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More Apology for the Religion of Peace

April 21, 2013


Tamerlane, the 15th century Muslim ruler who is believed to have slaughtered 90,000 in a single day.

ONCE AGAIN, we see the obvious turned into the mysterious. The New York Times describes the factors behind the Boston bombing as “cryptic,” “inscrutable” and baffling. The nation is “searching for answers.” Scott Shane writes:

Even President Obama, when he addressed the nation on Friday night after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured, seemed to be searching for answers. “Why did young men who grew up and studied here, as part of our communities and our country, resort to such violence?” he said.

It remains to be seen whether personal grievance or some type of ideology was behind the attack, in which investigators say the Tsarnaevs packed black powder into pressure cookers to kill and maim people.

Both brothers were open about their devotion to Islam, and Tamerlan’s Web postings suggested an attraction to radicalism, but neither appears to have publicly embraced the ideology of violent jihad. [emphases added]

And once again, we turn to the relatives of Muslim terrorists — their relatives!! — for answers. So strong is the desire for and presumption of psychological motives only that reporters consider the relatives of terrorists reliable informers. This is comparable to going to the families of urban gangsters or mobsters for information about their characters and motives. Was the father of Al Capone the best person to shed light on his motives? Shane writes:

Their relatives have expressed anguished bafflement, and it is conceivable that the motive for the attack will remain as inscrutable as those of some mass shootings in recent years.

Anguished bafflement. Cryptic motives. We are searching for answers. But we will probably never know the answers. The attacks will remain inscrutable. Go back to your own lives. When it comes to the inherent nature of the Religion of Peace, there is reflexive uncertainty, which is just comforting denial and submission. As Bill Warner of the Center of Political Islam says in this video, “Muslims expect submission and they get it.” Westerners possess the mentality of a captive victim who on an internal level identifies with his captor and believes he deserves to be abused. The Western mind can no longer summon the will to obtain its freedom.

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Daughter Marries Muslim — and Parents Are Shocked at Terrorist Involvement

April 20, 2013


Tamleran Tsarnaev was married to a well-to-do American girl and was welcomed by her family.

THE family of Katherine Russell, the American woman who was married to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston bombers, has expressed shock that he was involved in a terrorist attack. Contrary to reports that Tamerlan was unable to adjust to American life, he was married to an American woman, had a daughter and was welcomed into her parents’ home. According to the Daily Mail:

One neighbor told how Katherine – who also uses the last name Tsarnaeva – converted to Islam shortly after starting school at Suffolk University in Boston, saying she believed the couple were married. Read More »


A Tale of Jihad Becomes a Tale of Maladjustment

April 20, 2013


Dzhokar Tsarnaev, whose face in this recent picture is brimming with malevolence, was really just a good boy under the influence of his maladjusted older brother.

ACCORDING to a New York Times profile of the Chechen brothers who allegedly set off the Boston Marathon bombs, their motives for resorting to violence lie somewhere in the older brother’s difficulty adjusting to American life and his feelings of maladjustment. The profile by Erica Goode and Serge Kovaleski is titled, “Boy at Home in U.S., Swayed by One Who Wasn’t.” The idea that these brothers were motivated by a specific ideology with clear goals and methods is nowhere to be found in this sickeningly deceptive story of immigrants struggling to adapt to their new home. The intention, or at least the effect, of this profile is to diffuse and confuse common sense.

The older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, had been stymied in his efforts to become a U.S. citizen by a petty domestic assault charge, his father is quoted as saying. The article states: Read More »


German Family Seeks Asylum

April 20, 2013


Hannalore Romeike with one of her children


Unnoticed by the mainstream media, perhaps intentionally, was the decision by the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to deny an application for political asylum to a German Evangelical family on the basis of their being subject to prosecution for their religious beliefs. Even for an administration that sees Christians and its followers as potential enemies, while trumpeting its “outreach” to Muslims, the case of Uwe and Hannalore Romeike should disturb those who believe that the United States is the “last great hope for mankind.”

In 2006, the Romeike parents, both music teachers, removed their children from their local German school in southwestern Germany in large part because the schools “taught disrespect for authority.” It was their contention that it was the duty of parents to decide what children should learn, but in so doing the Romeikes ran directly into the maw of socialist government, which will not allow such autonomy in education. The Romeikes were threatened with heavy fines, confiscation of their home, and, most significantly, the removal of their five children from their care and supervision. Read More »


The French Resistance

April 20, 2013


THE Huffington Post recently called homosexual marriage an “unstoppable global trend.” Events in France suggest otherwise — but don’t hold your breath waiting for the American press to keep you informed. Once again, I refer readers to Galliawatch where the journalist Tiberge provides vital updates for English-speaking readers. Earlier this week, she wrote:

New rallies are planned all the time in all major cities. If François Hollande is inert, the good people of France are in an accelerating frenzy of activity that is completely different from the riots and marches we’ve seen in the past. Read More »


An Entire City — and One Muslim

April 19, 2013


A MAJOR American city is now in a state of complete lockdown — its subways, offices and schools closed — as police engage in a massive manhunt for a single Muslim from Chechnya. They are looking for a man who has done what Muslims from Chechnya have done for many years: slaughtered innocent civilians.

It wasn’t as if this 19-year-old from a region bristling with Muslim terrorists had to crawl across our borders in the middle of the night to get here. It appears that he was freely admitted, his nationality and religion well known. This is not surprising. There is no accepted principle under which we could exclude him. It would be mean and unfair to exclude Muslims from Chechnya, or Saudi Arabia or Iran. That’s the normal thinking. It would be as mean and unfair to exclude them as it is mean and unfair for Muslims to kill and maim people.

Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.

The doctrines of Islam lead to mass murder. It is a very simple reality. We can exclude the good Muslims to protect ourselves from the bad ones, or we can be willing victims of one of the oldest, most well-understood and well-documented forms of hatred in history.

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What Did We Learn from 9-11? Nothing.

April 19, 2013


AS most of you probably know, one of the two men believed to be the Boston Marathon bombers has been killed in a police firefight, and the other is at large. As reported by Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugged, the men were Muslim brothers from Chechnya who have been in the country legally for at least a year:

AP sources identify the surviving Boston bomber [above] as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19. The man is said to be from Russia’s south, not far from the Chechen Republic.

The man reportedly lived in Turkey before arriving legally in the U.S. about a year ago.

The name is listed among the recipients of Cambridge scholarships in 2011.

The second suspect is said to be his brother.

An NBC report claims the two immigrated at least two years ago. One of the brothers is said to have a Massachusetts drivers’ license.

There is a page at the Russian social network VKontakte (In Contact) with the name Dzhokhar Tsarnaev living in Boston and studying at Cambridge Rindge & Latin School.

Not only do we freely open our borders to Muslims from Chechnya, we give them scholarships too — and within a short time of their arrival.

Below is a description from the LA Times of the events of last night and this morning. It is unclear what the suspects, armed with explosives, were doing on the MIT campus. It seems safe to assume they were attempting another bombing. An MIT police officer was killed. Read More »


A Touch of Nihilism

April 18, 2013


A New York Times style magazine photo display of the actress Julianne Moore shows the positive delight in ugliness that characterizes the elite fashion world. Moore resembles a corpse or one of the subhuman sculptures of the artist Alberto Giacometti. One expects to see snakes in her hair. What is the purpose of hideously deforming a beautiful woman in this way? The purpose is to affirm ugliness, a pressing necessity in the desert of fashion, where beauty cannot be explained or defended. The photos remind me of the words of the Orthodox thinker, Fr. Seraphim Rose, about Giacometti’s art:

Even more revealing than the bodies of these creatures are the faces. It would be too much to say that these faces express hopelessness, that would be to ascribe to them some trace of humanity which they most emphatically lack. They are the faces, rather, of creatures more or less “adjusted” to the world they know, a world not hostile but entirely alien, not inhuman but “a-human.” … Man, in this art, is no longer even a caricature of himself; he is no longer portrayed in the throes of spiritual death, ravaged by the hideous Nihilism of our century that attacks, not just the body and soul, but the very idea and nature of man. … The new art celebrates the birth of a new species, the creature of the lower depths, subhumanity. [Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Fr. Seraphim Rose, 1994]

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Another Catholic Marxist

April 17, 2013


HERE’S another priest who declines to wear the Roman collar. Fr. Adolfo Huerta Aleman, of Saltillo, Mexico, favors Che Guevara T-shirts. According to Tradition in Action:

[Fr. Aleman] asserts that the faith is only “a motivation in life to improve our human relations and be better human beings.” Asked whether he believed in God, he replied – using bad language – that he could not care less about the existence of God. He also acknowledged to the press ( here and here) that he frequently engages in sexual relations.

One sees here the wisdom of those American Catholic bishops who have insisted our borders be open.

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Americans Step Aside Again for Mass Immigration

April 17, 2013


THE bipartisan Senate immigration plan introduced yesterday would grant amnesty to most of the more than 11 million illegal immigrants in this country and ease the legal immigration process for millions. “Comprehensive immigration reform” is once again synonymous with the obliteration of our culture and identity by political traitors. The number of H-1B visas for high-skilled workers would also be increased. According to NumbersUSA:

The bill could result in an additional 15 million green cards being issued in the first 10 years above and beyond the 1.1 million green cards that are currently issued each year. That would result in more than a 50% increase in legal immigration over the first decade after the bill’s passage. Read More »


Without His Collar, He’s a Regular Guy

April 16, 2013



The Washington Post recently printed an extensive obituary, along with a photo, of a priest in our nation’s capital that interested me. Anytime The Washington Compost, as it is known by some, grants this kind of recognition to a Catholic priest my antennae go up, for the newspaper’s reporting and editorial board are not exactly “Catholic friendly.”

These were the opening lines of the obituary of Rev. Michael O’Sullivan:

With his walking stick in hand, a baseball cap on his head, and his clerical collar tucked unobtrusively in his pocket…

Why would this Catholic cleric, born in Ireland and ordained a priest since 1955, hide the one bit of clothing that identified him as a priest? Read More »


The Boston Attacks

April 16, 2013


Martin Richard, the eight-year-old boy killed in the Boston attacks.

THE BOMBS used in the Boston Marathon attacks yesterday were probably made from pressure cookers filled with shrapnel, according to FoxNews. They may have been detonated by cellphone:

[A] source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said a pressure cooker was attached to a wooden board in at least one of the blasts. The pressure cooker acted as the timer, the source said, and attached to the board was a bottle filled with nails, ball bearings and BB’s. That device was placed inside a black nylon backpack and then dumped in a garbage can, according to the source.

The injuries are gruesome and devastating, better imagined than viewed in the graphic photos online. Many of those who were hurt will be deformed for life.

America has entered an era when public events such as marathons and parades will prompt increasing uneasiness and vigilance. Regardless of who the perpetrators of this particular attack are, the main threat of such bombings comes from Muslims. New York City has foiled more than a dozen such planned attacks. There will never be enough security to prevent them all. But we can possess the will to close down mosques and politely ask — and then demand — that Muslims leave.

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From the Mailbag

April 15, 2013


A READER writes:


Finally! How refreshing to have found your website. I can now once and for all take up arms in the war against the emotional, psychological, physical oppression of women. Up until stumbling onto your site, I was one of those I-am-not-a-feminism-but (sic) women. Now, however, I can convincingly report that I can no longer sit idly by the sidelines with the likes of your propaganda still lurking around. Read More »


April 14, 2013


Union Square in Spring, Childe Hassam; 1896


Counter-Revolution in France

April 14, 2013


THE FRENCH Senate on Friday passed the Taubira law legalizing homosexual marriage and adoption, paving the way for a fresh wave of protests. Galliawatch reports, “The country is in an uproar. The bill now goes back to the National Assembly.”

Vast segments of the French population, much to their credit, will never embrace this law, which is expected to pass easily in the National Assembly, which already approved an earlier version. Opponents are now in open rebellion against their government. The New York Times goes so far as to speak of an “unexpectedly vocal campaign by conservative opponents.” Some French municipal officials have said they will refuse to marry homosexual couples. Below, police in Paris are lined up against protesters. In a previous demonstration, non-violent demonstrators, including children, were sprayed with tear gas and some were injured.

Also provided by Tiberge of Galliawatch, the video below shows a demonstration against homosexual marriage in the Luxembourg Gardens. Have you seen anything like this in America?


Le Jogging Pour Tous au Luxembourg by ktvideo1

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Immigrants, Past and Present

April 14, 2013


AT VDARE, Vincent Chiarello compares Italian immigrants to Hispanics. Why were Americans never expected to wade through Italian in the course of doing everyday business? Chiarello writes:

Italian-Americans were not coddled, but systematically pushed into assimilation. During the first half of the twentieth century, federal and state governments neither established nor funded anything like the bi-lingual education programs which have, if anything, slowed down the recent immigrant absorption. Historically, schools actually began the assimilation process: there was only one language of instruction,and only one flag visible in the classroom.

Also, a reader interviews a Senegalese immigrant attending the pro-amnesty rally in Washington on April 10. The African says he would go back to his native country and run his business there if it were too expensive to achieve citizenship in this country.


A Scientist Who Studied Sex Differences

April 12, 2013


SUSAN writes:

Doreen Kimura, aged 80, died on Feb. 27 of this year in Vancouver. There hasn’t been much in the media about the passing of this brilliant, politically incorrect neuropsychologist. Here’s a link to one of the obituaries I found from the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science.

Kimura’s Scientific American article, “Sex Differences in the Brain” (Sept. 1992), was a real classic. In 1992, she also helped found and headed the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship. Read More »


More Violence Against Christian Copts in Egypt

April 11, 2013



Barry Rubin writes about the most recent of the never-ending Moslem attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt. In some ways there is nothing new in this story. Copts, the Egyptians who descend from Pharaonic Egypt and were in the country for millennia before the Arabs invaded, have been subject to attack ever since Egypt’s subjugation to Islam in the Seventh Century. Read More »