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The Thinking Housewife


Are White Women Intoxicated by Black Men?

September 18, 2014


ARTHUR H. writes:

I have a question about something that really bothers me and makes me feel very threatened and ashamed.

What is it about white women who go after black men?

I live in Chicago, and the stereotype is that black men chase after the white women, but what I see in public is that white women have this stare, this gaze at black men. I am white and have a good job. I am a blonde and blue-eyed athlete. When I pass a white woman walking by, chances are she won’t even look at me because she is already staring at the black man walking behind me. The multiculturalist and feminist advertising has created a really bad mixture in Chicago; it’s in commercials, billboards, on buses, and ads everywhere, even public service announcements. There’s this encouragement and social pressure for people to date interracially, especially the white female and black male pairing. In TV and movies, black men are always hypersexualized and depicted specifically as sexy and always in the presence of white women. The advertising agenda targets toward the younger crowd under 18, but it’s had an influence on the older crowd 18-30 which is my demographic. Read More »


A Book Recommendation

September 18, 2014



JOHN G. writes:

I just finished reading The Awakening of Miss Prim by Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera, and I thought it was excellent. Just the sort of thing you might write if you went in for light fiction instead of essays.

The author is clearly a traditional Catholic, which makes it even more notable that the book has become an international bestseller. I wonder if that is a sign of a yearning for traditional values among the generation of young women?

I think your readers would enjoy reading the book, and in addition it might come in handy as a fun and not heavy-handed introduction to traditional Catholic values for secular friends and acquaintances who find our way of thinking and of life incomprehensible.


The Transformation of Italy

September 18, 2014


A RIVER of migrants flows into the towns of Sicily. So far this year 120,000 people from Africa and the Middle East have been picked up by Italian ships in the Mediterranean and 2,800 people have died in transit in poorly equipped, overcrowded boats.

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Alice von Hildebrand on Feminism

September 17, 2014


STARTING at minute 25 in this interview in New York, Alice von Hildebrand, the Catholic author, teacher and wife of the deceased German philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand, refutes the premises of feminism. “Feminism is the greatest enemy of femininity,” she says. At the age of 90, von Hildebrand remains a woman of great charm and eloquence.

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Mass Psychosis Continues

September 16, 2014


JOE A. writes:

This story of a “transgendered” boy who was elected homecoming princess at a Colorado Springs high school is a farce and I can’t believe governments are playing along with “modified” birth certificates and such.

A note on the language of perversion:  They call it “gender” while everyone else calls it “sex.”

Sex you see is a matter of chromosomes:  Male and female he created them, XY or XX, or a variety of freakish mutations that “prove the rule.”

People are of one sex or the other. Read More »


A Man at a Coffee Klatsch

September 16, 2014


SUZANNE writes:

I read your recent post on the transgender person, Kyle, and just thought you may be amused in hearing my thoughts.

I have long believed that, generally, when a man joins a group of women, the conversation will either revolve around what he finds interesting or else will zone out entirely. So, it was telling last week when I had coffee with a group of women and a transgender man (so it was a man dressed as a woman) was there. This man was totally bored unless the topic was something that he was interested in and then he dominated the conversation. And I just thought, no matter how you try to hide it, nature will out.

I love your blog, and visit most days.

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Mother-Daughter Couple — Why Not?

September 15, 2014



Vertasha and Mary Carter

“We are the NEW face of hope. I will bear the brunt of the attacks. I will wear the scarlet letter. I will change America.”

—- Mary Carter

UPDATE: Fortunatelythis story appears to be a hoax or a joke. Thank you to the readers who emailed me to inform me of this.

I am not surprised that it is a hoax, nor would I be all that surprised if it was true. Nothing much surprises anymore. When fully licensed doctors are offering to freeze any woman’s eggs before she “transitions to a man” so that she can have children with another woman, well, is there any limit to the insanity out there?

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Practical Advice from St. Padre Pio

September 15, 2014


That which proceeds from God begins with a salutary fear and finishes with peace of mind. That which comes from Satan begins with calmness and ends in storm, indifference and apathy.

Padre Pio

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September 15, 2014


Children's Games, Pieter Bruegel the Elder; 1559-60

Children’s Games, Pieter Bruegel the Elder; 1559-60


Live by Studies, Die by Studies

September 15, 2014


THIS entry from December, 2012 about purportedly objective studies of children in same-sex “marriages” is worth re-reading. See the relevant quotes from G.K. Chesterton and this comment from Lawrence Auster:

The Muslim says, “If Allah wills it.” The Christian says, “In Jesus’ name.” The liberal says, “Studies have shown.” These are the sacred words that establish the authoritative truth of whatever ruinous mischief the liberal is about to propose.

“Studies” are one of the principal means by which the liberal regime maintains and extends its power.

Years ago I attended a conference of Swiss academic types in New York City. Their subject was Swiss immigration and multiculturalism policies. They maintained that multiculturalism and diversity was the way for Switzerland to go, because “studies” showed that it worked. Though I was just the guest of a guest at this event, I interposed: “So Switzerland has existed as a successful society for seven hundred years, and you want to change it radically—on the basis of “studies“? They didn’t get my point. Humorlessly they maintained that their studies were the best authority.


Woman’s Day Peddles Transgenderism

September 15, 2014



JEANETTE V. writes:

Even Woman’s Day magazine, the simple little homemaking magazine I grew up with, is pushing the normalization of sexual confusion. One woman uses “Christianity” to justify a daughter’s delusion that she is really a boy:

As he grew older, Kyle made it clear that he badly needed to transition to living as a male, including hormone therapy and possibly surgery. “In order for me to survive, I need to be true to who I am,” he told us when he was almost 18. We spoke to a therapist, and she explained that Kyle, like many transgender people, needed to align his body with his spirit. I’d wanted Kyle to wait, but I came to see that living a false life would be hell on earth: More than 40% of transgender people attempt suicide. Strong family relationships dramatically reduce that danger. Read More »


Marriage Bergoglio-Style

September 14, 2014



UNDER Jorge Bergoglio, a.k.a. the Argentine Bomber and the Man Who Would Be Pope, St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is becoming more and more like a Las Vegas wedding chapel. Today the faux pontiff married 20 couples, including some who had violated Church teaching on marriage.

Bergoglio does not fulfill the criteria to be an altar boy in the Catholic Church, let alone a pope. Altar boys are required to be Catholic. So are popes.


Mosques in France

September 12, 2014

AN interesting report from last year about a proposal to sell a French church in Vierzon (the church is the ugliest and most recently built one in the town) to a Muslim group. The pastor of the parish argues for its sale, but a local group resists. 


Five Killed In Kansas City Suburb by Convicted Felon and Alleged Murderer of Teens in 1998

September 12, 2014



Lorene and Darrell Hurst were among the victims.

THE victims include an elderly couple who was beaten to death and three others who were shot.

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Novus Ordo vs. Catholic Church

September 11, 2014



The phenomenon you describe in your “Madness in Michigan” post is so common it deserves a name. I suggest “Separation of Church and Church.”


Madness in Michigan

September 11, 2014



Marian High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, has let go a teacher for breach of contract. The teacher, Barbara Webb, had consented to Marian’s morality clause when she joined the school.  Marian’s morality code forbids teachers from publicly engaging in or endorsing “actions or beliefs directly contrary to the teachings and standards of the Roman Catholic faith and morality.” Plainly, homosexual acts — as distinct, perhaps, from orientation not acted-upon — violate that clause.

Marian learned that Miss Webb had contracted a so-called “marriage” with another woman in Ontario, where provincial law pretends such legal fictions are real and recognises them as a form of matrimony.   Read More »


Mosques in America

September 11, 2014



Islamic Center of Orange County

THE number of mosques in America has grown dramatically since 9-11. According to USA Todayit rose by 74 percent between 2000 and 2010, with a total that year of 2,106. Wikipedia has a partial list.

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Have We Learned Anything?

September 11, 2014


TIBERGE writes at Galliawatch:

From the thousands of videos available I came upon these four while browsing for something relevant to post on September 11, 2014. They may not be the best, and they may already be familiar to you, but the messages are worth repeating: jihad is resurgent, Iraq is devastated, France and England are in extreme danger. Nobody is doing anything.

You can view the videos at her site.