Are White Women Intoxicated by Black Men?
September 18, 2014
ARTHUR H. writes:
I have a question about something that really bothers me and makes me feel very threatened and ashamed.
What is it about white women who go after black men?
I live in Chicago, and the stereotype is that black men chase after the white women, but what I see in public is that white women have this stare, this gaze at black men. I am white and have a good job. I am a blonde and blue-eyed athlete. When I pass a white woman walking by, chances are she won’t even look at me because she is already staring at the black man walking behind me. The multiculturalist and feminist advertising has created a really bad mixture in Chicago; it’s in commercials, billboards, on buses, and ads everywhere, even public service announcements. There’s this encouragement and social pressure for people to date interracially, especially the white female and black male pairing. In TV and movies, black men are always hypersexualized and depicted specifically as sexy and always in the presence of white women. The advertising agenda targets toward the younger crowd under 18, but it’s had an influence on the older crowd 18-30 which is my demographic. Read More »