Another Hate Crime Hoax
July 30, 2014
HERE is a classic case of twisted reporting to make white Americans appear to be hateful, racist, bigots who have not been welcoming to the people of the world even though they have accepted, and been friendly to, nonwhite foreign immigrants everywhere.
In March, 2012, Shaima Alawadi was murdered in suburban El Cajon, California. Shortly before she was killed, according to her relatives, a note was found taped to the family’s front door that said: “This is my country. Go back to yours, terrorist.” A similar note was found next to the Iraqi Muslim woman’s body when she was discovered stabbed to death on her kitchen floor. The New York Times promptly ran a long piece on the murder that appeared on March 27, 2012 in the A-section of the newspaper. Two reporters worked on the story. Ian Lovett and Will Carless wrote:
Whatever the police eventually determine, the crime has shattered the sense of security for Iraqi immigrants in El Cajon, exposing cultural tensions and distrust that have often simmered just below the surface since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.
Hanif Mohebi, director of the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said that many Muslim women in the area were worried that Ms. Alawadi had been targeted because she wore a headscarf in public, as many observant Muslim women do.