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The Thinking Housewife


Trial in Boy’s Gruesome Murder Receives Little Notice

August 16, 2013



FROM this post at the Council of Conservative Citizens:

The trial is underway right now for Mona Yevette Nelson. She is a black woman who allegedly kidnapped a white child and tortured him to death with a blowtorch in Houston. There has never been any serious media coverage of this case.

The trial started this week, and it has only registered a tiny blip in the local news. Only one local media affiliate, KTRK Houston Channel 13, even appears to be covering the trial. Other Houston media outlets only published tiny blurbs that the trial has started, but none of them even mentioned how the boy died.

If the races had been reversed, this would be the biggest media event in the Western world. People in Finland would be hearing about the “racially motivated torture murder” in every gruesome detail. Scores of media vans would be lined up and down the street in front of the courthouse. Read More »


August 15, 2013



Antonello da Messina, Virgin Annunciate, (detail), c. 1476


Army Sergeant Ends Maternity Leave — and Leaves Baby in Car

August 15, 2013


U.S. SGT. KATHERINE PAPKE of Anniston, Alabama was charged with manslaughter this week for leaving her four-month-old infant in the car while she was at work. See the Daily Mail’s report, which includes a police photo of the visibly devastated mother. Said her attorney: “She’s a working mother who just got off maternity leave. She thought she had dropped off the child at daycare. It’s important that people know that. No words can describe how she feels.”

Papke is a sergeant first class in the U.S. Army. She had left her daughters at school and then worked for five hours at the McClellan Readiness Center before returning to her car, parked in the heat, and discovering her son in the back seat. It’s a heart-wrenching story, an extreme example of the routine neglect of children in a world where motherhood is a secondary job. No woman can take care of an infant and two other young children, manage a home and work for the Army while retaining her focus. Millions of lesser disasters and forms of neglect happen every day, all at the expense of children who are moved around like burdensome packages. The Army — and feminists who have cheered for this — are complicit in this crime.

In news stories such as this, no one — not the police, not the family, not friends, not neighbors — says the obvious. No one states the simple truth that this is an insane, unworkable and dangerous model for family life.


Katherine Papke

Katherine Papke

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The Meaning of the Rodeo Clown Incident

August 15, 2013




People have expressed amazement at the media frenzy condemning a Missouri State Fair rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask. Rush Limbaugh said it’s because the left has thin skin and cannot stand to be mocked. How else to understand a firestorm over a rodeo at an obscure event in fly-over-land? It’s this: The national media, which is the propaganda arm of the revolution, saw in this yet another opportunity to demonize traditional Americans as morally illegitimate. “Racism” is like kryptonite to most trads and whenever it’s waved in our faces we roll over and wet ourselves, as can be seen in the humiliating abasement of every responsible party in Missouri, who vow to send rodeo clowns to sensitivity training and promise our moral betters it will never happen again.

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The Assumption

August 15, 2013



Assumption of the Virgin with Four Saints, Pietro Perugino

FROM an essay by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated today:

It is my opinion that this glorification of Our Lady at her resurrection and assumption had an effect on earth and nature. As at Fatima when the sun changed its colors and danced, twirling toward the earth to confirm the words she spoke to the children, on the day of her assumption, I imagine the sun was shining with a special glorified light, the air was exceptionally pure, and all nature was immensely joyful.

The face of Our Lady before her assumption would have shined with increasing brilliance expressing the great love of God she was feeling, her eagerness to be with Him, and a presentiment of the joys she would shortly have. I think that the last day of Our Lady on earth in a certain sense represents the transfiguration of Our Lady; it was her Tabor. The persons who were with her and saw her would never forget that day for the rest of their lives.


Black Criminality: A Universal Reality

August 14, 2013



(Data Source: National prison census data for 1926-1986, 1990, 1995,
2000, 2005, 2010, also 1979 and 1984)

THE website Those Who Can See has a lengthy and very informative post on statistics pertaining to black criminality, which is high in most or all countries where blacks have a significant presence, even nations where Africans were never colonized or enslaved. As the above graph shows, the crime rate of blacks in the U.S. has increased dramatically since the era of segregation. Black crime is born out of a “very violent past in this country” and a “very difficult history,” Obama contended after George Zimmerman was acquitted. Perplexingly, incarceration rates have soared the farther we are from that violent past. Also, if tough sentencing is the problem, as Eric Holder maintains, then why haven’t whites seen a comparable increase in incarceration rates? It must be that “history of racial disparity in the application of our criminal laws.” Read More »


Germany Fades into Demographic Twilight

August 14, 2013


JAMES N. writes:

The teaser for a New York Times story on demographic crisis in Germany reads:

As German towns work to hide the emptiness, demographers say a similar fate awaits other European countries, with scary implications for the economy.

As Europe dies, as the 3500 year epoch of our people comes to an end, the New York Times worries that it will be bad for the economy.

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August 14, 2013


MY email account is temporarily inaccessible. Outlook is experiencing a widespread outage.


Oprah and the Swiss Bag

August 14, 2013



THE owner of a Swiss boutique has refused to be intimidated by Oprah Winfrey’s accusation that she experienced a racial insult in her store. According to The Daily MailTrudie Goertz said,

I don’t know why she talked of racism. I am sorry, but perhaps she is being a little over-sensitive here. Maybe she was somewhat offended because she was not immediately recognized in the store.

This was an excellent response after the store owner’s initial apology. Oprah complained publicly that a clerk at the Zurich boutique suggested she might not be able to afford a $38,000 purple crocodile handbag. This proved that “racism is still an issue.” (No one, except animal rights advocates, appears to have criticized Oprah for her interest in such an expensive and garish purse.) Oprah subsequently apologized for making it an issue. But the clerk is in seclusion in fear of “public hatred.”

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Equality in Art

August 13, 2013


ACCORDING TO the Getty Museum, graffiti is no different from the highest achievements of Renaissance art. David Brafman, the rare books curator at the Getty Research Institute, writes:

The art of graffiti—and the artists who practice it—craft letterforms, draft perspective, and merge line, color, and form with the same techniques employed by Renaissance masters like Albrecht Dürer. Now the work of graffiti and tattoo artists—just like those of Dürer—are part of the Getty’s rare-book collections via a monumental, 150-artist collaboration called LA Liber Amicorum, more popularly known as the Getty Graffiti Black Book.

Mr. Brafman is, to borrow a phrase used by the commenter Alan, “drenched in mendacity.”


Innsbruck Castle Courtyard by Albrecht Durer

Innsbruck Castle Courtyard by Albrecht Dürer

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August 13, 2013


Praying Mantis, E.J. Detmold

Praying Mantis, E.J. Detmold


Swiss May Delete God from Anthem

August 13, 2013


ALAN M. writes:

In reading this about the Swiss national anthem, I was struck by the following quote:

“Officially the anthem is a psalm, a prayer, but of course we have an open society, religiously neutral. We have atheists, no single god, so this anthem is a difficulty.”

I realized two things when reading this: Read More »


To Live Is to Discriminate

August 13, 2013


EVERY anti-discrimination law is a law that mandates discrimination. This is so obvious it’s almost painful to have to point it out, but many people don’t seem to get it. Mark Moncrieff at his blog Upon Hope explains in simple language the “discrimination of anti-discrimination.”


Era of Crime Reduction Ends

August 13, 2013


A FEDERAL judge ruled yesterday that the New York City Police Department’s stop-and-frisk policy violated the constitutional rights of nonwhites. In related news, Eric Holder announced that federal prosecutors would begin to avoid charges that involve mandatory minimum drug sentencing. Both decisions are expected to reduce the number of nonwhites charged with crimes and in prisons.

Heather Mac Donald wrote in the Wall Street Journal in June:

A decision against the NYPD would almost certainly inspire similar suits by social-justice organizations against police departments elsewhere.

The national trend of declining crime could hang in the balance. And the primary victims of such a reversal would be the inner-city minorities whose safety seems not to figure into attempts to undermine successful police tactics.

New York-style policing—including the practice of stopping, questioning and sometimes frisking individuals engaged in suspicious behavior—ought be the city’s most valued export. Since the early 1990s, New York has experienced the longest and steepest crime drop in the modern history of policing. Murders have gone down by nearly 80%, and combined major felonies by nearly 75%. No other American metropolis comes close to New York’s achievement. Bostonians are twice as likely to be murdered as New Yorkers, and residents of Washington, D.C., three times as likely. Read More »


Why Jews and Blacks Are Not the Enemy

August 12, 2013


I’M sure many of you have begun to enjoy the incisive and pithy observations of Robert S. Oculus III in The White BookDo you feel as if you’ve read this book before? That’s the way good books are. They draw forth and organize half-formed thoughts. They are mental cleaning services (the ultimate housewifely compliment), dusting, clearing away cobwebs, mopping floors, and putting everything back in order, maybe in a way they were never in order before.

Here is another excerpt. It’s from the section called The Real Enemy in Chapter I :

Do you ever get sick of hearing Jews on TV blaming you for anti-Semitism? Do you ever get tired of seeing some black guy on TV blaming you for his people’s problems? You do?

Physician, heal thyself. If you blame the problems of the white race on “the blacks” or “the Jews”, you are doing the same thing they do: avoiding responsibility for your own problems. Just as the Jews and the blacks and every other racial group are responsible for their peoples’ failings, we must step up and take responsibility for our own.

The Jews are not the enemy. Jews don’t make us watch filthy movies or moronic TV shows. Jews don’t make us divorce our spouses or abort our children or contracept our future into non-existence. Jews don’t take the money out of our pockets and make us buy crap we don’t need. No, we do all those things with our own little powder-white paws – and then when it all blows up in our faces we point the finger at the Jews. As if we don’t have free will! As if our Lord and His every saint haven’t warned us of the wages of sin!

Friends, when I say we have to See the truth in order to survive I don’t just mean seeing the motes in the eyes of the dead-hearted schmucks that run this country. I don’t just mean seeing the truth about black and Jewish and liberal group behavior. I mean taking a hard, honest look in the mirror and admitting to what we See.

White, Christian America is rotten – and we let it rot. We let our standards slide. We abandoned our race, our culture, our creed, and our collective conscience. All the blacks and Jews in the world couldn’t have done this to us. We did it to ourselves.

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WWNH on Marriage

August 12, 2013


BILL CLARK DEAN, otherwise known as A. Guy Maligned, or simply Guy, at the website, What Women Never Hearhas a new selection of blog posts titled “Make Marriage Work. Guy writes:

Assessing the results in society (what we all do) and culture (why we all do it), I concluded this. For over five decades women have listened only to women about capturing and holding a man. As that unisex mindedness continues, the female identity dissolves in political acid, womanly relationship expertise crumbles, and girls and women unwittingly teach that sexual freedom is more important than being respected by boys and men whose love arises only from a foundation of respect. The availability of unmarried sex diverts manly eyes and ambitions, stalls and sours the development of devotion to one woman, and discourages men from helping fulfill female hopes and dreams.

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August 12, 2013



Mount Auburn Cemetery, Thomas Chambers (1808-1869)


“The White Man Is the New Nigger”

August 12, 2013


HERE is a book you are not likely ever to find at your local Barnes and Noble or public library. It’s called The White Book: A Manifesto for the European Diaspora. Just as The Gulag Archipelago wasn’t on news stands in the Soviet Union, this book won’t be openly discussed. It essentially doesn’t exist. It’s a book about a forbidden subject, an evil subject, a dirty subject, a subject so disgusting you could lose your job and friends if people knew you had read it. It’s about white people, and it affirms the right of white people to exist as whites. The author, Robert S. Oculus III, does not dare use his real name.

Here is the preface. Read at your own peril:

This is a book of love: love of one’s own, not hatred of the other. It is intended to bring hope, not to fuel a sense of hopelessness. It is meant to bring people together, not to drive them apart.

This is not a book of ideology. It offers no utopian program as a solution to the problems of the world. It does not invite the reader to join any organization, march on any picket line, sign any petition, lobby for any legislation, or vote for any party, any platform, or any candidate for political office.

The aim of this book is simply this: to help people to see the truth — not ideological truth, not political truth, but the simple truth of everyday life. Its purpose is to help people peer through the veil of unreality which has been imposed upon them, and to admit that what they experience in the real world every day of the week is true.

This is a book of love, for it is only through love that we will all be saved. It is my hope that this little white book will serve to make this truth plain, and to point it out to those who can See.

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