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Catholics on Immigration Reform

August 22, 2013


UNFORTUNATELY, there is no organization of Catholics, as far as I know, that is explicitly working to combat the errors and distortions of Catholic bishops and activists who are pushing for the current amnesty bill and who in general advocate the dissolution of American sovereignty and identity through overwhelming waves of mass immigration from non-European countries. That there needs to be such an organization, even at this late date, goes without saying, if only to correct those heresies for future generations. Next month, some of the major dioceses will be aggressively pushing the bill, with a coordinated effort on Sunday Sept. 8, that will include homilies from the pulpit. Such homilies will almost certainly involve major misreadings of the Church’s moral teachings, which do not advocate the breaking of laws, theft, the overturning of civil authorities, and the abolition of nations.

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August 21, 2013


Bernard_vision of_LIPPI, Filippino

The Apparition of the Blessed Virgin to St. Bernard (detail) by Filippino Lippi, 1486


Afraid of Motherliness

August 21, 2013


HERE is a very good piece by Simcha Fisher at the National Catholic Register about a gender studies professor who has decided that breastfeeding her son was bad for her family because it gave her an unfair advantage over her husband, who could not develop the same kind of closeness with their son. Fisher writes:

She’s been implanted with all sorts of false sensitivities, which tell her something is wrong — even when everything is, by the standards and instinctive delights developed over the entire course of humanity, going just like it’s supposed to go.

This is what happens when you study gender in isolation, like a bug in a petri dish, rather than approaching it in its natural habitat, which is a world oriented toward something higher than equity: love. Gender is not some kind of evolutionarily developed genetic strain that shifts and transforms according to the demands of society. It’s deeper than that. The day-to-day specifics of gender roles can legitimately shift and change. But when a mother feels guilty for feeling like a mother, then we’ve engineered the kind of problem that causes civilizations to fall.

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A Homemade Fire Pit

August 21, 2013


ALL children, or at least most of them, love sitting around a fire. A bonfire is more exciting than a movie or a video game. I recently came across this plan at Mother Earth News for a homemade fire pit that is fairly inexpensive and it seems easy to make. If you have a backyard and young children, this would be a good investment. By the way, you can make great “fire nachos” by putting fresh tomatoes, tortilla chips and shredded cheese in aluminum foil and putting the packet right inside the fire at its edge where you can easily retrieve it after about five minutes of intense heat.

fire pit 1 jpg



Australian Blames Murder on Guns

August 20, 2013


Christopher Lane

Christopher Lane

ALEX writes:

Predictably, the various prominent whites can’t allow themselves – and us – to connect the dots in the murder of Christopher Lane. According to the Herald Sun, it’s the NRA’s fault:

[F]ormer deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of the shooting murder of the Melbourne baseball star.

Mr Fischer said he was deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said turning our backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.

Christopher Lane, 22, was randomly gunned down while jogging through the town of Duncan in Oklahoma on Friday afternoon local time. Read More »


Australian Baseball Player Gunned Down by “Bored” Teens

August 20, 2013





An Australian baseball player out for a jog in an Oklahoma neighborhood was shot and killed last week by three “bored” teenagers who decided to kill someone for fun, police said.

Christopher Lane, who was visiting the town of Duncan where his girlfriend and her family live, had passed a home where the boys were staying and that apparently led to him being gunned down at random, Police Chief Danny Ford said Monday. [emphasis added]

A 17-year-old in the group has given a detailed confession to police, but investigators haven’t found the weapon used in last week’s shooting, Ford said.

Police Chief Danny Ford denies that the killing was “random.” According to the Sidney Morning Herald:

When Chris Lane jogged past three boys on Country Club Road in Duncan, southern Oklahoma, the boys did not see a young man, local police chief Danny Ford says, they saw a target.

“They saw him go by and they said, ‘that’s our target’ and they followed him and they shot him, that’s what he told me,” Chief Ford told Fairfax Media of the conversation police had with the oldest suspect, a 17-year-old boy.


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Tchaikovsky’s Embattled Opera

August 20, 2013



Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky in duel, Ilya Repin; 1899


Homosexualism never sleeps.  Wasn’t sodomy once the “love that dared not speak its name”? Now it is the lust that won’t shut up.

The latest manifestation of the homosexualists’ determination to infest every corner of life, no matter how seemingly trivial, is at New York’s Metropolitan Opera.  The Met is having a Russian opera gala to open its fall season on September 23rd.  And it really is all-Russian: the opera is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, adapted from Alexander Pushkin’s epic poem of the same name; the conductor is Valery Gergiev, artistic director of St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theatre; and the star is Russian diva Anna Netrebko (who is truly extraordinary, as is Gergiev – even if he’s usually rather disheveled).

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The War over “American Betrayal”

August 20, 2013


READERS who are not already well-versed in it may be interested in the hot controversy over attacks launched by David Horowitz’s Front Page Magazine against Diana West’s new book American Betrayal, about the Communist infiltration of the American government in the 1930s, a book which I cannot comment upon because I haven’t read it. At her site, West has many responses to what appears to amount to vicious denunciation. At Family Security Matters, Michael McCann yesterday wrote:

Why, then the visceral, personal attack on Diana West by Frontpage Mag? The revelations of her powerful narrative seemed to have rocked the boat. Read More »


The Causes of Black Criminality

August 20, 2013


M.G. at the website Those Who Can See offers various biological explanations for black criminality. He cites the relatively high levels of narcissism, impulsiveness, risk-taking, psychopathology, low intelligence and aggression among blacks on psychological assessments and intelligence tests. The traits he mentions are compelling, observable factors, but they do not fully explain the criminal behavior of blacks.

Let’s put it this way, did Bernie Madoff lie and steal because he was highly intelligent? Did he come up with his Ponzi scheme because he was able shrewdly to control his impulses and had a gift for systematic thinking? Certainly, he couldn’t have pulled off his scam without these innate traits. But that’s not why he stole from others. He defrauded his clients because he wanted their money and he wanted it because of greed, lust and love of self, all of which are deformities of the will, not of the body. Similarly, does a black man rape a woman because he has a strong sexual drive? Certainly, he wouldn’t commit such an abomination without his innate sexual desire, but the sexual drive does not impel him toward an act of hatred and destruction. The will to destroy and hatred in his heart cause him to rape.

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Why Sin Makes People Stupid

August 19, 2013


WE live in a society that encourages sin, to the point of denying that sin even exists. We also live in a world of enveloping stupidity. How are these two phenomena related? Read Kristor’s brilliant explanation of how sin makes people stupid at The Orthosphere. Proceeding from the assertion that all sin entails lying, or a denial of reality, Kristor writes:

The maintenance of a small lie sooner or later entails the introduction of another, supporting lie, and this procedure replicates. It’s like a Ponzi scheme. Sooner or later the whole edifice falls over, for lack of support from the real world. Until it does, until the collapse arrives, the cost of doing business goes up and up with the cost of compensating and masking for more and more noise introduced by more and more lies.

The worst state of affairs, however, is not systemic collapse. Systemic collapse is bad, but at least it necessarily prompts a radical reorganization of the system in terms of a more accurate recognition of reality – also known as honesty, truth, righteousness. That can be a most salutary process. But there is always a danger that a sufficiently intelligent, complex and ramified system will evolve around the persistent problem at C so as to hobble along in spite of it. In that case, H will perform less efficiently than it might if there had never been a lie, but because C’s signal is obscured, H will have the impression that everything is just fine.

Of course, many intelligent people are outrageous sinners. Sooner or later, however, sin restricts the functioning of the mind. All of us have experienced this phenomenon.

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August 19, 2013


The Red Bridge, Julian Alden Weir; 1895

The Red Bridge, Julian Alden Weir; 1895


Understanding Islam

August 19, 2013


IN his most recent article, Bill Warner of the Center for Political Islam wrote that many converts to Islam are attracted to the way of life, but know little about Islamic beliefs. He wrote:

Everybody knows someone who has tried to read the Koran and never finished it. Islam seems like a tropical jungle, deep and complex. But that is not true, since Islam is both Allah and Mohammed.

Allah may be hard to understand, but anybody can understand Mohammed. The reason is simple. We have his official biography (called the Sira) and it is a fascinating, ripping read. After Mohammed is born he soon becomes an orphan. He married and became a successful businessman, then a prophet of Allah. He preached Islam for 13 years and converted 150 Muslims. Next he became a politician and jihadist for his last 10 years. When he died every Arab in Arabia was a Muslim. The Sira has religion, plots, spies, war, torture, secret agents, slavery, sex, jealousy and more. It is one of the world’s great stories. Read More »


Parenthood without the Hassle of Marriage

August 19, 2013


KARL D. writes:

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any sicker, behold the movement known as “co-parenting.” How do these men and women (especially the women!) look at themselves in the mirror every morning? This isn’t just selfishness. It is malignant narcissism!! Note that the women in the article were interviewing prospective “fathers” from around the world including a homosexual man! One thing does give me hope though. The majority of commenters on this story are as disgusted by this as you or I.

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They Wanted Suzy Soldier, Not Him

August 18, 2013




PETER F. writes:

I am a regular reader of your fine website, and have been meaning to write to you for some time. Some recent comments concerning the feminization of the Armed Forces finally moved me to action. If you’ll bear with me through some background information, I think you will find my story both interesting and relevant to the subject.

My late father was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Second World War and the early Cold War. However, for a number of reasons, I did not go into the military as a young man. Read More »


The White Book, cont.

August 18, 2013


HERE is another excerpt from Robert S. Oculus III’s The White Book. (See previous excerpts here and here.) This section, titled “Black Run America,” includes a familiar description of the status-seeking behavior of white liberals, a phenomenon that has been noted and talked about for years.

“If I had a hammer…” the old song goes, “I’d hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters, all over this land.”

Dr. King’s Dream is a hammer. But it is a sledgehammer, and one that has been used since the 1950s to smash the old America into pieces — in the name of love, freedom, and justice, of course.

Who held that hammer? Again, it wasn’t the blacks as such, nor the Jews. There weren’t enough of them around. No, the arm holding that hammer is white  —  the hand of the Revolution that has slowly but surely overthrown the American elite over the course of the past two centuries.

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Disgusted with America

August 17, 2013


THOMAS writes:

First of all, I would like to apologize if I start to ramble, or if my thoughts seems disorganized. I am an engineer by trade, and am unused to expressive writing.

I am a husband and a father of two small children. I am a 12-year veteran: eight years active duty, four years reserves. I was raised to be patriotic, honest and loyal by my wonderful parents. I am trying to do the same with my own children. And yet, at every turn I am confronted by a culture and a government that wishes to destroy all I cherish. For example, my former military profession, submarines, which helped win the Second World War and the Cold War, is being systematically destroyed by the introduction of women. All this is being done not only with the acquiescence, but with the enthusiastic support of military “leadership” that swore an oath to defend the country and their fellow servicemen.

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Never Trust a Bush

August 17, 2013



George W. Bush’s daughter Barbara tells People magazine she hopes Hillary Clinton will run for president in 2016, because Mistress Hillary is “unbelievably accomplished.” At what?

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A Bishop Changes Parties

August 17, 2013



Bishop Thomas Tobin, of Providence, Rhode Island, recently informed a group of Young Republicans that he had become a registered Republican after dissolving his long and, in my judgment, inexplicable association with the Democratic Party. The bishop’s statement and its implications only strengthen my conviction that the Church in the West has lost its way. From WPRI News:

Bishop Tobin claimed, “The a-ha moment for me was the 2012 Democratic National Convention.(Emphasis mine.) It was just awful,” Tobin, 65, told the Young Republicans during an event at the Holy Rosary Band Society Hall in Providence”

Why has the bishop appeared before a political group to explain his changing parties? The bishop’s role is to serve as the spiritual shepherd to his flock, which in this bishop’s case includes 147 shrines and parishes throughout the state.

In admitting to changing parties, Bishop Tobin also revealed a mindset operating in far too many bishops in the U.S.: they have been inextricably involved in political action, often in the case of supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, or in the name of “social justice,” which kept him a registered Democrat for forty years, but not an effective bishop.

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