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The Thinking Housewife


Sanity and Love

August 11, 2013


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ROBIN writes:

I concur with your recommendation to the young woman, Lucy, who is looking for a husband that she consider the prospect of being a paid nanny. Yes, I recommend this, even in light of my interesting experiences as such! Having been raised by a feminist, it was extremely difficult for me to break rank with feminists and feminist ideals. I chose to do this late in life (mid thirties) after a wasted youth and a failed first marriage. Having no idea where to begin, I considered myself a sort of pioneer woman, and sought the face of God and His direction above all. Only after my escape from the wickedness did I come upon your website (a divine intervention, no doubt) and I then began the radical unplugging from The Matrix that has sustained my marriage now and built our family thus far.

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On the Dark Side of the “Child-free” Society

August 11, 2013


KARL D. writes:

I would like to throw in my two cents from the male point of view regarding the promotion of childlessness. It is something of a confession that for reasons that will soon become obvious I try not to think about or discuss. When I was nineteen years old, I was with my then high school sweetheart who was eighteen. We were both madly in love with each other and had been together for three years. One day, I noticed she was quite somber. After repeated needling she finally confessed, she was pregnant. To make a long story short, we discussed all the pros and cons and quickly made the decision to get an abortion. This is something that has haunted me and filled me with guilt to this very day.

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August 10, 2013


MANY comments have been added to recent entries. In the entry, “Going Mad,” Lucy, a woman in her thirties, criticizes readers for giving a young, unmarried woman unrealistic assurance of finding a husband. She said the same sort of advice has left her without a way to support herself and no spouse.


Empress Alexandra on Marriage and Family

August 9, 2013



IN contrast to the shallow promotion of childlessness discussed in this entry, here are reflections on marriage and family by the Russian Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, the wife of Tsar Nicholas II whom, as we all know, was assassinated along with her family by the Bolsheviks in 1918 and whose mournful and pensive face was so entirely lacking in the vanity mentioned in the previous post. Below is an excerpt, but please read the whole thing. This is a beautiful essay. Many years from now, people will still be reading this and feel affection for its author, while reflections on the joys of sterility will make future generations despise their stingy ancestors — if those reflections are read at all. These reflections are almost painful in light of Russia’s subsequent moral and demographic collapse. Here is the Empress on children:

Our children naturally bring along with them a multitude of cares and concerns, and for this reason there are people who look upon the appearance of children as a misfortune. But it is only cold egotists who can look upon children in such a manner.

It is a momentous thing to take upon oneself the responsibility for these tender young lives, which can enrich the world with beauty, joy, and power, but which can also easily perish; it is a momentous thing to nurture them, form their character, – this is what one should think about when establishing a home. It should be a home in which children will grow up to a sincere and noble life, grow up for God. Read More »


The Child-Free Life, cont.

August 9, 2013


TIME magazinchose an image of a couple lying on a beach for its latest promotion of childlessness by Lauren Sandler. Imagine if the magazine had chosen an image of old people languishing in a nursing home instead. But then the publication would have offended the delicate sensibilities of its readership. If it had also portrayed the intentionally childless as the selfish people they often are, that might have caused someone, somewhere to think.


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The Triumphant Return of Megyn (and the Injustice of Maternity Leave)

August 9, 2013


KARL D. writes:

Megyn Kelly, the glamorous FOX news blonde newscaster and feminist, is now rumored to replace Sean Hannity as co-host on his long running 9 p.m. time slot. While I am no fan of Sean Hannity, the man slogs it out five days a week (including a radio show) and to my knowledge does not get extended time off to be with his family. Kelly, however, is now out on maternity leave. Her third maternity leave in as many years! When I say maternity leave I am not talking about a few weeks, but several months. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. It seems feminism has been very, very good for Megyn Kelly. Her children and Hannity? Not so much.


Dhimmi Bishop Forbids Discussion of Muslim Atrocities

August 9, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

I hadn’t seen this when it first happened several months ago, but Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch had posted the letter that the Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester, Massachusetts wrote after he canceled Spencer’s planned appearance at a Catholic men’s conference. The bishop was none too pleased with Spencer’s critique of Islam. After mentioning the usual mush about Vatican II and “mutual understanding” the bishop wrote:

My decision to ask Mr. Spencer not to speak at the Men’s Conference resulted from a concern voiced by members of the Islamic community in Massachusetts, a concern that I came to share. That concern was that Mr. Spencer’s talk about extreme, militant Islamists and the atrocities that they have perpetrated globally might undercut the positive achievements that we Catholics have attained in our inter-religious dialogue with devout Muslims and possibly generate suspicion and even fear of people who practice piously the religion of Islam. Read More »


Promoting Childlessness

August 9, 2013



ADAM writes:

While waiting for my flight at an airport yesterday, I browsed through some magazines at a shop in the terminal. The cover of the current issue of Time magazine said “The Childfree Life: When Having It All Means Not Having Children.” The cover photo showed an apparently carefree couple sunning themselves on the beach. Read More »


August 8, 2013


Madonna delle Roccie, Fra Filippo Lippi

Madonna delle Roccie, Fra Filippo Lippi


Going Mad

August 8, 2013


A READER writes:

I am a young woman in my twenties. I have a Ph.D. and was raised to be extremely feminist. To make a long story very short, I am very lonely. I am attractive and pleasant enough and have never had trouble attracting men, but they (or at least the ones I meet) tend to want only one thing. Over time, I have discovered that I have very conservative …”tendencies” and have been lurking at your site and others like it for years, rather wistfully I must say. I long to be a wife and mother and to have a lifelong companion. I love art, music, and literature, and that is why I continued my studies, but while they have been rewarding, they have only made me lonelier in the end, because the students are all very liberal and even the ones who are married are not in it for the long haul. Divorce is always considered an option and many of them engage in behaviors I wouldn’t consider at all appropriate in a marriage, like flirting or even adultery.

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West Point’s Long Gray Line Turns to Mush

August 7, 2013




Again, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point does not disappoint: political correctness is very much alive and well at the institution.

In an appeal for financial support, the West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) sent a flyer to former graduates.
The focus, below, of the flyer tells you a lot about what West Point’s Association of Graduates believes will attract the largest cohort of donors: a black and female cadet. Further, if you look closely at the graduation ceremony photos, above, the center shows two female cadets taking the oath; the young man behind the two females is probably Hispanic. Read More »


Obama and Sochi

August 7, 2013



Yesterday I commented on Frank Bruni’s New York Times column and Bruni’s dream that U.S. athletes may engage in a pro-sodomite disruption at the opening of next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, to protest Russia’s statutes — unobjectionable in a healthy society — against homosexualist propaganda and proselytising.

Maybe Barack Hussein Obama has been reading Bruni or the NYT op-ed by sodomite activist Harvey Fierstein. In a softball interview with Jay Leno, Leno said the [Russian] laws had “shocked” him and compared Russia’s arrests of homosexual protesters to Nazi Germany’s extermination of Jews and homosexuals. No hint of hyperbole there. Unblinkingly accepting the risible comparison as valid, Obama – as his paymasters require – took his cue: Read More »


A View of Washington by William James Bennett

August 7, 2013


City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard, William James Bennett

City of Washington from beyond the Navy Yard, William James Bennett; 1834

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The “Who-Am-I-To-Judge” Pope

August 7, 2013


ONE of the most disturbing things about Pope Francis’s recent comments on the plane from Rome to Rio was his implication that the Church may legitimately view homosexuality as a permanent inclination and a form of identity. But there is no such thing as a Christian homosexual. There are obviously Christians who have homosexual desires, but not homosexual Christians. Here is some deeper analysis of the Pope’s remarks at the sedevacantist website, Novus Ordo Watch. Novus Ordo writes:

Francis plays right into the wrong-headed but widespread idea that some people are homosexual in their identity, in their nature, as part of “who they are”. This is exactly what modern-day liberals want you to believe, that just as people are biologically either male or female, so they are also biologically either heterosexual or homosexual.

Nonsense! If a Catholic accepts this idea, he has already crossed the line….

Also, here is a reader’s comment on the same subject that came in before the Pope’s remarks on the plane to Rome.

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All Education Is Moral

August 7, 2013


HERE IS a great comment by a reader from a 2012 post, “On the Myth of Neutral Schools.” Greg J. wrote:

The most insidious part of modern Dewey-ite education is its claim to being morally neutral. All education is moral; that is inevitable. By definition, when you instruct someone, you are claiming to do so from a position of moral authority. No matter what may be claimed by secular humanists in the NEA and the Department of Education, children do not sit down in a classroom, see their teacher, and think to themselves, “Well obviously this person is only doing her job. I’m just a customer, and she’s just a customer service representative. She’s simply presenting the curriculum, and it’s my role to decide whether I wish to purchase her product (ie believe her words) or to reject it. I’m free to do as I wish within the marketplace of ideas.”

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The Right to Toplessness

August 6, 2013




REBECCA ANN CLARK has filed a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission because she was asked by a lifeguard to wear a shirt on a Montreal beach after she was seen strolling down the beach half-undressed, according to the CBC. She says if men are not required to wear tops, women shouldn’t have to wear them either.

She’s got a point. There is no working principle by which the Human Rights Commission can deny her claim. To differentiate between the sexes, except in cases where criminal charges are filed against men or jobs are granted to women, is to discriminate. That’s bad. Therefore, female nudity is good.

One would like to ask Miss Clark if she truly wants the world to view her chest as the same as a man’s and whether she has noticed that female toplessness is a hallmark of less advanced cultures (see image below). But it is probably pointless to intrude upon this highly intelligent woman’s revolutionary high. Miss Clark, assuming this report is correct, is merely practicing her religion. Filing a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission is a sacrament that confers extraordinary grace. If it takes outright nudity to achieve this state of sanctification and keep the forces of the Quebec Inquisition busy, so be it.


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Busybody Nation: Proselytizing for Perversion

August 6, 2013





One of The New York Times‘s Designated Homosexuals, the columnist Frank Bruni, Has A Dream that must send a thrill up his leg. In his dream, Bruni imagines U.S. athletes taking a stand for sodomy at next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi. Sochi, you see, is in Russia. And the Russians are Very Bad – Mean, even – to sodomites. Bruni’s column perfectly captures the arrogant oddity of America today: censoriously hectoring the rest of the world in the promotion, not of virtue, but of vice.

The thrilling vision Mr. Bruni offers his readers is of U.S. athletes in the opening parade at the Sochi Olympics, teaching those big, bad, homophobic Russians a lesson. One by one, in Bruni’s tingly imaginings, the strolling U.S. athletes pull out handkerchief-sized rainbow flags, and wave them! Take That, Vladimir Putin, You Big Homophobic Meanie You!

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Anti-Suffragette Humor

August 5, 2013


YAHOO posted this humorous series of vintage anti-suffragette cartoons today, but not without giving us a dose of bitter medicine. Therese O’Neill of This Week informs us:

One of the most notable things about the arguments put forth by the anti-suffragette movement was how weak its position was. Anti-suffragette arguments relied heavily on emotional manipulation and downright hateful nastiness. Humor was a much-used weapon against suffragettes. They were easy to depict as embittered old maids, brutal scolds, and cigar-smoking transvestites.

Ms. O’Neill forgets to tell us what those arguments were. But then you get the idea with these cartoons. Anti-suffragettes, who included many women, believed that political power was de-feminizing and that women can wield plenty of power without the vote.

Embittered old maids, brutal scolds and transvestites aren’t all that funny anymore, are they? They’re all too real.

Suffragette8 Suffragette4

