Turkish Columnist Speaks the Truth
August 9, 2012
A TURKISH newspaper columnist has strongly criticized the defeminization of women at the Olympic Games. “Womanhood is dying at the Olympics,” Yuksel Aytug wrote in his column in the newspaper Sabah, according to The Daily Mail. Aytug said the appearance of women athletes at the games is “pathetic.”
Broad-shouldered, flat-chested women with small hips; [they are] totally indistinguishable from men.
Their breasts – the symbol of womanhood, motherhood – flattened into stubs as they were seen as mere hindrances to speed.
A man who dares to say what every normal person has been thinking when confronted with the muscle-bound female gladiators at the games and what soft, effeminate Western men would not dare articulate, Aytug has been attacked for his remarks throughout the Western world. He is tiresomely accused of misogyny. In fact, judging from these words, he is an admirer of women, a courageous defender of them. The Olympic Games are anti-woman. They require female athletes to ape men in grotesque ways. They compromise female fertility and modesty. They promote the idea that aggression and competitiveness in women are normal and healthy. They debase not just women athletes but womanhood throughout the world.