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The Thinking Housewife


The Thanksgiving Pizza

November 23, 2013




MANY of you plan to spend grueling hours next week making turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie — the whole shebang. I can understand your wanting to adhere to time-honored traditions, but have you thought of making a Thanksgiving pizza instead? Pizza Today has a recipe. Combine all the essentials in one lovely and creative dish. The Pilgrims just didn’t think of this.

Now, where else can you get life-changing tidbits like this but at The Thinking Housewife? I am very close to reaching my fundraising goal. Please consider donating. Small donations of five, ten or fifteen dollars will put me closer to my goal, as will donations of $1 million or more. Thank you for your generosity. Every donation, large or small, is appreciated and is an instance of concrete action in support of the marginalized, disenfranchised, pizza-hassled counter-revolution.

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From a Reader in France

November 23, 2013




I’m really glad to see that you are close to reaching your fundraising goal. I’m not rich, but I’ve no family and no wife to pay for, so I don’t need much money and thus I am sending another donation to you. My mother would tell me that in order to have a wife someday, I have to save money now. But I think I have better chance to end up with a wife if I can get a woman to read your website. :-)

Anyway, as Christmas approaches, it’s the right time for a donation. All I give now, I won’t spend during the consumerist orgy that will start soon.

I know you don’t need additional reasons to continue your work, but here is one anyway: the seeds you plant and water are growing into plants, fruits and flowers. Here is one of them. That’s the blog I began last January.

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The American Traditionalist Society, cont.

November 23, 2013

Oak tree - Steven NobleOak tree - Steven Noble

oak tree-

reader made a very good and obvious suggestion regarding the American Traditionalist Society. He recommended that readers start forming chapters. You know what the issues are. You want to find other people like you. There are distinct advantages to not being part of a public, controversial organization. Organizing away from the public sphere of the Internet, at least initially, may be a better way. Several readers have volunteered to help. Perhaps we could create a directory of names that would allow people to find others in their area. This is a big country.


Obamacare Has Saved “Millions”

November 23, 2013



Russell Simmons

SAM writes:

Black hip-hop entrepreneur Russell Simmons claims that Obamacare has “already saved the lives of millions.” This is the kind of magical thinking that abounds among black public figures. Obama can do anything and he is a saint, and if it appears that he can’t, it is because sinister occult forces of racism are stopping him from doing it. This message is constantly parroted by black figureheads like Spike Lee and Oprah Winfrey and Michael Eric Dyson, and is believed by a significant plurality of the black population. And yet white Americans continue to wonder why black America is  implacably hostile to the culture of the majority.

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New Details of Chism Murder Charges

November 22, 2013


THE murder of schoolteacher Colleen Ritzer by 14-year-old Philip Chism, the black teenager who was allegedly angered by his parents’ divorce, was much more brutal than initially reported, according to newly filed indictments in the case. You can read about it at The Daily Mail. [Warning: This is disturbing content.] After raping Ritzer, slitting her throat and mutilating her with a tree branch, Chism left a note next to her body that said, “I hate you all.” He stole her IPhone, credit cards and underwear.

Chism’s note conforms with my theory that he was overwhelmed with niceness when he moved to the largely white school and hated people for it. I’m not suggesting this is why he killed Ritzer but that he was alienated from, and hostile to, the school he was attending.

Note the way this report keeps harping on the lack of a “motive,” as if there could possibly be a good reason why he did it. The killer left a note explaining his motive. How much clearer could he be?

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Racial Politics in France

November 22, 2013


Banania Taubira


THE FRENCH are now subject to the same relentless scolding by successful blacks — the very people they have elevated to positions of stature — that Americans have been experiencing for many years. See Tiberge’s latest report at Galliawatch.

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A Note from a Mother

November 22, 2013


LINDSAY writes:

I have sent another donation to you today. Upon sending the first one a few days ago, I failed to read the entire post until after donating. Returning to finish reading, I found that you intended to decrease your involvement with the site. Here I am again to reiterate my support. The import of The Thinking Housewife cannot be overstated in words or dollars.

My previous communications to you, for privacy and brevity’s sake, did not do justice to the impact of your writings on my life. Mine was more than just a mother needing encouragement. I knew that family and children should come before self but in the cold reality of everyday life, that knowing was becoming numbed.

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The Hallucinatory Reality of a Secular Liberal

November 22, 2013


SAM writes:

I want to comment on this slapdash article by the political philosopher Michael Ignatieff in The Atlantic.

The article is written as a brief defense of Machiavelli’s amoralist position in politics. But the defense is revealing less for its content than for the way in which it provides a window into the inner world of the secular liberal intellectual. I know of no way to describe that world except to say that it is a dream world; an ideological hallucination.

The article begins by describing Obama’s decision to kill Osama Bin Ladin. Ignatieff writes of this:

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The Worthless Trash of “The Hunger Games”

November 22, 2013



DIANA writes:

I realize that compared to the health debacle, the obesity epidemic, the national debt (do we ever hear about that anymore?), the immigration crisis, the pizza crisis, and the lavalike flow of LGBTQRSTUV “rights,” this may seem trivial, but since the movie Catching Fire is setting the world alight, I thought a brief word was in order.

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The Stars Weep Too

November 21, 2013


Starry Night Over the Rhone, Van Gogh; 188

Starry Night Over the Rhone, Van Gogh; 188

ALAN writes:

“Nature’s verities offer certainty and tranquility,” Ozark farmer, nature writer, conservationist, and St. Louis newspaper columnist Leonard Hall wrote more than thirty years ago.

There is much truth in those words. Lawrence Auster wrote about the beauty of an autumn day in New York.  Laura Wood has written about the beauty of flowers, the splendor of the night sky, and the astonishing occurrence of a bird knocking at her door.

Those things reminded me of a story told by Louise Dickinson Rich. She lived in the deep woods of Maine and wrote at length about their beauty and challenges. There was a big Russian fellow there who worked as a lumberjack.  He worked alone because he liked it that way and it was said that he was impossible to get along with.  One day while walking through the woods, she saw him sitting alone except for a group of chickadees that surrounded him.  She wrote:

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Women Pretend To Be Marines

November 21, 2013


FIFTEEN women comprised the first female group to go through infantry training for the Marines. Four passed the course and one of them ended up with debilitating stress fractures, probably from carrying heavy equipment. Read the comments about it all at Marine Times for a nauseating glimpse of those who view this as a great milestone for women and who pay no attention to the high failure rate. You would think war was a game.



November 21, 2013




I am closing in on my goal. Please donate here. Thank you for your support.


Vatican Gives Award to Homosexual Teen

November 21, 2013


FROM Novus Ordo Watch:

The Vatican is now officially and openly “gay-friendly.” On Saturday, November 16, 2013, an openly homosexual Maryland high school student by the name of Jack Andraka received an award at the Vatican for his work in cancer research, having discovered a way to test for pancreatic cancer in its early stages.

While his scientific contribution is no doubt very laudable, the idea of the Vatican, which is supposed to be the highest moral authority on earth, granting an award to an open sodomite is beyond appalling. The prize itself is called the International Giuseppe Sciacca Award and has very specific significance. In fact, it is given to (supposed) role models that promote human dignity, justice, and the upholding of the moral natural law:

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Obama Leaves God Out of Everything

November 21, 2013


THE Catholic blogger Mundabor describes Obama as a “thoroughly secular man, very probably as atheist as Stalin, with a cultural predilection for the religion in which he grew up (Islam, of course), and just that ridiculously thin varnish of Christianity that is necessary to become President in the USA.”

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“Teens” Play in D.C. and Philadelphia Suburbs

November 21, 2013


BUCK writes:

Three “Knock Out” attacks have been reported in the Philadelphia area. From CBS Philly:

The attackers are calling their crimes a game, the goal being to knock out the victim with one punch.

Mark Cumberland is a victim of a “Knockout” assault.

“Someone asked me for a cigarette and by the time I got my hands out my pocket I was getting hit by four kids.”

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Notes from Readers

November 21, 2013



THE OTHER day, I was very down. As my husband can tell you, for much of the entire day before I sat grimly staring out the window. I thought I might not have the resources to continue the regular work I do here. I was like Jimmy Stewart’s George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life, standing on the bridge in the cold, contemplating the worst. I was not contemplating real suicide of course, but a form of blogger suicide. Or blog-icide.

But things are going well with my fundraiser thanks to the great generosity of readers. If I can meet my goal, I will be ecstatic. In any event, I have received such encouragement from readers that I feel like Bailey when he went home and all the people in the neighborhood appeared and threw some of their hard-earned savings on his living room table. That’s exactly how I feel. Whatever happens, I truly have wonderful friends. That was the problem with George Bailey when he stood on the bridge. He didn’t realize how many friends he had.

Here are some of the notes from readers I have received:

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O, Mighty Spiritual Sisterhood, Save Us

November 21, 2013



DANIEL S. writes:

The neo-Druidic church of the nation formerly known as England has elected to allow women bishops. One of the female “chaplains” involved told her compatriots that they should allow female bishops so as to cease being “weird.” So there you have it, the “Church” of “England” will have female bishops not for Biblical or advanced theological reasons, but because they want to be cool.

By the way, former archbishop of Canterbury Lord George Carey said that the Church of England could be extinct in a generation. Considering recent trends, I cannot find myself to share in Lord Carey’s lament.

For an idea of the latest in Protestant clerical fashion, the photo above is of Lutheran bishops and the one below is of Episcopal bishops.


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Advertisers Seek Wealth of Opportunities

November 20, 2013



REPRESENTATIVES of major pizza chains have contacted me today to say they have heard that I am not accepting advertising. They have also noticed that I have not yet made my fundraising goal. They think it’s a big mistake to reject ads at this crucial juncture. They say studies show that my readers are part of the cheap mozzarella demographic and would benefit from seeing photos of pepperoni, sausage and white rubber while lamenting the downfall of civilization. Hard to believe, I say, as the two activities seem intrinsically opposed. But they say that I just don’t understand the psychology of advertising. Pizza photos satisfy deep human yearnings. Everyone benefits from seeing melted cheese. Everyone.

But wouldn’t I be violating cherished principles? Wouldn’t I be selling my soul if I took ads from Little Caesars or Hungry Howie’s Pizza and Subs? Astute readers might even accuse me of hypocrisy. It’s a terrible ethical dilemma. Aristotle said we must do things at the right time, in the right way, and for the right purpose. Easy for him to say. Sometimes principles are so darn expensive.

If you would rather not see this site become a part of the Pizza-Industrial Complex, please donate. I have made great progress toward my goal of keeping this site alive.

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