August 10, 2014
August 9, 2014
WHITE students will be a minority of U.S. public school children for the first time this fall.
August 9, 2014
HEATHER S. writes:
I have been reading and enjoying your blog for some time, but have never commented. However, this topic strikes so close to home.
I’m not surprised to learn that one in four women may be on mood-stabilizing drugs. I attended a large university and majored in engineering, because I had a small talent for math and science, and because my parents and teachers, and whole culture, find it so impressive when women enter traditionally masculine fields.
It broke me.
Desperate for an outlet of some sort, I joined an engineering sorority. There were about 30 members, and I learned that three of us had had to spend weeks at a time in psychiatric wards. That’s ten percent of the female engineering students I knew. Ten percent locked away, too depressed and anxious to function, kept on suicide watch, because they were women trying to live and think and act as men. Read More »
August 8, 2014
DAVID J., who is black, writes:
The link about Brendan Tevlin’s murder also includes information concerning a dead black teenager named Cheyanne Bond, who was allegedly shot in the head by a black thug.
Regardless, I have had it with the savage element of the black race. Such people cannot operate in and want no part of any type of civilized society. They are simply too deprived of normal human capital: intelligence, conscientiousness, temperance, and civility.
The works of Lawrence Auster and Paul Kersey, along with the video broadcasts of Tommy Sotomayor and David Carroll (both of whom are scathingly self-critical blacks; we do exist) have hardened my views on law enforcement and crime prevention. Society must impose stiff policies like Stop and Frisk, Broken Windows, racial profiling, Stand Your Ground, and teenage curfews and return to draconian practices like public executions, longer sentences, lower bars for capital punishments, and welfare reductions in order to keep this wild population at bay. Light prison sentences fail to deter these miscreants, who often regard stints behind bars as mere badges of honor and subjects for future rap songs.
Humans who regard basic laws as something externally imposed instead of internally felt (to paraphrase writer Fred Reed) must be harshly made to recognize that the lawgiver, “beareth not the sword in vain.” If tough policies abound in a nation like Singapore with its relatively criminally disinclined demographics (Chinese, Malays, and subcontinental Indians), how much more severe should American law enforcement be?
August 8, 2014
KARL D. writes:
I thought you might find this article interesting. Its a few years old but still very relevant. It seems that one in four women in America is on some type of mood stabilizing or psychiatric drug. What is amazing is that throughout the article and in the comments section everyone is either scratching their collective heads or lashing out as to why this is? Could it be that the corner for which feminism has painted women into is making them miserable? Meaning, that they are now, for the first time in human history, taking on roles that go against their very nature as women? Could it be the myth of “having it all” has turned out to be an unobtainable fantasy? And finally, could it be that the thought of rejecting those roles for a more traditional role makes them feel like failures, selling out the “sisterhood” and being dupes? Hell, I would be depressed as well.
August 8, 2014
Regarding “I am Woman:”
My friend Chrissy was obsessed with this notion that she could take on and fight men. I know it more than likely got her murdered! In my memoir, I wrote about how Chrissy sparred with my son’s father Rick, who was a black belt, and even though she was physically fit and strong for a woman, she never had one little chance of superiority strength-wise.
I also wrote about how Chrissy made it a point of bossing men around and provoking fights. When she did this on our vacation in Vegas, she was almost beat up and killed the first time it happened. The second time, if there was one—-no one will ever know I suppose, but ‘someone’ took her life.
I’ve always felt that her belief she was as strong as men had something to do with her murder.
Are women really this STUPID?
August 8, 2014
THIS Norwegian television show examines race differences with engaging and charming open-mindedness.
August 7, 2014
THE DAILY MAIL describes the dictators and despots entertained by President Obama this week. The caption for the above photo:
Pictured outside the White House waving and grinning with his wife President Obiang of Equatorial Guinea is Africa’s longest serving dictator after seizing power from his uncle and mentor (who used to hang regime critics from the capital’s street lights) in 1979.
Since then he has won the yearly elections with 99% of the vote. Taking the lead from his uncle, he has since had shot or jailed virtually all political opponents and ruled the country with an iron fist. Despite running one of sub-Saharas biggest oil-producing countries and amassing a personal wealth in excess of an estimated $600million, he’s far from generous with his riches.
The average income of his citizens is $2 a day, few live beyond 53 and 20 per cent of children die before they reach five years of age. Last year the country ranked 163 out of 177 on Transparency International. There is no freedom of the press, the country’s one television station is government-run and clean water is scarce. In 2011, the United States’ Department of Justice made moves to seize more than $70 million in assets from President Obiang’s son, Teodorin Nguema Obiang Mangue.
August 7, 2014
MAUREEN writes:
Regarding your post on the apparent athletic superiority of women, I notice similar things all the time and it drives me nuts. Whether it’s movies where women hold their own in a physical altercation with a man, or a sitcom mom besting a hapless dad in some contest, it’s blatant, sheer lunacy and I don’t understand how anyone can fall for it. Just yesterday I was helping my fiance repair a friend’s deck. He was manually screwing a big bolt into the wood with a rachet, one-handed while standing on a ladder. It was hot, he was tired, so I offered to take over for a while. He laughed. I could hardly budge that rachet an inch, using all my strength and most of my body weight as leverage. He was doing it one-handed! With no leverage! He’s above average in fitness, but not radically so and I’m 5’9′ and no petite flower.
August 7, 2014
CLIFF KINCAID reports at Tradition in Action:
An advocate of Marxist-oriented “liberation theology” and recipient of a Lenin Peace Prize has returned to his duties as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, after a 29-year suspension.
Miguel D’Escoto, who served as President of the U.N. General Assembly from September 2008 until September 2009, had been suspended from his priestly functions by Pope John Paul II in 1985. D’Escoto had joined the communist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua as foreign minister, after which the Soviets recognized his service by giving him the International Lenin Peace Prize.
August 7, 2014
From The Nation:
FOLLOWING THE much-publicised case of the unauthorised surrogacy involving a Thai mother and an Australian couple, a raid by police and soldiers at a Bangkok condominium found nine babies thought to have been fathered by a Japanese man.
Former minister Paveen Hongsakul, who initiated the raid on Tuesday on Soi Lat Phrao 130, feared that in the worst-case scenario this “surrogacy-for-hire” scam may be related to the potentially fatal extraction of foetal fluid to provide stem cells.
She also called on authorities to investigate a case related to a woman who said she was paid for surrogate pregnancy, but lost the baby seven months into her pregnancy. Pavena wants investigators to find out if the foetus’s spinal fluid was extracted for the manufacture of cosmetics.
August 6, 2014
STEVE SAILER reflects on this shoe ad. I realize it’s terribly un-cool to reject Darwinism, which makes no sense in the end and is really for nerds or simpletons who are incapable of joy, but I don’t agree with his view that the female psyche can be entirely reduced to a Darwinist competition for men (which is not to say this competition is not a factor in the female psyche) or his suggestion that women are incapable of disinterested moral objectives. Still, he makes some perceptive comments about the competition and sexual aggression feminism has unleashed.
August 6, 2014
Note that this prominent Japanese researcher who committed suicide was Haruko Obokata’s supervisor, and a co-author of her fraudulent research papers.
Obokata was hailed as one of Japan’s top njeko, or “science girls,” before portions of her internationally acclaimed stem cell research were found to be faked.
August 6, 2014
MARK B. writes:
Watch this television commercial carefully. It goes quickly, and see if you see what I do. In the first second after we see a group of women and perhaps one man who’s behind in the group (his head pops out), you see a wall with what looks like two men scaling it with a bunch of men waiting to help them over.
August 5, 2014
THE BASILICA OF SANTA Maria Maggiore is the oldest church in Rome dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The original structure was a fourth-century Roman palace. Since the 16th century, the church has also sometimes been referred to as Our Lady of the Snows. According to an ancient legend, the Mother of God caused a miraculous snowfall on the spot in the height of a Roman summer.
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Snows.
According to Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira:
Here you can see the beautiful role of legends. Synarchic (1) or technocratic minds do not like legends because they lack definite proof of truth. They do not understand that the legend exists to prove something superior to the concrete fact. In this story, for example, we find many things that tell us about Our Lady.
It can be disputed whether or not the snow actually fell on that day in August, but the legend reminds us that Our Lady has the power to transcend the laws of nature. There is an enormous distance between Heaven and earth. She can make nothing of this distance and appear to a Pope. Naturally speaking, it is marvelous for it to snow in the hot summer – July and August are terribly hot months in Rome – but she has the power to make this happen if she so desires.
Morally speaking, we experience this truth whenever she sends us consolations in the most heated hours of our battles, trials and sufferings. At such moments, she lets fall on us an immaculate, white and refreshing snow that gives us a pre-taste of Heaven. Therefore, even though someone can dispute the veracity of the legend of the snow that fell, he cannot dispute that Our Lady is able to make this miracle if she desires, and that in fact she does so frequently in a moral sense. This is the superior truth the legend contains.
August 5, 2014
THE Remnant reports on the Man-Who-Would-Be-Pope-If-He-Happened-To-Be-Catholic’s recent visit to a workers’ cafeteria. He’s at one with the proletariat. [The heading of this entry comes from Novus Ordo Watch.]