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Line Breaks

March 27, 2012


READERS may notice in the comments of some of the posts here, there are sometimes no line breaks between paragraphs. I recently updated my WordPress platform and this problem has been occurring frequently. Truthfully, it is driving me around the bend.

I wanted to let you know I am trying to find a solution.


Canadian Court Finally Grants Human Rights to Sex Professionals

March 27, 2012


MARK L. writes:

Coming soon, to a neighborhood near moi — legalized brothels!

I only recently found out that prostitution is considered legal according to Canada’s constitution. However, the practice was somewhat curtailed by laws making it illegal to solicit for sexual services for money and to operate brothels. This was all contradictory, and of course these practices went on, but the message was (at least somewhat) clear: “While we as a society do not want to swell our jails with prostitutes, we do not condone prostitution as an activity.”

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Walter Williams on Trayvon

March 27, 2012


THE CASE of John Sanderson, a student at Mississippi State University who was shot to death in his dorm room last week, has not inspired national outrage. Sanderson is white and only one of the three black men suspected in his murder has been arrested so far. The Mississippi Commissioner of Higher Education called the murder “a senseless tragedy.”

Is it racist to use stronger words? Walter E. Williams, in reference  to Trayvon Martin,  asks whether it is racist to state the obvious about black criminality: Read More »


India Prepares the Way for a Divorce Revolution

March 26, 2012


HAVING apparently learned nothing from the divorce revolution in the West, India is preparing to dramatically alter its divorce laws to eliminate lengthy waiting times, to make incompatibility an acceptable ground for divorce and to make it especially easy for women, who currently have no right to property acquired by their husbands during marriage, to sue for divorce.  The Times of India reports about proposed amendments to the Marriage Act: Read More »


Views on Hunger Games

March 26, 2012


DIANA writes:

I saw the blockbuster du jour, Hunger Games, on the second day of its release. Suffice it to say, I thought it was drivel, with awful production values and shopworn ideas. What most interests me here is not the movie itself but two reviews of it in conservative publications.  I respectfully disagree with the approval that The Hunger Games has been accorded in two conservative outlets, which I generally admire. Read More »


On Crying Babies

March 26, 2012


AT LEWROCKWELL.COM, Heather Carson writes against the “Cry it Out” method of baby care. It’s far better to respond generously to an infant’s demands, she argues, than to let him regularly cry himself to sleep, as the Cry it Out method recommends. I agree, with the caveat that minor, unmet crying is necessary and inevitable. Her argument that persistent neglect of a crying infant causes psychological harm is persuasive.

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Why a White Politician Could Not Say What Obama Said

March 26, 2012


A READER at VFR explains why Obama’s comment about Trayvon Martin, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” was politically astute and why it would not be acceptable for a white politician to make a similar statement.


Santorum Especially Popular Among Women

March 24, 2012


RICK SANTORUM is picking up strong levels of support from women voters, particularly in the South, The New York Times reports. If, as Democrats contend, conservatives are waging a war on women, that war is largely being fought by women. From the Times’s piece: Read More »


Grand Mufti Called for Destruction of Churches

March 24, 2012


DANIEL S. writes:

Recently the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the ranking Muslim scholar in that country, announced that churches in the Arabian Peninsula should be destroyed, basing his words on a statement attributed to Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Read More »


Quote of the Month

March 23, 2012


Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me. But they all seem to. It doesn’t matter what country they’re in or what religion they claim. They all want to control women. They want to control how we dress. They want to control how we act. They even want to control the decisions we make about our own health and our own bodies. Yes, it is hard to believe but even here at home we have to stand up for women’s rights and we have to reject efforts to marginalize any one of us, because America has to set an example for the entire world.

         — Hillary Clinton, at the recent Women in the World Summit in New York

THE recorded happenings of the recent Women in the World Summit in New York, which was part consciousness-raising session and part Global Girls Night Out, are a cornucopia of feminist sloganeering and power-mongering. The arrogance, saccharine self-pity and unabashed lies of the assembled female eunuchs, some of the most influential women in the world, are breathtaking to behold. The immortal crow, Gloria Steinem, was there, cawing about reproductive freedom. For Steinem, women will not have reproductive freedom until they stop reproducing altogether. Mass sterilization might make the Queen of Cold Hearts, who presumably never met a child she approved of, rest at last.

You can read more about the “summit” here if you have the stomach for it. Coca Cola, Hewlett Packard, Liberty Mutual – these are some of the noble, paternalistic corporations that sponsored this orgy of self-love.

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Cheerleading, Then and Now

March 23, 2012


VICTORIA WELLMAN at the Daily Mail writes:

Cheerleaders, with their micro-minis, tight mid-riff baring sweaters and iconic pom-poms, have been impressing male fans and rousing excitement among eager sports spectators in America for decades.

But the half time show of a professional football game that these days centres around a group of scantily clad women writhing and waving their toned arm in the air to the beats of the latest number one hit, was once a strictly male-only arena.

In fact in the late Thirties, the job was deemed too ‘masculine’ for women whose appropriation of slang and loud shouting was seen as unfeminine.

The Mail’s photo of the 1924 cheerleading squad for Columbia University appears above.

The art of cheerleading has most certainly declined. When I was a football cheerleader (photo below), I wouldn’t have been caught dead doing risky athletic stunts. That much enthusiasm for football would have been unthinkable to me. Nor would I have sought the position if it involved quasi-nakedness or clothes purchased from a porn shop.

Mostly, being a cheerleader was a massive civic commitment. It wasn’t just the team that depended on you. An entire municipality might draw sustenance from your selfless support for a game you hadn’t the least bit of interest in.


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Quiffed and Glossy

March 23, 2012


Charles Jones, A Cow and a Calf in a Meadow

A March Calf

Right from the start he is dressed in his best – his blacks and his whites
Little Fauntleroy – quiffed and glossy,
A Sunday suit, a wedding natty get-up,
Standing in dunged straw

Under cobwebby beams, near the mud wall,
Half of him legs,
Shining-eyed, requiring nothing more
But that mother’s milk come back often.

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Pope Visits Mexico as Faith Declines

March 23, 2012



The Catholic World Report offers a pre-trip report on Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Mexico. Pope Benedict is en-route as I write, and should land in the State of Guanajuato this afternoon. He will spend the whole of his brief visit in that state – at Guanajuato, the capital, and the industrial city of Leon – before heading home via Cuba. Read More »


Russians Refuse Madonna-style Imperialism

March 22, 2012


DANIEL S. writes:

The has-been pop singer Madonna has promised to “speak up” up for the homosexual movement in Russia during in upcoming performance in that country. The Russians have threatened to fine her for her possible homosexual advocacy. What I want to know is what business is it of Madonna’s to go into another country and tell the people of that country how to order their society? My advice to the Russians would be to ban the arrogant pop singer and the rest of the glitter imperialists from coming entirely.

In a similar vein, I must confess my sympathy for the Mohammedan cleric in Indonesia who encouraged his countrymen to return their tickets for a Lady Gaga concert and boycott the event altogether, rightly noting that the malevolent Lady Gaga promotes immorality.

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VFR Undergoing Technical Work

March 22, 2012


A NOTE to readers of Lawrence Auster’s View from the Right: VFR is currently offline because of a problem at the hosting service. Mr. Auster is moving to another hosting service. The site should be online again by tomorrow, perhaps even sometime tonight. [UPDATE: The site is now up and running.]


March 22, 2012



GUIDO RENI’S Saint Joseph with the Infant Jesus (1635)


When the Church is Socialist

March 22, 2012


N.W. writes:

I thought you’d appreciate this story my mother told me. A woman asked her 11-year-old son if he knew why the priest wore rose colored vestments at Mass last Sunday morning. After a moment’s thoughtful pause, the boy replied “I don’t know for sure but I think it has something to do with breast cancer awareness, right?” Read More »


Free Sterilizations, Children and the Attack on Parental Authority

March 22, 2012



President Obama and the Department of Health and Inhuman Services, as you know, recently decreed that free sterilizations be available to all college-age women under Obamacare.

But the truth is even more sinister. Note the wording of the HHS regulation.

As reported at CNS news, ‘[a]ll Food and Drug Administration [(FDA)] approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity,’ as prescribed by a provider,” said the HHS description of the regulation. [emphasis added]

This clause caught my eye,for all women with reproductive capacity.” Have you thought about the demographics included here? Girls obtain reproductive capacity these days as young as age nine or 10, but almost always by age 12 or 13. This is NOT just about college women.  Read More »