In Defense of Monarchy
November 15, 2011
AT Throne and Altar, Bonald eloquently argues that monarchy is the solution to the ills of modern society and the highest form of government. His comments are in response to a few points I made here regarding democracy and Christianity, but he has developed this idea in other essays at his site. (My reference to a Catholic blogger in that post was not a reference to Bonald.)
He writes:
Democracy has always been the work of unbelievers, and it has always brought ruin to public faith. For many happy centuries, the Church worked with monarchical governments to build Christian societies; more than this, it was primarily the Church that lifted the barbarians from tribal democracy to territorial monarchy. Then two centuries ago, a gang of usurpers–atheists and freemasons all–imposed democracy first on English America and France, then on the rest of Europe. Read More »