ANN BARNHARDT, famous for publicly burning pages of the Koran, reacts to the French massacre here and here:
I see that there have been many protest marches and gatherings in France wherein people are holding up signs saying, “Je suis Charlie.” “I am Charlie.” Um, I’m not Charlie. These people were not the pillars of society or role models, as evidenced by their pro-sodomite blasphemy linked above. Satan frequently uses these multi-vectored attacks because one has to be able to process multiple datasets simultaneously AND identify and maintain the connections (and disconnections) between them. And, as we have discussed before, modern western man has been so dumbed-down and contra-educated that holding ONE premise and following a single-track logical progression is nearly impossible for most people today. In this case, we have to juggle multiple subjects and then tease out the truth and the morally upright position and reaction. Let’s see if we can do it.
A.) These people did not deserve to be murdered. Obviously.
B.) They are not martyr saints.
C.) Freedom of speech is not a “god” unto itself. Only God is God, and His rights trump ours. Americans, in particular, have a tendency to worship the Constitution and the American governmental paradigm, particularly with regard to the “rights of man” over and above God. Careful with that. It’s a very slippery slope.
D.) The issue here is islam [sic], and the fault, blame and culpability for these murders lies squarely in the lap of islam and nowhere else. No excuses can be made, no justification can be fabricated, no quarter can be given. Islam cares not a whit about our arguments amongst ourselves regarding freedom of speech or anything else. All islam cares about is complete earthly submission to islam, and it will happily let us argue amongst ourselves while it slaughters us where we sit.
— Comments —-
M. Jose writes:
I like Generation Identitaire’s take on “I am Charlie.” They proudly associate themselves with Charlie… Martel.
How about, “Martel, not Hebdo?”