MARY writes:

Lately it seems more than ever I hear the canard that religion causes war and when religion is finally gone we will achieve “world peace.” Those who believe this claim fail to recognize that simple truth that man is hard-wired for worship; absent the true God in his life man will always orient those energies toward something else: the state, secularism, power, money. Gathering up this refocused energy – often unwittingly provided by weak, non-religious liberals – the greatest evil gains its power. Look no farther than Stalin to see how much justice and peace the absence of religion generates.

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Don’t Let Rabbits Know

January 21, 2015


“Birth control leads to two things — no births and no control.”

   —- G.K. Chesterton


German Rabbit Breeders Peeved

January 21, 2015



ACCORDING to Voice of Americathose who know a bit about the private lives of rabbits are none too pleased with “Pope” Francis’s recent remarks suggesting rabbits are irresponsible parents. Apparently rabbits are more restrained than is commonly believed. In captivity at least, they definitely do not observe God’s injunction to “be fruitful and multiply:”

Speaking Tuesday with Deutsche Presse Agentur, Erwin Leowsky, president of the central council of the Association of German Rabbit Breeders, took issue with pope’s analogy, saying that only rabbits that live in the wild are sexually overactive. He said those in captivity have tamer reproductive habits.

Leowsky also said he thought Francis should skip the misleading cliches about rabbits and allow Catholics to use contraceptives.

It occurs to me that rabbits in captivity may have a lot in common with human beings in captivity. Captivity, that is, to lies. Lies about life, about the human soul, about immortality (or the lack of it) and about what God wants from us.

Anyway, rabbits don’t get into any of that. They really don’t have many “issues.” Read more on Rabbits vs. Catholics here.