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Another Hate Crime Hoax

July 30, 2014



This photo of Kassim Alhimidi, weeping over his wife’s body, appeared with the Times’s initial story on the murder of Shaima Alawadi. None of the subsequent stories featured a photo of him under arrest or in court.

HERE is a classic case of twisted reporting to make white Americans appear to be hateful, racist, bigots who have not been welcoming to the people of the world even though they have accepted, and been friendly to, nonwhite foreign immigrants everywhere.

In March, 2012, Shaima Alawadi was murdered in suburban El Cajon, California. Shortly before she was killed, according to her relatives, a note was found taped to the family’s front door that said: “This is my country. Go back to yours, terrorist.” A similar note was found next to the Iraqi Muslim woman’s body when she was discovered stabbed to death on her kitchen floor. The New York Times promptly ran a long piece on the murder that appeared on March 27, 2012 in the A-section of the newspaper. Two reporters worked on the story. Ian Lovett and Will Carless wrote:

Whatever the police eventually determine, the crime has shattered the sense of security for Iraqi immigrants in El Cajon, exposing cultural tensions and distrust that have often simmered just below the surface since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.

Hanif Mohebi, director of the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said that many Muslim women in the area were worried that Ms. Alawadi had been targeted because she wore a headscarf in public, as many observant Muslim women do.

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Europeans Bankroll Al Qaeda

July 30, 2014


TOO soft to stand by and resist kidnappers, European diplomats have caused the Al Qaeda kidnapping business to explode. Rukmini Callimachi writes in The New York Times:

While European governments deny paying ransoms, an investigation by The New York Times found that Al Qaeda and its direct affiliates have taken in at least $125 million in revenue from kidnappings since 2008, of which $66 million was paid just last year.

In news releases and statements, the United States Treasury Department has cited ransom amounts that, taken together, put the total at around $165 million over the same period.


Cool, Macho Neo-Pagans

July 29, 2014


A 16th-century depiction of Norse gods by Olaus Magnus; from left to right, Frigg, Thor, and Odin

A 16th-century depiction of Norse gods by Olaus Magnus; from left to right, Frigg, Thor, and Odin

NEO-PAGANISM is super cool among some traditionalist intellectual types who believe Christianity is effeminate and Norse warriors are real men. Here’s a 2010 discussion at VFR on the phenomenon.

In that entry, the commenter Daniel S. writes: “The past that neo-paganism longs to return to is a[s] mythical and non-existent as the gods of German mythology.”

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A Simple Argument Against “Sola Fide”

July 29, 2014


IF MAN is saved by “faith alone,” then a Satanist should go to heaven.

The Satanist believes. He does not deny God’s existence.

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Woes of the Small Farmer

July 29, 2014


 Landscape with Cows, Anthonie van Borssom; 1649

Landscape with Cows, Anthonie van Borssom; 1649

A MICHIGAN dairy co-op was forced to throw out 248 gallons of milk, 100 dozen eggs, and “an undisclosed amount of fresh cream, butter and cheese.” The co-op was selling food without a license, according to the Michigan Department of Agriculture, which ordered the farm to dispose of the food. The Organic Prepper has the story.

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Francis’s Tips for Living

July 29, 2014



THE Argentine bomber is at it again.

Friends, this man is not Catholic. It’s as simple as that. How can a person be the Pope when he is not even Catholic? Imagine if Christ had followed Rule No. 1 (“Live and let live”) or No. 9’s “the worst that can happen is religious proselytism, which paralyzes.”


The Model Minority: Dual Pricing Edition

July 29, 2014



There’s a quite tasty, upscale restaurant in a major shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand which presents Westerners with a Thai-language bill, and Thais with an English-language bill, on the theory that the Westerners likely can’t read Thai at all and the Thais likely can’t read English, or do so quite poorly. Of course, there are extra items that the restaurant patrons didn’t actually order or receive added to the bill.

I know this is true because I observed it happening firsthand. When the bill came – in Thai – I handed it to my Thai dining companion, who proceeded to ream out the waiter because of the extra items added to the bill, causing him to lose face and amusing several Thais sitting at nearby tables.

Here’s an article about a similar practice at a Chinese restaurant. In several Asian countries, foreigners pay a significantly higher fee than locals when they visit tourist parks and historic sites which charge for access, attend sporting events, etc. Usually, these dual-pricing schemes are out on the open; there’s no attempt to conceal them.

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Violent Pro-Gaza Demonstration in Paris

July 28, 2014


July 26 pro-Gaza

SEE the latest at Galliawatch, which also has posts on demonstrations on behalf of Iraqi Christians.


The Contemplative Life Today

July 28, 2014


THESE cloistered nuns from Argentina specialize in dance routines.


July 28, 2014


 Peasants by the Hearth, Pieter Aertsen; 1560s

Peasants by the Hearth, Pieter Aertsen;


Reveal Parties

July 28, 2014


ELAINE writes:

Has anyone heard of a ‘reveal’ party?  I heard about this about a year and a half ago. A pregnant woman gets together with friends and family and the sex of the child is revealed. There’s usually a cake, door prizes, etc. Of course, this phenomenon may not last long because of gender confusion.

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More Baby Trafficking

July 28, 2014


A piece in The New York Times about the surrogate motherhood industry focuses on an agency that was “unregulated.” In truth, no regulations or level of accountability can correct the abuses of gestational trafficking and the very existence of this business, which would be illegal in many countries, is a crime. Notice the sense of entitlement by those who pay for surrogacy:

Jonathan C. Dailey, a lawyer in Washington, wired Planet Hospital $37,000 in December 2013, the first installment on a contract for a single mother in Mexico to carry his child. He and his fiancée flew to Cancún to leave a sperm deposit at the clinic that would create the embryo and to visit the downtown house where their surrogate would live while pregnant. They picked a “premium” egg donor from the agency Planet Hospital sent them to. But nothing happened.

“It was just outright fraud,” said Mr. Dailey. “It’s like we paid money to buy a condo, they took the money, and there was no condo. But it’s worse, because it’s about having a baby.”

The emerging Planet Hospital story, which Mr. Rupak characterized as one of mismanagement rather than fraud, stands as a cautionary tale about the proliferation of unregulated surrogacy agencies, their lack of accountability and their ability to prey on vulnerable clients who want a baby so badly that they do not notice all the red flags.

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St. Anne

July 27, 2014


St Anne with the Virgin and Child (detail) 1519

St Anne with the Virgin and Child (detail)


Ban Against Carrying Guns in D.C. Struck Down

July 27, 2014


FROM Fox News:

A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Saturday overturned the city’s total ban on residents being allowing to carry firearms outside their home in a landmark decision for gun-rights activists.

Judge Frederick Scullin Jr. wrote in his ruling in Palmer v. District of Columbia that the right to bear arms extends outside the home, therefore gun-control laws in the nation’s capital are “unconstitutional.”

Click here to read the decision.

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Armed Doctor Defied Policy

July 26, 2014



I wouldn’t be surprised if the hospital where he worked tries to dismiss this heroic doctor, who quite literally saved lives by using his firearm.

My guess is that the doctor knew that the hospital staff were in danger from mentally unstable patients (including this specific patient with a history of violence against hospital personnel), knew that the hospital security staff were not likely to be able to provide adequate protection for the psychiatric staff, and made a conscious decision to defy the hospital’s stupid and dangerous policy in order to ensure that he and others would have a fighting chance when, not if, one of their disturbed patients went on a homicidal rampage.


Commander of British Warship Accused of Affair

July 26, 2014



ONCE again, we encounter the sheer insanity of putting men and women together on naval vessels, as if it is possible to remake human nature and prevent them from interacting, as well as the farce of a woman commanding a warship. From The Daily Mail:

The first female commander of a Royal Navy warship has been sent home after allegedly having an affair with another officer.

Commander Sarah West, 42, took charge of the frigate HMS Portland in May 2012, but has been sent home from duty after claims she was having a relationship with a male officer on the same ship.

This would breach the Armed Forces’ Code of Social Conduct, which prohibits personnel from having relationships with subordinates if they compromise ‘operational effectiveness’.

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July 25, 2014


The Princess and The Frog, By Sir Edward Poynter

The Princess and The Frog, By Sir Edward Poynter


Acting White

July 25, 2014


OBAMA, to his credit, says it’s okay if blacks act in a civilized way.