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The Thinking Housewife


A Pledge of (Non-)Allegiance

November 8, 2012


BRENDA writes:

My husband Daniel wrote this out the morning after the election and shared it with me. Some of it forced a bit of wry laughter out of me, but in truth, it really is no laughing matter:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Banana Republic for which it has become, one nation, under siege, indefensible, with liberalism and social justice for all.”


The Economic Picture under Obama

November 8, 2012


COMMODITIES trader and blogger Dan Norcini makes some predictions. He writes:

An energy rich nation, blessed by Providence with an abundance of oil, will see its federal lands shut off to any drilling. Any hope for a pipeline delivering Canadian crude to the lower 48 has now withered and died on the vine. China – enjoy that Canadian oil because we are not going to see any of it.

The Dollar, while getting a respite today due to the fact that a near panic has seized upon the investor class, is destined to further weaken, resulting in higher prices for the basics of life such as food and energy. The fiscal cliff is drawing ever nearer with the very real possibility, nay strike that, probability, that the rating agencies will further downgrade the U.S. credit standing.


If you have any doubt as to what the markets believe the result of this election is, take a look at the following chart of the S&P 500, the broader measurement of the US stock market. The collapse in the equity markets tells us everything that we need to know about the election results as far as the impact on the economy goes.


Blacks Vote Monolithically

November 8, 2012


ALL of Romney’s arguments about the economy did nothing to impress the black voters of Philadelphia, where the unemployment rate is about 11 percent. According to Philly.com, in some wards Obama received MORE THAN 99 PERCENT of the vote. There was as little disagreement or dissension as if, say, an armored truck had shown up in the neighborhood and started handing out cash.

In the Fourth Ward, Obama received 9,955 votes and Romney, a total of 55. Black resistance to homosexual “marriage,” which Obama supports, is non-existent in these places. Blacks don’t think when they vote. They follow. There are few black rebels and many, if not most, blacks have probably never met someone who dissented from the prevailing view. Ideologically, they are the most conformist people on earth. And yet their conformism is considered a virtue by liberals, who secretly think so little of blacks they are not surprised at their herd-like behavior. Read More »


As Liberalism Leads Us over the Edge

November 8, 2012


KRISTOR writes:

I thought Romney would win comfortably. And because I have been more and more impressed with how decent, normal, upright and generous a man he seems to be (not to mention intelligent, skilled, and experienced), I had begun to feel that he had a real shot at deflecting us from the course toward the precipice, despite his liberalism.

Now, I see that we are going to go over.

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Going Solzhenitsyn

November 8, 2012


AT The Oculus Report, Robert S. Oculus III writes:

The election is over. The Revolutionary candidate has won. Stop whining. Stop crying. Face reality and deal with it. The Revolution has triumphed, and the majority has confirmed its power. We who oppose it are now the reactionaries, the kulaks, the bourgeois, the Hated Minority.

With that in mind, here are the Rules we now have to live by — rules proven over and over again through the ages by Hated Minorities everywhere. Read More »


November 8, 2012


Tintern Abbey, Benjamin Williams Leader



Politics are Personal

November 8, 2012


ALSO AT VFR, the commenter Buck wrote yesterday:

I honestly believe that I’m a changed man this morning. I made up my mind. A host of my personal relationship[s] will change today, for good. Many of my casual but regular acquaintances end today. I was secretly harboring a hope, what I saw as a thin and final hope and which was actually animating me as the election approached; that a sufficient remnant of America remained. I’m done with that tiny bit of self-deception.

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Truth-Telling Becomes More Important

November 8, 2012


LAWRENCE AUSTER writes in an entry about the election:

[E]ven if America as it has existed is over, it has not simply disappeared. Oblivion would be simple. What has happened is far more complicated and threatening than mere oblivion, namely that America has been replaced by a lawless leftist regime that intends our harm and will imminently be doing all kinds of things to harm us. So we can’t simply ignore politics, can we? When the countries of Eastern and Central Europe were taken over by the U.S.S.R., did anti-Communists simply give up and stop resisting Communist rule in whatever means were available to them, even if those means were just intellectual? Because the historical civilization of Russia had been destroyed by Communism, would my acquaintance have advised Alexander Solzenitsyn not to write his books exposing Communist evil and laying out the principles of moral and social order?


Leaving Home

November 8, 2012


LILY writes:

I am a 29-year-old woman. I’ve never finished college, I don’t make much money, and I don’t have access to power or inside information, but even I knew this Republican defeat was coming. I tried to explain this to my husband (who is Welsh) yesterday in the car, but he just didn’t understand. I know that there is no place left for me or people like me: middle class, white, married. The country I was born in is not what I was always shown it was. I feel bitter, and sad, and also angry that my elders took my future and the future that should’ve been my children’s away from us. I cried yesterday, I could barely sleep the night before, but I know in my heart it’s of no use. My country doesn’t want me anymore.

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Single Women ♥ Obama

November 7, 2012


ALL their “WE LOVE YOU, WOMEN” slobbering did almost nothing for the GOP yesterday. The party lost female voters once again by a large margin. According to Politico:

After all the discussion of Obama’s play for women — and his effort to make Romney appear extreme on women’s issues — the president won among female voters by 12 points. He took 55 percent of the demographic, compared with 43 percent for Romney — not far off from 2008, when he won women by 13 points.

In particular, the president won big among unmarried women, who backed the president by a whopping 38 points, 68 percent to 30 percent.

That’s at least partly because in the modern world, a significant minority of single woman are married to the state.

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The End of European America

November 7, 2012


JOURDAN at the Conservative Kitchen Table writes:

Election Night was intensely painful for me.  It is one thing to know in advance what will happen, it is another thing altogether to watch it unfold.  As I received confirmation after confirmation that the long-awaited demographic turn in the road had definitively arrived, I found myself fighting against realizing exactly what that means, in all its likely effects.

Solzhenitsyn on America’s Decline

November 7, 2012


IN his well-known address at Harvard in 1978, Alexander Solzhenitsyn made a number of observations relevant to today. He ended his speech with these words:

I am not examining here the case of a world war disaster and the changes which it would produce in society. As long as we wake up every morning under a peaceful sun, we have to lead an everyday life. There is a disaster, however, which has already been under way for quite some time. I am referring to the calamity of a despiritualized and irreligious humanistic consciousness.

To such consciousness, man is the touchstone in judging and evaluating everything on earth. Imperfect man, who is never free of pride, self-interest, envy, vanity, and dozens of other defects. We are now experiencing the consequences of mistakes which had not been noticed at the beginning of the journey. Read More »


Nullification Victories

November 7, 2012


HERE’S some good news. Three states, Wyoming, Montana and Alabama, approved measures to nullify Obamacare. According to the Tenth Amendment Center:

Wyoming voters passed a health care freedom amendment to the Declaration of Rights in the state constitution.

The Wyoming Constitution now guarantees citizens of the state the right to make their own healthcare decisions with minimal governmental interference.

Article 1, Section 38 – Right of Health Care Access

(a) Each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own health care decisions. The parent, guardian or legal representative of any other natural person shall have the right to make health care decisions for that person. Read More »


Same Sex “Marriage” Comes to Maryland and Maine

November 7, 2012


HERE’S the Wall Street Journal’s report on the approval of same sex union measures by narrow majorities in two states. These represent the first successful ballot initiatives for homosexual “marriage” in the country. Results for Washington are still not in. Minnesota voters declined to approve a constitutional amendment for traditional marriage.

Brian Brown, of the National Organization for Marriage, said, “The only thing this says is that in deep blue states, gay-marriage advocates can win—barely.”

The largest base of support in Maryland was among voters under the age of 29 — in other words, among the self-centered young who have not raised children and are relatively indifferent to their needs.


A Lamentation

November 7, 2012


N.W. writes:

My country where is she?
Buried by diversity, bled dry by thieves.
Our fathers would have cried,
To see the day she died,
As I flee to the mountains high,
I weep for thee.

Read More »


As Hope for Romney Fades, a Supporter Cheers on

November 6, 2012



A few moments ago I was browsing Twitter and happened upon a tweet by a female Romney supporter. I thought that you might find it interesting, for lack of a better term.


Vote without I.D. in D.C.

November 6, 2012



I just voted in the District of Columbia, where I have voted for the past fifteen years. I generally write in the candidates and have no aspirations that my candidates will be elected. In the course of those years, the choices have remained left and far-left, but the voting process has noticeably degenerated. When my children were small, I had to show my driver’s license and D.C. voting card in order to receive a ballot. Today, the woman at the table told me I need not show any sort of identification. She said, “All you have to do is know your address, sweetie.” Ah, this makes voting early and often easier. My children recall going into the voting booth and closing the curtain behind us and voting in secret. Today, privacy has disappeared. I took my paper ballot to an open kiosk where anyone may look over anyone’s shoulder and then to a man who took the ballot out of its sleeve and looked at it as I put it into the machine. At this point, I do not care who sees my ballot, but the secret ballot no longer exists and this leads down a dangerous path. Read More »


Nanny Speaks of Anger and Shows No Remorse

November 6, 2012


AS posted at VFR, The Daily Mail reports more extensively than the Times on the latest in the nanny case. Yoselyn Ortega said she had an argument with Marina Krim the day before the killings and resented the family for its demands. She was also told by the family that she might be fired for poor performance. It is a shocking account of apparent revenge that totally conflicts with speculation of a psychotic breakdown.

Lawrence Auster writes:

Everything in yesterday’s Daily Mail’s article (copied below) supports what we have said before: by being too close to her children’s nanny, Marina Krim inadvertently established the conditions for Yoselyn Ortega’s insane rage which led her to murder Krim’s children. Ortega was the Krims’ employee. But the Krims also treated Ortega as part of their family, even spending several days with Ortega and Ortega’s relatives in the Dominican Republic. As a result, when problems arose with regard to Ortega’s work performance, Ortega was not just being criticized and threatened with possible dismissal by her employer, she felt she was being betrayed by the woman who had led her to think of herself as part of Krim’s family.

The relationship between employer and employee, which is based on a contractual exchange of work for money and which can end any time if the exchange becomes unsatisfactory to either party, is fundamentally different from the relationship between family members, which is based on enduring ties.

Boundaries—between employer and employee, between officers and enlisted men, between males and females, between native and foreigner, between white and nonwhite—exist for good reasons. Over and over we see how the liberal compulsion to topple all boundaries, in the name of human fraternity and equality, unleashes envy, hatred, evil, and violence.

The newspaper reports:

RadarOnline reported yesterday that Ortega ‘told NYPD detectives that she was involved in an epic argument with Marina Krim the day before the children were tragically murdered.’

‘Yoselyn also said that when she left at the end of the day before the murders, Marina ignored her when she said good-bye and this made her very, very angry,’ Radar’s source continued.

Yoselyn became extremely animated when she discussed the incident with police, telling officers that she had numerous disagreements with mother Marina about how the kids were being cared for. Read More »