Onward, Female Warriors!
November 20, 2013
A recent Army press release describes with expert bureaucratic evasion the phony progress being made to integrate women into combat:
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III said the changes won’t — and shouldn’t — happen overnight, but rather, they should be deliberate and incremental.
“The first and largest obstacle the Army must overcome for integration is the culture,” Chandler said. “There is still a perception in some parts of the Army that female Soldiers won’t be able to do the same things as their male counterparts, or that we won’t be as successful if we have them in combat arms organizations. I think the people saying these things are a vocal minority.”
Even in a calculated piece of propaganda riddled with absurdities about preserving standards and lies about the physical capabilities of women, it’s impossible for the Army to disguise the facts. Equality means changing the entire military culture. Those who perceive the obvious are the disturbingly and mystifyingly “vocal minority.” Strange, that so few people want to be part of this minority. Golly, why don’t more people want to find themselves exiled from polite society and out of a job? Read More »