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The Thinking Housewife


The Classic Movie

May 21, 2013


Greer Garson in "Random Harvest"

ALAN writes:

One of the reasons why I enjoyed reading View From The Right”  was Lawrence Auster’s thoughtful discussions of motion pictures – specifically, what is right about classic motion pictures and what is wrong with modern motion pictures. On this theme, I offer the following thoughts:

Can any of your readers imagine today’s American motion picture industry saying“We have the responsibility to see that what appears in our pictures is decent and moral – fit for the families of all the world. Decent entertainment continues to be the best entertainment.”

Of course the major studios are not going to say that. How could they, in light of the indescribable evil, ugliness, and depravity they choose to glorify in their motion pictures?

But they did say it in 1954:  Eight motion picture studios pledged their continued support that year of the Motion Picture Production Code, which was not a form of “censorship” (as Modernists would have us believe) but a voluntary system of self-regulation.  [ “Industry Heads Throw Weight Behind Code,” Motion Picture Herald, Feb. 20, 1954, pp. 12-13 ] Read More »


Life in Georgia

May 21, 2013


SAM writes:

Regarding your post on the rally in Tbilisi, I recently passed an incredibly pleasant six months in the Republic of Georgia. It’s the kind of place where pretty churches adorn every other street corner and every other hilltop. When a Georgian, regardless of age, passes or catches sight of one of these lovely places of worship, he stops to cross himself piously. Young women act sweet, dress stylishly but modestly, marry young, and dream of children. Young men marry as soon as they find a job (not easy) and the new family usually moves in with his parents. Divorce is rare. Laziness and alcoholism are their great national sins, and they admit it. Read More »


Preserving the White Intellectual Underclass

May 20, 2013


THE New York Daily News last week reported an unpublicized whites-only graduate fellowship at Columbia University, and the news quickly spread throughout the country that J.P. Morgan, the bank which oversees the fund, and the university have gone to court and asked to remove the whites-only clause.

The intentions of Lydia S. Roberts, a wealthy Iowa widow who bequeathed her entire estate of $500,000 to Columbia in 1920 to set up the graduate fellowship, will likely be discarded in Manhattan Supreme Court and her wealth used for purposes other than those she specified. You might call this theft, but if it is, it’s not a new type of theft. Many of the people who bequeathed their hard-earned wealth to American colleges and universities surely never intended to subsidize students from Saudi Arabia or China or to deny financial assistance to applicants purely because they are white.

Fortunately Mrs. Roberts does not have the ability to object. If she were somehow brought back to life, she might ask some embarrassing questions about the tens of thousands of students who receive scholarships reserved for nonwhites every year. She might not understand that the vast white intellectual underclass, faced with crushing debt and dim prospects, represents a form of justice. But then she was the product of an un-enlightened era.

Mrs. Roberts has been posthumously educated.

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An Epidemic of Loneliness

May 20, 2013


AT his blog Upon Hope, the Australian Mark Moncrieff writes:

[W]e see all around us a world in which people who are in the prime of life are lonely. Not for a short time or because of some unfortunate circumstance, but in what seems a permanent state of affairs. The most worrying aspect is that it seems to affect every social class and both sexes. You yourself may be lonely, I bet that you know someone who is. Someone who in theory is in the prime of life, with quirks but nothing seriously wrong with them, in other words a perfectly normal person.

Why is loneliness such a large factor in modern life?

One major reason, in my view, is that radical equality creates sameness and homogeneity. When the vital distinctions between people disappear, they become indifferent to each other and alienated in deep and fundamental ways. Furthermore, the worship of speed and energy and the idol of busy-ness create no time for spontaneity and informal connection.

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An ATD (Academically Transmitted Disease) in the Mail

May 18, 2013


ADAM writes:

The attached graphic is from an email I received from the alumni association of my university. This was one of the news items in the alumni newsletter I receive regularly. It was advertising a networking mixer specifically for “LGBT” alumni. I found the name of the event quite appropriate: LGBT Devils’ Pride Chapter Mixer. Of course, it is referring to the Sun Devils — the name of the university’s football team. Read More »


On the Price of Liberty

May 18, 2013


IN a discussion of nullification at the blog economicharmonies, Terry Morris responds to the following statement, which was probably originally made by someone noteworthy, but is of unknown origin:

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In Tbilisi, Priests and Protesters Thwart Homosexual Rally

May 18, 2013


Orthodox Christian activists before clashes with homosexual activists at an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) rally in Tbilisi, May 17, 2013. (Reuters)

DANIEL S. writes:

Russia Today has an article about clashes between Orthodox Christians and homosexual protesters in the country of Georgia. What caught my attention was a passing acknowledgement that the acting U.S. ambassador Bridget Brink was present at the protests. Presumably she was present in a show of solidarity with the homosexual activists. (I cannot imagine she was there to support the Orthodox Church.) Which raises a further question, what role did the U.S. embassy and other American “NGO”s play in organizing and funding this rally in recognition of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia? The American state department has played a leading role in funding and organizing for homosexual “rights” across Eastern Europe. Why is this not an issue among supposed conservatives in America? Why don’t they protest against American tax dollars being used for moral subversion in other Christian countries?

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May 17, 2013


The Image Peddler, Francis W. Edmonds; 1844


“Transgenderism” and the Immutability of Sex

May 17, 2013



First, thanks for your website. I donated once, but due to my strange name you thought I was a man, but I am actually a woman in her mid-20s.

I’m writing about your post on the transgendered vs. feminist controversy that broke out at Portland State University. I think this story is extremely revealing, and you’re not approaching it quite the right way. Let me explain!

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Feminists Propose Change in Military Authority

May 17, 2013


Anu Bhagwati

SINCE its creation six years ago, the Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN), which represents feminists in the military and supports the idea of women in combat, has become an influential and well-funded lobbying group. Its director, Anu Bhagwati, a graduate of Yale and former captain in the Marines, is a media celebrity, appearing on many major news shows and testifying before Congress, decrying the systematic inequities of military life.

Bhagwati is especially visible now that sexual assault in the military is the pervasive topic of the day. Concerning that issue, you may wonder why anyone, man or woman, is in the armed forces who is not capable of defending himself from assault. You may also wonder why an Asian woman has such power and influence over our military. (Can you imagine an American woman of comparable influence with regard to the Indian or Japanese military forces?) But if you do, you are not in step with the mission of our armed forces, which is on some levels not to protect America, but to fight it tooth and nail and raze its historic culture to the ground. The military has become our enemy.

The latest success of SWAN is the Military Justice Improvement Act, which was introduced in the Senate yesterday. The bill would restrict the jurisdiction of military commanders over sexual assault cases, many of which would be determined by “professionals.”

According to SWAN’s press release,

“The current commander-based system is a throwback to the days of the Revolutionary War and was established at a time when military courts did not even exist,” said Anu Bhagwati, former Marine Corps Captain and Executive Director of the Service Women’s Action Network. “The military does not send our troops into battle with 18th century weapons, nor does it treat the wounds of war with 18th century medicine, so why does today’s military continue to use an 18th century legal system?”

“Many of our trusted allies have adopted a modern legal system where decisions to prosecute serious crimes are made by legal professionals rather than commanding officers,” Bhagwati said.

Though only 15 percent of the armed forces are women, they have an overwhelming effect once the principles of equality are accepted. According to SWAN, which has generous corporate sponsors, “SWAN’s mission is to transform military culture by securing equal opportunity and freedom to serve without discrimination, harassment or assault; and to reform veterans’ services to ensure high quality health care and benefits for women veterans and their families.”

The “freedom to serve without discrimination” is an open-ended project to undermine national self-defense. It is already too late to turn back. Though Bhagwati decries the systematic inequities of military life, she is almost certainly a beneficiary of systematic inequity in the form of favoritism for women and nonwhites, and would never have achieved her current influence if the group she champions had not already won the most important prize: a position of unchallenged moral superiority. The military will never apologize to feminists enough — unless it rejects them utterly. And such a thing will not occur in America as it is.


The Refugee Racket

May 16, 2013


ED HUNTER writes:

The family of the accused Boston Bombers entered the U.S. claiming “asylum.” Like so many other “refugees,” the Tsarnaevs immediately went on welfare, and then flew back and forth to Russia for visits. How could they be escaping a life-and-death situation if they were returning to their home country for extended stays?

This is one small incident in a giant scam called Refugee Resettlement which is run by the State Department and originated in the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980. The federal program has settled tens of thousands of Somalis, Nigerians, and Muslims in small towns in Minnesota, Vermont, Tennessee and elsewhere, which of course destroys those communities forever. After decades many of these refugees remain on welfare, suspicious and resentful and dedicated to building in America the same failed culture they supposedly left behind. In this assault on our civilization, the U.S. taxpayer has had no vote, but he must, of course, pay the costs in terms of welfare, terrorism, endless expanded security. Read More »


A Hideous Crucifix

May 15, 2013


THIS cross, which was designed by the Italian sculptor Lello Scorzelli, has been carried by six popes: Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVII and now Francis I. At Tradition in Action, Marion T. Horvat examines the history and meaning of the cross, with its contorted, grotesquely emaciated body and claw-like hands. Admirers of the cross say it conveys the suffering of Christ. It would be more accurate to say it conveys meaninglessness, animal resignation and despair. The cross was first used at the closing of Vatican II in 1965, a fitting end to an event that did so much to drain the sense of the sacred from the world. It is reasonable to argue that in Vatican II, Christ underwent a second crucifixion. But it didn’t look like this. He will rise again from the tomb of the Revolution.

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Muslim France Celebrates Soccer Victory

May 15, 2013


Rioters in Paris after Sunday's soccer match

WHILE the French police have harassed, beaten and whisked away peaceful protesters against the new same-sex marriage law, including a group of young people who were walking down the Champs Elysées recently without signs or banners, they did little when hoodlums descended on the Champs Elysées and the Trocadero on Sunday after the Paris Saint-Germain soccer club won. The soccer team, according to French writer Bernard Antony, was “formerly Parisian but now [is] owned by the Islamist State of Qatar.” Antony called Sunday’s riots “a barbaric rampage obviously engendered by the most total racist contempt for France and the French.”

Tiberge at Galliawatch has a number of important posts. She writes:

Some readers have suggested that this week-end’s rampage was part of a pre-programmed attack on France by Islamic forces, and other enemies of France. Manuel Valls [the Minister of the Interior] has ridiculously tried to compare the violence to the incidents that have occurred during the Manif Pour Tous. For him there is no difference. (Actually, there IS a difference: the Manif is much worse in his way of thinking, but he cannot quite bring himself to say that publicly.)

The passive, unperturbed, unmovable indifference at the highest level of government today is not very different from the passive unperturbed complacency of President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin in 2005 when the ghettos rampaged for days on end (October 27 – November 17 approx.), setting the stage for all future rampages, accelerating the Islamization of France, and forever paralyzing the police, under permanent orders to treat the vandals gently.

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Amnesty: What Would Auster Say?

May 15, 2013


AT VDARE, Susie Green suggests what the late Lawrence Auster would say to the current immigration bill that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. From the 2006 VFR post, We Must Stop Lying to Ourselves or We Will Die:

The level of lying that has become common in the illegal alien debate is truly frightening and bespeaks an America that has passed some new threshold on the road to self-destruction. Read More »


Homeschooling Family Denied Asylum

May 15, 2013



On April 21, I wrote that U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati would soon decide the case of the Romeikes, a homeschooling German family seeking political asylum. Yesterday, the three-judge panel, including two George W. Bush appointees and one Clinton appointee, denied the Romeike petition, which had enormous popular support among homeschooling families in this country. I was not surprised. Read More »


May 14, 2013


Sunlight and Shadow, Winslow Homer; 1872


Men Who Are Women Assault Women Who Are Men

May 14, 2013


A conference at Portland State University

THE Revolution is so bewilderingly fast-paced it is impossible at times to tell whether you are encountering fact or fiction. Here’s a late-breaking bulletin, which a reader says is true. At Portland State University, a conference intended to be a “comparative critical dialogue” between revolutionaries of various stripes reportedly turned ugly Sunday when two transgender males attacked feminists. The men said they believe in traditional sex roles. According to a website called GenderTrender:

The women were attacked in a coordinated assault as they sat at a table which sold feminist books and literature. The men destroyed the books and marked up the table display with permanent markers. One of the women was also marked up by the men. Predominantly male conference onlookers by all reports allowed the attack to take place, watching in stunned silence. Two males affiliated with the same group as the feminists -Deep Green Resistance- were also in attendance and the “trans women” threw a projectile at the head of one of them. Read More »


As Islam Rises, Feminists Protest Joan of Arc

May 14, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

What has multiculturalism wrought? American-based Muslim leaders of the mosque attended by the Boston bombers have published a Saudi fatwa advocating Muslim husbands strike persistently “disobedient” wives; Britain is seeing the rise of temporary marriages, called mut’ah, among Shi’ite Muslim immigrants; and Sweden has handed out a light sentence to an Iraqi Muslim who brutally murdered his sister for fleeing an arranged marriage. And where is the feminist group FEMEN for all of this? Why protesting against traditionalist Catholics celebrating the feast day of St. Joan of Arc, of course.