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The Thinking Housewife


March 3, 2013


Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winslow, John Singleton Copley; 1773


Libya Arrests Coptic Christians

March 3, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

The Mohammedan jihad against the Coptic Christians is no longer contained to Egypt. Over a hundred Coptic workers in Libya have been arrested on trumped up charges that they were engaged in Christian missionary work. (Video of the Coptic men is available here.) As to be expected the Egyptian government has done nothing to see to their release. Read More »


The Girl Who Mistook Herself for a Boy

March 2, 2013


SAM writes:

In his famous book, The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, the psychologist Oliver Sacks described a phenomenon called “alien leg syndrome.” Someone suffering from this malady fails to perceive one of his own legs as an integral part of his body. Such people might, at times, try to toss a leg out of bed and thereby tumble onto the floor. This is treated as a pathological condition by the medical health community. Read More »


March 1, 2013


Kiss Me and You'll Kiss the Lasses, Lilly Martin Spencer (1856)

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A Fraternity’s Gift

March 1, 2013


A FRATERNITY at Emerson College in Massachusetts has raised more than $18,000 to pay for surgery for a female student. The purpose of the surgery? To remove the young woman’s breasts. Donnie Collins, who has been admitted to Phi Alpha Tau, will undergo the operation so that she will have an easier time pretending she is a man. They call it “sex change” surgery, but that’s just a fancy name for barbaric mutilation. A confused young woman will maim herself with public approval and support. Higher education in America is breathtakingly evil.

This nauseating story — and the reports you see daily about transgender freaks — is one manifestation of the willful obliteration of sex distinctions. Feminism, which glorifies masculinity in women and confounds the sexes, leads with inexorable logic to voluntary mastectomies.

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Chinese Careerists Rejected

March 1, 2013


KARL D. writes:

I came across this article in the Daily Mail and thought you might find it interesting. It seems China has a class of women called “Leftover Women” who can’t seem to find a man to marry. The reason for remaining single (as posited by the article) is that these are highly accomplished career women who are turned down by men for the simple reason that they are highly accomplished career women. The men seem to want a more traditional domestic housewife and one who is not the primary breadwinner. That is saying something in a country where there is a big shortage of women to begin with.

Congress Approves VAWA

February 28, 2013


IN ANOTHER decided triumph for anti-family feminism, the Republican-controlled House reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act today, expanding the draconian domestic violence bill to cover homosexuals and prosecution of non-native men on Indian reservations. This marks the third time since December that House Speaker John Boehner has moved a bill off the floor without majority support from his party.

VAWA expired last year and underwent serious and vocal opposition. But the “war against women” threats prevailed. Though the majority of House Republicans voted against the bill, eighty-eight members joined 199 Democrats to approve it.

The bill authorizes $660 million a year in funding for battered women’s shelters, domestic violence programs and victims’ advocates. Here is Phyllis Schlafly on the bill, first enacted in 1994:

In its 17 years of operation, [VAWA] has done little or no good for real victims of domestic violence, while its funds have been used to fill feminist coffers and to lobby for feminist objectives and laws. Although every spending bill should be subject to rigorous auditing procedures in order to curb waste and fraud, VAWA has somehow ducked accountability for the nearly a billion dollars a year it doles out to radical feminist organizations. Read More »


Is the Pope a CEO?

February 27, 2013


THE resignation of Pope Benedict XVI makes no sense to me. It is similar to a father appearing to his children one morning and saying, “Look, I am getting old. I am resigning from this position.” At Tradition in Action, Atila Sinke Guimarães makes this point and says Benedict’s resignation has turned the papacy into a job. He writes:

Someone told me a comment of a simple woman off the street about Pope Ratzinger’s abdication. She said: “I considered him to be my Father; isn’t this what a Pope is? But how can a father resign from his mission? A father is always a father, just as a daughter is always a daughter. It is a reality inherent to the person … it is impossible to resign from this. It is absurd.”

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February 27, 2013


A New York scene by Jules Guérin, Scribner's Magazine August 1904


Benedict on Religious Freedom

February 27, 2013



In honor of the conclusion of the reign of Pope Benedict XVI, a lecture about his work is in order. This short lecture given by Dr. Nicholas Healy of the John Paul II Institute, comes at a critical point in our age. (Scroll down near the bottom of the page to find The Reception of Dignitas Humanae in John Paul II and Benedict XVI on Friday at 9:00 am, beginning at 39:30 minutes) Dr. Healy discusses Pope Benedict’s view of religious freedom, which he shares with Blessed Pope John Paul II and The French School of Catholic theologians. Read More »


In Praise of Segregation

February 27, 2013


WRITING in The Greensboro Guardian, Dr. Ada Fisher, a black physician from Durham, North Carolina, remembers fondly the years of her childhood, when blacks largely lived in their own communities. She writes:

Reminiscing with my fellow baby boomers, it is not uncommon to hear folks say in many ways we were better off during segregated times than we are now — integration stripped away a history which was the base of our foundation as well as that for this nation.

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The American Traditionalist Society on Facebook

February 27, 2013


ADAM TAXIN has set up a page here. It’s not an official page at this point, but it’s a good start.

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Women Assault the Military, cont.

February 27, 2013


VIRGINIA MESSICK was an Air Force recruit in training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas in April 2011 when Staff Sgt. Luis Walker instructed her to meet him in a dorm room during a cleaning detail. He then “proceeded to rape me,” according to Messick, who tells her story in this New York Times video, a consummate work of propaganda, complete with a close-up shot of Messick’s engagement ring.

Let’s get this story straight.

Messick was in training to be a soldier. She was in the military. And yet she did nothing to defend herself in a safe and secure building in friendly territory against a man who demanded she engage in sexual intercourse. According to her own account, she did not scream out. She did not punch him and run away. She did not push him to the ground. She did not even tell anyone for months. She was psychologically intimidated because Walker was her superior. But why would someone with as little assertiveness as Messick be of value to the military, except perhaps to clean toilets, make beds or answer phones?

Walker is now serving a 20-year sentence for assaults against ten women recruits, none of whom apparently possessed the ability to defend themselves. It is perfectly normal for women to lack the ability to defend themselves against men. But if that perfectly normal state of affairs were recognized for what it is we would not have women in harm’s way in the military and we would not have a public outcry against sexual assault in the military. Certainly Walker’s behavior was a disgrace, but he is not the only one guilty of wrongdoing here. Our military leaders are accomplices for their utter failure to resist the feminization of the military. For every year Walker spends in jail, the commanders who have smoothed the way for people like Messick to be in training, and who believe that men and women will work in intimate quarters and never interact as men and women, should serve two years. And Messick herself is guilty for viewing the military as a place simply to get ahead and establish a career and for her failure to refuse to obey Walker’s orders. Shame on her. I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for her. As I have said before, women join the military not to defend their country but to destroy it.

Get a load of some of the photos of Messick in the video. Someone who poses in this way sheds serious doubt on her innocence. But then the entire Lackland assault case is an exercise in un-reality. Only by disregarding the obvious can we view the publicity surrounding this series of assaults as anything but a manifestation of mass delusion.

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The “Pay Gap”

February 26, 2013



Note in this chart published in The Washington Post that the top five jobs in which men are paid more than women are jobs in which people are paid for performance. Two more on the list fall into the same category.

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Republicans Against Marriage

February 26, 2013


AS IF we needed further proof that the GOP is a dead party, 75 prominent Republicans, including four former governors and two members of Congress, have signed a Supreme Court brief in favor of homosexual marriage. The brief, filed in support of the challenge to California’s Proposition 8, which bans homosexual marriage, claims to represent family values.

There is no effective political opposition to leftist tyranny in this country.

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An Epiphany

February 23, 2013



It just dawned upon me a little while ago. Even though I have my advanced education and worked hard to get it, I have drifted aimlessly. This is something which has worried me no end because my brothers, friends and relatives (in Asia) always had goals and they set their sights upon those goals and achieved them. They have not stopped and they continue to prosper. One common thread runs through this: they are all married and have families. Consequently they are driven to prosper because of their love for their wives and children.

I have realized that after living in a feminized, emasculating culture where women have displaced men at every level of the workforce with laws in their favor giving them the ability to make money and in some cases big money, a man has become unnecessary for most women. I as a 44-year-old man realize that if there was a woman to love and a woman who would love and appreciate me for who I am, I would move mountains for her. But alas, at this point in my life, I am not motivated to move that mountain. I am thankful to have a modest job and live for myself.

Man is driven to build civilization not just for himself but for the love of women and his progeny.

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February 22, 2013


The Appellate Courthouse of New York and the tower of the old Madison Square Garden, Jules Guérin; Century Magazine, August 1902


The American Traditionalist Society

February 22, 2013


MANY readers of this site have described their sense of isolation in a society that seems bereft of wisdom, decency and common sense. Whether it be a college student disgusted by her courses, a young man looking for a wife, a new mother who wants to remain home, a white man whose career has been derailed by affirmative action, an elderly bachelor in a once-thriving community now brutalized by black crime and vandalism, or a Marine in the feminized military, these readers share the feeling that they do not belong. They reject the lunacy and decadence around them.

So many feel this way, and share a common understanding of what is missing and what is needed to reverse this decline, that it makes no sense for them to remain as scattered isolates. They should join together and seek others to join them. They should collectively respond to the evil around them.

To this end, a new organization, the American Traditionalist Society is now in the serious planning stages.  The purpose of the American Traditionalist Society would be to spread proper —that is, traditionalist — conservatism. As Alan Roebuck, who proposed the idea and who has written a manifesto, puts it, “Traditionalism restores the life-giving ties between a man and his people, their past, and his God.” Traditionalism restores wisdom and common sense. Whereas contemporary thinking is fundamentally unwise outside of the procedures of the natural sciences and technology, traditionalism seeks to fill this void and strives for justice, truth, beauty, and the proper ordering of society.

Traditionalism is not just about bringing back the good things that have been lost. It is not backward-looking, although it admires the best in the past. According to Lawrence Auster, “The past, ‘tradition,’ is but one dimension of traditionalism. Traditionalism is, first, an orientation toward the transcendent structure of the universe–the natural, social, and spiritual orders that make us possible. Each society orders itself uniquely according to those orders. So traditionalism is not just the past tradition, it’s our active relationship and tension with the order of the world, but always grasped and done uniquely and newly in each time and society according to the particularities of that society.”

So far, the American Traditionalist Society is just an idea and has no organizational structure, funds or staff. But in the weeks ahead, a fuller statement of its founding principles in the lengthy manifesto will be posted here, as well as at The Orthosphere and View from the Right. The first step is to define the intellectual parameters of such a group. In the meantime, here is a formal introduction


Since roughly the 1960s, America has pursued a determined course of self-destruction in the name of liberalism. Our nation is now in a state of undeniable crisis. The federal government, close to insolvency, openly defies the Constitution and asserts its increasingly unaccountable and tyrannical power over the states and over the life of every individual. Our borders have been effectively erased, our language weakened, and our cultural foundations overturned. Our major institutions have been undermined from within. The media and popular culture have marginalized decency and virtue and made filth, transgression, and every kind of nastiness the new norm—a norm unquestioned by anyone in the mainstream culture, including conservatives. Our leaders pontificate that we must be tolerant above all else, and so many draw the natural conclusion that life is absurd. With the official-in-all-but-name denial of the God of the Bible and of any transcendent truth, many young men and women have become demoralized, leading lives that are amoral, selfish, and dissipated.

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