Race and Love, cont.
September 11, 2012
COMMENTS have been added to two of the recent threads on interracial couples, here and here. In the first, a reader says, in addition to arguing that there are no innate racial differences in behavior or psychology, that it is simply wrong to discourage interracial marriage for the sake of some utopian goal of preserving Western culture. To which I respond:
Again, you are distorting my main points about interracial marriage, points which have as much to do with the happiness and welfare of individuals of all races as with the worthy project of maintaining Western civilization. It’s not a question of maintaining some beautiful abstraction in the form of Western civilization, but of helping people of all races find their identity and foothold in a heartless and impersonal world. You would deny them those bonds — bonds which are real though not all-encompassing and can be seen by all of us — and send individuals forth into the modern Tower of Babel in which identity revolves exclusively around abstractions, competition and material gain.
In the second of those threads, a reader, Aaron S., who is white and married to an Asian woman, makes some excellent points. Read More »