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Spike Lee on Gentrification

February 27, 2014


BUCK writes:

The black racialist Spike Lee went on a obscenity-laced rant (see here and here) on Tuesday about gentrification in New York City. The tirade took place during an African-American History Month event and Lee was speaking to an obviously all black audience, after being asked a reasonable question by a man in the audience about gentrification in some of the well-known historic New York City neighborhoods. A paraphrase of his question is: “Why is it a bad thing that a long-time homeowner who lived in a $40,000 home can now sell that home for $3.5 to $4 million?”

Many points can be made about the intellectual dishonesty revealed by Spike Lee’s contradictions and hypocrisies, especially as juxtaposed against Daniel Attila’s story. But the speech, which I have transcribed below, speaks for itself.

Spike Lee begins by saying: “Let me just kill you right now,” to laughter.

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Life in the Multiracial Underground

February 26, 2014


IN 1997, Daniel Attila described his experience working for four years as a conductor for the New York City subway system. The piece, published at American Renaissance, was titled, “Hell on Wheels.” Attila began with this:

I was born in Hungary, from which I escaped in 1982 at age 18. I settled in New York in 1984 with the intention of becoming an artist, but after nearly a decade of struggle I realized I might never make it. In 1993 I enrolled in the City University of New York, while I supported myself for four years as a conductor on New York City subway trains. There can be only a few jobs that so quickly introduce an immigrant to the realities of multi-racialism. Beneath the streets of New York I have seen and done things that very few whites will—I hope—ever see or do.


Pope or Nope?

February 26, 2014


FOUR outstanding entries on objections to sedevacantism — which is the position that the Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church — and on the failures of Catholic “traditionalism” can be found at Novus Ordo Watch here, here, here and here. These are lucid and brilliant arguments with quite devastating conclusions for those who recognize the Pope’s heresies and yet still see him as the Pope. At bottom, it all boils down to this: Is truth relative or not? In other words, does truth exist?


Man Lives by Pizza Alone

February 26, 2014



AT the website Vice, Justin Levy interviews a friend who has survived on an all-pizza diet for 25 years. (Obscenity warning.) Here is Dan Janssen on what is now a perfectly normal way of life:

I’ve been eating pizza exclusively every day of my life for the past 25 years, and I’m not just talking about a slice of pizza every day. I usually eat an entire 14″ pizza, and I only eat cheese pizza. I never get sick of it. If I go to one pizza shop or another brand, it’s like eating a completely different meal.

I’m not sure why this interview is warranted. It is no surprise that someone eats nothing but pizza. What is a surprise is that some Americans — a few — don’t eat pizza at all. They should be interviewed and asked about their strange eating habits.

Dan says he is not terribly bothered by his diabetes, but his fiancée has urged him to see a therapist about his lack of interest in other foods: Read More »


Grown Child, He Said the Wrong Thing

February 26, 2014



ANDREW YOUNG, 40, was said to have the social skills of a 14-year-old. He had been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. On November 6Young was walking down a busy street in Bournemouth, England when he saw a man, David Ibitoye, with his bicycle on the sidewalk, according to The Daily Mail. He told the man that it was dangerous to ride a bike on the sidewalk, which was filled with people. Little did he know that one should never, ever challenge a black man. An argument ensued. The cyclist’s friend, Lewis Gill, appeared and punched Young in the head. Young fell and his head slammed onto the concrete. Gill walked away and left him on the ground. Young died the next day.


On Monday, Gill pleaded guilty to a charge of manslaughter and was sentenced to four years in jail. Judge Keith Cutler said that a murder charge was not appropriate because Gill did not intend to cause “grievous bodily harm.” The judge also said there was an element of “provocation” in the attack. Gill contended Young had made a racist remark, according to The TelegraphFrom The Daily Mail:

Taxi driver Simon Scott said of him: ‘Andrew was always friendly and polite and often struck up conversations with strangers. He was gentle and wouldn’t hurt a fly.’

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Holder: Attorney Generals Can Refuse to Defend State Laws

February 25, 2014


THE rule of law is meaningless to those seeking to force same-sex “marriage” on America.

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Alan Roebuck’s Advice to Single Men

February 25, 2014



AT The Orthosphere, Alan Roebuck has a very good essay on marriage and men that manages to be both realistic and idealistic, a significant feat for so difficult a subject. Though the essay is mostly directed to men who are not yet married (and he doesn’t suggest that every single man marry), my favorite parts are those addressed to men who are married, in which he describes the essential leadership qualities of husband and father. Here is a brief excerpt:

Men and women were designed by God to love and support each other in marriage, but modernity has set them against one another. The most accurate brief way to characterize the current disorder in male-female relations is to say that modernity has made men and women into rivals, each seeking to gain the advantage at the expense of the other. At the outset, then, the properly masculine man rejects the modernist paradigm. Although probably a majority of women will not be seeking a proper relationship with a man, and many women will be hostile toward men from the start of any relationship, you will transcend the hostility. You will not mistrust women in general (although you know you must be wary of many of them), because you know the God-ordained purpose of marriage: Fellowship between man and woman, under the leadership of the man, leading to marriage and children. And even if your woman shows signs of hostility or rivalry, you will recognize it as a sin to be opposed rather than accept it as an unavoidable expression of the fundamental female nature.

Mr. Roebuck’s comments about the “hostility” of women should be viewed in the context of feminism, which fosters that hostility.


Totalitarianism in the Bedroom

February 24, 2014


E. EVERETT BARTLETT, of Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), writes:

In my studies of totalitarian societies around the world, I’m not aware of a single one that attempted to regulate the most personal and intimate of activities – the act of making love. (If you disagree, I’m all ears!)

But now, lawmakers in California want to pass a bill that would require what they call “affirmative consent.”  Nobody can quite define it, but it sure sounds good on the Evening News!

Columnist Cathy Young weighs in.

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Another White Man Hits the Ground

February 24, 2014



John Bannon

JOHN BANNON, 55, died last week of brain injuries sustained on Feb. 1, the day he was knocked to the ground in his Baton Rouge neighborhood. Two black teenagers, one 15 and the other 19 years old, have been arrested and are believed to have attacked Mr. Bannon in the course of an “attempted robbery.” They allegedly were testing which one of them could deal a more devastating blow. In other words, Mr. Bannon, who worked in a hardware store, was a victim of merciless and savage cruelty. His head hit the cement sidewalk so hard his brain immediately began to hemorrhage. He lingered on life support for several weeks.

From The Baton Rouge Advocate:

“You just want to know why, why him,” said Susan Smith, Bannon’s sister, who resides in Nashville, Tenn. on Wednesday afternoon, choking back tears. “Why him, of all people, (who) didn’t bother anybody.”

Mr. Bannon was apparently killed because he crossed the path of feral beings who were in the mood to kill. The very fact that he was unthreatening probably gave them incentive.

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The Model Minority: Immigration Edition

February 24, 2014



I’m shocked that this article about immigration fraud by Chinese immigrants made it past the cultural censors at The New York Times.  A network of law firms and immigration agencies has been implicated in many thousands of cases of suspected fraud in New York City. The Times refers to it as an “industry of lies.”

One Chinese man who worked as a translator in a firm involved in the phony schemes to obtain political asylum is quoted as saying:

“According to my system of values, what I did is correct.”

This is a prime example of the self-centered situational morality at the heart of Asian culture.


The King’s Husband and Other Future Complications

February 24, 2014


The Family of Henry VIII, An Allegory of the Tudor Succession

The Family of Henry VIII, An Allegory of the Tudor Succession

IN PREPARATION for the legal introduction of same-sex “marriage” in Britain next month, government bureaucrats are rewriting a host of statutes pertaining to inheritance, royal titles, pensions, taxation and child custody to alter, redefine or remove references to husbands, wives, mothers and fathers. Redefining marriage means redefining kinship. Actually, it’s the inversion of kinship so it naturally creates a blizzard of complications, many of which cannot even be foreseen.

Some of the laws being reworked are many hundreds of years old, dating back to distant times when gay parades and wedding cakes with two grooms didn’t exist. Men will not hold the title of “Queen” or “Duchess,” according to early redrafting. And two women will probably not hold the same Duchess title. There are some weirdnesses that even British politicians cannot accept. Apparently, it will not be high treason to violate the husband of the King, which should make for some interesting threesomes. But it is unclear what the husband of the Prince of Wales will be called. Given the decadence of the House of Windsor, it’s a serious concern and should be ironed out before a man walks down the aisle of Westminster Cathedral to meet a Prince near the altar.

But who knows what will happen when the King and his husband have a child with a surrogate mother. Will she be given any title at all? Also, if she is the mother of a future King, shouldn’t her children by a husband of her own have some royal prerogatives too? After all they will be related by blood to the royal line. Ah, this is unclear. When Henry VIII made marriage a matter of personal preference, subject to the whims of adults and not the Church, little did he know where it all might lead.


According to The Telegraph:

Civil servants have drawn up a list of scores of statutes and regulations dating back as far 1285 to be amended or specifically excluded when the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Act comes into force next month.

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Eat, Pray, Love

February 21, 2014




KARL D. writes:

Another white Western Eloi woman has paid the ultimate tax. According to the Daily Mail, Erin Willinger, 30, was a yoga teacher and social worker from New York who went to India and soon met and married an Indian taxi driver. Within five months he stabbed her to death and then blew himself up. Feminism has yet another body on its hands.

I know this is a dumb question, but what in the world could an educated, urbane, white Western woman possibly have in common with an Indian taxi driver? Although I suppose that was his entire appeal as far as she was concerned? I could no more go down to Peru and marry some poor peasant women who still squats in a ditch than fly to the moon! She may be a perfectly decent and moral human being, but that’s where our commonalities would end! I just don’t get it.

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Homosexuality and Suicide

February 21, 2014


IN this entry from yesterday, Ian writes:

Advocates for sodomy often claim that the high rate of suicide among sodomites is due to the prejudice and bigotry shown towards them.

However, if we look at other groups who have been persecuted in the past or in the present, do we see a high rate of suicide among them?  Were the early Christians committing suicide at high rates because of Roman persecution?  Were European Jews committing suicide at high rates because of Nazi persecution? Were American blacks committing suicide at high rates because of enslavement or because of Jim Crow? Are Middle Eastern Christians committing suicide at high rates today?

While I don’t have any data on hand, somehow, I rather doubt the rate of suicide among these groups was/is as high as it is among sodomites.  And never mind the fact that the level of “persecution” sodomites experience today is nowhere near what most of these other groups suffered.

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Photos of an Olympic Skater

February 21, 2014


HERE is the three-times Olympic champion Sonja Henje from Norway. I will refrain from making the obvious comparisons between the way Henje is dressed and the costume of the current gold medalist Adelina Sotnikova.



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February 21, 2014


ALAN writes:

Do you and your readers ever wish for an alternative to the indescribable evil and ugliness that surround us daily?  So do I, and so did Lawrence Auster:

“If you would like to leave the present state of things for a while and enter a world of sheer joy and delight,” he wrote in 2007, “I recommend seeing all of the Fred Astaire – Ginger Rogers movies…   I consider Astaire one of the great geniuses of our civilization…    See these movies and be lifted up by the happiness, joy, beauty, and perfection” that they convey.  [ “Astaire and Rogers,” VFR, August 6, 2007]

Mike Royko said much the same thing twenty years earlier, shortly after Fred Astaire died.  At some point in his life, he wrote, it dawned on him that Fred Astaire was just about the sharpest guy in the world.   …I saw every movie Astaire ever made.  …What mattered was the music, written by the best composers, and Fred Astaire dancing and singing….”  [“Fred Astaire Was A Class Act To End,” Chicago Tribune,  June 23, 1987 ]

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The Innate Power of Women

February 21, 2014

PETE F. writes:

In “Women’s Hockey: Not So Equal After All,” Mary wrote:

“In those “old fashioned” marriages husbands have a deep respect and an abiding tenderness for their wives, not because their wives are like them but precisely because they are not: they allow men access to the other half of life, they complement them. Is all of this perfect? Of course not. And of course there are areas of overlap, but especially today young women should take care not to lose their softness or refinement, which will always be attractive to good men and will in turn refine them. Now more than ever those qualities are needed and men don’t generally have them.”

Mary, your point is very well-taken.

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Government Surveillance for Newsrooms

February 21, 2014


BYRON YORK at The Washington Examiner writes:

The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” But under the Obama administration, the Federal Communications Commission is planning to send government contractors into the nation’s newsrooms to determine whether journalists are producing articles, television reports, Internet content, and commentary that meets the public’s “critical information needs.” Those “needs” will be defined by the administration, and news outlets that do not comply with the government’s standards could face an uncertain future. It’s hard to imagine a project more at odds with the First Amendment.

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The Fed Monitors (and Brainwashes) High School Students

February 21, 2014


THE Youth Risk Behavior Survey is administered yearly by the Centers for Disease Control. Here are a few of the questions that were addressed to high school students in 2013.

During your life, how many times have you used any form of cocaine, including powder, crack, or freebase? (The student may choose from one to 40 times with all drug-related questions.)

During your life, how many times have you sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any paints or sprays to get high?

During your life, how many times have you used heroin (also called smack, junk, or China White)?

During your life, how many times have you used methamphetamines (also called speed, crystal, crank, or ice)?

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