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The Thinking Housewife


Neither Romney nor Obama

October 18, 2012


AT The Orthosphere, Proph argues that it is morally wrong for Catholics and any “men of good faith” to vote for either of the two major-party candidates for president. He writes:

Those who choose to exercise their right to vote should …. either vote for a morally commendable third party candidate (if one can be found), write-in such a candidate of their own choosing, or else spoil their ballots. The same principles apply in general to all candidates down-ticket, as well.

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October 18, 2012


Mending the Nets, Winslow Homer; 1881


A Marriage of East and West

October 18, 2012


SEBASTIEN writes from France:

I have read some of the commentary regarding interracial marriage at your site and wanted to add my own perspective as my wife is of Asian origin.

I married a woman who is ethnically Asian but culturally white. In Russia, there are several Far Eastern Republics originally colonised by the Tsars who sent many settlers. Under the Tsars, the ethnic groups such as Yakuts and Evenks lived alongside the white Russians but there was very little assimilation during this period. With arrival of the Red Army, all changed and the ethnic groups were assimilated at the point of a gun. Read More »


The Troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips

October 18, 2012


NATASSIA writes:

I have been reading a lot of old newspapers in my genealogy research. I came across an article in The Washington Post dated March 4, 1907 on page 40:



Beyond Ugly Jeans and Exercise Wear

October 18, 2012


Girl Beside a Stream, Arthur Rackham

LAUREN writes:

I am eight weeks post partum with our third child and my husband has given me the opportunity to purchase some new clothes. I spent much of this pregnancy wearing dresses (mostly because it was a hot summer), but I felt much more feminine in them. Interestingly, it seemed to help my overall outlook toward my day-to-day duties, most likely because I felt attractive. I would like to continue wearing dresses or skirts as opposed to going back to jeans for my everyday wear, but do not know where to shop. Read More »


Planned Parenthood’s Campaign Spending

October 18, 2012


PLANNED PARENTHOOD, which is taxpayer subsidized, is spending $5.7 million total on the U.S. election, with close to $1 million in anti-Romney advertising in the swing states of Virginia and Colorado, according to LifeSite News. Obama mentioned Planned Parenthood five times in the debate the other night and falsely claimed, as he has claimed before, that the organization provides mammograms.

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A New Take on an Old Story

October 18, 2012


JEANETTE V. writes:

We have all seen how homosexuals and blacks are over-represented on television shows. Here is the latest butchering of a well-known story. Lancelot has been recast as a black man in the show called Once Upon a Time.  The show is a clever reworking of fairy tales. An evil witch  transported everyone from the enchanted land to modern world; so we are treated to flashbacks of the heroes when they were in the enchanted land.


Romney Boasts of Discriminating Against Men

October 17, 2012


THERE IS so much to say about last night’s presidential debate, which I turned off in disgust three-quarters of the way through, sometime after the fourth or fifth time Obama spoke of his support for modern eugenics, that I have had to deal with it in installments. Read More »


A Question from the Audience

October 17, 2012


AT LAST NIGHT’S presidential debate, Obama mentioned Planned Parenthood, which really should be called Planned Non-Parenthood or Eugenics Anonymous, no less than five times and spoke glowingly of the need for every woman to have contraceptives for free. Can you imagine George Washington or Eisenhower speaking of the need to widely distribute chemicals to prevent pregnancy and facilitate promiscuity? Read More »


Procession of the Nobles

October 17, 2012


THIS is a very inferior rendition of Rimsky-Korsakov’s magnificent Procession of the Nobles by a band of non-music students at the University of Wisconsin, but it is still highly enjoyable. As a commenter at Tradition in Action points out, what is most striking about it is the bearing of the conductor, his dignity, authority and the immense joy he takes in the music. The commenter at Tradition writes:

The student musicians are all non-majors of music; a meager band of non-professionals. The auditorium appears all but empty save for the some off-camera applause at the end (this could be the sound of proud parents). Read More »


Lies about Equal Pay

October 17, 2012


WHEN Mitt Romney was asked by Katherine Fenton at last night’s presidential debate, “In what new ways do you intend to rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn?” did he dare to speak the truth and say that these discrepancies in earnings are overwhelmingly due to the voluntary choices of women in education and the job market? Did he say that women choose fields that are less high-paying and that women choose to drop out or scale back or switch jobs once they enter the workforce? Did he say that in some parts of the country, single women are actually making significantly more than single men?

Of course not. If he had spoken the truth, people in the viewing audience would have been shocked and angry. They would have been enraged by the open blasphemy against their idol, Woman as Perpetual Victim. Some probably would have burst into tears and come close to fainting with nausea as one woman academic did when Lawrence Summers, then president of Harvard, said that the reason there are not more women scientists is that women choose not to be scientists, an unbearable and absolutely unpardonable thought.

No, it would not have been possible for Romney to say such things and still remain in the running.

However, here is what Romney might have said to educate America and to counter Obama’s tendency to fan the feminist flames: Read More »


The Sight of a Woman Maimed in Combat, cont.

October 17, 2012



Looking at the picture of Bush dancing with a female veteran who has a prosthetic device in place of a leg, I repeat something I’ve been saying for over twenty years: a country that, not as a matter of necessity, but as a matter of choice and discretion, puts women in combat or near-combat situations where what happened to this woman can happen and does happen, and, furthermore, congratulates itself for doing this, is a country that is so perverted and wicked that it has lost the right to exist. That we still exist is due to mercy or suffrance, not justice.

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Nonsense Men

October 17, 2012


ALAN writes:

If my father had ever been asked to name the worst thing about American culture that he had witnessed during the second half of his life, I am confident he would have said:  The surrender of authority by American white men.  To yield their authority, he would say, is as good as yielding their families, neighborhoods, schools, cities, laws, borders, the armed forces, and national sovereignty.

It was common years ago to hear the words “no-nonsense man” applied to someone who was obviously serious about doing his job and meeting his responsibilities. How often have you heard that expression in recent years? Seldom or never? That is because there are so few American men today who fit that description. The no-nonsense men have been superseded by the Nonsense Men. In 1966 The Beatles sang about the “Nowhere Man.” Today they could sing about the “Nonsense Man:” The soft, feminized, acquiescent, “flexible,” adolescent-witted boy-man, visible today in every public place and replete with manners, clothing, and vocabulary to match. Tribes of such boy-men are what Americans got when American white men agreed to surrender their authority. Read More »


Fighting Breast Cancer, Emasculating America

October 17, 2012



 USA TODAY reports:

Bob Carey is not afraid to bare his emotions. Or anything else.

Carey appears in a pink tutu — and only a pink tutu — in a new book of photographs, Ballerina, created to support his wife, Linda, who has advanced breast cancer.

Each of the 61 photographs in the self-published book was shot in a different location — the Grand Canyon, a horse ranch, an Italian hill town. Each has one thing in common: the 51-year-old Carey — 5-foot-10-inches tall, weighing more than 200 pounds — appearing as a solitary figure in a landscape, or alone in an anonymous crowd.

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The Last Furrow

October 16, 2012


The Last Furrow, Winslow Homer; 1878


Parenthood Redefined

October 16, 2012


TEXANNE writes:

I highly recommend this talk by an attorney who follows the trends in law relating to family, marriage and children. Bill Duncan provides an overview of these concepts and how they are evolving and how new law is being shaped by the changes, and vice versa. He spoke at the Ruth Institute conference (It Takes a Family to Raise a Village) in July of this year, so is current enough to note the proposed legislation in California which would provide for three legally-recognized “parents,” and other developments in the fields of “domestic relations,” reproductive technology, etc.


Fertility and the Counter-Culture

October 16, 2012


JESSE POWELL writes regarding his recent report on fertility statistics in the U.S.:

In regular day-to-day life, it is easy to think that there is no opposition to feminism, that American culture is dead, that nothing good is happening. Maybe one runs across a positive indicator here or there but that is only “anecdotal” and perhaps illusory. However, my study on fertility by Census Tract offers absolute proof that “something is going on” on a national and systemic level.

The amazing thing about my findings regarding fertility level and the Married Parents Ratio and the change from 2000 to 2010 is that they prove that a cultural revival really is going on in the country and that this revival is systemic. The gap between 2000 and 2010 in terms of the Global Fertility Level at a given GFL percentile noticeably starts to shrink after the 70th percentile. This indicates that weak effects from the cultural revival are already starting to show up at the 70th percentile! The power of the cultural revival overcomes the power of decline in absolute terms at the 94.7 percentile level regarding fertility and at the 98.0 percentile level regarding Married Parents Ratio but cultural revival is occurring along a broad spectrum; it is not an isolated phenomenon only occurring at the very top.

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Not in the Military but for the Military

October 15, 2012


MARY M. writes:

There are traditional ways for patriotic women to support the military without joining. Somehow those traditional forms of support have been forgotten or demeaned in the rush to push women into combat. Read More »