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The Thinking Housewife


Loving Our Neighbors

March 9, 2013


WHEN Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves, what did he mean? The modern interpretation is that we should love others more than ourselves. At The Orthosphere, Kristor writes:

[W]e are to love the good and hate the bad in other people just as we love the good and hate the bad in ourselves. In order to do that—in order to move closer to goodness and further from wickedness in ourselves, and in our society, and in the creation at large—we must discriminate between good and bad, and choose goodness. That we forgive the wickedness of our enemies does not automatically make them friends; and if they cannot let go of their deadly hatred of us, then in order to control the risk to us of their hatred, we must perforce destroy them with it. In that case, we cannot survive to forgive them except by defending ourselves, and working their destruction, however that may grieve us.

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What’s Up?

March 9, 2013


FRED OWENS writes:

My left-wing buddy, Alan Archibald, is blogging away like hell fire, but you are not able to keep up with him — not that anyone is keeping score.

I’m thinking there are other things going on in your life that are more important than the blog. This is good. And protecting your privacy is a key part of your message.

But I’m hoping that some kind of message of assurance from you would be welcome to your devoted readers, of which I am one.

Thank you for all your work.

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March 7, 2013


Mrs. Ezekiel Gondthwait (Elizabeth Lewis), John Singleton Copley; 1771


“My Father Fell in Love with an Image”

March 7, 2013


DAVID writes:

I must thank you profusely for your insightful posts. The interracial marriage discussions are of particular interest to me as a product of miscegenation. My father is a Jew and my mother Chinese. I am a college-age male living at home and my parents have been fighting recently with the looming threat of divorce. They mostly argue when they think I cannot hear, but their voices carry through the walls.

In one argument my mother accused my father of being a racist who doesn’t care about Chinese culture. He accused her in turn of only marrying him out of rebellion, not love. Both are probably correct to a certain degree.

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White in Philadelphia

March 6, 2013


ROBERT HUBER writes in Philadelphia Magazine on “Being White in Philly,” a majority nonwhite city. Huber describes — blandly and without indignation — the squalor and fear that are common in many parts of the city due to black crime and negligence. He says whites deliberately adopt a sunny attitude. They live in denial, never stating the obvious and removing what is disturbing from their thoughts. Huber deserves credit for admitting that many things are left unsaid, but he then predictably concludes that the real problem is that whites and blacks don’t try hard enough to connect. If only whites could manage to engage blacks in “dialogue,” everything would be better.

That’s all liberals have to offer on the subject of race: endless “dialogue,” a merry-go-round of talk that leads to nothing more than dizzying, incapacitating white guilt and confusion. It inevitably leads to one conclusion: whites are to blame in some form or another for black dysfunction. Dialogue is an exercise in escapism.

Huber’s lengthy piece includes an interview with “Jen,” a white woman from Fairmount who criticizes her white neighbors for refusing to send their children to an elementary school that is 74 percent black. In the comments section following the article, we find the honesty that Huber never approaches himself. A reader writes that “white peoples brains would blow up” if anyone spoke the truth about the “overt disdain” many blacks possess toward whites. He writes: Read More »


When Children Have No Natural Rights

March 4, 2013


IN THE Supreme Court case over Proposition 8, the California law that prohibits same-sex “marriage,” the Justice Department has filed a brief arguing that children have no inherent interest in being raised by a mother and father. Thus the federal government defends the most radical social experiment ever conceived.

Terrence Jeffrey from CNS News reports:

So far in the history of the human race, no child has ever been born without a biological father and mother. Now, in the Supreme Court of the United States, the Executive Branch of the federal government is arguing that, regardless of the biological facts of parenthood, states have no legitimate and defensible interest in ensuring that children conceived by a mother and a father are in fact raised by mothers and fathers.

The brief that the Justice Department presented to the Supreme Court discussed children only as items controlled by others, not as individual human beings who have God-given rights of their own. It simply assumes that a child has no inherent right to a mother or father and that the only right truly in question is whether two people of the same-sex have a right to marry one another and that that right encompasses a right to adopt and foster-raise children. Read More »


March 4, 2013


Winter Scene in Brooklyn, Francis Guy, circa 1817-1820 (Courtesy of the Brooklyn Museum)


Women’s Labor Force Participation at New Low

March 4, 2013



In January 2013, the most recent month for which U.S. Census data is available, the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of all women in the United States from 25 to 54 years old stood at 74.0 percent.  This is the lowest rate since July 1991 when it stood at 73.9 percent.  The LFPR for women first hit 74.0 percent in September 1989. The peak in women’s LFPR was in April 2000 when it touched 77.3 percent.

For men in the same age group their LFPR was 91.7 percent in April 2000 and 88.6 percent in January 2013.  This means from April 2000 to January 2013 men’s LFPR dropped by 3.1 percentage points and women’s LFPR dropped by 3.3 percentage points; about the same amount.  So it cannot be said that there is a return to traditional sex roles going on with men increasing their participation in the workforce to match the level of earlier years and women leaving the workforce because now their men are taking care of them; only the women leaving the workforce part is happening.  Still women leaving the workforce on a sustained basis as appears to be happening is totally new.

From 1870 to 2000 women’s participation in the workforce continually increased; a trend of at least 130 years ever since record keeping on the subject began.  Now since 2000 women’s participation in the workforce has declined to where it was in 1991.  This kind of regression is totally unprecedented since 1870.  From 1870 to 2000, every single decade saw an increase in women working; usually of a substantial ratio.  The growth in women working was slow from 1990 to 2000, but was rapid for all the decades preceding 1990, even during the recession of the 1970s.   Read More »


Urban Planning and the Reign of Experts

March 4, 2013


AT New English Review, Nikos Salingaros and Ramray Bhat argue that reductionism has drained the vitality from cities:

A city is a complex multilayered system, teeming with components, very much like a biological organism. Following the Second World War, architects and planners instituted a top-down approach to planning and constructing the city that reduced it to simplistic components (Salingaros, 2000). Read More »


The Anti-Lady

March 3, 2013


I HEREBY PROPOSE that the position of First Lady be declared defunct. The role of presidential wife has been trashed. There is no turning back. We should henceforth refer to the woman in the White House as “Most Exalted Wife and Gorgeous Goddess of the Universe.”  Please salute her armed guard of female soldiers.


March 3, 2013


Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winslow, John Singleton Copley; 1773


Libya Arrests Coptic Christians

March 3, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

The Mohammedan jihad against the Coptic Christians is no longer contained to Egypt. Over a hundred Coptic workers in Libya have been arrested on trumped up charges that they were engaged in Christian missionary work. (Video of the Coptic men is available here.) As to be expected the Egyptian government has done nothing to see to their release. Read More »


The Girl Who Mistook Herself for a Boy

March 2, 2013


SAM writes:

In his famous book, The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, the psychologist Oliver Sacks described a phenomenon called “alien leg syndrome.” Someone suffering from this malady fails to perceive one of his own legs as an integral part of his body. Such people might, at times, try to toss a leg out of bed and thereby tumble onto the floor. This is treated as a pathological condition by the medical health community. Read More »


March 1, 2013


Kiss Me and You'll Kiss the Lasses, Lilly Martin Spencer (1856)

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A Fraternity’s Gift

March 1, 2013


A FRATERNITY at Emerson College in Massachusetts has raised more than $18,000 to pay for surgery for a female student. The purpose of the surgery? To remove the young woman’s breasts. Donnie Collins, who has been admitted to Phi Alpha Tau, will undergo the operation so that she will have an easier time pretending she is a man. They call it “sex change” surgery, but that’s just a fancy name for barbaric mutilation. A confused young woman will maim herself with public approval and support. Higher education in America is breathtakingly evil.

This nauseating story — and the reports you see daily about transgender freaks — is one manifestation of the willful obliteration of sex distinctions. Feminism, which glorifies masculinity in women and confounds the sexes, leads with inexorable logic to voluntary mastectomies.

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Chinese Careerists Rejected

March 1, 2013


KARL D. writes:

I came across this article in the Daily Mail and thought you might find it interesting. It seems China has a class of women called “Leftover Women” who can’t seem to find a man to marry. The reason for remaining single (as posited by the article) is that these are highly accomplished career women who are turned down by men for the simple reason that they are highly accomplished career women. The men seem to want a more traditional domestic housewife and one who is not the primary breadwinner. That is saying something in a country where there is a big shortage of women to begin with.

Congress Approves VAWA

February 28, 2013


IN ANOTHER decided triumph for anti-family feminism, the Republican-controlled House reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act today, expanding the draconian domestic violence bill to cover homosexuals and prosecution of non-native men on Indian reservations. This marks the third time since December that House Speaker John Boehner has moved a bill off the floor without majority support from his party.

VAWA expired last year and underwent serious and vocal opposition. But the “war against women” threats prevailed. Though the majority of House Republicans voted against the bill, eighty-eight members joined 199 Democrats to approve it.

The bill authorizes $660 million a year in funding for battered women’s shelters, domestic violence programs and victims’ advocates. Here is Phyllis Schlafly on the bill, first enacted in 1994:

In its 17 years of operation, [VAWA] has done little or no good for real victims of domestic violence, while its funds have been used to fill feminist coffers and to lobby for feminist objectives and laws. Although every spending bill should be subject to rigorous auditing procedures in order to curb waste and fraud, VAWA has somehow ducked accountability for the nearly a billion dollars a year it doles out to radical feminist organizations. Read More »


Is the Pope a CEO?

February 27, 2013


THE resignation of Pope Benedict XVI makes no sense to me. It is similar to a father appearing to his children one morning and saying, “Look, I am getting old. I am resigning from this position.” At Tradition in Action, Atila Sinke Guimarães makes this point and says Benedict’s resignation has turned the papacy into a job. He writes:

Someone told me a comment of a simple woman off the street about Pope Ratzinger’s abdication. She said: “I considered him to be my Father; isn’t this what a Pope is? But how can a father resign from his mission? A father is always a father, just as a daughter is always a daughter. It is a reality inherent to the person … it is impossible to resign from this. It is absurd.”

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