From Hand to Mouth, Thomas Faed (1879)
THE Center for Work-Life Policy is a “think tank” based in New York City that devotes its considerable efforts to the ongoing transformation of society. The Center advocates, among other things, the replacement of the male corporate worker, particularly the white male professional, with the female corporate worker. Even though the income of working women has risen by about 30 percent since 1975, while the income of male workers has stagnated or declined slightly, the CWLP promotes continuing favoritism for women workers and feminist corporate policies.
Given the extent to which women rely on male income, the case for female affirmative action is, and always has been, an intellectual hoax of the highest magnitude. Nevertheless, the CWLP receives sponsorship for its work from more than 60 corporations and federal agencies. They include Alcoa, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Time Warner, Siemens, General Mills, General Electric, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Credit Suisse, Johnson & Johnson, the World Bank, and Vanguard.
These corporations do not give to CWLP out of ideological committment. They are much less likely to suffer heavily from discrimination suits on behalf of female workers, suits often initiated by our own government, by supporting CWLP initiatives. At a CWLP press conference earlier this year to announce its report on subtle forms of discrimination keeping women from top corporate positions, Kenneth Chenault, CEO of American Express, was among those present to provide their endorsement.
Why do I bring all this up? To remind you that those of use who oppose institutionalized feminism are up against massive commercial and governmental forces. The voices of anti-feminism are almost entirely unfunded. Even the many excellent pro-family organizations rarely, if ever, explicitly advocate for the male breadwinner or defend the honor and dignity of traditional women’s work.
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