The Wisdom of Samwise Gamgee
December 8, 2011
JAMES N. writes:
I am often reminded when reading your site of how, at the end of Tolkien’s The Return of the King, Frodo is thinking out loud about his memories of the Shire, and Sam remembers “Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I was to marry someone… it would have been her. It would have been her!”
Here, at what looks like the end of all things, after an enormous, draining quest and ultimate victory over the evil of Sauron, Sam’s thoughts are of a happy woman, dancing, “with ribbons in her hair.”
I don’t think most women know that about us (men). And if they were told, I don’t think most women would believe it.
But it’s the truth. To the ends of the earth, even to death, for that smiling woman who thought to put ribbons in her hair. For me. Read More »